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Posts posted by ballzafire

  1. If you have a real girlfriend and not one that you "assist" financially, why would you be using a condom in the first place? Don't trust each other? Oral or injected contraception is pretty common and quite affordable. Unless there is some valid medical reason for not going on the pill or having the once-every-three-months injection (very few women cannot use one or the other), I see no reason at all for using party hats with your exclusive, significant "other." Condoms are for having sex with strangers, or for those you can't or don't trust.

    Trust? Depo injections!

    Faith? The pill...

  2. Regarding RO units, keep in mind that although water quality is great in the beginning, it will steadily decline from that point up to six months until ALL the filters will need to be replaced (about 1800 baht). Needless to say, this can add up over time. So, remember to factor that into your overall cost equation...

  3. I didnt know women were preoccupied by their breast sizes :) Of course nothing wrong with having fun, i guess its what you define as fun. It also gets kinda boring reading the same old cliche's tbh. Sometimes i just like to have a little fun of my own by trying to give people who like to talk down about everything and anything a mirror to look into. ..and im not trying to say im anywhere near perfect either. Anyway..its not like my little voice is gonna change anything anyway. :D

    OK. Understood. Forums like this are never meant to be taken totally seriously, anyway. It's important to remember to have fun here, too, while maybe sharing a thing or two of redeemable value...

  4. Ahh the western guys are loving this thread. Nothing like a bit of ego massaging. Much like what many of the lovely Thai ladies are doing when they tell you stories about how big you are in comparison to the local men. Most men seem overly obsessed by their nether regions, and the women who like to twist you around their little fingers know that. So Mr "Handsum" Farang man, with the "oh you so big!" nether regions, why not check your egos at the door and exchange it for a little bag of reality. But, maybe thats asking too much.


    We are just having a little fun wth this while maybe learning a thing or two at the same time. What's wrong with that?

    I suppose we could start a thread about breast size and how women often seem to be preoccupied with theirs.

    "Bag of reality", indeed...

  5. destilled water (and rainwater - even clean one) are not healthy for daily consumption and should be drank only if no other water is available. What is perfect for a medicine, or a car, is not good for us. the source of minerals for body are foods, as well as water - in a hot climate, like thailand, minerals are even more important, because we loose them in sweat

    It's been said that, as long as you eat a balanced diet, you get all the minerals you need to stay healthy. So, drinking R.O. or distilled water should not be an issue.

  6. (I'm actually above average in length and width ... my length actually contributed to the breakup with one of my gfs a few years back (she complained of painful sex from my occasionally bumping up against her cervix).
    Above average are you? Sure. As for bumping the poor girl's cervix, look it up, the average vagina is only about 4 inches deep. So, you he-man you, we can assume you're more than 4 inches in length.

    Dr. Igor,

    Yes. Please refer to the following site:


    Key excerpt:

    "...The vagina has the most remarkable capacity for lengthening if something is introduced into it gradually. So the exceptional man whose erect penis is eight inches long can still make love to any woman, providing he excites her properly and introduces his organ very slowly. If he does this, her vagina will lengthen by 150 or 200 per cent to accommodate him..."

  7. Like a western lady said to me: I don't understand what you see in Thai women. My response to her was "Have you looked in the marrow?" :)
    I take it that's a typo. ??
    More likely a metaphore.

    And is that a metaphor for a typo ??

  8. Like a western lady said to me: I don't understand what you see in Thai women. My response to her was "Have you looked in the marrow?" :)

    I take it that's a typo. ??

  9. I'm not one to brag, but my post did not imply that my tool was short (I'm actually above average in length and width which continues to suit me just fine, thank you). But my length actually contributed to the breakup with one of my gfs a few years back (she complained of painful sex from my occasionally bumping up against her cervix).
    Of course she complained you kept waking her up.

    No. She grabbed the scissors once...........

  10. Mine is only 3 inches, but the mrs likes it that wide. :)
    Well mine is 12 inches long, but I don't use it as a rule! heh heh
    Guys, trust me: it's NOT longer organs, but WIDER ones that the girls prefer. Several of my former TGF's have admitted this to me (and is a fairly-widely known fact, too). So, all you "John Holmes wannabes" out there who have been brain-washed by Western porn into thinking longer is better, get a clue. You're wrong.
    You haven't a clue either or just looking for an excuse for your short member. Length is an important consideration in terms of useability and postioning. I'll take long and medium width over short and fat any day.

    I'm not one to brag, but my post did not imply that my tool was short (I'm actually above average in length and width which continues to suit me just fine, thank you). But my length actually contributed to the breakup with one of my gfs a few years back (she complained of painful sex from my occasionally bumping up against her cervix). That's nothing to brag about, either...

    Again, just ask the girls. On balance (with Asian girls, specifically), being a "John Holmes" isn't an advantage...

  11. Mine is only 3 inches, but the mrs likes it that wide. :)
    Well mine is 12 inches long, but I don't use it as a rule! heh heh

    Guys, trust me: it's NOT longer organs, but WIDER ones that the girls prefer. Several of my former TGF's have admitted this to me (and is a fairly-widely known fact, too).

    So, all you "John Holmes wannabes" out there who have been brain-washed by Western porn into thinking longer is better, get a clue. You're wrong.

  12. after watching a considerable amount of asian porn, i have to say Thai men have nothing to be ashamed of compared to Japanese men. I'm sure Japanese porn actresses are usually crying in the movies because they are ' longing' for a real man!

    I don't know how it is with the Japanese girls but it's been said that Thai bargirls actually prefer Japanese men.

    It's known as "The Rule of Fours" -- four inches, four minutes, four thousand baht.............

  13. The flood waters won't be near as deep as the climate change deniers BS.

    May I reiterate that it's best to watch the video first and then you can state your argument with confidence.

    Again, nobody's denying climate change. It is a natural process that IS occurring but that is independent of human behavior.

    But the "human-induced global warming" argument -- in the face of definitive evidence presented in the video -- has NO basis in scientific fact, and the burden of proof to the contrary now rests with its supporters.

    And that does NOT means using the numbers of the brain-washed masses as "proof" that your argument is valid. It means disproving the nearly 1-to-1 correlation of the "sun variability -> climate variability" relationship -- which you cannot do...

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