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Posts posted by drronnie

  1. ANyway...top rates for a seriously trollish thread..and this is coming from someone who never calls out TROLL!

    ..and Phil I agree. Plus.. just because two girls may be comfortable around each other and not in the slightest bit interested in some random farang male giving them the eye, doesnt make them gay. Just makes you uninteresting.

    edit: lol moonrakers, i wrote my reply before i saw yours. :D

    what is wrong in being lesbian,i'm lesbian too :)

    there is nothing wrong. I am just curious why.

  2. At the time being I am having problems dealing with my anxiety. My doctor at the hospital has prescribed me with Xanax so that I can calm down and sleep. However i am not happy to take this as it is addictive and the medicine becomes useless once there is a tolerance.

    Is there anywhere in Bangkok where I can be treated with SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor which is a safer way to treat my anxiety. Thanks for help

  3. PS Have anyone more than me noticed the many silly questions here on the forum. "do thai girl turn off thier mobile " ect. Don´t forget that Thailand have over 60 million people. Even in the smallest country would not behave as a united mass. I mean those questions are similar to: "Do all Americans eat hamburgers?", "Are all Germans always on time?", "Do all Swedes like Abba?", "Do all Frenchmen have small cars and drive fast", "I´ve meet an Canadian girl. Is she able swear?"DS

    Isnt that what a forums is for? :) As long as there is no flaming or insulting.

  4. I thought it is relatively easy to get a date and relationship with a Thai woman, but I am proved wrong everyday. Maybe it is because I have no car and a low paying job. Many people say I am polite and nice but I cannot manage to date anyone at all.

    I do not understand Thai women at all.

    What turns them on and what turns them off?

    Ronnie, you sound like it's different in the west or your home country.

    Don't forget to learn your A B and 5 C's


    Credit Card




    in thailand it's slightly different methodology - let me explain..

    Car (camry up)

    Credit Card (platinum is shinier)

    Cash (don't carry any, always flash your credit card)

    Condo (ok for weekends at the beach, but surely you can't expect me to not live in a 20 million baht house in Bkk?)

    Condom (irrelevant now that we are married)

    hope this helps.

    Hmmm....this does not make me feel better. I do not want a woman to like me based on how much I earn. I always thought that true loves means that 2 partners help each other build a future. But I know it is hard to find these kind of woman regardless where on the world.

  5. Good question.For most thai ladies its about financial security,and status,so if your poor,no car,cant afford to buy them a house then you could be considered to be a poor choice.

    My g/f keeps going on about a car(status symbol)but i am very happy poodling along on my bike and dont want one.


    Same here, I have a driving license however I hate driving so I have no car. However factory workers and taxi drivers also manage to find a girlfriend / wife so I do not think that money is the A and O for all Thai women.

  6. I thought it is relatively easy to get a date and relationship with a Thai woman, but I am proved wrong everyday. Maybe it is because I have no car and a low paying job. Many people say I am polite and nice but I cannot manage to date anyone at all.

    I do not understand Thai women at all.

    What turns them on and what turns them off?

  7. That's the thing, sooner or later, they have to conduct elections, and then it all starts over again. :o

    Hopefully with the unseating of Thugsin as an influence and funder of the mob they will just run out of steam. It takes a lot of heavy funding to get the support needed to change the balance of power. You can be pretty sure that the Democrats will do all they can to mobilise their lot for the elections as they now know how easily it can all unravel.

    The problem is that I do not think that the Democrats have as much funding. However I heard that in the next election that Newin party will be quite strong as well.

  8. The problem is that some people do not understand that by changing location their problems will not go away. After years of bad situations with European women I hoped that my luck would change in Thailand.

    No girl regardless European or Asian likes a loser. If you are a shy guy you will be unsuccessful anywhere on the world. However the loser forgets this and "dreams" that everything is going to be better in Thailand. And when that does not happen then they do something stupid.

    This is just an example....

  9. Now we have two cases of Europeans committing suicide within a week.

    I am just wondering why there are foreigners who rather commit suicide in Thailand than return to their native countries in Europe.

    What is going through their minds?

    what is your source for saying two suicides

    The Italian Man who jumped from the bridge last week and yesterday night an young Irish man jumped from the 4th floor at the Suwanphumi Airport.

    is there a link anywhere for the irish man????


  10. Because they were mentally predisposed to such an action prior to arriving in Thailand. A sudden change or traumatic event is all it takes to bring something on with most of these people. I would expect that many of these sad souls are already socially isolated and Thailand is their last big gamble at the "dream". Once reality encroaches on the dream, that's it for them. With no family or friends to intervene or hold them back, the decision becomes easier.

    When I read the death reports, the patterns are right out a textbook; The living conditions, the age, often underlying medical conditions and an overdependency on the "lover". My hunch is that most of these people probably don't even have a companion animal. One thing you will observe is that no matter how grim a situation is, a loving dog or cat owner will move heaven and earth to make sure the furball is taken care of. To the best of my knowledge, I do not think any of the confirmed cases reported in the past year had subjects that had a close companion animal relationship. If I see a case reported where some older man had his dog and had no underlying health issue, I think murder not suicide.

    Something to munch on there.

    Thank you for your comment. This is an interesting point to think about. I include myself that I have left Europe a lonely man. Especially in Germany where it is hard to make spontaneous friendship and I was always some kind of an outsider. Luckily when I came to Thailand I was able to get a job and friends so I am all happy. By the way my family lives here. However what would have been the case if I did not find a job and had no family here?

    I agree that Thailand is a last haven (or at least they believe) for some Europeans who have had bad relationship and other mishaps in their country. The magic of Thailand is that there is no place like this on the world. Everywhere you go there is LIFE and not like in Germany were the cities fall into sleep at 20:00.

    I guess that for some sensitive people it is not acceptable to go back to their native country which is cold and where the people are indifferent. Thailand is indeed a magical country with friendly people however when somebody has no money there is not place to go even for Thais.

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