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Posts posted by n2ojones

  1. Hey OP, don't take the negative comments (to your reasonable post) to heart. Instead, consider how miserable these people must actually be. 10 damn pages about this subject? All these judgmental types, sitting around on their boring, broke ass', acting like they are all knowing. It's clown school.

    Do me this: PM me the name and location of this stand. The next time we are in town, I will have my wife stand in front of me, acting as though we are not together. She will order 2 coffees and pay (Thai price). Looking and acting "hi-so" falang, I will then order 2 coffees. When they request payment, I will turn to my wife and ask her how much she paid. If more than my quoted price, I will just politely decline and take one from my wife before departing their stand.

    I have traveled Thailand for over 25 years. I love the country and believe the country is capable of better. It has the same resources as my home of Hawaii, but acts like this, as small as they are, are holding Thailand back from bigger, better things. You are doing these people a favor...but the clown school here is too numb and self-absorbed to understand simple math, instead preferring to attack one of their own as it apparently makes them feel more Thai. In the states, we call similar people "whiggers". I would call these people "chanee" / white faced, bitch monkeys.

    • Like 2
  2. This proves that the police are doing a good job.

    What I would do in that situation is cooperate with the police rather than telling them no pee and to pee off and refuse.

    Providing you abide by the laws then you have nothing to fear. Get caught with drugs, dealing or taking, then you`re owned, it`s that simple.

    The jail houses here are stacked wall to wall with farang inhabitants incarcerated for drug offenses, many serving life sentences.

    The jails filled with falang on drug sentences does nothing to validate your position. And there is nothing "simple" about being "owned" because of a failed test.

    Have you heard of the pharmaceutical Marinol taken for pain? I'm not smoking pot, I'm taking a pill prescribed by a medical doctor...but that pill will show up as pot in my blood and even with a prescription, the laws of Thailand could find me guilty of using a "drug" that's on their banned list. So you see, it's not really that "simple" at all.

    And please refrain from "then stay out of Thailand" comments. Half my family lives, works / holds office and contributes positively to Thailand.. ..as have I for better than 50 trips in 25 years. I don't drink or engage in nefarious activity. I conduct myself as a gentleman and add to Thailand's economy.. but I take a prescribed pill that could land me in jail. I don't think there's anything simple about it and your dismissive attitude suggests something simple about you.


    Treats or prevents nausea and vomiting caused by cancer medicines, when other medicines do not work. Also used to increase the appetite of people with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

    Claiming this medication is for "pain" is likely a distortion of the truth.

    If this medication is indeed prescribed and legally imported to Thailand


    It is very unlikely that a problem in its legal use would be encountered.

    Those who choose not to adhere to this advise put themselves at risk.

    I appreciate the link. The definition of a medication I've used for over 10 years? not as much.

    And just who are you calling a liar...me or my doctor? I have back pain, he prescribes the Marinol for that pain and has practiced medicine for over 30 years.

  3. This proves that the police are doing a good job.

    What I would do in that situation is cooperate with the police rather than telling them no pee and to pee off and refuse.

    Providing you abide by the laws then you have nothing to fear. Get caught with drugs, dealing or taking, then you`re owned, it`s that simple.

    The jail houses here are stacked wall to wall with farang inhabitants incarcerated for drug offenses, many serving life sentences.

    The jails filled with falang on drug sentences does nothing to validate your position. And there is nothing "simple" about being "owned" because of a failed test.

    Have you heard of the pharmaceutical Marinol taken for pain? I'm not smoking pot, I'm taking a pill prescribed by a medical doctor...but that pill will show up as pot in my blood and even with a prescription, the laws of Thailand could find me guilty of using a "drug" that's on their banned list. So you see, it's not really that "simple" at all.

    And please refrain from "then stay out of Thailand" comments. Half my family lives, works / holds office and contributes positively to Thailand.. ..as have I for better than 50 trips in 25 years. I don't drink or engage in nefarious activity. I conduct myself as a gentleman and add to Thailand's economy.. but I take a prescribed pill that could land me in jail. I don't think there's anything simple about it and your dismissive attitude suggests something simple about you.

    • Like 1
  4. ok I give you some ideas.Sorry but now I asuming that you/wife have nothing of below things and just some tips

    1.On site optimization is importent.Is your website SEO friendly for Google?use youtube to learn.For me it whas and is better to se visual then read.write this and search on youtube,on page seo tutorial

    2.offpage.Do the same ,look youtube.

    Some quick tips for your wife,look on Google for exampel blog toplist in your country.Then she will find many blogs but pick the 50biggest and then everyday spend some time to put a nice comment on articels there and at most blogs you can put your email/name and your URL.This have only short time value but she can get little bít more traffic quickly.Of course blogs should be in fashion,make up,jewelry so its they correct group of readers.Offer some jewlery for exchange of a permanent link,They will gladly do that if your things are nice and they will make a lucky draw so there readers can get it for free,they love it and you get exposure.look at the blogs there are all full of different things like this.Then start your own blog and see how the other blogs are doing and just do what they do and put your personal tuch on it.Uppdate at last 3-4times a week at first and then everyday.Look what the god ones do.Make sure that your articels are SEO correct.Google keyword density and then you will se how articles should be done and then of course your blog link to your webiste.Wordpress is free,just get a domain and webhost she have already.Most webhost have already wordpress for you on there site.

    Then we have google adwords,cost money and you realy need to know what you are doing and in many case waiste of money.So for you,dont do that at this time but she should learn keyword tools so she can se what is the best keyword for here products,easy to to learn.Well I have so many things I do but cant write all but use youtube for start and google.You can PM the webiste I can have a look.Will cost you bigbiggrin.png at least a cup of coffee.


    That was very generous of you to take the time to reply to our question. I am with the Mrs now and she's asked me to express her gratitude as well. She answered a few of your questions and with zero knowledge of this stuff, I'll do my best to decipher what she wants to say, lol.

    She states that she has made it to step 8 of the Youtube tutorial but finds it rather difficult to understand. She has 6 years of university (Thailand) but with English her second language, she finds the tutorial hard to digest. Oh...she says it's not so much the fact it's english, just that it's alot of tech-talk that she is not familiar with. She says she will try again.

    She just googled the top fashion blogs (USA) and will begin looking for those pertinent and leave comments per your suggestion. The jewelry she sell, for the most part, is handmade in Hawaii using the rarest of shells (nii'hau) and rather pricey, but she will suggest trades with various websites if that will help to generate traffic.

    She has kicked around the idea of paying for Google keywords but as you suggested, she has heard good and bad about this.

    Her website is www.janjirarities.com if you'd like to have a look, we'd be most grateful and can assure you of dinner with your coffee our next time in Thailand (Oct). She has put so much effort into this thing and she is beginning to feel like it's been a waste of time and money. I don't want her to feel this way as she has created something very beautiful. She seldom needs her web designer anymore as she has emersed herself into this "code writing" stuff and is doing very well (I think) with the design. I keep preaching to her the merits of hard work and how it will eventually pay off...but I might have been wrong, lol.

    Oh..the name: janjirarities. That's my fault. I thought it was clever but it's too hard to say/spell. Her name is Janjira and her plan was to sell rarities= janjirarities. Nobody gets it. Some of the content right now is a bit cheesy as is the wording provided by the webmaster on some items. She just needed content and I will help her make some changes when/if I can find the time.

    Thanks again!

  5. odesk.com ,freelancer.com are ok.In English easy to find many writers and around 3-7us for 400-500 words but more expensive its technical or special research is needed.But you should always run your articles with copyscape becuase many writers just take articel from someone else and "spinn"it to a new one witch is ok if they do it god, but always check or google wont be happy.I know I pissed them of a couple of timeslaugh.png :One more thing, sometimes I get articels with the keywords repeted 20-30 times. Many writers can make god articels but they dont know realy about SEO.sorry op Im sure you know all this but just some info for maybe some people dont know.

    Your's is a very interesting post to myself and wife. She has a website (selling Hawaiian jewelry). It is very nice but she is having difficulty attracting traffic. I know nothing of such things and while this is a hobby for her, she is growing frustrated, none the less. Can you or someone else give a quick example of how to generate a modest amount of traffic....perhaps better defining the methodolgy that is apparently the subject of this topic? We would be most grateful and thank you in advance.

  6. Minor says he!!! cheesy.gif Surely you jest!!!

    Not at all. I never swim in the sea anywhere. It has nothing to do with the cleanliness, I just dont like salt water. Rivers are OK.

    I've been to Hawaii and I thought it was a boring expensive dump full of condos. Here is better because it's cheaper and more entertaining, but it's also a dump full of condos. I can easily see why many people who like Hawaii also like it here, especially if they find Hawaii a bit dull.

    Stupid post. Absolute nonsense. When you claim that you've been to "Hawaii", apparently you (may have) actually been to Oahu or the Kaanapali side of Maui...and surely not Hawaii as a whole. Just to put your ignorance into perspective, your silly commentary is on par with the clown that spends his days and nights on soi 6, Pattaya, but portrays himsell as an expert on Thailand to the folks back home. If you don't know what you're talking about, and you don't, leave this topic to those that do.

    There has been a few good examples given on why people from the islands go to Thailand. The number one reason is a tie: Cheaper living and women. I think this is the same reason the majority of men go to Thailand. Believe me, we are not leaving Hawaii for Thailand's weather. Rul that out.

    Another reason is, as one poster pointed out, in Hawaii we have to fly 5 hrs just to get to LA. <deleted> does LA have to offer? Half of LA comes here anyway...sadly, some stay. Might as well go yard, and go somwhere exotic. Japan is out. We have so many Japanese people here that we don't have to go to Japan, Japan comes to us. Cambodia and Laos lack the comforts most people here are used to. I hope more people from Hawaii check out these places as well as VN.

    One poster mentioned that the majority of people from Hawaii, that travel to Thailand, are themselves from elsewhere. We got sick of Mainland America and moved to Hawaii. For many like myself, going back to that zoo is not an option. There are thousands of Thai people living in these islands and for the most part, represent Thailand in very good fashion. Everyone has met a cute Thai girl or a nice Thai male while eating aloy Thai food at any of the many Thai restaurants here. Some Laab chased with Singha over tales of Thailand and.... flights get booked. That's how I made my first trip 20 years ago. I love Hawaii, it is perhaps the most beautiful place on earth, but 30 years here and time to move on. My (Thai) wife has mixed emotions, but we will be moving to Thailand as soon as our properties sell.

    Oh...to the poster that said too many people end up missing on Kauai's interior. Say what? Hippies crawl up to kalalau and get lost on purpose. There are tribes of such people that just do not want to be found. I am very tight with Kauai's locals and other than the occasional purging of undesireables from our beaches, Secrets in particular, the island is beyond safe. I think we average about 1 homicide per year. Please note: I am not coloring this place as paradise. Aloha is a thing of the past here. You do need to be extremely respectful to the locals. Yes, they are looking for trouble. Look the other way and you will be fine. Seldom does anyone get "cracks" that don't deserve it. I know this first hand. ;)

  7. Sounds like fun (once we make the move). Can I ask what size balls are used (12")?

    Is this fast-pitch...and If not, is there a ceiling (12'?) for pitches, with a strike zone, or is it more like "mountain ball", where the pitcher lobs the ball as rediculously high as possible (looking to land the ball on a mat at the back of the plate)?

    Is sliding allowed?

    9 or 10 players on Defense? Yes, I have played in leagues where they used 10 men. The 10th, referred to as a "rover" would often create a 4th outfielder position. Other times the rover just sorta' hangs around the middle, behind the bags and before the outfield. Less exciting but better for the over 40 crowd.

    All fun regardless of the above answers, though I for one, would not be interested in playing with those 14" raised-seam balls. The arm hurts just thinking about it!

    Like many American males, I have been around this game for a lifetime (playing, coaching, etc). I wish you well with your league and my assistance (in any capacity) will be yours for the asking.


  8. IMO - It is only a matter of time before all of Bangkok gets flooded

    No one in charge has a clue how to stop it or how to redirect the water

    You are probably correct so why not offer them some advice or are you the same as those in charge? Not A clue on What to Do. :ph34r:

    Back in 1958 we used to do this drill in our city in the middle of the Canadian prairies. The city air raid sirens would go off and we would all get under our desks and roll up into a ball. This was in case of an attack by the Soviet Union which of course would have involved atomic weapons. The mentality of authority has not changed. Even in Canada the big thing was to look good even when you knew that when these kids roll up in a ball the most realistic thing they can do is kiss their ass good bye.

    In the last few days a large meteorite flew between the earth and the moon. Had it hit the earth it would have annihilated a large percentage of life on this planet and all we could do is watch it come. The flood would have become completely irrelevant.

    There are lots of ways to die and old age is not necessarily the best. I drowned once and other than the initial panic it wasn't really that bad. I saw my whole life flash before me including the smell of my grade 2 cloakroom. I think this was my brains last ditch attempt to find a solution in a hurry. But some nice person dragged me out of the water and brought me back to life and here I am. Maybe I get to return the favour now. I'll keep my eye out for you. Remember, the main thing we want to avoid is all dying at the same time. That would be really bad. So get out there and save some kid, even if it kills you. It is the best way to go.

    As a long time lifeguard and waterman, believe me when I tell you that whatever it was you experienced, it wasn't drowning. Considering the number of lives recently lost in this manner, your fairytale is as insensitive as it is rediculous. Drowning ranks near the top of worst ways to die. I have expereinced near drowning no less than 3 times and it is beyond frightening and painful. It is no way to die. "Wasn't really that bad"..yeah, that's why the CIA emulates drowning (waterboarding) as a means of torture.

    Are you sure it wasn't a baptismal you experienced?

  9. Wow....

    Thanks for the many excellent replies. I apologise for not responding (with gratitude) earlier but had an out of town emergency that required my full attention.

    Some very different opinions in this thread. I doubt anyone is (outright) BSing but merely voicing the results of their individual experiences.

    I do want to report the results of some testing my wife and I conducted last week: I wouldn't want to refer to my wife as "hi-so" as that would likely p*ss her off. I will call her extremely educated (rediculously so). I had her write no less than 20 realtors. She explained our motivation in honest terms and made it clear that we had a generous amount of cash on hand. She continued to tell them we might be interested in more than one unit but had no intention of paying their (english advertised) asking prices....explaining she was Thai and the unit(s) would be in her (Thai) name.

    The results......

    Not one of them replied.

    I was amazed by this as any realtor worth their salt, at least here in Hawaii, would say anything to get a shot at the cash.

    For the record: My wife has her own money, though I would not ask her to buy our home. Like many of you, I have an exit strategy. My kids will be taken care of in one way and my wife will inherit our home. I report this only because the paranoia exhibited by one poster above should be viewed as a refection of his self and his own decisions.. There is good and bad, honest and dishonest the world over. Not every Thai woman is in just for the money. YMMV.

    Thanks again.

  10. Why so glib....Gllph?

    LOL..Please tell me you're not in Thailand. After traveling to the Kingdom (extensively) for the better part of 20 years....my biggest fear is that when I ultimatel retire there...I will be as bored as yourself.

    Putting a condo in my wife's name is a much lesser fear. Zzzzzzzz

    ...and moving right along...

    If anyone else could answer this simple question:

    Do you feel it likely that the Thai-owned 51% of these complexes are being bought and sold at a signifiicantly reduced rate (compared to the advertised, english language prices)?

  11. It is said that a property is only worth what someone is willing to pay. With that said, we all know (many) prices are inflated ...catering to the farang.

    Are we to believe that Thais are paying these same inflated prices for their 51% or are Thais (rightfully) getting signifiant breaks in order to sell some of that 51%?

    I ask this because it seems to me prices should start going down all across the board. This Thaksin thing combined with the downward spiral of the pound and Euro should crimp the spending of the Brits and who knows what the $$ is going to do in this crisis the Americans are experiencing. Then we have the Aussies etc.

    In short...I am a Yank and my wife Thai. Shouldn't I have her contacting realtors in hopes of getting a better deal if she puts her (Thai) name on the title instead of mine?

    Thanks in adavance.

  12. You're kidding me!?! I had no idea the Vonage system would work in Thailand. I asked around and nobody had heard of it.

    Putting it in her house was not an option as i just got it (here) several days ago,....BUT...are you saying that when I go back (to Thailand)...wiat a minute, her area does not have DSL (or high-speed)..so that's out.

    Thanks though, it was an interesting option (until, reality set in, LOL).

    I've read about another one though: Sawasdeetalk.com. Supposedly unlimited talk to Thailand for $34 per month. I'll report back after I know better.

    Got our case number from the NVC today and our packet 3 has been shipped to BKK. One small victory at a time. :o

  13. Thanks again, HSteach....so, is it safe to say that you were at the embassy during those 3 hours and saw ONLY that bar-girls rejection?

    That in itself is not only encouraging, but excellent news...more Thais in this country means more Thai food! LOL. I understand 7000 Thais a year come to America. I'd like to see that number increase (at least by one;) Have a great day, HST and I wish you well.

    Yes SIDDY, my first month back was $1700! I am a bit confused though...I (now) have Vonage and my bill is $24 per month PLUS 12 cents per minute. NOT a great deal by any means but better than the 32cents I was paying before.

    I have Thaitel cards now....just under 3 cents per minute. A pain to dial all the numbers...but well worth the hassle.

  14. WOW! Possibly 3 months AFTER they get the nod from the NVC... incredible.

    I appreciate the reply HSteach. I am going to call the NVC on wednesday. That will be 1 month since approval from Homeland. I hope it don't ruffle any feathers but I (apparently) need to plan my 3rd trip (in less than 7 months) to the Kingdom. Hopefully they can give me a proximity.

    My wife is very confident and I think she will do well with or without me. She has even said I "may do more harm than good", LOL. But I agree with you...I think I should be there.

    What is your feeling on the following?

    I have read that often the person conducting the interview asks only one queston; "how many times has you husband traveled to Thailand to see you"?

    This question concerns me because our answer would have to be "once".

    I don't know if we can elaborate or not. See, we met in November and were married exactly one month later. I stayed with her another month as we traveled Thailand (lots of pics).

    I then returned home for 7 weeks (business) but went back for another month. We spent every minute together 3 months out of 5. We have tons of hotel records, phone bills, pics and about 300 e-mails from the 2 months we were apart.

    Yet the answer to that question would still be "once". Do you forsee a problem here?

    Thanks again and I hope all is well for you and the Mrs.

  15. Congratulations, Mr. Gumball. I have heard the wait is indeed a S.O.B.

    And what's worse, the more I read, the more I think I will fly back...and (gulp) join her in that eternal wait.

    I hope your mrs. is enjoying Seattle. We will be living in Hawaii...but I will be taking her (my wife) to Seattle by x-mas. I lived there years ago and much of my family is still there. She'll have the fortune of witnessing our Hawks live!! :o

  16. Excuse my barrage of questions, but does this mean AFTER the 1-130 gets to the embassy it will take 10-12 weeks?

    I am hoping you mean 10-12 weeks after the notice of approval...but somehow, I think not.

    Hooked up with that thaitel phone card...WOW! I chose the "flash card" ( I think it's a promotion) and got 555 minutes for $25!! Thanks so much for the tip. That is a fraction of what I was paying before.

    Choke dee to all.

  17. Thanks so much for the replies, gentlemen!

    HSteach, sorry to hear it took you so long to get the interview. Was this long ago? You say the interview itself was a rather sensible 10 minutes, good to hear and congrats on your success! H0ow would I see the wait time for the embassy (interview)? Man...the phone cards I found...none worked! Jing jng! And the ones that did work...cost more than my regular ser4ice. I will DEFINITELY look into the one you suggested..thanks for everything!

    Beardog...thank you as well. I live in Hawaii and if I am correct, Skype is not available here. That could be BS, but that is what I was told. Yesterday I got "Vonage".... still 12 cents per minute but better than the 32 cents I was paying.

    Man, 3 months wait for the interview....that is bothersome indeed. Anyone else with any comments, opinions or cash donations? :o

  18. Hi...

    My wife and I applied for her to come to the states back in December.

    Our petition was recieved by US immigration mid January.

    February 28th, we got notice that Homeland security "approved" her and that they would then send that word to the embassy in BKK.

    It has been 3 weeks today, we have heard nothing, but I understand the process "typically takes 3-6 weeks".

    I am in the states, she in Thailand. and I have exhausted my 90 days. I own my own business, several properties and support will not be an issue. She holds a degree and has an excellent track record. My phone records average $1000 per month and we have about 300 e-mails to each other in the past 3 months...also many pictures together.

    My questions to those in the know:

    Does this Homeland security approval pretty much mean the visa is now a slam dunk?

    Are we merely going thru the formalities now or does the chance exist she can still be refused?

    Any idea how long it will take once BKK recieves the paperwork from the US?

    I thank you in advance for any and all help provided.... and I sincerely wish the best for all others in this most uncomfortable situation.

  19. Hi...

    My wife and I applied for her to come to the states back in December.

    Our petition was recieved by US immigration mid January.

    February 28th, we got notice that Homeland security "approved" her and that they would then send that word to the embassy in BKK.

    It has been 3 weeks today, we have heard nothing, but I understand the process "typically takes 3-6 weeks".

    I am in the states, she in Thailand. and I have exhausted my 90 days. I own my own business, several properties and support will not be an issue. She holds a degree and has an excellent track record. My phone records average $1000 per month and we have about 300 e-mails to each other in the past 3 months...also many pictures together.

    My questions to those in the know:

    Does this Homeland security approval pretty much mean the visa is now a slam dunk?

    Are we merely going thru the formalities now or does the chance exist she can still be refused?

    Any idea how long it will take once BKK recieves the paperwork from the US?

    I thank you in advance for any and all help provided.... and I sincerely wish the best for all others in this most uncomfortable situation.

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