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Everything posted by Greenside

  1. I haven't noticed anyone mention that having a Paypal account linked to a UK bank account appears to attract VAT at 20% on many purchases and subscriptions in the same way that paying with a UK registered credit or debit card does. I started a Thai PP account in addition to my UK one for just that reason. Living in Thailand and paying 20% UK Vat on goods and services that have never set foot in the country is very annoying, to say the least. I also tried my Pink Card in one of the ID machines and it didn't like it. I'll see if a visit to the bank helps.
  2. There is an English speaking liaison on the staff at Rajaveh if you ever need help. Otherwise all the medical staff we have ever dealt with have had good or at the very least workable English. A lot of renovation there in recent times and the prices are not as low as they used to be (I'd say much the same as Sriphat for outpatients) but less than RAM or BKK. A long overdue multistory car park is nearing completion at the rear and in the meantime they have a very efficient Golf Cart shuttle running.
  3. Ermm.. have you been to Panthip Plaza recently? Virtually all of it is empty, even the ground floor which was packed with tiny stalls selling phone accessories and the like. About the only rent paying tenants are Big C and the other shops that have frontage onto (what was) the Night Market. All the computer shops have moved to the area on the moat around the corner from RAM.
  4. It has been in need of some serious renovation for years. Some was done, notably in the basement near the food court but the building is old and on many levels a major fire trap. CPN has the two most successful malls in town and I doubt KSK was contributing anything to their bottom line. Sad for those with shops and staff but the site is so valuable it won't stay undeveloped for long.
  5. Something like this made from either wood or aluminium is what I'm after.
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