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Posts posted by Brian

  1. Should you use TSO/EDIT or ISPF
    ISPF for sure. I think I'd rather go back to punch cards than have to use TSO/EDIT..  well, maybe not.

    BTW: I once had ISPF for windows. It was a great product, it allowed you to do great ISPF commands. Never found any other PC ap that allowed the equivilent of "C abc xyz 1 5 .first .last"

    Did'nt IBM change the name from OS/390 to to z/OS?  

    The newest version is indeed z/OS, but we haven't gone that route yet. Still on Os/390 2.9 which is no longer supported by IBM.

    Anyone have any idea how many mainframe sites there are in Thailand?

    P.S Sorry for accidently hi-jacking a linux question to discuss OS/390 aka z/OS

  2. I would avoid I.T. if I was you. The glory days of being a highly-skilled highly-paid I.T Specialist are just about over. There are too many companies now that can outsource their projects to companies in India that pay the staff peanuts.

    And for every local job that's advertised there is usually hundreds of applicants.

    The skills shortage that existed in the 80's and early 90's is now gone, and so have most of the high salaries.

  3. Personal Avatars can be added in "Your Control Panel", Then "Personal Info", then "Avatar Options".

    Then in the box "Your Avatar" enter the full address of your picture. In my case its http://www.gamespy.com/avatars/av/AT/at203.gif

    You might need to set the height and width.

    Then click the "add my own image as my avatar"

    Hey Presto...

    BTW: I found out though if you store your avatar on geocities that it won't always display. Apparently geocities don't like your images to be referenced from outside of a geocities web page. I guess there are other sites that might also have the same problem.

    There are heaps to chose from if you point your browser to http://www.gamespy.com/avatars If you see one that you want then you can get its address by right clicking on the image that you want and then select properties.

  4. Incidentals and General Expenses 7500

    You've already given the wife 10,000 BHT. Beer and cigs have aleady spent 5,000... What more could you need.. Unless you also need to visit the girls (or boys/katoys) in the bars...  

    Hang on I just realised... You gave the wife 10,000 Bht in one lump sum didn't you. That's why she's back in less than a week needing more.   :cool:

  5. It makes me wonder a bit. Why would an eastern european girl would choose Thailand to set up business...

    A bit like travelling to the south pole to sell ice blocks.

    Surely she would make much more money in Dubai or somewhere else where maybe there is little or no local supply of "talent"..

    Anyone got any ideas?  :blues:

  6. Thetyim,

    Probably Bill Gates needs renovate his new house, so he wants you spend some money to upgrade to the latest version of windows.

    You might like to send the same question to the Bangkok Posts computer journos at  [email protected]

    If they have an answer you'll be able to read it online at http://www.bangkokpost.com/Database/index.html

    I also run ME on my PC at home and haven't been able to successfully run an online update for about 6 months.

    My operating system of choice is OS/390...   ::o:

  7. Call me skeptical... but

    My guess is that most of these laptops will have the hard drive re-formatted and a pirated copy of windows installed on the first day that they are in the new owners possesion.

    I would love to see Linux take off as a real commercially viable alternative to MS, but the reality is that most PC users have extremely few technical skills and therefore are not suited to a penguins life.

    But this offer gets them a cheap laptop, whith out the need to pay for the pre-installed (and legal) MSbloatware.

  8. The truly amazing thing about these types of emails is that people actually fall for them...

    Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

    Albert Einstein

  9. Scott,

    If you are not scamming then I am sorry...

    But.. To anyone else that is reading this post then I offer the following advice from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, and then allow them to make up their own mind.

    Brian  :blues:

    How to spot a scam

    In the past three years, over 7000 Australians have lost at least $500 million to financial scams.

    Could you fall victim?

    Do you know how to spot the clues?

    It looks real

    Scams that catch people often look realistic and are presented professionally. Scamsters often go to a lot trouble to:

    print attractive documents and set up a business-like website

    choose names that sound like reputable companies

    tell a persuasive story using the right jargon

    drop the names of people you know to build your trust.

    Five clues for spotting scams:

    1 Bigger and faster profits than real investments

    Scams always offer a higher return than genuine investments. Some offer 20% a year, others go for 300% a year or even more. It's too good to be true. By comparison, Australian shares are some of the most successful investments, and their value has grown about 7-9% p.a. over the long term.  

    2 Less risk and less effort than real investments

    Most scams say that financial success is easy and risk isn't a problem. But real wealth demands planning, hard work and guts. Even the best investors make mistakes and have to weather storms like market busts and economic recessions.

    3 Something special that genuine investments don't offer

    It could be a 'secret' offer, 'inside information' or 'new techniques'. There's always some feature to make you feel like you've got an edge over other people. But chances are it's a fairytale - and it won't have a happy ending.

    4 More urgent than the real thing

    Every scam gets dressed up as an opportunity, so scamsters often say 'don't miss out' and 'act quickly' to make you hurry 'before it's too late'. They're really just trying to grab your money before you have a chance to check properly.

    5 Offered by a stranger

    Many scams come from overseas, through unsolicited email or surprise phone calls. Others get sold through 'wealth creation' seminars or on the grapevine. While the people can sound genuine, they rarely have any real credentials, such as an ASIC licence to give advice or sell financial products.

  10. Australia learned a long time ago the value of backpacker tourists. Although the daily spending isn't as high as the richer short term tourists, they tend to stay for much longer periods of time and actually are better for the local economy because the money that they do spend is spread over a much wider part of the community.

    But lets face it. Thailand would much rather no farangs come at all. They would much prefer that we just stay at home and send them all our money.

    The coming years will certainly become interesting as Cambodia, Vietnam and Loas tourism industries mature. Thailand will need to come up some good strategy to entice  people to LOS.

  11. Anyway, I'm sick of this topic now. My last post..

    It is obvious that many of you would never conceed that your govt might do anything that the press could possibly have a legitamate complaint about.

    I can not show you anything if your eyes are closed.

    It proves that not all Yanks are blindly patriotic to the point of paranoia.
    But is seems that those here are.

    I'm off for a beer... Cheers.

  12. From the next paragraph...

    Unfortunately, it has become all too easy for those who disagree with specific U.S. policies to believe and disseminate the worst possible assumptions about the malicious nature, dark motivations, and hidden agendas of the United States—including horrible falsehoods.

    Nothing I have said is a falsehood. It is all facts.

    It is is up to th U.S govt to show that there are no hidden agendas or dark motivations by its own actions, not by having me silenced...

    Those who partake and spread lite anti-Americanism, even while sharing the principles and values the United States stands for, undermine the country’s ability to defend such principles abroad.

    So what should we do when we disagree with a certain policy or action of the U.S govt... Should we be forced to keep silent? Surely that goes against ALL  the principles and values the United States stands...

    You want your cake and eat it too..

    • Like 1
  13. "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance - that principle is contempt prior to investigation."

    -Written by Herbert Spencer-

    Think about it.........

    Think about it.........

    OK. I've thought about it. The exact same argument can be used to describe your own ignorance.

    No matter what facts are placed in front of you. You cannot see that there may be a rational reason behind some anti U.S sentiment..

    Think about that.........

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