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Posts posted by sukanyacondo

  1. Any builders that were reccomended to me would be throughly investigated by me, many "self promoters" were in there but it doesnt mean to say they are no good. I would of course always go and see any work they did and insist on a full spec sheet and be on site everyday as this is the only safe way to build anything.

    Thanks Paul

  2. This topic had 24 posts, when it was closed. Just now I deleted 13, including posts in which I suspect the OP had a self interest; various exchanges which included libel and defamation of character (a criminal offense in Thailand), and references to the Royal family. It will now be merged with the related topic which will also be purged of any post that violates any ThaiVisa rule.

    Peace blondie of course i had a self interest I want a house built and I want to know if anyone has a good builder they have used. What Im not interetsed in is bad builders, I was looking for "good" personal experiences of members here, wasnt interested to hear about all the dross and the reasons for the dross etc Many of the htread here could be nice short and sweet instead of going off in rants, tangents and anything else.

  3. well i'll give you an update soon, will be arriving in two weeks.

    Well, I flew out to Singapore today and for once I wasnt in a lounge - my dumbass secretary booked me an SIA flight and i'm not a member of their frequent flyer program. And cos it's a short flight, I fly cattle class.

    I flew at 1.10 and arrived to check in around 11am (no problem getting a taxi from Suk 11 as usual). Absolutely no queues at check in, but passport control was a bit slow and it took around 15 minutes to get through. I stopped at the TMB immediately to the right of passport control to change some baht and wandered off to have a coffee and a sit-down waiting for the flight.

    Coffee consumed and - bugger me - I discover I've lost my phone. I hightail it back to all the places I had stopped at and eventually found my way back to the TMB exchange booth where i recovered it.

    Bless the girl who served me - she had seen my phone and spent the next 30 minutes calling the people who had called me (incoming calls being recorded), trying to work out how to get it back to me. She eventually reached my wife and offered to bring it to our condo tonight. You can't beat that for service. They were about to put out a 'loudspeaker announcement' when i turned up for it.

    Anyway, I recovered it and bought her a box of chocolates as a thank you. It's not an expensive phone; but neither is it a cheapie. There was nothing to prevent her from making no effort and holding on to it.

    I sincerely apologise for posting this anecdote. Acts of kindness and grace by Thais - particularly those associated with the airport - are not welcome here, I know.

    Whilst hunting for land in Hua Hin my wife left her bag at a roadside cafe with my camera in both phones and her credit card cash card etc. It was only an hour later when we stopped back there and the owner came out waving my wifes bag that she realised she'd done this . Bendix is right you just cant trust these Thais any decent Thai should have run off with it shame on them!! Never mind I expect the price doubled on the land we bought when they saw my face :o

  4. Ours was about 20,000THB. Not an 'over the top' wedding. As it was 2nd time each, we had things we preferred to spend the $ on. Great turn out for a breakkie wedding - about 200 people on 18 hours notice. Although I always feel 2 hours is far too long for a ceremony of any type.

    The blue one I married.

    Take her back and swap the orange one's much better!!!! Just kidding

  5. Its our only marriage, I was 20 she was 22 and I love her more now than I did when I was younger. She is Thai and still looks alot younger than I do. Iam 59 now and we have two children and four grand kids.

    For all the skeptics out there you are a good example of what can go right! Sound like a pretty lucky guy to me. Hope you have many more good years together.

    Fully agree about the positive example, but not so sure about 'lucky'. A marriage that long is not the result of luck... rather the results of two committed people.

    Erm and compatible too I think.

  6. I don't see why there is such a fascination with marriage. It's pretty old and antiquated by now, what purpose does it serve other than to complicate things?

    If you love someone and enjoy their company, stay together. If you don't, split up. It's that simple. The only benefit I see in getting married is that I'd be able to get a long stay visa for Thailand. Wouldn't that be funny, eh? An American marrying a Thai to get a Thai visa!

    Anyway, I've been with my girlfriend for nearly two years. I had thought of marriage in the beginning, but now I've decided it's not for me. But then, I'm only 23. I may change my mind in another 20 years.

    Believe me when I say many things will change as you get older and many things you hate now you may enjoy and vice versa.

  7. It is pouring down in Isaan and the rice farmers like it. And while it is doing that I got together with a friend about something that just boggles our little brains. Btw this thought has not come up in between a few beers and therefore I look forward to serious discussions and answers.

    Why the hel_l so many Falangs with no legal rights to property (except the company route) come over here, buy land and house, a car or even a small business, and all this in the name of their darlings with the premises that one day all that investment may never pay off, be lost or even disappear.

    On the other hand, we also ask ourselves what is it really, that again the same guy would act differently in his own country, unless he wants or needs to cover his ass(ets) from whatever circumstances.

    Are Thai partners really that more trustworthy than their Western counterparts?

    People are generally the same the world over, I came and yes I am buying and will build etc etc because if i didnt whats the point in having a relationship without trying to put down some roots for the future and offer up some security to your wife. I am fully aware I may lose the lot on the other hand like many people here who keep quiet and i suspect a big majority I will live very happily.

    So I have done it for "our" future prospects I am sure if my wife had the money she would do the same in fact I know she is trying to sell her own house and land to help "us".

  8. I have to agree with the original post I have been back just a week things are expensive but comparitively so. What people like about Thailand is probably a western salary or pension will go so much further. Nice to know you can have a nice house etc without having to spend 25+ years working for it. Cars are cheaper a Triton here is about £18000 in Thailand less than £10000.

    Many things can annoy you with Thailand it depends what you can live with nowhere is perfect.

    I think the land of smiles things is just tourist rubbish personally, there is a lot going on behind the scenes they dont want tourists to know.

  9. My wife who I married 10 months ago runs a business in Thailand and needs to be there quite a bit but I would like to see if I can get her a Uk passport as its so much better for travelling easily ie no visas for many places. Can she get this without having to live in the Uk for 2 years, can she accumulate time here over a longer period? Would a baby make any difference? I would like us both to have the choice when older of either staying in Thailand or staying in the Uk or is this just going to be impossible? She cant really leave her business for more than about 3 months per time.

  10. I Must say I knew nothing about website building but my com came with frontpage and I found it quite easy. I did all my own website very quickly although I have no idea how good bad or anything it is in the eyes of a real website designer. It works for me and it was free. www.sukanyacondo.com

  11. Please ... I hate to hear people say bread should be banished :D That comes from people selling high-protein diets ).

    Bread is a wonderful part of people's diets ... especially if it's wholegrain bread.

    Delicious & nutricious ... just like brown/other whole grain rice or pasta..

    It's not the bread that was the problem for me. It was the propensity to cover it in lashings of butter and huge chunks of cheese.

    But you forgot the tomato sauce surely???? :o

  12. Of course TOT will have itemized records of all calls on their network but they do not include the local calls in their regular monthly bills or online.

    You can probably obtain them (extra cost :o ?)


    I KNOW THIS, YOU KNOW THIS, BUT NO ONE AT TOT KNOWS THIS AND REPEATEDLY SAY "CANNOT!, Its taken my Thai wife 3 days to try and tell them this and if you call any of them even now they will say "cannot".

    SO THE ANSWER IS YES YOU CAN HAVE ITEMISED BILLING FOR 50 BAHT PER MONTH for anyone else trying this in Bangkok you can call this number and ask for Suphap ( and only this woman as no one else knows) number is 02-3814000 or 02-3902577 suggest the mods pin this up as useful info somewhere??


  13. Guesthouse is correct in some of his points, getting a Thai wife is a good start for a good business but only if you trust and love her and she you 100% Other Thais ect will try and steal all they can from your business inc photos off your website etc etc This is what we have found but they have problems matching customer service and understanding the farang market to the same degree as a mixed marriage can do and this is where we can hold a big advantage.

    Price is not a 100% concern for our customers but customer service is.

  14. Its also worth bearing in mind with this sort of topic more than 13000 die every year on motorbike accidents which could easily be prevented having just taught my wife to drive properly, use of mirrors etc etc . The pics are gruesome but very interesting incredible what can be done I wonder what the costs involved with repairing this sort of damage would have been?

  15. I put up two posts yesterday about calling Canada from Thailand (phones) both were removed? Ok I know its the wrong forum for this (now)but there is such a bewildering array of forums on this one site I get lost.

    Now i see a motoring question about driving licences and dont know why this has not been removed or put in the motoring forum??? Is this Thai logic?

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