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Posts posted by realfunster

  1. I had a good experience yesterday in Bungsamran (fishing park) I haven't been there for ages because they used dual pricing. But i wanted to take a friend out for some fun and this was the place that was reachable for both of us. Else he had to go 60km on unfamiliar terrain.

    I fully expected to pay a 1000 baht a rod instead of the 400 baht Thais have to pay. I spoke Thai with the desk girl and she commented my thai was good (i dont agree but ok). Anyway she asked if i had a card (i thought she meant the membership card (10.000 bt and you get in for thai prices then). I said no but showed my drivers license and i got in for Thai prices.

    A pleasant surprise indeed.

    That's good news, myself and friends have been boycotting that place for quite a while as a result of their pricing policy.

    Shall have to try again soon and see if you were just lucky !

  2. Luang, I think you are getting worked up over nothing to be honest and perhaps your subsequent post regarding your own personal situation explains your sensitivity to such questions being asked. Others joining in the condemnation seem to be assuming this is some sort of 'class' filtering system and I do not believe this to be the case.

    I interview regularly (for an international company) and asking about an interviewee's family, be it parents or siblings, is a standard question for myself and Thai colleagues who interview Thais.

    Personally, I view this as a way to get the interviewee to relax a little and show a personal interest in them and their family, which I believe might be appreciated from a Thai perspective. I can't speak for others but answers to questions regarding family would not be used by me as a screening process. I think you can make quite a good judgement of peoples' suitability based on their CV and general interview performance. Even if 'background' was an issue for some companies, employers would be able to make a very quick judgement on this based on schooling/university without the need for more 'direct' questioning on family at interview.

    Similarly, I may ask about candidates' hobbies in their free time, which again is not directly work related as some seem to be advocating as an appropriate range for an interviews, but it shows an interest in their wider life and can also be useful in highlighting personal achievements that indicate an organised, goal-oriented and motivated individual.

    International company or not, most of our employees are Thai so I would describe our workplace as Thai with an international flavour, not the other way around, so expectations by some of applying a purely 'western' approach in the workplace are off the mark in my view.

    Goodness knows I would love my Thai colleagues to arrive on time, not take 2 hours for lunch and not 'hang around' the office until 9pm every day, but such is the culture here !

  3. I have been having problems with the TV website for several weeks now (and only the TV website!).

    So I came to this forum to see if there were any known issues, my best guess is that this is what is causing my current problems.

    My 'symptoms' are a flickering of the TV logo or failure to load logo in the page tab typically followed by a total crash of IE in around 50% of visits.

    May I make a heartfelt plea to the webmaster to sort this out, I am now starting to avoid a site I regularly enjoy visiting due to the crashing problem. It seems a few others are having technical problems also, so I hope this can be fixed or instructions can be issued for members on how to change IE settings if this is an option.

    This is the second time I have written this post, as you've guessed it..... my IE crashed on my first visit today !

    Many thanks in advance.

    EDIT:- Just noticed that the flickering logo in the page tab is exactly in time with the text arriving in the newsfeed. We have a winner, newsfeed guilty as charged !

  4. Seems expensive to me, that's what I paid last year on a new mid-range Altis for 1st class.

    Renewing my insurance at present and they have offered me a 20% no claims discount for the coming year (premium about THB 14k in total) , with the same coverage.

  5. We have a few in a small pond beyond the house.

    I've been told they're dragon fish but pics on the net are different.

    Like to sell them because don't know how to take care.


    those should be silver arowanas (osteoglossum bicirrhosum) not the asian arowanas (scleropages formosus)

    I agree- looks like an arowana. Standard adult specimens normally go for THB>1k at Chatuchak. Juveniles probably around 300-800 depending on quality. (However, the real 'pedigree' ones can be sold for 000s of $.)

    They are predatory fish, so if you do want to keep them you could try putting some feeder fish in their pond for them to snack on...

  6. As others have mentioned sounds like overfeeding and a resulting lack of oxygen- normally signalled by fish at 45 degrees gasping at the surface. Same thing happened to me when I foolishly asked my security guard to take care of my fish for a week. Don't feel too bad though, overfeeding is a common mistake borne from good intentions.

    Water change is your best option, for an 'emergency' water change (I think this qualifies :o ) rather than waiting the 12/24 hours (for the chlorine to dissipate), you could go down to the nearest 7-11 and purchase a 6*2 ltr pack of Singha water . I have done this in the past and had no problems. The water sounds in bad condition so you should probably go for at least a 50% water change if not more. Most fish are generally reasonably hardy when it comes to water conditions (lack of oxygen excepted) so they should be OK with a large change, but there are no guarantees- if I knew what fish I could probably be more specific.

    If it goes belly up, there are normally quite a few fish stores open at Chatuchak on weekdays... :D

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