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Posts posted by dsprtliving

  1. Thanks so much for the replies guys! I just went ahead and bit the bullet by purchasing the wireless router from TOT here, and i'm pleased to say that it's now working fine. Seems it was the router I was originally provided with at my village...staff housing and all. The speed still jumps up and down but i'm guessing from what i've heard and your replies that this is something I'll have to get used to here. Thanks again! :)

  2. Hi guys!

    I've recently moved to Ban Chang and having some issues with my T.O.T. internet services. The connection fluctuates up and down and has been dropping out completely when i try to use Skype that uses a lot of bandwidth. Do any of you guys have the same issues? I went to the TOT shop on Thursday and the lady behind the counter just sort of shrugged at me and said that it should be working fine. Does anyone in the area use any other service providers? Are there any even available? Any information would be most appreciated! :)

  3. I just posted the following on the "good doctors" blog - I doubt as it is a "moderated by the owner" board that it will see the light of day there!

    your comments about masturbation and homesexuality clearly come from a prejudiced/religious standpoint. Obviously too much dry friction is bad for many reasons which is why most sensible people would use some form of lubrication. You are giving young people the quite unecessary fear that they are doing something wrong by masturbating or by being gay - such ridiculous opinion should be left to the blinkered clerics. You have absolutely no basis for claiming that girls and women in Malaysia masturbate less as (a) who would conduct such a survey in a muslim country and (:D how many girls/women would admit that they did.

    I would suggest that you do a bit of travelling and get to know young people in the UK and europe amd find out that there is a huge world outside the narrow confines of religion and state enforced morality.

    You are talking about an airborne virus which passes from one person to another - how on earth is sitting in your own room privately masturbating likely to increase your chance of catching it. I agree homosexual activity with another person carries that risk but only in so far as you are in close contact with another person and in this the same risks apply to heterosexual relations and going to the cinema!!

    I am very pro alternative therapies but this kind of pronouncement gives them a bad name and you are using your influence to warp the minds of young people

    Well said! It worries me that the media here is passing this off as legitimate medical advice to the general public by running it in the papers. There is a significant segment of society that will read this garbage and take it at face value. It would be nice to see a little responsible journalism! :)

  4. My sympathy goes out to you my friend. I can imagine this to be very uncomfortable for you.

    I think it was M Singh who hit the nail on the head, about a life being cheap.

    Take care of your family. Don't get yourself shot. Think about it mate.

    Agree 100%....You really need to step back and think really hard about getting involved further, but i fear it may already be to late. By the reaction of the BIB, i'd say the crazed neighbor knows already that you called them up and a loss of face has already occurred. You already know that he is a gun crazed lunatic, so why risk upsetting him further. If a call goes out next time that a farang has been shot in the village, then you've already seen the urgent response received from the local BIB. Please consider where you are, and the reality of the situation....life is to short and cheap here to think otherwise.

  5. Sounds like a very unethical form of punishment to give a 6 year old. Children at that age are just barely starting to understand the concept of money, so to use this, as a form of punishment seems highly inappropriate. You said there were foreign teachers at the school? Is this the action of a foreign or Thai teacher? Not that it matters either way as far as the punishment goes, but this seems like it might be based on trying to humiliate the child in front of their peers…which I’ve witnessed Thai teachers doing on some occasions.

    I'd have some very strong words with the Head regarding this system of punishment. Where you informed up front what sort of disciplinary policy the school had in place, or did they just spring this on students/parents suddenly without warning? Seems like highly unprofessional behavior and practice!

  6. No one I know 'back home' even thinks of Ladyboys and homosexuality here. They all seem to think we are dirty old men for coming here to shag all the sexy young ladies.

    Does Thailand change a bloke? Into a queer? No!!

    I still love getting my rocks off with a woman. Cannot get the juice if it is a Ladyboy !!!! :D

    Ummm....Ewwwwwww! Did you reallllly have to had that repulsive detail? :)

  7. Okay, i understand these girls work hard for their money, good for them. But if someone hangs something on my doorknob then i would assume that it is a gift for me, especially if there isnt a bill or pricetag or anything in the bag saying that i am required to pay for it.... Then coming by a few days later to accept payment??? It isnt about the cost, it's about the principal. Just like the other day i was in siam and some lady was handing something to me some paper or something and as i was taking it (i was just taking it cuz i feel bad for all those people handing out promo papers and whatnot) , she goes "50 baht" i'm like...<deleted>..!?? don't HAND me something and then tell me 50 baht, tell me 50 baht THEN hand me something after i agree i want it and pay for it!

    Make that 2.

    Make that 3!

  8. applying debilitating drugs to anyone - however it's administered, unless requested by that person is assault.

    People vary in their sensitivity to drugs. For example, one person can drink ten cups of coffee and be able to sleep at night. Another person has one sip of coffee and is tossing and turning all night from the little bit of caffeine.

    if the buttplugs are administering debilitating drugs - it could be potentially fatal (heart attack, etc), and could fall under the scope of 'attempted murder.' If anyone tried doing that to me, I would grab a metal pipe and crush their skull, as well as I was able - before succumbing to the drug's effects.

    Whomever is doing this should be locked up for a long time. Dangerous, crass people.

    Agree 100%!!! These people deserve the maximum amount of punishment the law will allow! Absolute scum! :)

  9. I used to see a western MTF transgendered person on the BTS going home from work often and never once did I see anyone take a second look at her. I also had a Dutch MTF acquaintance that lived in Bkk for a number of years, and remember she told me she never had any issues in her daily life with harrassment either. In my opinion, it might be best to avoid Kaow San Rd (backpacker central) and maybe lower Sukhumvit sois as both areas of the city are farang ghettos of sorts, so you might encounter discrimination there.

    I think any nail salon place would be more than happy to accomodate you, and also i think there may be a couple of shops in Pratunam that sell large size shoes that I'm sure would accentuate your calves fabulously! :)

    Best of luck and hope you enjoy your trip here!

  10. I arrived around midnight and remember thinking how dingy the inside of the airport (Don Muang) looked considering it was the capital city's only one at the time. Then of course collecting the baggage and walking through the sliding doors to be hit by a blast of sauna type air in the middle of the night and taking in my first nose full of the air here. That smell that's neither overly pleasant, yet not unpleasant and can't quite think of a word to describe it accurately. In retrospect though, I've learned that the smell is addictive! :)

  11. Why do farangs do that funny invisible walk, posture, starey things and are more focused on ignoring you than acknowledging you with a nod or hello! when walking towards another farang in an un touristy area?

    It has happend countless times too me but i have just had it happen while walking back home and have remembered to ask about it.

    I have just passed another farang and we were walking towards each other for over 100 yds and as we got closer it was quite obvious he was doing the i cannot see you walk... ... i looked, nodded and said hello as we passed while he scratched his ear to avoid making contact....

    why do people feel the need to do this?

    The same reason i put on my headphones or open a book once i sit down in my seat on a plane! :) I think maybe one of the reasons this reaction to other foreigners develops because of the knowledge that a 'simple' greeting or nod can be perceived as being a friendly person and an invitation by 'some' people to launch into small talk. I find small talk with strangers a mindless and annoying activity so I avoid being appearing overly friendly to the odd stranger passing in the street. This isn't everyone of course, but the knowledge that some fellow foreigners are chatterboxes puts me off greeting people i don't know. Some people are just more private than others and think it is rude when others ask prying questions or share personal details with someone you've just met in passing.

    As another poster said, It could also be that the said 'farang' has given you the split second once over and decided they'd rather not know you for whatever reason or give you the chance to get to know them. I know it is selfish and probably unfair to make such quick judgments but we are the product of social environments.

  12. Probably doesn't help that I spend to much of my free time on the weekends around Siam.

    Are you one of those middle aged guys who is really into photography, where in, the focal point of all his photographs usually seem to have a scantily clad teenage Thai girl in front of, to the side of, etc? I caught one of these guys the other day, doing the "Oh, let me get a shot of this BTS staircase... Oh, are those girls wearing miniskirts?"... Maybe there is a reason you get bumped into so often...

    Lord no! hahaha! I should probably add that i'm gay! :) That probably adds to my aversion to being bumped into by females.

  13. Bitter and twisted farang English teacher?? Geez, rude much? Your assumption about my career here in Thailand is incorrect and besides, I'm honestly not moaning at all...and love living here just as much as you profess to do. Perhaps i should have added more context to my message, eh? Probably doesn't help that I spend to much of my free time on the weekends around Siam. Can't really help bumping into really due to the large crowds. Finally, I added the "Somchai's finishing school" as a joke, and sorry if I offended. :)

  14. I think the Thai people are the most polite race that I have ever come across having travelled and lived in many obscure places around the globe. It is a different type of politeness. They will not hold the door open for you but they will sit smiling at you when they completly disagree with what you are saying. - This is in my opinion a form of the highest level of politeness and only works if you speak Thai.

    You should get out more and see some of the things I do. Daily I see Thais pushing in ahead of others to get served, pushing their way on and off public transport with no regard for the old or infirmed. Last week I saw a crowd pushing to get on a bus when a blind man with a stick was being helped off by the conductor, they just pushed the guy aside. Being Thai I imagined this guy could speak it! Do those who say 'when in Rome' do the same? Thais are some of the rudest people in the world and worst when they are in a group, confront them about it though and they are usually gutless and just look at you as if you are the crazy one.

    Absolutely! Was just talking about this over the weekend. It's that bewildered angry look you receive when they bumble into you, like you've intentionally stepped into their path and purposely caused them to stumble! I've noticed 9/10 times it is Thai females that exhibit this behavior.

    Thai females are instructed from a young age by thei family how to walk carefully and gracefully, the teaching practice is quite complex and I can't explain it here in this message.

    I am sorry to presume that you are awkward Farangs bumping into local people and then blaming them for bumping into you.

    Ten years in Thailand I never bumped into anyone. But then again I am always conscience of where I am going.

    I've been in Thailand for 9 years, but i suppose that 1 extra year you've got on me makes all the difference. Further, one should never "presume" anything about anyone...especially on the internet. I find that one has to constantly be aware of where one is going in Thailand as footpaths, shopping centers, and most any free space is a minefield of potholes, cracks, and uneven pavement so if anything I'd say i'm more conscious of where i'm going here than I'd ever be at home. Awkward....never and there is no blame intended in my previous post. As i stated...i usually tense up and pause slightly and allow the blundering male or female to go ahead and walk into me when I'm tired of weaving and dodging oncoming foot traffic.

    As far as "walking carefully and gracefully?" I was going to originally scoff at idea of a Somchai's Finishing School for Young Ladies, but now that i think about it....it absolutely MUST take a tremendous amount of balance and grace to traverse BTS steps wearing 5-6 inch heals every day. :)

  15. I think the Thai people are the most polite race that I have ever come across having travelled and lived in many obscure places around the globe. It is a different type of politeness. They will not hold the door open for you but they will sit smiling at you when they completly disagree with what you are saying. - This is in my opinion a form of the highest level of politeness and only works if you speak Thai.

    You should get out more and see some of the things I do. Daily I see Thais pushing in ahead of others to get served, pushing their way on and off public transport with no regard for the old or infirmed. Last week I saw a crowd pushing to get on a bus when a blind man with a stick was being helped off by the conductor, they just pushed the guy aside. Being Thai I imagined this guy could speak it! Do those who say 'when in Rome' do the same? Thais are some of the rudest people in the world and worst when they are in a group, confront them about it though and they are usually gutless and just look at you as if you are the crazy one.

    Absolutely! Was just talking about this over the weekend. It's that bewildered angry look you receive when they bumble into you, like you've intentionally stepped into their path and purposely caused them to stumble! I've noticed 9/10 times it is Thai females that exhibit this behavior.

  16. I am an American but i have to say the American tourists i run into here are the most polite, courteous, respectful etc group as a whole

    I have heard same same also from alot of Thais.


    I was in Jomtien sitting in a beer bar by side of soi with a mint service girl sitting on my lap. 2 western woman walked by and one spotted

    me and alerted the other and started pointing at me saying "thats just disgusting etc". The girl on my lap jumps up and yells at them in

    thai and starts walking quickly towards them. The 2 woman quickly started running down the street with a look of fear. Priceless....

    :) To funny!

    I think it is always best to avoid physical altercations as foreigners in Thailand, as it can get you into very deep trouble very quickly. However, this story provides anyone with a Thai partner a good potential solution to rude comments from ignorant tourists. Next time make doubly sure your Thai misses/fellow catches what has been said and stand back to watch the feathers fly. Me thinks a loud verbal confrontation with an ever increasing number of Thais would humble even the lowest common denominator type tourist. Live here long enough and you can observe that when it comes to farang vs. Thai fights, its never the farang that wins. You get into a fight with one Thai = you are suddenly fighting 20!

  17. I've had about 10 Thai maid/housekeepers and 1 Filipino. The 10 Thais all ended up getting fired for stealing or doing absolutely nothing or running up a 3,000 Baht phone bill. Anything they seemed to want disappeared and when asked, I was told they thought I didn't need it any more--apparently, I didn't need my money, my mobile phone charger, nice clothes, sheets, DVD player etc. etc. They spent much of their day gossiping with the neighbor maids, so my life was an open--but not particularly truthful book. And I won't even get into the visitors that seemed to come by.

    The current one comes in, cleans like there is no tomorrow, does whatever is asked and uses common sense (so unlike the Thai ones, the garden isn't being watered when it's raining). Leaves a note of supplies needed, phone calls received (with a name and number) etc. etc. This one is virtually always available and if something is planned, I am informed. Sunday is Church day, but even that can be arranged around if needed.

    It's nice to come home and have the housework done instead of coming home and having someone START it and completely mess up my few hours of relaxation.

    Nice one Mr Scott

    This post says it all

    Urge all to report any type of immigration or refugee fraud. Although it may not be too fashionable to talk about civic duty, it is important to realize that immigration fraud affects everyone in Thailand. It is the responsibility of all to report people who are in Thailand illegally, who are taking a job that legal Thais might need, who are violating other immigration laws, etc.

    It does not effect me or my family or someone I know. Actually in my 23 years in Thailand nobody complained about that.

    Do you know, that Thailand is on the bottom of the unemployed statistics on the planet, btw?

    That's cause there are 8 of them standing around behind the counter at the 711, even when there is a queue. :)

  18. Generally speaking, and only generally speaking because there are exceptions. In the whole time I've lived here I have found the average Thai here in Bangkok to be totally dis-courteous, self-absorbed, self-centred and couldn't give a hoot for the convenience and comfort of others. Most seem to have no peripheral anything.

    Ranging from footpaths to pedestrian crossings, lifts, escalators, BTS, queue jumping, walking into you, cutting you off both on the road and footpath, the list is endless.

    It's not my job to teach the people in question common ettiquete and consideration of others. And , I don't have the time nor inclination to do a survey to discover who is or who isn't courteous and polite.

    Even though it goes completely against the grain I seem to often find myself following the "when in Rome do as the Romans do" sort of thing, and just think of myself first.

    Generally speaking I agree 100%! I've adopted the "when in Rome" philosophy as well living here in Bangkok, and thus i find it less annoying when being on the receiving end of bad manners. However, i do find that some days when I'm out and about, especially in shopping centers, that i reach a point after a while that I've had enough of being walked into or cut in front of. I then start to intentionally tense up the shoulder or or elbow and simply allow said self-absorbed Thai the opportunity to think twice about it the next time. My Thai partner is from Issan and the lack of manners of the Bangkok Thais irritates him just as much. He often is quick to remind me that Bangkok is NOT Thailand in regards to culture and manners, and i guess he is right in some regards. If all Americans were painted with the same cultural brush as someone from New York or Los Angles then I'd most likely take issue as well. :)

    Having lived in Isaan for almost ten years I can tell you that IMHO your Isaan boyfriend is telling you porkie pies.

    Bangkok citizens are much more polite than those from the dust bowl. Try going into a post office in Isaan and then compare it to going to a post office in Bangkok.

    The concept of Isaaners being more polite is not correct. More friendly yes, more polite no.

    Having spent very little time up in Issan, I can only take your word for it. I have suspected this to be the case actually, but would never let on that this might possibly be the truth. Gotta give him something to be proud of, right? :D

  19. Have similar problems, albeit not as severe sounding as yours. Just bought and moved into a new condo block a few months ago right near MBK and unfortunately didn't take into account the proximity to Chula University. Several of the units in the building have been purchased by rich Thais for their children to use while studying. It is very obvious it is the first time away from home for most of the kids in the building cause they are up at all hours of the night listening to loud music, slamming doors, shouting, and did i mention slamming doors!!!!

    Our neighbor is teaching himself to play the electric guitar but after enduring many nights of repetitive strumming we stepped next door to have a firm word. However, our upstairs neighbors (a young Thai lad and his girlfriend) are extraordinarily loud at all hours. We even joke that they must have a baby pet elephant up there cause of the constant stomping back and forth at all hours of the night. Oh, and did i mention the slamming doors? What is it with Thai kids and slamming doors!!!! :)

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