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Posts posted by n2ojones

  1. I think (and Hope!) Kojak is accurate in his contribution to this typically confusing thead.

    I mean no disrespect to the posters of this forum...and certainly no disrespect to this great website itself, but lets face it....the contrast in answers are vast.

    Certainly, the entire procees itself is the culprit here. The system is archaic (sp?) if not barbaric. Kojak states that the Fiance' and spousal are (now) treated same same. This is my feelings as well...and if this is wrong....it is even more stupid than it all sounds.

    How can it be that it is easier to bring some girl...maybe one you barely even know, than your WIFE to the states? Insanity mak mak. One is a "prospect" that might not 'work out'.....even decide to stay ilegally, while the other is the real deal. She has your last name and will obviously be less of an overall threat to natonal security (LMAO).

    Now, before I get jumped on here, let me say that I do agree that the finace', in the past, was the quicker route. Perhaps the reason being that two petitions must be filled and filed as opposed to one. This is understandable. What is NOT understandable is why a married couple STILL must complete the fiance' petition as well. Bizarre.

    I make no claim in being an expert here...farrrr from it. And I will go one more in saying that my wife and I are currently awaiting approval. We did get married in Thailand, so perhaps my optimism is fueling this post.

    BUT.....I find it had to believe that at least a few of the kinks have not been worked out..or at least tweaked. This Bush administration is all about moralistic, wholesome values (cough)..so, which would this administration sooner see travel to the states....a married couple or a man and his live-in girlfriend?

  2. On a related note:

    Thanx for ther PMs guys...

    ...but I am sorry to report that I am not willing (at this time) to disclose the name of the agency we are working with.

    I will say that it is NOT any of the agencies mentioned in this thread, or in your PMs.

    Please consider the fact that:

    1) This agency is still handling our case. I see no sense in making them hate us (at this point).

    2) The agency appears to be owned and operated by good, decent people.. Everybody is entitled to a mistake (or two). Am I happy these mistakes have happened to my wife and I? No.

    Would people be fired if these mistakes happened within MY company? Yes.

    I am hoping this agency gets a second wind as we (hopefully) head towards the home stretch.

    Fingers crossed... and good luck to you all.

  3. Hello Bill,

    I suppose the "90 day policy" i refer to does not apply to everybody. I am not overly familiar with the various visas but have always traveled as a tourist.

    Thailand, in an effort to discourage illegal workers, has implemented a law that basically disallows anyone from staying any longer than 90 days in a 180 day period. Anyone without a work permit (or special visa). I understand I am now elligible for a "marriage visa" which will allow me to stay 1 year between visa runs. At least that's my interpretation; I could be wrong.

    The agent we dealt with assurred me he saved me (essentially) half the fee for the two petitions. I accepted this in passing because i really didn't care about saving $170 (or $190) bucks...time of course was my prime concern.

    The agent was wrong. Cost us several weeks....and didn't save me the $170 either, LOL!

    They took receipt of the check and I now await the next step. My plan is to go to BKK on the 1st...but I'd sure like to be taking some paperwork with me. Not sure of what to do here.

    Again I offer you congratulations. No more tourist Thai-food at Keo's for you my friend. I hope to be in your situation very soon.

    Aloha and sawadee krup.

  4. Bill, if you do not mind me asking, how much did you have to pay for the airfare for your wife and kids?

    My wife is scheduled for her visa interview in a couple of months, and I was thinking of buying a ticket for her and my daughter about a month later, but I am concerned about the cost of booking travel only weeks in advance of the actual travel.

    I ended up buying her and her daughter a one way ticket from Bangkok to Hawaii for $869, using my travel agent here in Hawaii. I tried a few travel agents in Bangkok, but he price was about 21000 Baht - Not a good deal.

    I'm sure that if I were on the ground in Bangkok I could get a better one way ticket price, but I was not.

    Congrats to all..and Bill, thank you for increasing the Thai population here in the 808 state!

    My Thai wife and I are awaiting approval as i type. her in Thailand..me back in Hawaii (due to the new 90 day policy implemted by the Thais). I plan on heading back with or without an appointment March 1st...hopefully I can secure a marriage visa for myself while there.

    We hired an agency and they got us off to a bad start. They informed us that we did not have to send checks for both the 129F and the 130 (?). This was wrong and we were consequently... REJECTED. A sad day that was. I think we are now back on track...though we have lost 3 to 4 weeks.

    Didn't mean to hi-jack.... just wanted to warn others that hirng an agency is not always a surefire ticket to success. Congrats again and best wishes to those in waiting.

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