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Posts posted by ttthailand

  1. RIP.... I heard that last year the US government sent a rep. to Pattaya to investage why so many Americans were turning up dead. And Americans only make up a small percent. Makes you think...

    In the area I lived for years in Thailand I saw and also heard of MANY crimes taking place but I only saw one in the paper.

    I would guess the crime rate is 1000 % higher then what is reported or should I say recorded. The real truth would kill the tourist industry.

    The sad part is that people think it is fine so they go about their business as if they were in a safe place. It's only a matter of time before something happens.

    Not a safe place to live or visit !

  2. It is no surprise to me that a card like this would be a failure. Thailand has a government that should not be for sell to an elitest group. Why should the rich be able to buy special rights and other people stand in line. I understand the golf etc but the visa, what's next for sell ?

  3. As far as feeling welcomed I believe you need to ask " by who ". I have been living in Thailand for 13 years. The country has gotten worse for greeting foreigners every year that I have been here. I believe the common man still looks at us with interest where the business man who has to compete sees us as a threat. Since the government is controlled by business they make it difficult for foreigners.

    I wonder why a country like Thailand, not rich nor poor, requires a foreigner to earn 10 times the amount of a normal Thai person just to stay in the country as a non tourist. This is unless you are married, then it is only 5 times. I understand some of the other requirements but the money part is only about greed.

  4. nobody has questioned / supplied answers for ,

    who will pick up the slack when the ' Andy's ' are forced out of the country .

    is there no concern for the numerous locals being supported by people in this situation ??

    No amount of concern, hand-wringing, or complaining will change the fact that the Andys need to get themselves legal somehow. Commiserating endlessly on what the Thai government should do won't help raise their kids.

    Many guys I know are raising other peoples children. They enjoy their life here with their girlfriend and would like to continue helping out the family but if it gets to be too much of a problem they will move on. Not everyone is committed 100% to this life. There are many who I think will call it a day and move on.

  5. Ya.... I know.....I had enough time to figure it out...Not true !!!

    How about 5 years to marry your "girlfriend?"

    I am not saying I don't have any options. My girlfriend is great and that might be one option. I however don't really believe in marrage. I got bit once and it was a major bite with a long recovery.

    I posted my story to let people know that there are other people in Thailand who have played by the rules and did everything correctly but can still run into problems. I knew after closing my company that I would need or should fix my problem at some point.

    I am currently out of the country thinking about my options. I may try to get another 60 day tourist visa in America or just take my chances and fly to Thailand hoping I don't run into problems at the airport. If they go by the 90 day in 90 day out I should be fine but after reading some of the stories I don't think anything is for sure. I think everyone needs to worry.

    Think about, in the last year we have had problems with owning companies, investing and this visa issue. What will happen next ?

    I try to look at this in a positive way but it is difficult. as I have been sitting around her joying life and thinking it may go away

    One good thing is that this will push me to do something.

  6. I am sure there is more to this guy's story. Give him a break...

    What will that accomplish?

    He doesn't have time for any more breaks, or excuses.

    Perhaps you are right. But I can't help but feel sorry for this guy and his family. Sometimes when everything in life appears to be working out great future problems may not be on your mind. Next thing you know BANG.

    I just gave my story earlier. It's happening to me !

  7. nobody is prohibiting back to back visas. all they prohibit are more than 3 back to back 30 day visas and more than 2 or 3 tourist visas per year. get this:

    January-February 30 days visa

    February-March 30 days visa

    March-April 30 days visa

    April-July 60+30 days tourist visa

    July-August 30 days visa

    August-September 30 days visa

    September-October 30 days visa

    October-January 60+30 days visa

    However, I doubt if they would let one get away with that. It obviously contradicts the intent of the regulations.

    Now you worry about contradicting the intent of the visa regulations? You are in a situation of your own making. No doubt others have warned you in the past to fix this but your couldn't get your act together and do it so now you have put your family at risk and are still making excuses when someone is offering you a solution.

    Do yourself and your family a favour and do everything you can to straighten out your visa situation before your son faces life without a father. With that in his future you should be working your ass off to fix this and not wasting time feeling sorry for yourself with melodramatic letters.

    No, I'm not one of those who are going to pat you on the back and tell you it's not your fault, I think you've made enough excuses over the years, and if you don't fix things soon your family faces a much more difficult time than you ever will.

    So stop blaming the Thai government. You can't do anything about that. Find a way to work within the system, and make sure you're there to take care of those kids.

    I would guess you are retired and living Pattaya.

    Taking care of a Thai Family ?

    Have a Child in Thailand ?

    I am sure there is more to this guy's story. Give him a break...

  8. i made a dedicated post with my solution. its up to you guys to keep it up top :) from what i heard, some people were reporting that some embassies are stamping the passports of frequent tourist visa (60+30 days) runners with a note that says "frequent blah blah, may be refused a visa at this embassy in the future". so its best to keep it as low as possible. but 2 per year shouldnt be a problem.

    I normally only read these pages to get information. Today I felt it necessary to give a little back. I too may be about to have a problem with the Thai system due to these visa changes.

    I have been in Thailand for 12 years. Eleven of those year I owned a Thai Company that did international business. 90 % of the millions of Baht made by the company came from outside of the country. I had a staff of Thais working for my company, rented buildings, complete setup of office equipment, etc etc... . In the last few years business has declined and last year I had to give it up. My problem is that I now have no work permit or visa, which I had the entire time I had my company. I am under 50 and not a rich man any more, lost it ! Sad story, I know.... I have an almost new 4x4 truck, and all the other house hold items. I have been with my Thai girl friend for over 5 years and support her and the family, I live up country. This is my home !

    Since my company shut down I have entering Thailand as a tourist. Sometimes I have work out of the country and will leave for a week or more and then return. My pass port was stamped in Laos at the Thai Emb. on Oct. 29 th " May Be Refused Visa in Future " . Due to work I have been in and out of Thailand three times since but only for a total of 30 days. My time is coming and the visa option may not work and the 30 day may not work and the Non O is not an option. Everything I have is in Thailand.....

    Ya.... I know.....I had enough time to figure it out...Not true !!!

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