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Everything posted by austhai

  1. I was showing sarcasm towards the legalities, I've been running businesses here for 21 yrs.
  2. Animals just love fire Crackers.....NOT. Also the words Chinese & Exotic Pets together is a bit concerning to me.
  3. only business worth having is 7eleven or Family Mart near their hotels, only cash spent here is in snacks literally. ???? all else is pre paid
  4. Load of rubbish. There are no foreign owned entertainment venues. It would be a Thai Company that owns it. I may have foreigners as shareholders to the value of 49% but thats it. Try looking at illegally owned places without licenses.
  5. If he did slap her, well som nam na... and sure many drunks have aptitude, but licensed bars are suppose to have CCTV so where is the video of the incident.
  6. haven't had to where one in months here in Thailand anywhere.
  7. Makes me want to know which hotels he owns to advise friends not to go as he is pushing a 2 tier pricing that should not be anywhere here.
  8. Was there many witnesses? Other wise the story is just here say. They mentioned autopsy, but no mention of a crime scene investigation at the car to know he did it or not.
  9. maybe used for years & only now going to become a legal crossing.
  10. Most people on here go on about the price of a card. End of day if smart & feel ripped off, call the police or go report it & refuse to pay. An amount will be negotiated. Violence wont win you any points.
  11. I have always laughed when seeing the "Left Turn Waiting Light". So many government departments that really need to use a university graduate or voluntary foreigner to translate before approving signs.
  12. Charge them for working illegally plus a warning then next time out.
  13. I agree its inappropriate for anyone to touch anyone without consent, but for example my mrs would never go out in those areas that are full of working girls & punters looking for working girls for that reason. There are plenty of Thai pubs & clubs where they wont get hassled. I understand if they are trying to meet foreigners its the area to go, but........
  14. I think Defamation laws are good here as a disgruntle customer using todays media technology can destroy a place from receiving new customers very fast. and many times incorrect.
  15. Throw the book at him & make the example for others that do the same.
  16. Its not a brawl, its an assault by many on 1. They should all be charged somehow, Parents charged & <deleted> to clean schools in front of everyone.
  17. What a joke, so if he was to be attacked half of the guards couldn't last a round. I think pushing around in a wheelchair everywhere will save a heap of time
  18. The worst are moto taxi riders, and wont change in a hurry.
  19. If she wanted a longer holiday, she scored it... ????
  20. And............. the staff (controlled friends) reshuffling begins
  21. I think for most tourist 300 bt is not an issue. But for principle wise it should be waved for us working here with social security & some private insurance. Plus we pay more taxes than many here. Maybe to wave it on return flights bought this end & proof of work or tax card. Of course also for expats on a non immigrant with proof of insurance. Maybe too much work for them to check so only Thai passports waved.
  22. there are a lot of these cases here & will never be stopped as the victims fear not only their own life but also their family.
  23. People warned of Dengue, lol. How about some pro activeness & start spending on the right things like spraying in all water drainage & water sitting areas....
  24. The answer to the title question is..... The same power, he has been holding the pm's strings passing on the orders from his big string puller. Down the line in the puppeteering. ????
  25. A great story with happy ending is always welcomed after all the negative news here & around the globe. ????
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