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Posts posted by bernie66

  1. I think this is the number one place in the world people go who are wanted, on the run, or in hiding.

    So, who ya runnin' from Bernie??

    An Italian and a group of Nigerians that took a liking to my wife and were planning on killing me for insurance money. But i have never been a criminal or victimized a human being in my life so not the law. Less they are in cahoots with the italian guy from NYC. Im sure he renders certian vacation packages of a perverse naturre to at least one i belive they call the director.

  2. "CHEATING"= If you do or say something, that you would not say or do if your spouse were standing there listning, than it is.

    If you act any differently in the presents of the person, "you think you are in love with" than you do in the presence of complete strangers than you are a fowl person and really need to stop lying to yourself about what kind of coward you are. You are scared of being alone and will bring anyone you trick into loving your nasty ass heartache and pain. And in Thailand you just might get someone killed by the Nigerians who blackmail women and kill their spouses for insurance money. You will never stay faithful to anyone weather you say you have cheated or not. It is only a matter of time until you justify the act in your head. Your spouse will know the first time you kiss them and do the same to you. "CHEATING"= If you wouldn't do it if they were standing their, than it is.

    Actually, I do agree loosely with your criterion for cheating- however, I doubt your psychological profiling, and...

    'get someone killed by the Nigerians'?!?

    well thats what happened to me, so sorry..still dealing with things

  3. Just wait until thier husband goes to work and then you dont have to say anything. Or you can learn the words in the book and be the last to know what really goes on like me. Best thing you can do for yourself is learn as much of the language you can and tell no one you understand a word. It might save you alot of pain and even your life.

  4. While living with my thai wife, in a 4 story house that you could see through the stairs and down to the first floor. I saw what appeared to be my sister in law Noi

    in the stairs looking up at me. I said," hey Noi" and walked down the stairs to see that their was no one in the house but me. Several times I would see her at the

    top and bottom of the stairs but she would always vanish. I would walk next door to the office asking my wife if Noi was at home and she would always act frustrated

    and tell me i was crazy. Anytime I would walk up and down the stairs I would hear tapping on the walls. Three taps when I left my room, two taps as I would get to

    the second floor, and a single as I would get to the first. Not once, and not twice, but every time while my wife was working next door. After being persistent about

    questioning my wife she finally said, "that’s impossible." "That only some of the women in the family could see her sister. "Excuse me?', I said. She said that I was

    describing her sister that had died in an accident when she was 17 and she was the spitting image of Noi.

  5. CHEATING”= If you do or say something, that you would not say or do if your spouse were standing there listning, than it is.

    If you act any differently in the presents of the person, “you think you are in love with” than you do in the presence of complete strangers than you are a fowl person and really need to stop lying to yourself about what kind of coward you are. You are scared of being alone and will bring anyone you trick into loving your nasty ass heartache and pain. And in Thailand you just might get someone killed by the Nigerians who blackmail women and kill their spouses for insurance money. You will never stay faithful to anyone weather you say you have cheated or not. It is only a matter of time until you justify the act in your head. Your spouse will know the first time you kiss them and do the same to you. “CHEATING”= If you wouldn’t do it if they were standing their, than it is.

  6. Bkk has a shop on every corner packed full of used bikes. Two models i like are the suzuki raider 150 and the honda dash 2 stroke. no reason you cannot fine one in presteen condition for under 15,000 baht. look for shops that work on them as well as sell new. They always have bikes they took in trade. Ladprow and ramkumhieng road have alot. There is also one on sereethai road across from the 7 by the lake just as you turn of of ramkumhieng. Nice people one speaks english and will even have it delevered to pattaya. Not sure if that will offset the price difference you are talking about.

  7. I have to wonder how they managed to drag a woman into a hotel without anyone seeing it.

    Then again, I guess a lot of hotels don't have real receptions & such - but a shame that no-one spotted it & reported it to the police.

    Poor girl - life will never be the same for her again.

    Something got lost in translation. Middle of the day, two men dragging a woman around screaming? Cannot be what really happened.

  8. They will sow what they reap and I hope I don’t have to ever go back. The thing that disturbs me is the democrats outsourcing our work. Unemployment at 10%, a failing economy and they are going to lowest bidder and pushing out any company that supports the Republican Party or hires a majority of Expatriates. All the money we spend overseas is flowing right out of our economy because it is being spent in the countries of whom they hire to do the work. In the past year they have doubled the cost of services while reducing quality.

    What is the problem with these idiots? They hire half of Mexico so that their stock goes up and executives make more money then act surprised when we are overrun at the border. They spend billions to arrest high school kids for smoking weed and trafficking amounts of dope that they have to strip search and fondle to find then looked alarmed when the Mexican mafia takes over the drug trade shipping in tons a day. They want to fix the cost health care but never question why it is too expensive for anyone to afford and does not have fixed prices for services.

    The American people are brainwashed and stupid, I am glad I got out. They think insurance is an investment and are to blind to see that mandatory insurance is anything other than a tax. They think they have good health care even though their hospitals kill more people a year than guns, heroin, alcohol, and cigarettes combined. They are putting band aids on gapping flesh wounds for short term goals and notoriety for even shorter terms in office.

    They have only begun to attack us because people who live outside the country see things they don’t want us to see. Such as walking into the Bangkok hospital emergency room and being treated in less than 30 min for $40.They do not want a population of traveled American citizens because this would make their policies transparent in the public eye so they will continue to keep us from making too much money. The same as a communist government does not let their citizens leave their country they will inadvertently become what they despise.

    Don’t worry about the patriotism rhetoric brother, it’s just a slander word used to manipulate us into not questioning authority and policies of their socialist agenda. That’s not the flag we fought for 20 years ago hanging in that gym. Its the new cover page to a democratic manual on how to turn Washington into Hollywood.

  9. If your thinking about listning to the woman's advice about this about this one your too lost for anyone to help you but I have your solution. The same solution I would give to a woman who complains about men checking her out as she stands there in an outfit that covers little more than her G string and push up bra that you can see through her saran wrap aerobic leatard.

    It’s the way your dressing numbskull. The year is 2009 so dress like it. Your T shirts should cover your crotch so that you can tuck it in if need be anyway. Your sleeve should dam near touch your elbow and the bottom of your shorts should almost touch you knee if not your calf. Men do not wear pants made out of anything lighter than denim for any reason other than swimming. Oh sorry, lets say diving and spear fishing. What ever you are working out in shouldn’t look any different than what you would cut the grass, wash the car, or change the oil of your car in. I have run 25 miles in combat boots, cargo pants, and back pack so don’t tell me you need shorts that ride up your butt to run a mile on a tread mill. They obviously see you as a fellow with puff potential so maybe you should rethink the image you project, getting angry only makes you look insecure and awkward so stare back at them with an unemotion glare rather than looking down and away as if your fighting some hidden desire. Look back at them as if to say," do I know you idiot?" will let them know where you stand. Another thing, stop going to the YMCA to work out. Start working out in gyms with more dead weights than elliptical ass exercisers like A gym with a boxing ring and a bunch Thai dudes that look like they want to beat you. Gyms with martial arts classes, boxing rings, and police vehicles in the parking lot good. Yoga classes, latté machines, dudes standing around in tight T shirts, spandex, and glimpsing at their nails after they lift something bad. Shouldnt be that dam hard to find as the only gym i ever went to in BKK was full of thai women not dudes.

  10. how long does it takes in KL?

    Apply morning Day 1, collect afternoon Day 2

    Same thing in Bali and the flight is cheap. But if I were in your shoes I would take my wife with me so it appears that you are on a vacation, giving the appearance that you have no financial or marital problems. I could tell from the conversation that my wife had with them that her being there made his job 100 percent easier because he did not have to speak English and there was no question weather we were still together. But seeing how she is the only one with a job and probably paying for the trip maybe it would be best for you to go alone to save money. But you having children really need to change your standing or you are going to be kicked out in the long run anyway. The visa requirements get stiffer every 5 years so you can bet on all amounts only increasing. You need to sit down today over a beer and think about where you need to be in five years and what you need to do to make this happen. Oh, you have two kids so you better figure out the next 10. If I were you and living in a foreign country with no career and having children I would get a job throwing every penny into her business, building it up to cover your visa requirements putting you legally on 45% of the business. This way you qualify for a work visa or you will be caught one day picking up broken glass in the restaurant and kicked out for working without a work visa. If you are unable to meet their requirements for a visa how are you going to pay for the children’s college and meet your requirements tomorrow? How are you going to meet your retirement requirements that are double the non O if you are my age and don’t have $15,000 US in an account somewhere? Your children won’t be able to cover you because they will never make more than 12,000 baht a month without a college degree. So you better get a job in another country and start seriously packing away some cash into her restaurant because it is not big enough to support two children and a furang. Don’t get me wrong I am by no means set for life. I worry about being in your situation every day. It is my worst fear being we are around the same age made me want to talk about this. I don’t know if you are just having a run of bad luck in a dying job market but I hope your long term “plan” is not to live off of your wife’s income. Unless the restaurant is yours too and you just failed to mention this to everyone. If not this one visa stamp is the least of your trouble but only a road sign that says Dead End.

  11. If you think it is bad that people try to judge what class of woman you deserve based on your appearance. Try taking her back to your country and see what happens. Not only will they blatantly show there disapproval but always try to get involved in your relationship as well. From my personal experience being a fat man married to an attractive Asian Americans are the worst. Women who had never met me would approach my first wife and ask her,” What are you doing with him?” They would always invite her places with the understanding that it was a ladies night out and then when she got there would be some single dude there that seemed to only be there for the reason of introducing her him. Worst 6 years of my life. If I was ever forced to go back to the U.S I would divorce my Thai wife leaving her in Thailand before going through that again.

  12. With the restriction put upon them by our countries we are lucky that they do not treat us the way we treat them. This might have something to do with why my Nigerian friends get 1 year tourist visas and Thai residence when married. It would take me more than a month just to get a tourist visa for my wife to go visit my family in the states. And the bastards can deny it just because they ran out of sugar in the coffee room or they are just tired of dealing with people that day. Our countries treat the Thais and their spouses like sh!t. If the Thais were as lax as the majority of you wish them to be. Inflation would be through the roof, Burmese and alcoholic white people would be sleeping in the alleys, and gangs from Africa would be collecting entrance fees at every bar in Bangkok. As I see it they are on the verge of being over run by people entering the country under false pretence and are doing what needs to be done. Sounds like some of you think you should be given some kind of special treatment because you are from the U.S, Europe, or AUS. Maybe our complaints should be sent to our own consulates about their restrictions put upon the Thais.

  13. I just left there on Friday and no less than 6 guys come up to me while i was having a quiet smoke outside the departure lounge/level trying to tout a fair from me ,i said to them are u private operators and they all said yes ,but the best thing was i got them down to 800 baht to Pattaya Plus Tolls as this is what i had just paid to get to the airport from Pattaya .this is now the standard fee for a meter taxi to the airport ,but below on the next level they want 1500baht for the same trip and then want a tip on top of that too !!!.next i am going to the departure level to catch a nice new private car for a good price ,jing jing :)

    CHA CHA CHAI me Kahp! :D

  14. Although, I really tire of the pandering they are much more polite than the other surrounding countries in the region. I cannot say that if I were stuck in their financial shoes that I would not do it and they do thin out the Public Taxi Stand line for me. I think the majority of these people are harmless. Why do you people insist on associating them with organised crime. Prove it or shut up. You are just repeating what you hear from others and media. I don’t believe all of these people are “Gang” affiliated. This is just propaganda and rhetoric that is popular among governments around the world used to justify attacking a demographic of people that are guilty of nothing more than tax evasion. Anyone who can make a dollar that a government is unable to track and tax while having an unusually active social life or large group of friends is gang affiliated. Why are the red and yellow shirts not called gangs?

    Anyone that is stupid enough to go with a complete stranger in a civilian car deserves to be ripped off. And better for them to learn in Thailand than a place like New Orleans or D.C. I am much more worried about the shop lifting scam. Sooner or later they are going to get one of us that have family in Thailand.I can imagine never being able to see my family again just so some pig can make a couple thousand baht.

  15. Please Op, learn the difference between “Gang” and “Club.” Calling some gentlemen Gangsters, ie.. members of organized criminal organization just because they ride a Harley and have leather vest with there WW2 military unit on them is just a little ridicules. This makes you sound like a mobster ie.. someone who walks around in a mob with burning torches screaming, “burn the witches!” Something to think about while I go to go get my Harry Potter costume out and wait for my magical powers to manifest. I am sure if these gents knew how intimidated you were by their “bad ass” costumes they would have worn their matching pink Lacoste, plaid shorts, and penny loafers. But just for the record, this wouldn’t mean that they were members of a Yacht Club’s sailing gang.

  16. Hi how do you get address confirmation from immigration for 1 year driving licence any help reagards Jim...

    You can bring your wifes house book, a photo copy of her ID, and contact number. If no wife: a lease agreement, a bill, and a letter from the embassey. Its been a couple years for me so i cannot remember what i brought.

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