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Posts posted by GmB

  1. Hello, anybody know the default user and password for logging into a Prestige 660R-T1 modem from TOT? According to other sites it's supposed to be admin 1234, but they must change them at setup. Thanks.

    Try "admin" "tot" :o

  2. Two months ago I got a NON-B visa in Ventiane with the documentation of a company willing to hire me.

    I had not the WP3 recive and they putted a red stamp over my visa that advice me that I have to apply for a work permit wich shoud be shown at the authority next time.

    After this the employer suddendly changed his mind and I decided to open my own company. The time frame now is very small as I started the process for the new company at 1 months from the date of my visa expiration and I am not sure I will be able to get the work permit before my visa will expire.

    Being at that time a company owner will be enough for obtain a new NON-B visa?

    Will be the recive of WP3 enough?

    How I will get my work permit in case they will not give me a NON-B visa again?

  3. I am back from Ventiane and i can confirm that WP3 was not mandatory.

    I provided all other documentation and i got my NON-B visa without too many questions except a red stamp on my passport with an advice that i have to apply for a work permit wich should be presented net time to the officer.

    I hope this will help someone with the same problem.

  4. Hello

    I am here with a tourist visa (3x) that will expire on next week. There is a company willing to hire me that gave me all the documentation (prepared from their lawyer) for a NON-B visa in order to get a work permit.

    The problem is that they can't provide in time the WP3 recive.

    I am going to Ventiane because i read from other post is the most friendly Embassy araound thailand at the moment.

    My worries are:

    Do i have any chance to get a NON-B visa without to show the WP3 recive?

    Will i know if they will give me this visa at the moment i will present all the paper works or the day later when i will have to pick up the passport?

    In case they will refuse the NON-B can i apply in the same day for a tourist visa?

    Last question

    At what time i will be able to reach the Udon Thani airport if i will will pick up my passport on 13:30 in Ventiane?

  5. I have renewed my non-immigrant B visa a few times in Singapore and it is quite easy if you have the right paper work, you really need a Thai lawyer to prepare it for you properly. They will only provide a 3 month single entry visa though. you do need to stay over night at least one night maybe two as you need to drop of the paperwork on the morning of one day and collect it the afternoon of the next day. It is quite easy to find your way around in Singapore and any of the hotels on or near Orchard road are close enough to the Thai embassy.

    Thank you for the reply EmCross

    I have my paper work prepared from a Thai lawyer but i would like to doblue check the required documents to avoid the risk of a refused visa. Can you give me an hint about some Hotel in Orchard road?

  6. I just recently got back from getting a Non-B in Vientiane without a Work Permit. This is the second Non-B I have recieved without a WP, the first being in the U.S. This most recent time all I needed were:

    - the application (of course)

    - the usual copies of my passport and recent stamps

    - 2 pictures

    - a copy of a background check from my home country

    - a copy of the signed contract with the company (agency) I work for along with an offical letter from the company of intent to hire

    All of this was prepared for me by my agency and I went with a group of people who I work with. Vientiane was a very easy place to get through. It was very crowded with long lines and once you got to the front the officers took your items, checked over to make sure they were sufficent, and didn't look at you twice. You then waited in another line to pay and waited until 1:00 pm the next day to pick it up. Overall there was no hassal beyond the lines which weren't too much of a problem. Most people were there attempting to get other forms of visas and I didn't see anyone have any problems beyond one person who wanted to pick up their visa earlier than the posted time. It had the feeling of a factory churning out visas for money which is probably a good thing. Overall it was a positive and easy experience (as far as getting visas is concerned). Above my visa they placed a little stamp advising me to get a work permit before it is checked again by anyone official (I assume this means before I start working).

    Did you get a single entry or a multiple?

    A copy of a background check from your home country? Is this required?

    Thx a lot everybody

  7. So if i understand the company should apply for my work permit and give me the recive before i will exit from the kingdom to go for a NON-B visa run.

    Even with this i will get a visa valid for only 3 months if i will not fly europe to apply.

    You will probably have to exit country and try for a multi entry visa if company has not advised you that one year extensions are available to you.

    Is that the NON-B? What about the 1 year extensions option?

    Thx again

  8. I am currently on Multi entry tourist visa and i found a company willing to hire me.

    As i understand i will have to go outside Thailand with the documentation provided from the company for apply to a NON-B visa in order to obtain later a Work Permit.

    Is not clear to me the difference form single and mutli entry.

    I was told that to obtain the WP could require a pretty long time, can this visa be extended? how long i will be allowed to stay in the kingdom?

    I will have to travel to europe probably before i will be given the WP, can i do this only with a multi entry without to burn my visa?

    I was planning to apply for the NON-B visa in Singapore is it a good idea or should i go in KL or Ventiane?

    I am sure this is the place to get the best info thx in advance :o

  9. The original topic was taxin searching someone for his website.

    Why now the website of N47HAN has to be judged?

    By the way after reading the original post of DD18 some weeks ago i called Omer and i had a chat with him (i am in phuket from few months and i was searching some contacts). He sounded to me a professional and nice guy.

    Why N47HAN don't you try to speak with him; if you are not happy with the template or something else maybe you can find an arrangement.

  10. What does validating mean ?

    A website will be validated when it is written according the w3c standards wich are very stricts.

    These standars should guarantee the full compatibility between browsers but in the real word is almost impossible to have a website fully compatible without to cut a lot of functionality and considering the many browsers on the market.

    Personally i always double check my websites testing on Internet Explorer and Firefox wich are the most popular browsers; it's an hard job expecially because of the differences between the released version (ex IE6 and IE7) but has to be done.

    You can check if a wesite is valid at http://validator.w3.org/ where you will find more information.

  11. I agree.

    Beside this Taxin you should care also at the functions you website will needs. Do you need a static website or something you can manage by yourself with an admin interface? Does it needs a database? It will be multilanguages?

    This is my last job http://www.firenzelodging.it/ PM if interested and i will provide dozens more.

    Your site: http://www.firenzelodging.it/ doesn't even validate... which is fine. But seeing as you have logos on the bottom claiming it's valid XML & CSS, you might want to think about checking if it actually is.

    Not trying to flame here, just being straight up.



    Hi Bob

    You are right about the logos and i apologize. The customer absolutely wanted the logos even if i explained him the website was not validating.

    Beside this, you are a coder from 10 years, i think you know it's not easy to validate a dynamic website with such features.

    Google and Yahoo aren't validating too :o




    For ex. the images are dynamically resized and displayed through a script (see http://www.firenzelodging.it/itemimage.php...2.jpg&w=500 try to change the last paramenter... w=200 ..... w=360 .... and you will understand what i mean) wich is not validating.

    By the way what do you think about that website? I just want an opinion from a professional coder. It's builded on a platform that i wrote that can manage multiple domains with individual templates.

    Take a look at some screenshots of the admin interface http://phuketrentals.gianmichele.it/interface_screenshots please (i am sorry this is just a white page with some pics on a demo website still in progress ).

    Any opinion is welcome at all, we never finish to learn.

  12. Most of us use templates, then change them to suit the customer's needs. If the customer is happy, easy to navigate for the their customers, then it is a win win situation.

    I agree.

    Beside this Taxin you should care also at the functions you website will needs. Do you need a static website or something you can manage by yourself with an admin interface? Does it needs a database? It will be multilanguages?

    This is my last job http://www.firenzelodging.it/ PM if interested and i will provide dozens more.

  13. I had no problems about 3 months ago when i got the CDMA modem from the CAT office in patong and I have a Tourist Visa.

    Now they moved the office in a new location and i don't know if changing staff means also changing rules.

    About the coverage you should get the modem early in the morning and check it in your home, if it doesn't work as you wish you are allowed to return it back before 3pm.

  14. I cannot find anything on the net about the taiwan cables but only about egypt one.

    I am with TOT 2048/512 in Phuket and the speed in the last days is really a problem.

    My router now syncs like this

    Up Stream

    96 (Kbps.)

    Down Stream

    2048 (Kbps.)

    96Kbps. :o

    I do not believe much in the cables problem as i do not see what Penang should have to do with cables in egypt or taiwan.





    I hope that everything will be fixed but i am scared that it's only a matter of BAD SERVICE of Thais ISP

    It's a shame

  15. Hi,

    I'm getting a company outside Thailand to do up a website for me.

    I have to send the money to that company by telegraphic transfer.

    How much tax must I pay for tor the telegraphic transfer being payment of service rendered?

    Thanks a lot!

    As the other poster noted: 15% withholding tax is a given. If you do the website work on behalf of a foreign client you may get 7% VAT refunded. If the website is for your own company, you will have to add 7% VAT to your bill. Case in point: We do research for a foreign entity. 15% is withheld and we pay 7% in VAT. But because we export the research knowledge we get the 7% refunded within say 2-3 months.

    So, if the web design company (based outside Thailand) gives me an invoice for $1,000 for example, so my company pay them by telegraphic transfer for this $1,000 and then pay the revenue dept in thailand 15% of Withholding Tax and 7% VAT?

    Why don't you hire me? You will have a better website and you will pay less taxes :o

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