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Richard Hall

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Posts posted by Richard Hall

  1. Metropolitan Police Bureau allows demonstrators to enter its headquarters

    BANGKOK, 3 December 2013 (NNT) - Bangkok Metropolitan police Chief Kamronwit Thoopkrachang says police will no longer use tear gas against demonstrators, but will instead welcome them inside the Metropolitan Police Bureau headquarters on Sri Ayutthaya road.

    According to Pol Lt Gen Khamronvit, he has not been removed as the commander in charge of forces dealing with the protesters, as rumored. He said he had instructed police to open the line and clap their hands to welcome the protesters when they arrive.

    Since the office belongs to the public and has been built with their tax money, protesters should be allowed to do whatever they want with it, including seizing it or burning it down to the ground, said the Metropolitan Police chief, adding that he would take sole responsibility of the protesters' actions.

    Prime Minister and Defense Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has given 2 million baht in cash to be distributed among police officers who are on duty, said the Pol Lt Gen.

    He added that police from now on would concentrate on protecting the life and property of individuals instead of holding off demonstrators from entering government offices.


    -- NNT 2013-12-03 footer_n.gif


    What kind of police chief would say something like that?

    If the police chief is too weak to deal with the hooligans then maybe he should resign.

    There is big different between protesters and people who try to seize government building.

    If you try to seize the government building in USA, Sweden, UK, Japan, China, Australia, Spain, Italy, Poland, Denmark, France, and ....... well any other country Police will stop you by all means but in Thailand police will open the line and klap their hands clap2.gif .

    Welcome to mickey mouse country!

    No, no, no... hogwash, this makes Thailand superior and the most developed country in the world.

    Our status of a developing country is over now and for good. The roles in the world have changed. THB is going to be the leading currency in the world.

    What a day. From now on I will consider any other country just a developing country. Thailand the only country in the world that is 100% politically correct and 100% ruled by the people. Amazing, actually that what TAT always already knew. rolleyes.gif

  2. There is absolutely no reason for a Thai person to insert the word "farang" when talking to a foreigner as they know that they should be using "You", "Khun"

    I was once addressed by a Thai (cleaning lady) as "Khun Farang" and found this indeed hilarious. Liked it much better than Mistoer, You or Boss.

    Actually, that said lady approached me for advice how to get a farang boyfriend.

    I recommended to attach a sign to her chest indicating in English language:

    "I am looking for a farang boyfriend."

    Surely, not politically correct but at least honest and most likely the most success promising way to realize the intended goal. It was quite a sanuk conversation despite the word farang was used.

    Actually it is not the word itself but just the way it is used. Doesn't this basically hold true for any word? In a certain context even "honey" could be understood degrading and discriminating and hence to be politically incorrect. So I just say to myself "fock that political correctness" and will be even kind of 50% political correct that way. Sometimes an "o" for a "u" can make quite a difference. whistling.gif

  3. Well, politically correct is not to call a spate a spate and I personally feel that the developed countries tend to getting more and more over the top in this respect.

    I personally have no problem to get addressed as a farang in Thailand. Why not? Because I am a farang in Thailand but anyway I am more that person that calls a spate a spate as well.


    Just a farang in Thailand that gets treated by most of the Thai people very nicely and even by those that call him a farang. wai2.gif

  4. Hm, ran into a "redshirt" yesterday in our area in Bangkholaem. Simple worker from Isaan and not at the demonstrations because he had to work for a living. He had no weapons and/or matches with him. We chatted for a while had a laugh together and that was it. Well, typical situation for the Thais that I know and those are quite a lot and as per my experience this appears to hold also true for the majority independant from the colour of their shirts.

    Now I ask myself, do I know the wrong people. xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.FVjgnKnWS1.p

    Your "redshirt" sounds like a lovely fellow, hard to believe he associates with the type of lowlifes who did what they did in 2010, in Bangkok and all around the country, setting fire to tires, government buildings, shopping centers and anything else that would burn. Not to mention what happened at the hospital and their violent attacks on the Thai Army.

    The redshirt who sticks in my mind is the one I saw attacking the ATM in front of the Bangkok Bank branch in Thapae Rd. Chiang Mai, while terrified bank staff ran from the bank fearing for their lives.

    He was probably a simple worker from Isaan as well, who was giving Thaksin real value for his 500 baht a day.

    Don't talk to me about rotten to the core terrorists, they are easily the lowest form of life on this planet, and anyone who supports them is not much better. bah.gif

    Hey, hey, we are basically talking about a majority of simple people and not some hardcore terrorists in the South. All red shirts I know and there are plenty in my very typical Thai area are decent and sanuk loving people. I doubt that anyone of them was paid to participate in the past demonstrations but if you want me I can ask them directly. They just went to the demonstrations on the weekends because on regular days they had to work. The considered it more a sanuk thing, a party with fellow Thais.

    Nevertheless, they just did not trust Khun Aphisit as they told me and considered him double-tongued. These were their own words to me as an reaction to a speech by Khun Aphisit in the radio back then. No, it was not in a political environment but at their place of work at a construnction material company or at the motorcycle taxi stand.

    Most of the red shirts did not not engage into more violence than their different coloured counterparts. It eventually escalated because the red shirts felt betrayed while their yellow closed counterparts got their will. I wonder how it would have ended if there had not been the support of the court. Same question nowadays. What happens if the demonstrators can not achieve their goals and get ordered to return home? Will they turn to violende like the red shirts in the past? Do you have the answer? Does actually the colour of a shirt make a difference among human beings? I doubt it. However, desparation makes surely a difference. The feeling of being betrayed and powerless. Nevertheless, most people will most likely not advocate violence but in any crowd there are thugs that have their own agenda and will use the opportunity. For example to attack an ATM. blink.png

    • Like 1
  5. WOW if that was red shirts i would guess there would be 15 dead and 45 wounded from military fire. Amazing how they make it look so obvious.

    "If that was redshirts" half the city would be blockaded, the other half would be on fire, the army would be under attack with deadly weapons and the redshirts would deserve to be wiped out like the scum they are. thumbsup.gif

    Hm, ran into a "redshirt" yesterday in our area in Bangkholaem. Simple worker from Isaan and not at the demonstrations because he had to work for a living. He had no weapons and/or matches with him. We chatted for a while had a laugh together and that was it. Well, typical situation for the Thais that I know and those are quite a lot and as per my experience this appears to hold also true for the majority independant from the colour of their shirts.

    Now I ask myself, do I know the wrong people. whistling.gif

    No you just know people who are not interested in what is happening. Your red shirt will take the money vote red shirt and that will be it. You forget these 180,000 people with no color to there shirts are spending there own money to try to bring a decent government to Thailand. They care about Thailand they do not have a pay master. 66,000,000 Thais 230.000 between the two parties demonstrating.

    Easy to meet some one who is not there and has no intention of going there. the thing to do is look at the reasons for the ones who are going there there.wai2.gif

    Then make your own decision.

    So we end-up in a never ending circle becaue there will always be unsatisfied people for various reasons and the problem is everyone is right from a certain point of view.

    Also the question remains whether those people demonstrating actually care about Thailand or have just their own agenda of selfishness. No, it is surely not that one red shirt person I talked to but rather a lot of people and it appears that the majority are just fed up with demonstrations regardless for what reason they are carried out. Possibly, because those demonstrations interfere with their daily lifes and put those of their families into jeopardy because they have to work for the daily bowl of rice and just do not have their own money to spend to participate in acharchism. They basically live evey day from hand to mouth.

    A while ago I met an Egyptian here in Thailand and we talked about politics and he eventually concluded the county and the people were better off under the Mubarak regime. Look at the so called Arab Spring obviously celebrated an appreciated by many but it appears to be much more like fall than spring.

    People tend to act very short sighted without having an actual itinerary. Heaps of emotions but lack of good sense. What's next? Assuming the Suthep movement gets its will. Do you really think this will lead to a decent government or isn't it much more likely counter protests will occur. The past repeats itself. Again and again and again...

    One would assume that fair elections would be the solution but at the end the losers of this election will always claim it was not a fair election and therefore use their "democratic right" to oppose the winners. Not really democracy but rather just a battle of mud by either side but everyone holding the opinion to be the true democrat acting for the sole purpose and good of the country and her people.

    What is a fair election? Well, at least it means no one is forced by any means to vote or vote in a certain way. That is surely essential. Hm, giving hand-outs for votes is not fair but promises that cannot be kept are? It appears that there are 1,001 answers. So is for the question what democracy actually is. Eventually, it will always depend who is talking and the own agena. The winner or the loser and there will always be winners and losers. Bullying yourself to victory, however, can not be the answer because this guarantees only that not the majority but just the loundest and reckless will get their will while the majority of decent people will be kept unheard.

    As per my experience Thai people rather wish to have a strong than a diplomatic leader what eventually brought Khun Thaksin to power and his name will always linger even without any hand-outs. Opposition appears to be absolutly aware of this and hence tries to avoid elections. How can this be democratic? Souldn't be the way to give the people a strong and honest person to elect. Someone that can be trusted and hence convinces the majority as Khun Thaksin once did. Where is this person?

    Why didn't Khun Suthep demonstrate his strong leadership skills during election? What are those leadership skills? Just lead a mob to occupy buildings and try to bring the country to a standstill or does he also have the skills to solve the problems of the country? Don't shout, don't whistle, don't bully but rather CONVINCE the majority of the Thai voters. That's pretty much it. That's what democracy is all about. If you can not convince at an election how can you lead a country?

    Just my two an a half cents. wai2.gif

  6. WOW if that was red shirts i would guess there would be 15 dead and 45 wounded from military fire. Amazing how they make it look so obvious.

    "If that was redshirts" half the city would be blockaded, the other half would be on fire, the army would be under attack with deadly weapons and the redshirts would deserve to be wiped out like the scum they are. thumbsup.gif

    Hm, ran into a "redshirt" yesterday in our area in Bangkholaem. Simple worker from Isaan and not at the demonstrations because he had to work for a living. He had no weapons and/or matches with him. We chatted for a while had a laugh together and that was it. Well, typical situation for the Thais that I know and those are quite a lot and as per my experience this appears to hold also true for the majority independant from the colour of their shirts.

    Now I ask myself, do I know the wrong people. whistling.gif

  7. ... i doubt that this was sanctioned by Suthep.


    The names and faces are interchangeable but anything else same, same but not different. The big ego striving for power by all means. You know one you know them all.

    The more it keeps on going the more it occurs to me that Seh Daeng has reincarnated but just in a different colour. Anarchism appears to be immortal also it loves to disguise itself as democracy. xblink.png.pagespeed.ic.AQgCnSOpp_.png alt=blink.png width=20 height=20>

    "Anarchisim appears to be immortal, also it loves to disguise itself as democracy" Very true, we are finding this out in the U.S.A. right now, although it seems that more and more people are realizing that the emperor has no cloths each and every dayw00t.gif

    Well, with winter time approaching Mr. Obama is about to freeze his behind off then under these circumstances.

    If State budget does not allow a temporary move to Fort Lauderdale we better EMS a package of jumpers to DC for humanitarian reasons from sunny Thailand. whistling.gif

  8. ... i doubt that this was sanctioned by Suthep.


    The names and faces are interchangeable but anything else same, same but not different. The big ego striving for power by all means. You know one you know them all.

    The more it keeps on going the more it occurs to me that Seh Daeng has reincarnated but just in a different colour. Anarchism appears to be immortal also it loves to disguise itself as democracy. blink.png

    • Like 2
  9. I wear two earrings (sorry no tats).

    In one or both of your ears? Beware, the style can make a difference and obviously already distinguishes between a decent person and a fraudster. Modern world is complicated and even if you are not Australian you can be doomed just by your appearance. whistling.gif

    interesting observation.."doomed by your appearance''

    Share the info please re; one earing in each ear and two earings in one ear..which option is better/worst?

    If it is obvious as you say,that the style can make a difference between a decent person and a fraudster, i want to know the facts so i can easily spot the fraudster..and the decent person.

    Sorry, Felix but after almost 14 years of living in the City of Angels in a developing country I ain't civilized enough anymore to keep up with the complex political correctness of the premium world. Most likely I am doomed already myself. I should possibly get me one, two or even better three not earings but earrings and a tat allowing decent people to spot me as a faudster right away. At least this would classify me then as a honest fraudster particularly since I do not feature an Aussie accent getting me even off Jim's hook. rolleyes.gif

    • Like 1
  10. OK, so someone hacked her account and took some of her pics and photoshopped it so it looks like she's forcing her cat to smoke weed. Yeah, riiiiiiiight!!! A+ for creative lying and F- for thinking people won't actually be able to see right through it!!!

    People are easy to convince nowadays or otherwise how could Lady Gaga be an idol? rolleyes.gif

  11. So, smoking drugs is safe, has no effect on intellect, is perfectly safe and upright citizens should have the choice-this woman puts all of the nonsense illegal drug users peddle about the safety of drug use into perspective. Another nail in the coffin for potheads and druggies and anyone trying to justify their dreary druggy behaviour. The woman should be in jail.

    BTW- before the druggy morons start sprouting statistics including that alcohol causes more harm blah blah...

    illegal drugs are illegal...get it? got it? good!

    Oh dear, we've upset an anti weed activist!!!! bah.gif

    Weed can't be that bad considering how many insects it feeds that won't have a life without it. whistling.gif

  12. It is a fricken cat ... who cares?

    you think all the pigs and cows people eat as steaks and ribs are all treated and kiilled humanly?

    Are the chickens you eat treated with TLC

    Get off your soap boxes and get a grip

    Yep, open a facebook account and show the world your "wits". As millions and millions do. Not cats of course. Possibly, they are too smart for this and that's why they need to be forced to smoke weed. whistling.gif

  13. I wish you all get what you deserve.

    Thanks, see you in Heaven. Maybe. Surely, the only place you ain't risk a beat up for being stupid.

    Thailand ain't no Heaven particularly not a place called Pattaya. That's why I chose to live in the City of Angels and have a wife that only measures 147cm and never engaged in a career as a Muay Thai fighter or a woodchopper. Guess, Karma doesn't look too bad under these circumstances. wink.png

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