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Posts posted by tag420uk

  1. while i rented out a bike from 1 resort in samui,on the paper you sighn it even noted that it would cost you 1000baht to fix a puncture.

    now when i moved upto the lamai area i rented anothe scooter from another place and over night somebody knocked my scooter over and it snapped the brake lever and brake cable.so i take the bike back thinking there going to sting me big time for the bill but all it ended up costing me was 150 baht for a new brake lever and a new brake cable which i thought was a total result.

  2. hello was going to send a text to a frien in thailand wishing them a happy new year,was wondering if there were anything specific that they say to each other at this time of year or is it just plain old happy new year.

  3. the atm machines we used while we were in samui were the ones that were outside a bank.funny thing was i would of used any machine but my m8 was adament he only wanted to use the purple machines which i think were bank of thiland or somthing like that

    the best way when using an atm is to cover the keypad with your bag/wallet or hand.so even if the atm did have a false fronf or card reader installed then your information would be pretty worthless.

  4. hello just to advise people when using there cash cards over in thailand to make sure they always use the hand/wallet when keying in your pin number.

    me and my friend both had our cards cloned whilst we were out there and the only way they could of done it was when we withdrew money from atm's.

    from what we worked out the only time we used atms at the same time was when we were in ko samui.dont know if the cash machine had a small camera hidden or if they were watching us at the time from say over the road.

    my m8 got done for 600 ukp and i was done for 840 ukp the only strange thing was that these frauds happened about 6 weeks apart and his card was being used in kuala lumpar and mine in thailand.

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  5. well i have to let people know that the grub from dk soulfood isnt so bad.

    while i was in samui over christmas and the new year i ate from that shopon 2 ocastions and lived to tell the tale.

    during my stay we had ver heavy rain for 2 night/days solid and when my midnight munchies used to come on dk was the only place i could go to without getting wet.

    never tried there kebabs though,gotta say there burgers are very good as are there subwhices and bagels only down side its really exspensive for what it is.

  6. hello im in a similar situation i met my tg in november and spent a lovelvy week together and when i returned we emailed/called and texted nearly everyday.now i have just spent another 2 weeks with her over christmas and the new year and im certain i would like to take this relationship a bit further.

    now i cant afford to go back and fourth to thailand every 6 weeks as i need to work and thought maybe a fortnights holliday to see me in the uk would be a better option,as she could get a taste of what the uk was like.

    i would be sponsering here trip would there be any requirements that she has to meet and if so what are they.

  7. hey i know that place,its just off the main drag where they have some stalls selling gifts.if i remember rightly my m8 was going to get some food out of there but like someone said id been past it quite a few time and saw not a single soul inside.thankfully my m8 saw sense and gave it a miss.

    on another note does anyone now the name&number if poss of the hotel/guesthouse thats right next to dk soulfood.thanks

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