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Posts posted by jamesc2000

  1. Lets see, you treated her really badly and she accepted being treated really badly!

    I reckon and its just my opinion that she is looking for a new long term sponsor and if she chose you then she will be really disappointed as you are too wise for that!

    Sadly if you treated her as a gold digger whether she was one or not then either way you will disappointed too as you wouldnt trust her either way!

    And trust is the basis of any relationship.

    Either way dont get your hopes up too much and what ever you do, dont give her money to get her farang bashing friend out of jail!

    If he met you, I dont think he will be showing you the gratitute you deserve! I could always be very wrong though!

    Thanks very much for posting this tread and all who replied, some of the replies just really cracked me up!

  2. Is there a god? If so, does he(or she) supply cold beer when one passes?

    The Bloodied Tiger,

    I am not sure about the other answers to the other questions but

    if you believe in god, when you die you will go to a place where you can play all the rugby you want and there is an endless supply of running cold beer.

    I think the place is called Heaven!

    As for stopping drinking, its really up to you but looking at the problems you listed maybe its not a bad idea.

    I think its hard to stop but if you could I don't think you would lose much and you would probably never have any alcohol related problems again.

    Just my opinon and its really up to you.

    Good luck with your choice.



  3. jamesc2000,

    You're absolutely right! You are not a student of vet science! :D Bambi was posing questions she gets asked; not questions she doesn't know the answers to.

    All of the "humping" questions in dogs are most likely down to dominance (male & female) not being horny or friendly. No-one was suggesting fixing - read neutering - for barking, just "fixing the problem". And why is neutering cruel? I'd love to hear your opinion on this. BTW, fish have a very short attention span, I wouldn't worry too much about trying to communicate with them. Best of luck in your day job - I wouldn't swap to animal behaviourist, if I were you. :D

    Dear November Rain

    Thank you very much for posting your clarification!

    I mistook - How can i communicate with my gold fish?(me = :D ) - as looking for an answer!

    I am well-impressed with Bambi if she is answering these kind of questions!

    As for why neutering is cruel?

    My opinion and its really just an opinion is that dogs like humans are mammals and have a maternal instinct and they would have natural feelings of wanting to have offsprings.

    Little puppies which they will want to look after and nurture and protect and teach how to avoid them pesky dog catchers etc!

    I can understand having many puppies maybe an inconvenience for the owner but I think its cruel to deprive the poor dog for our own convenience.

    I guess having a dog is a major responsibility maybe like having kids.

    No reason for not playing with them fishes because they have a short span of attention! I have a short span of attention too and the best thing is having lots of attention to make up for it! :o

    I am also not too sure about not swapping my day job to be an animal behaviourist - the best minds for learning anything is an empty one.

    And there is no mind as empty as mine! :D



  4. Thank you Endure :o

    Crossed fingers and Toes.

    And special thak for V forum.My English have been improving since I have joined.

    ps, If you guys want to know I want to study in Animal Behaviour.I will give you some reasons.

    Being a Vet for approximately 10 years, i have got many questions from my customers For instance,

    1) Why my parrot tears his feather ?(I know the bird gets boredom)

    2)How can i communicate with my gold fish?(me = :D )

    3) My female dog is riding the other female / My male dog is riding the other male? is he/she gay?? ( I know it's dominant behavour)

    4)From TV program about a Chimpamzee and Dog ,They are friend.Can they speak and understand each other??( me = :D )

    5)How i fix my barking dog?

    6)My dog gets paranoid with thunder ,what shoul i do?

    7) My dog is shagging my leg and sometomg on a toy ,do u have any idea?


    ps. 2 Thank you Jet gorgon for offering a favour. xoxo.In myopinion, Ielats is easier than TOEFL (I'm not good in grammar)

    Dear Bambi

    Your English is ok, the more you speak and write the better you will be!

    The questions above are very interesting and I will try to give an answer to each of them.

    However I am a student of psychology and not vet science and I cannot say that the answers below are correct but here goes!

    I am off course relating animal behaviour to humans but as we all know animals are so much kinder, nicer and more intelligent!

    1) Parrots are very intelligent members of the bird family and will get bored when they don't get enough attention or decent conversation. Hence they tend to tear their feathers when they get bored.

    Humans are very similar and when they are bored or frustrated may pull out their hair simply because we don't have any feathers to pull out.

    2) Fishes are not very talkative but they do love attention and people pulling funny faces at them!

    Giving them a big smile and showing them a happy face will help make them feel happy and relaxed but please do not show them a smile with teeth! That will just remind them of a big fish ready for dinner!

    3) There is no such thing as gay animals, they are just being friendly! Nothing to worry about really! Just let them be!

    4) They can certainly be friends and even understand and relate to each other but they really cannot talk to each other. Only humans can speak to each other but usually not very well as human communications are on a very low level and many misunderstandings usually occur.

    5) I think fixing a dog is very cruel! All dogs bark! Its in their nature! I would never get a human fixed if he or she spoke too much!

    6) I knew a big golden retriever that was always scared of thunder. Its just best to calm the dog down and calm strokes on his or her back when they are scared help relaxes them. I don't like thunder too and this certainly helps me!

    7) Dogs get horny too like humans and maybe getting a companion for him or her would really help! Its just animal instinct and nothing to worry about! I have no idea which kind of toy your customer is referring to! But maybe they should be more careful about what kind of toy they give their dog! Maybe one this is not too visually suggestive that put ideas into his or her head and give them ideas about making puppies!

    I hope this helps but as I said I think animals are way above humans and maybe humans are not intelligent enough to understand them yet!

    More studies about animal behaviour will certainly help!

    Good luck with your studies!


  5. Thank you very much for posting the links.

    I just heard Ajahn Brahm's Attitude to Life and what he said really couldn't be more appropriate for me at this time of my life!

    Thank you very much again! :o

  6. Jet fuel isn't explosive like gasoline...

    Remember the TWA flight that exploded over Long Island (I think shortly after 9/11)? In addition to the theory that a terrorist might have brought down the jet with a hand-held rocket launcher, wasn't the other theory that some kind of electrical spark/ignition in the wing's electrical circuits blew up the fuel and brought down the jet? Witnesses recounted seeing a fireball in the sky. How does that theory mesh with your above statement? Help me here.

    No, I believe that this crash was due to rudder failure, attributed to incorrect training to pilots on how to correct turbulance caused by flying in another aircraft.s wake...

    Yup I saw this on Air Crash Investiagtion on the National Geographic and I think they said the pilot pressed the pedals to hard and broke the rudder! I know it may sound silly but thats what they said!

  7. So maybe global warming is not a myth after all?

    Its not a conspiracy dreamt up by Al Gore?

    And it could just possibly be caused by man made pollution although there is no scientific evidence linking this?

    If this is true than maybe I really have to do my bit to change things.

    If change starts with me then I won’t leave the tap on when I am brushing my teeth anymore, switch off the tele instead of leaving it on standby or use 95 or 98 petrol in my car when 91 will do.

    But I will not stop flying to Thailand for hols although I know planes cause a lot of pollution.

    Does anyone else have small do-able things that they can suggest that might help?

  8. Wrong. It's an awful post that relies on the laughable argument, which unfortunately gets dragged out every time someone wants to deny the reality of climate change, that not knowing everything is the same as knowing nothing; stated as baldly as that, it's clear just how fallacious it is. The analogy with dice - the only attempt at anything approaching a fact - is just ridiculous. Atmospheric concentrations of CO2 have risen from pre-industrial levels of 280ppm to 380ppm. Similarly, levels of CFCs, HCFCs, methane and other greenhouse gases have also rise; the dice are very much loaded. If you want to argue with the following quotation, then go ahead. I presume you have more than one PhD relating to the science involved.

    "A joint statement issued by the Australian Academy of Sciences, Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts, Brazilian Academy of Sciences, Royal Society of Canada, Caribbean Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, French Academy of Sciences, German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina, Indian National Science Academy, Indonesian Academy of Sciences, Royal Irish Academy, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Italy), Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Academy Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and Royal Society (UK).

    The work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) represents the consensus of the international scientific community on climate change science. We recognise IPCC as the world's most reliable source of information on climate change and its causes, and we endorse its method of achieving this consensus. Despite increasing consensus on the science underpinning predictions of global climate change, doubts have been expressed recently about the need to mitigate the risks posed by global climate change.

    We do not consider such doubts justified. There will always be some uncertainty surrounding the prediction of changes in such a complex system as the world's climate. Nevertheless, we support the IPCC's conclusion that it is at least 90% certain that temperatures will continue to rise, with average global surface temperature projected to increase by between 1.4 and 5.8oC above 1990 levels by 2100. This increase will be accompanied by rising sea levels, more intense precipitation events in some countries, increased risk of drought in others, and adverse effects on agriculture, health and water resources."

    Very well said!

  9. Another fact: one lives in a large twenty room house using so much energy the monthly bill is larger than most people's McMansions yearly bills - and another is living in a small four bedroom house with amazing technology that is eco-friendly and taps into its environs for its energy needs.

    One is owned by Gore the other is by Bush Jr. - who owns which will surprise you!

    Please surprise us!

    Surely Bush Jr who lives in the White house lives in "a large twenty room house using so much energy the monthly bill is larger than most people's McMansions yearly bills."

    And Gore lives in the "small four bedroom house with amazing technology that is eco-friendly and taps into its environs for its energy needs."

    And is the surprise is Bush Jr is no longer Pres and its now Gore?

  10. Sea levels aren’t rising?

    That means them Dutch fortifying their sea walls and building floating houses are really just wasting they their time and money! It all just paranoia isn’t it. The Dutch really have nothing to worry about and should just stop worrying about nothing really! Silly people!

    "visit the maldives now! before it sinks is great for increasing tourism!”

    I always suspected that it was the Venetians tourism adverting companies rather the Maldives that made up this Venice is sinking, see it now! and the seas are rising nonsense! Venice will be around 100 years from now!

    “but I do dispute the reason why, it aint us we are insignificant.”

    I have never heard a more balanced and sensible statement than this! There is too much frenzied nonsense sprouted by those “save the world” types!

    Don’t people know that every day there are 1000 new cars in Beijing? What is a mere 360,000 new cars a year just in Beijing when there are already millions of cars in US and in Europe?

    Anyway water is the biggest greenhouse gas not CO2 so how much pollution can cars cause? Must be negligible!

    And with these new budget airlines and millions of people who never flew now taking to the skies and more airlines buying more new, bigger and less polluting planes, fewer people are driving cause they are all flying and that must be a good thing! Cause planes pollute less than cars!

    Anyway millions of new cars on the road and millions more flying, how much pollution can that cause? “it definitely ain’t us! we are insignificant.”

  11. "A lot of people dont know that water in the atmosfere konstitutes 98% of the greenhousegasses the last 2 % is split between cfc gasses, metan, co2 and ozon, just to put things in perspective."

    I am very glad you put things into perspective! So if water constitute 98% of greenhouse gases then CO2 must be negligible!

    “Out of the 15 most polluted cities in the world 13 is in Asia, and China and India refuses to do anything remotely effective to combat the co2 pollution, in fact next year China will surpass USA and become the biggest greenhousegas polluter in the world.”

    Now if CO2 is negligible as a greenhouse gas why bother trying to combat it?

    And what does it mean that China and India will surpass USA and become the biggest greenhouse gas polluter in the world? If water is 98% of greenhouse gas, does it mean that India and China are pumping water into the air?

  12. So global warming is a myth?

    Smoking dosen't cause cancer?

    Chocolates doesn't cause tooth decay?

    There is no hole in the ozone layer?

    CO2 is not a greenhouse gas?

    The seas are not rising?

    US and Australia were right not to sign?

    Saddam has WMD?

    The oceans are so big that fish stocks are not being depleted by factory ships?

    Only a few trees are being cut and not the size of France every year?

    Its also not getting hotter in BKK and floods are natural?

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