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Posts posted by bernie66

  1. :o Enlightenment through sex! What part of their life do we think they are hoping to justify? [...] Sounds to me like they get off on someone watching them or they have some fantasy of turning sex into a religious experience. [...] Too bad in all there queer “enlightenment” they never figured out how to create electricity or develop revolutionary medical procedures. An orgasm is nothing more than a bodily function right next to urination and defecation. It just happens to be their favorite. If what they are saying had any validity then I could also say that taking a crap brings me “enlightenment”. If they have thoughts of sex when they think about religion the only path to “Enlightenment” they will find is through a psychiatrists. With respect to meditation of any religion all focal points of the mind is an absolute singularity of thought to a point of having nothing else going through your mind. When your mind is completely relaxed and free from the environmental influences on your body then your mind is free to work out your life’s little problems. Find more creative solutions to the worries we have or psychological problems we have from granny touching our private parts when we were children. Or in some cases you can increase other senses while turning off others. Like the hearing of the blind or the smell and sight of the deaf. It is only my personal opinion that the “Enlightenment” that these yahoo’s are romancing about is nothing more than your brain releasing dopamine. When you get really good at meditation we trick our brains into thinking we are asleep and it will start to releasing dopamine. The same thing your brain does when you sleep. We have waking dreams that’s all. This is made easy when you’re in great shape and you exercising every day. Ever heard of the term,” runners high?” Fasting is another way. Your body is exhausted but your still sitting in you Lotus position. In affect, sleeping while you’re chanting or whatever the hel_l you do. LSD, Peyote, and psilocybin do the same thing you just don’t have to wear a dress and choke down 5 years of incense to achieve the effects. No mysteries of the universe and nothing a good night’s sleep won’t give you if you want to look into your dreams. I think 90 percent is people giving you an unreachable goal because they are lying about themselves able to have some majical out of body experience. Thus giving themselves a bunch of idiots to listen to there endless ravings of insanity. Trying to resolve their own social inadequacy or uncontrollable urges by convincing others they have found freedom from the demons that haunts them. I think sex and religion is as dangerous as church and state. Any crossings of these boundaries are only perversions of truths used to manipulate people to follow the interests of a man or group of men.
  2. bernie66, I see that you have two problems:

    1. Either the immigration officer gave your wife the wrong information, or she understood it wrong, or she passed it on to you wrong.

    2. One way or another, with only three weeks in Thailand you would not have enough time to get an application for annual extension of stay processed. When you apply you get a stamp asking you to come back 30 days or a month later to get the approval stamped in your passport.

    This is how it works when you arrive with a tourist visa, regardless what the immigration office told your wife or your wife says she was told:

    Step 1: you arrive in Thailand with a tourist visa.

    Step 2: with at least 21 days remaining of your permission to stay you apply at the immigration office for a change of visa to non-immigrant, with all the documents required for a marriage extension of stay and your wife present. This extends your permission to stay by 90 days.

    Step 3: within the last 30 days of your new permission to stay you apply at the immigration office for the annual extension of stay to live with Thai wife. You receive a stamp asking you to report to the immigration office 30 days later.

    Step 4: on the appointed date you pick up your extension of stay at the immigration office.



    Thank you Sir,

  3. If you want a Non O Multry Entry you will have to get it at a Thai Consulate before you enter Thailand. Immigration do not issue these.

    Thai Immigration only upgrade Tourist Visas and 30 day entry stamps to a single Non O Visa if it is part of the application for a years extension based on Marriage.

    Fot this you will need to prove a family income of 40,000 Baht a month and a few other things.

    This was always my understanding but they told my wife something different on the phone.

  4. Hello my brothers of infinite wisdom. I bernie66, humbly submit these questions to the brethren only after failing to find out the information for myself. In accordance with the Expatriated Brethren of Thailand Decree of 1998 , amendment 24 of Etiquette and Tolerance in a place of public gathering to include forums: Section 8 Paragraph 4. “Thou shall not interrupt thy brethrens beer with stupid questions”.

    :o So sayeth the flock.

    My non “O” expired in May because I was out of the country. I am currently not in the country but coming home in October. Do you think they will look at my application as a renewal instead of a new applicant now that it has expired while i was out of the country? My wife called immigration and they said that sense we are married that I can apply from inside Thailand. So my plan is to come home in October, entering on a Tourist Visa. Then go down to the immigration office in BKK with a TM.87 and get my Non “O” multiple entry renewed. Is there anything I have to do or submit upon my arrival? Will this work? I will only be home for 3 weeks so I am not worried about an over stay on the tourist visa I initially enter on. I only want to create a track record of visas even though i do not plan to stay in the country for mre than 30 days. I am thinking they will stamp my visa but it will only activate once I leave the country and return?

  5. Please drive in Houston before you come to the conclusion about Asians. In Houston a turn signal mean speed up and drive next to me so i cannot get over. I have to put on my right turn signal to merge left because the traffic will move to the right and block me when they see my blinker. As well drive in Japan where no matter how congested traffic is they allow you to merge that the whole of traffic moves more efficient. Incredibly courteous drivers in Japan that makes even the most congested traffic bearable and complete anarchy and chaos in Houston, so I don’t agree.

  6. Yes, it offends them that you want to live in thier country and not learn thier language! Same as every country in the world.

    It is not there place to speak English for you and they probably feel that they would be doing you an injustice by not taking every opportunity to help you to learn Thai. Thus, they are speaking the language you need to learn because you are working for a Thai company. Weather they can speak English or not is not relavent. They are not helping you communicate with the non English speaking workers by speaking English for you. I work with many people from different nations and because it is an American company I work for it is company policy that everyone speak English in the workplace. And they are corrected constantly even though English speaking people are the minority here. I am assuming you are white and find your situation quite ironic seeing how white societies are the most prejudice, arrogant, and rude of all. Well with the exception of Arabian ones of course.

    Lets me ask you, if you were back in your country and 2 ugly, goofy, or fat Chinese guy’s who could not speak English were working in your office. Would you learn little phrases of pointless conversation in Chinese to make them feel more comfortable about being around you? Or would you ask yourself why the hel_l did they hire them if they cannot speak English? Would you not laugh when your coworkers whose ass you kiss on a daily basis made jokes about them or mocked them for the way they try to speak English? When you were a child on the playground and all the other pretty children were picking on the awkward or different looking children did you go over to comfort them to make them feel better? Why should they give a crap about you? If this bothers you so much then you should spend every waking moment studying Thai.

    I am married and have been living in Bangkok for 4 years and to my wife’s thorough disgust I don’t speak a lick of Thai. I love my extended family and they always show me a great amount of love but it offends them that I have not learned their language. The Thai people as a whole as compared to the other societies that infest areas of the planet like cock roaches are by far an incredible people. They are a compassionate and warm people. They are extremely proud but humble at the same time. They do not judge people on their appearance less it is one of un-cleanliness. Their social circles and groups are far more diverse than any white society. So my point is your or concerns about them being prejudice or uncompassionate I find kind of silly to say the least. Maybe in your country you were the popular one or the life of the party and now your just another goofy shmuck in an office where you don’t fit in. If you want to understand them then take a minute and look at yourself. Imagine black is white and you’re the majority. Your back in your country. You’re climbing a social ladder in your element. You’re competing on a day to day basis for the welfare of your children. Are you really going to tell us that you are going to spend any time caring about the two ugly, goofy, or fat Chinese guys who don’t speak a lick of English in the back corner of your office?

  7. You have thought way too much about this. There is nothing you cannot buy there. You should brown bag it. Anything you cannot carry on your back will become perishable when you leave as it is ridiculously expensive to ship your crap back out. Don’t even think about bringing a nice helmet. It will get stolen in under a week.

  8. I would go with the Non-O and an extension based on marriage. You will need to show a family income of 40K per month. If you lose your job, you do not need to leave Thailand because your extension is based on your marriage, not your employment.

    If you went with the Non-B, and then tried to extend based on your job, then your employer would need to meet certain requirements. You would need to make 50K/month. And if you were on an extension of stay based on your job, if you lost your job, you would need to immediatly leave Thailand or apply for a 7 day extension of stay from immigration.

    great advise! Do we get the extention at the same time as the visa or only when it has expired? My non o has expired so i will have to start all over i think. Or can we get an extention on an expired visa?

  9. bernie, kudos to you if you took the time to write that yourself.

    However, if you are copying material from an outside source, please indicate which one, otherwise we will have to erase it. There are copyright laws to be observed here.

    Thanks for the complement. But i wrote this sitting at my desk at work. I am on my second Asian wife so I was just recalling things I have been through already. I did not get this from the web. Most of it came from me dealing with my grandmother and other family members speaking to my Japanese wife as if she were deaf and dumb. It was very embarrassing in public. And they absolutely could not f****ing stop. I would tell them to cut it out it seemed every 5 minutes and five minutes later they would start this crap again. This would go on to the point that it was verging on the point of mental illness on their part. Even though her English was very good they would babble at her in a loud tone as if she were reading their lips. It finally stopped when I taught her to start cursing. For some reason as soon as a curse word came out her mouth people would change the way they talked to her. It gave her more freedom of expression, attitude, and created a more relaxed atmosphere I think. This really is my pet peeve. I could right a book on how much it pisses me off. It makes the hair on back of my neck stand up to hear someone speak like this. Especially to my wife.

  10. “Please stop the baby talk”

    Leaving out a conjunction or pronoun from your sentence does not help someone understand you better! The only thing it does is make you and them sound like idiots. If you don’t believe me then try a little experiment of your own. Stop speaking like an idiot for one month. If in fact, it is more difficult for your associates to understand you then it makes sense that they will request you revert back to your cute little baby talk babble so that they can better understand you. Or that when they speak to you they will start repeating everything you say as to clarify what you have just said. The sad truth of the matter is that the only reason they didn’t understand you the first time you spoke was because they were ignoring you while you were running your suck. If you speaking this way to your spouse then you are doing them a great injustice and leaving them open for ridicule if they are ever to go home with you. You need to be flogged and canned because they think they are supposed to talk like this. I know sooner or later I will have to take my wife to the United States so off the top of my head here some reasons why I feel it is important that she learns English the correct way.

    1. My wife not being able to express herself correctly in the United States will have a negative impact on the way people treat her. She will not understand why white women make fun of her and don’t take her seriously.

    2. It will prolong the effects of culture shock leaving her susceptible to feelings of depression, isolation, and social un-acceptance.

    3. My wife has a higher education than I do. This will never be perceived by anyone who hears me talking to her as if she is a 4 year old.

    4. When I talk to her in public it will give the impression that she is my uneducated mail order bride that I talk to as if she were my pet. Thus people I meet for the first time will have negative attitudes towards me.

    5. Hearing us talk in such a manner will make other people speak to her this way. Thus creating a vicious cycle and inviornment that never allows her to learn to express herself correctly.

    6. Not being able to use or understand conjunctions will impair her ability to understand or give directions if she is ever lost, broken down in a car, or in need of assistance or help.

    7. Predators and mentally ill men will see her as an easy target if she sounds as if she is from another country.


    When I met my wife three years ago we communicated with a dictionary. She could not speak a word of English. Now her English is better than any one she knows. Sense the first day we met I have gone out of my way to speak in complete sentences and correct every word out of her mouth. To this day, every time I correct her she thanks me. If she ever got annoyed or fed up with me doing this I would stop but she has never given me this impression. I think making an effort to correct your friends and family will break your selves of this annoying habit of murdering our language. I think you all will find that they will be grateful when you correct them. After all, don’t you think a man that went around saying kha for 2 years would be grateful to the person who finally told him that only women spoke this way?

  11. I would have no qualms about hitting the guy except that he is at least 65 years old - I'm afraid that he might drop dead on me.... In any case, hitting him would not really help a legal case against him. I had a confrontation with him about this matter earlier this year and I thought he was going to have a heart attack. He just seems so stupid not to have backed off.


    Sorry Simon from the verbiage you used i figured he was some menacing dude giving your wife a hard time. Please interoperate my advice as ignorant rambling. :o

  12. What ever you decide to do the first thing you need to get is proof or your situation. I don’t care what the laws are you need to backup this claim of his “threats” before the situation goes south. Get these conversations recorded without his knowledge. Act more cowardly than you already are so he does not think you are recording what he says. If the conversations and email are as you say they are and he is threatening physical violence to a Thai citizen. It seems to me that the immigration ministry would love to set him right. Right on a plane. If the treats are not violent then no one is going to care but only call you a coward when you leave their office. If it is actually possible for you to grow a pair of balls you could handle it like a man and give him what he deserves. A good whipping! No man would ever address my wife without talking to me first. I personally would take a couple of punches as long as I got one good one in. Even if he one the fight he would thing twice about contacting your wife if you walked up to him and punched him in the mouth without saying a thing. Tell him to come on over so he is on your property. Then you can make up any story you want. Give him a feeling that you stalked him and you would never have to worry again. The Thai police are not going to arrest you if you tell them he was threatening your wife especially if you had proof and no one would help you. Don’t make a big scene and don’t say anything to him. Just hit him in the mouth without saying a word then everything is understood between you and him. Your wife might respect you a little more. She might act frightened but don’t tell her what you are going to do. You need to separate your business / a man’s business, from family business/ her business. As it is now, she is thinking you have no spine and cannot protect her. Your wife is Asian but you have learned nothing about how they expect YOU to handle confrontation. This is your job and if you don’t handle this your marriage will never be the same. This happened to me and my first Asian wife. A long series of confrontations between me and my drunken alcoholic older brother put me in a similar situation. Although he never addressed my wife, I let him punk me out in front of her. She never showed me any respect again and started sleeping with other men shortly after. If you don’t handle this it will haunt you for the rest of your life and keep manifesting into other situations like a ghost. You are asking us what to do but you already know. Don’t make the same mistake I did. If he is twice your size get a stick. Reach down and grab hold of what is left or let your wife wear the pants and don’t be surprised if she wants to slap you around a little bit. The second a woman no longer feels safe with her man it’s over.

  13. You know guys, the more i hear about the Singapore consulate the more i wish to avoid it at all cost. Seems to me that Singapore is the most popular of sites for the "thai expats" to get this stuff done. This very well may be the reason they give us all such a hard time. Maybe they are trying to deter us from using them. Maybe they are understaffed and can’t handle the load. I had a really easy time in Bali. I will try Hong Kong this summer to get my "O multi" renewed. It seems that I read something bad about the Thai consulate in Singapore everyday.

  14. If they wanted to strip search, x-ray (people and bags), and hold bags for 24 hours for thorough inspections, of every person coming back from LOS that would be fine with me – I ain't got nothing to hide.

    What a thoroughly disturbing fascist attitude, too terrible to describe.

    :o Maybe, a homosexual male who thinks your cute and just wants to see what your rectum looks like. Maybe he is more interested in your adolesent son. He can tell you to wait in the other room or you will never be able to fly again. As long as you have nothing to hide it doesn’t madder to him. You fit right in to the Asian mindset of "If it doesn’t effect me then I will just look the other way". Pol Pot would have loved you. Leaders around Darfur are counting on more people thinking just like you. If you feel that something small enough to fit under my left nut is worth giving up your civil liberties and dignity for then congratulations, you have won.

  15. JAKTUJAK market at the mo chit BTS stop has hundreds of people selling puppies. I walk through to look at them every time I go because I miss my pups so much. :o I have seen some beautiful little bull dog pups up there. Short hair and excellent inside dogs. But the guy had something when he told you to take care of a soi dog. Think about it, only the most intelligent ones are able to survive. They are only sick because no one takes care of them. People in BKK are cold hearted. They will just sit their and watch the animals in pain and do nothing. My wife has 7 of them and the stories she told me about how she got them will give you nightmares. The things that were done to them. One was beat blind for amusement and another she caught some teens that worked at a makro behind the store sodomizing a puppy with a stick trying to kill it. She took it from them and hid it from them in the store until she could get it home. Personally I would have life in prison for murder had I been there.

  16. I have been around the world more times then I can count. Traveling as an American male alone, military, and long haired civilian. I have been through a few communist countries where I was the enemy and under suspect of spying. I've been to a country and not allowed to leave the hotel I was staying in. But in none of these places was I ever interrogated and treated with such indignity as in America. This goes for customs as well as local law enforcement in my own home town. They are brainwashed cowards with paranoid delusions of all that it is evil in the world is created by a man that doesn’t dress and crop his head the same as them. The hair on the back of my neck stands up when I enter the USA. A feeling impending doom that I will never be able to get out again. That every time I walk down the street some pig is going to want to search me for contraband, look down my pants for some pathetic amount of marijuana, and ask me stupid questions like do you have a rocket launcher or grenades in your car. It is a police state and any talk of freedom or civil liberties is spit in my face. The country is a giant control freak show.

    And a comment for you guys who hint around to that if my mommy would cut my hair and dress me like a sweet little boy that I would not have such problems. I do not wake up in the morning and tailor myself as to make other men feel comfortable, in control, and DOMINATE in my presence. Last time I checked child molesters, serial killers, and Mafioso’s looked just like all of the rest of you, not like me.

  17. :o i am amazed you got her in the states at all! To me it sounds like you entered the states without reviealing intent to marry. VIA> fieance visa...... Thats illegal. Plus you have made back to back tourist visas. Thats about to get you burned. And the requirements for an "O" visa change by interpretation of the issuing point. i would go to hong kong or bali with your original american mairrage certificate, a translated copy, proof of income ,and bank account info and hope they slip you into the system without too many questions. And pay a thai lawyer to start the rest of your paperwork so when the laws change again next year you are covered. Its like this brother. Unless your a rich old man with a hel_l of a documented pension. It is only going to get harder in the years to come.
  18. I think being able to speak/understand english isnt an unreasonable rquirement - after all seems a bit odd that someone would marry a thai and not be able to have any meaningfull conversation with them.

    That's right and I think they have been carefully thought before announcing. It's reasonable. I wouldn't marry to someone I can't or able to have convo with.

    “Absolute power corrupts Absolutely”

    I am on my second marriage to a woman that barely speaks my language. I fell in love with them while using dictionary's to communicate. Neither spoke a lick of English the day we met and I could care less. I don’t need a government to tell me who I can and cannot fall in love with by their education level. If I am riding an elephant through the jungle in Cambodia and fall in love with a 18 year old girl in a straw hut with 2 shoes that don’t match that’s my own dam business. If you try to rationalize any part of this your wrong. It’s like this brothers. They are saying that everyone who marries outside of their government is guilty of some kind of subversion until he can prove his own innocents. If we were free we would be innocent until proven guilty at their expense. It is everyone who benefits from a democratic society to stand up for the rights of others whether they are effected or not. “you become what you despise” Lets see guys, who in the world follows a doctrine of not allowing their people to marry outside their religion or cast? Who goes through such great links to have absolute power over their people? What is the difference between making them pass a language literacy test or making them pass a test on the practice of a religion.

  19. if your worried about her feelings just tell her you can get her a vaio if she wants.but for the same price she can have an ACER that will run circles around it with twice the video card and twice the speed as the one she wants. She is getting a better computer and your getting what you pay for.

  20. I have been asked to buy a VAIO Sony notebook for someone for Christmas

    but to me I cannot see the attraction of this brand apart from the fact that

    they are so much more expensive than many other brands. In this day

    and age of comparatively low lifecycles for computers does anyone have

    an opinion as to whether Sony notebooks represent good value for money and

    is servicing as easy compared to say Acer or Benq ?

    I am not an IT expert but I do work in an IT department so I am around the stuff on a daily basis. I have never heard anyone praise SONY laptops for any reason other than a woman that just thought the name was pretty.. Worth any extra cost? Not at all. Acers prices cannot be beat and the quality is there. I have never seen a benq laptop. Toshiba is crap! HP is preferred to people who work on or repair them and is still beating dell by around $500 on there better lines.. Just remember this person is probably going to use is to read email and nothing more. Very little is needed for this. And if you really want to play it smart you can avoid the DUAL CORE misconception all together. Unless your running AUTO CAD. A dual core is pointless. It will not be any faster than a single core of the same processing speed but twice the price. Remember the internet is only as fast as your service provider and Thailand is maxing out at 512. So any processor at 2 or more GHZ is as fast as you are going to pull a webpage anyway. Get an ACER and put a Sony sticker on the top of it. She will never know the difference.

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