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Posts posted by rogerman

  1. Come on... does this whole thing will going on again. Wasn't yesterday not enough? People, get a life and stop to bash a 16 or 17 year old on an internet forum. If you want to do something useful then go out and spend your time telling others to repect their fellow traffic partners. Ask them to use seat belts (if available) when sitting next to them on a bus, talk to friends, whatever. This here does not change a thing other then giving you the chance to vent your personal frustration.

    Think about it... how does third hand information and some pictures can make certain how this girl feels right now. If there is any human fibre left in her she will feel devastated that some many people lost their life because of her. That's human nature for (almost) all of us, rich or poor.

    You (and me) have every right to demand that she is held responsible and that a court sentence will be found that shows her (and probably her mum and dad) that she made a big mistake. Not more, not less. Underage, first time offender... think about how this would be handled where you come from. Rather mild I guess...

    think about how this would be handled where you come from. Rather mild I guess

    How wrong can you be....Since this is a minor, the parents would be before the court as well. The child would be in a juvenile detention centre and the parents would probably be in jail as well.....Who cares whether they have contacts or have a good name or are actors....... Anyway most Thais are actors anyway. Thailand knows no justice and money gets them out of trouble.....Haha the funeral that the mother went to, she gave the parents of the deceased a token of 30,000 Baht as compensation.......That would have been more of an insult than a kind gesture

  2. They are held accountable because they own the well..... Bu they did not build the well.... My point is that if you want to point fingers at poor safety practice, point them at the people that built it!

    I am not Thai and have lived many countries. And everywhere there are shady business people. Actually in my experiences in Thailand, the really shady ones that have ripped me off personally are other farangs....

    A bit like the American spill...... BP owned it but did not construct it, yet got hammered none the less....it was their responsibility same as pptep's responsibility

  3. In fact it is no surprise that someone has died from those cheap tiles that they put in the bathrooms here in Thailand.....they are smooth and a danger to anyone Thai or european....... try walking down the footpath when it is raining and then go onto some shops front steps with those tiles....like standing on ice..... Why can't people think of safety here?

    I told my builders to rip up all the tile work they had just finished (I actually waited a day for it to set) and put treaded tiles on the stairs up to my house.....Not happy chaps they were

  4. If something could lower the temperature a couple of degrees that'd be perfect.

    Unless you happen to be a peasant in rural northern Thailand, where winter temperatures drop low enough to kill people who don't have the means to keep themselves warm.

    It may not be an issue for Western scuba divers, certainly.

    People die when the temperature drops to 18-20 degrees...?

    I might be wrong but I thought we were talking centigrade and not fahrenheit...?

    With my previous working experience with a humanitarian workgroup i have actually seen people dying of cold and it was 16 degrees...... I come from a cold country myself (NOT England) and  I was quite happy temperature wise then, but now i'd certainly feel it as i have been working outside all day everyday for 5 years now

  5. One of my brothers-in-law's son has just got a job as a teacher in a government school, so he's now entitled to a loan over a million baht as he's got nearly 40 years employment ahead of him.

    So his dad has plans to buy a pick-up outright with the loan. I asked who would be responsible for the repayments to the bank and he said his son as gratitude for being brought up by his old man.

    Start work and owe 600,000 baht immediately!

    He is only able to get loans IF he is a member of "Sahagon Khru"....If not then he's able to get Jack sh&^%

    My wife is also a teacher in a Govt. school with 16 years experience and she is only able to get 600,000 so i think 1 million is going a bit too far.

  6. Thailand is an easy retirement visa compared to most desirable destinations. That explains it.

    I'm retired here and in looking around it seems the Philippines and Malaysia are easier.

    That said, would you come here if you had to make a living?

    Well I'm not that young but not old yet....can still run around and work my wifes two farms single-handedly tending the 2.5 million Orchids that i'm growing and selling......If i'm feeling old it's no problem to feel young again with all those young, sexy personal helping hands that are queuing up 

  7. I have a couple  Orchid nurseries, and on my small one which is  in Nonthaburi, I have a bore that was actually dug by  myself and my wife. Armed with shovels we took turns digging a 4 foot wide bore (lol) ten metres deep......There was absolutely no room to get any decent sized equipment in there so it had to be done....We lined it with the old style concrete tank rings and cemented them in place....No chance of collapsing sides or stuck pump (I have a 2inch submersible that pumps 360 litres per minute at 15 Metres head)....never paid a water bill yet nor had any problems. Cost was very little except for a few beers and having to listen to the Mrs moaning about the blisters lol :D

  8. 3 provinces in Cambodia is actually Thailand.

    The half of Thailand is formerly a part of the Khmer Empire.

    And the second belongs to Malayans. The real Thailand is hidden somewhere at Lanna (which is, of course, formerly a part of Chinese Empire and built by Chinese escaped from Genghiz Khan's ords invading from the north).

    Read your own histtory, kiddo. And don't post stupidity.

    Quite right.

      The problem with the "Thai version"of history is that it has been edited to look like everyone has stolen Thai's land....... Why else would there be Khmer temples in the middle of Isaan....which isn't Thai-land at all

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