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Posts posted by Tawai

  1. 'Blinky Bill' post='2276284' date='2008-10-15 20:02:45']I think you'll find that Leran is French, not German.

    More about it if you click here.

    Bon Chance.[/quote]

    Ahahaha, very funny...

    By the way we say "Bonne chance" not "Bon chance" :D

    You might.......but I don't. :o

    you don't - yeah, you are so perfect,.... (in correcting other posters)

    BB, pls. check if my apostrophes are placed to your liking

  2. Still no word on the guy today just South of the Ratchaphruek & canal roads. Hope It's not someone I know...

    I have a bar in the area and it would hurt even more if I have made his acquaintance.

    Also sad to hear the news about GDPjohn, hope everything turns out ok.

    The elderly man who died yesterday on the spot on Canal Rd. was my friend Siegi Berger.

    He has lived his live always enjoing a laugh, was singing old Spanish songs (he mother was Spanish) and was a great entertainer with a good heart.

    He was born in Spain in 1933, that made him to live 75 years, but Had to die because some idiot driver shot him with his/her car. Another case of just come out of the smaller road and not looking at the traffic on the main road. I am not sure if it correct to call this an "accident" or "killing because being to lazy to look on the traffic".

    Siegi was a motorbike freak, riding almost every day around Hangdong or went to the city (he was on the way to the hospital to get his eyes examined when he was killed). He had his wife on the bike, I heard that she will survive but is hurt seriously.

    What a loss to his wife and step daughter here in Hangdong, to his family in Germany and his many (mostly Germans and Thais - Siegi was not very good in the English language) friends.

    Siegi, because of his outstanding personality, will be remembered from us for a long time. I do hope that because of this incident, there will be a change in driving behavior from all of the people who hear about Siegis death. At least it should bring people away from riding bikes and let them use their cars more.

    Please, everybody reading this, be more careful, drive slower, expect the other drivers making mistakes, be concentrated when driving.

  3. Remember reading in Bangkok Post about 2 years ago that AOT bought from a company called something like "Phuket Petroleum" the trolleys for a higher price than this only 24,000 THB. If I remember correct the order was for 500,000,000.-THB (500 million!!) This trolleys order has been also a corruption topic because PP was not able to deliver the order on time and in required quality.

    Wanzl from Germany which is probably the worlds leading company in this field was not able to get the contract, because they would have provided them for FREE !! Condition on that deal would have been that Wanzl would have wanted the marketing rights for PR on the trolleys (as it is common at airports).

    Well, looks like Wanzl is not related to Khun T or was willing to fork out 200 mills or more for "contract fees".

    Well this was from Bangkok Post, I believe the story, what I can not "believe" or understand is the fact that deals like that dont go before the courts here.

  4. Hmmm, I can assure you to turn over 1000 bottles of beer (41 cases) a day you'd need more then just a bit of a crowd. That's 200 people averaging 5 beers each...

    It certainly seems a bit far fetched to me also.

    My question is, how many fridges are in The Fantasy Bar for the exclusive use of cooling beer bottles? I can't imagine that there would be more than two.

    From my reckoning, as viewed from the customer side of the bar, an upright fridge holds approximately 100 bottles. If the turnover of bottles is anywhere near 1000 per day, two fridges would need to be restocked at least five times per day.

    If so, there is no way that beer bottles can be sold icy cold. The door to the fridges would be constantly opening and closing making it virtually impossible to keep the contents cold.

    If the bar owner uses ice buckets, the cost of replenishing the ice would not allow beer to be sold cheaply.

    I've never visited this bar so I'll be guided by those who have.

    ever heard of cooling rooms for foods and drinks?

    To NOT believe that a bar can sell as LITTLE as 1000 bottles of small beer in 8 - 12 hours is simply naive.

  5. I am on "Bat Soem" which translates like a "additional card" at my GF's card.

    This was the only way to get a CC from Siam Commercial, cause I do not earn 100.000 monthly.

    Without a CC live can be difficult for purchasing airline tickets and hotel reservations ( some airlines are requiring the card holder be on the same flight).

    So my GF has 3 CC on her account (surpisingly when she applied for herself she got VISA and MASTER ! and my aditional card). Her salary is 15K ! Mine is 50K and was refused - answer came as SMS in thai. :o

  6. A word on the declining standards of Thai Airways.A friend booked a return seat,business class, from Bangkok - London two months ago and was then told,the day before he was due to fly out,that "he must take a later flight because a government official needed his seat." Its not that they are losing money because there are less tourists travelling to Thailand,as far as they are concerned.It's because of their appalling behaviour to the paying passenger that's their undoing.This is not an isolated case.

    Has he also been informed about the compensation he is to get in such a case ?

  7. We have draft beer and thai prices...

    Hope to meet some of you soon.

    Highonthai (scott)

    Hi Scott !

    As I am living not far from Pitstop and do like good draft beer, would you mind to name the brand? If it is to my liking I will see you soon.

  8. Found a great new place and lucky me its in the front of my village. Its called California Wraps. They label themselves a Mexican food place but they have everything. 45 for a breakfast sandwich which is either on a home made Biscuit or a cross between a Mexican bowleo and a French bagget. One egg with homemade sausage. I always add another egg for 10 baht more and can add cheese for another 10 baht for a total of 65 baht for a big sandwich with salsa. A breakfast burrito for 40 baht.

    Good prices, good food. Out next to the Rim Ping in Kad Farang Market place just before you get to Hang Dong.

    Her prices are cheap because she makes everything, the bread, the sausage, the tortillas.

    I also can recommend this place - good food - good price and very clean as well

  9. Try any of the major international banks in Hong Kong or Singapore, rates are far superior, there are no transaction fees and you pay no tax. As a farang in Thailand you will not find a good deal on FCD incountry.

    Hi Chiang Mai !

    Thanks so much for your accurate info. Did search a few Singapore banks online and found that Standard Chartered has a 4,015 % for 3 month deposit WITHOUT any fees and charges. Why thai banks think they have to rip off their clients in order to make money is a riddle to me.

    O.k. so it will a flight to SIN (will be paid for by interest gain within no time).

    Bill 97 - thanks for reply, but just don't want to have converted my EUR into Baht after withdrawing.

    Anyway I hope this thread is helping not only myself to some extra income, but also to other TV members. Also I feel a bit of som nam na towards Thai banking system and goverment for not being able to squeeze additional money out of us.

  10. I tried to open a FCD account in some of CM's Banks, but failed because of various reasons.

    Thai Panit ( Siam Comercial Bank ) - told me there are very high charges for depositing and withdrawing - cause I could not believe them, went to others

    Thanarchat (the name gave the impresion that they should be able do deal with foreign clients) - the clerk informs me that there is no such thing ?!!!

    K - Bank ( former Kasigorn ) - got it ! Interest rate for EURO 2,8 % for 3 and 6 month fixed deposit but only 2,1 % for 1 year. Sounds o.k. to me, BUT their charges for depositing money (!!!) are 1 % (down from 2% last year she tells me) AND 1 % for withdrawing !

    That means a depositer pays for lending them money ( depositig 10,000 EURO for 6 month earning 140 EUR minus 21 EUR cause of 15 % tax but paying 200 for dep/withdr. ). Even the one year option is a shot into your own knee (cause of tax).

    Could not resist the urge to ask clerk if there are any customers for this service then.

    Anyhow K-Bank clerk told me all the banks give same/similar conditions on FCD.

    My questions to any of you readers : Did anyone get a better deal at wich Bank ?

  11. I am on Non B visa multiple entry from abroad ( 1 year, but every 3 month required to leave the country) for a few years now.

    Untill my last renewal work permit was issued only for 3 month, but now it is 1 year even for Non B visa holders ( not extension of stay ).

    Sunbelt sendt me the information on their newsletter already a few weeks ago, but i did not understand when this regulation was due to enforcement.

    Tomorrow I will be the proud holder of a one year WP, and I will save myself the costly and time consuming trips to the gov. office every three month.

  12. After beeing sold one time to many their PREMIUM diesel when only beeing asking for DIESEL, I have stopped patronising Shell and also Bangchak.

    Just dont like to be taken for a ride.

    I had the impression Shell sold me the more expensive product deliberatly, even in the full knowing I did not want their premium (beeing nearly a regular customer).

    Anyway, using the JET stations, I feel beeing served good, receiving a proper receipt (Shell Hangdong staff is not capable - so I did loose VAT deduction) and as well get sometimes 20 Baht coupons for their shop when filling full up.

    Only downfall is that JET was bought by PTT last year. Does not make me happy to support them.

  13. Although we did meet only once, at the TV party at Tuskers and did not even talk to each other, I wish you a continious happy stay in CM and wait to read some more of your many times very interesting and funny postings.


  14. I am just back from buying some tickets (not to HK) at Charal Busines Travel Agency. Guess this is one of the larger agencies in CM.

    Asked staff about the CM - HK flight, but they said the flights been only for 1 month in operation - now no more.

    Not shure if true, isn't there a local phone number of the airline posted on the website ?

  15. I wonder if the enrgy minister have ever spendt a thought about putting a HIGH enviromental tax on electrical waterheaters. IMHO they are using a lot of energy - could be done by solarpanels free. Solar panels are not so expensive and could be sponsored by gov. from money earned on enviromental tax.

    If there would be a "starter" from gov. soon many local producers would jump on the waggon, wich would bring prices even more down through high competition.

    A friend of mine did his own version of almost free waterheating (needed only a waterpump) by letting metal waterpipes run in serpentines behind glasspanels. Works fine in central europe - should be much better doing here.

    Perhaps he should also consider to create a law that would it make illegal to let motorvehical engines run while parking.

    Creating another law that would be abided by nearly none, at least the minister would have shown some sign of concern.

    My thanks go to the minister for his so very helpfull tips. :o

  16. I'm sure that I've heard or read about a good day out or day trip from Chiang Mai by train - can't find anything around here though. I've only ever used the train for the overnight trip from BKK and even that just a couple of times so I'm pretty much clueless on the subject.

    My daughter has never been on a train so I think it's about time, I'm sure she'd have a blast and if I can actually add a fun destination into it I'd be Dad of the year!!

    Any suggestions?

    As Nienke already suggested, Khun Tan (about 75 % of the way to Lampang) is a perfect choice. Your kid will be facing a 13 (!!) Baht ticket if over 3 years of age, sorry to inform you that yours will be double :o . Journey takes about 2 hours. We did the trip last month with kids, unfortunatly there was no convenient return shedule, so I had to pick them up by car ( because of roadworks from Highway 1 to Khun Tan it took me almost the same time as the train).

    Lampang is another option, here the retourn journey can be done by train.

    As I remember there are only the morning train 7 or 8 am (??) and the afternoon around 2 pm, returns to CM around 8 pm.

    Enjoy the ride


  17. Hi does anyone know if there is an oficial Samsung repair shop in CM/

    Thanks in advance

    The original Samsung is on the moad outerside just 50 meters past the Computer Plaza 2 . Its on the corner cant miss it. They do repairs, but didn't sell me toner for my printer.

  18. I don’t feel elite that I have the card, just satisfied I have it. Although after reading the threads of those who ‘bash’ the TE card, I’m happy I’m not in the same immigration cues at the airport listening to their

    Dear !

    Have I read wrong on TE website about a month or 2 ago that they also abolished the fast track service due to security reasons ?

    All in all I found this thread very interesting AND informing, both sides had good points.

  19. I am located at Hangdong, so it is convenient for me to buy at Jo's Bakery on Canal Rd. (near Wat Namprae) 200 meters south of way to Op Khan.

    He also produces pickles, mustard, mayonaise, and more. The guy got a degree on food technology, so he knows how to do good quality. I have his phone number, post me if you want it too.


  20. calling Suvannaphum the hub for SEA is a joke. With Don Muang operating properly as international airport, I was able to do Bali - Chiang Mai in one day, though CNX - DPS was not possible.

    Consequence for me is NOT using THAI again, fly via Singapore now, can do both ways without spending a night in BKK (one hour away from home this is a pain in the a..).

    SIA with help of Silk Air can arrange with only one daily flight CNX - SIN much better than THAI with 13 or so

    Managment of THAI must have some real geniuses to coordinate their flight schedules like that,...

    No wonder they lose customers and money.


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