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Posts posted by norrona

  1. Pan Pan = the worst lasgne in the world.
    That place is a stones throw from where i live and ive tried to like it but find the food bland and overpriced, i will say i dont know my way around the italian menu but ive messed up everytime now, so its Jits for the main course and into PP for a desert on the way home :D

    try the spaghetti amatriciana, spaghetti with tomato sauce, bacon, onion....

    unless it has changed owners I am confused as when I had an office up the road I was a regular in there and never had a bad meal?

    the cake selection in there was good as well as the pizzas....

    each to their own on the lasagne opinions i suppose, I seem to remember it being nice when I went there???

    Haven't been there for ages but it used to be very good :o

  2. what everyone here is forgetting is pattaya like many other tourist places around the world is full of tyre kickers, liberty takers and many socially inept freaks!

    the bloke in the painting shop is probably burnt out of lookers and badly needs a break...

    the girl with the ice cream is not allowed to think for herself and any discrepancies she will be docked...

    myself I used to work in a real estate office on 2nd road, very busy and many enquiries unlike these days, but I had people come in and say 'can you just take us for a drive around for a bit of a look?' the americans always came in and said they are in real estate back home(if I had 10baht everytime I heard that one) and then I had the millionaires who came in, had no preferred budget, wanted their tirac to make the decision :o

    basically pattaya is full of blaggers, pretenders and people who couldn't lie straight in bed!


  3. there are basements in some jomtien luxury houses that were auctioned off a few years ago....

    not sure if the basements are still holding out? but do remember they had the glass looking out to the swimming pool...

    looked really good, but don't know if they have lasted...as for water problems the land they built on was re-claimed swamp land :o

    Was it noticeably cooler in the basements?

    yes was cooler in the basement but i would say that the air could be a bit stale if there was no fan to push it round....

    lot of people were using them as multi purpose gyms/t.v rooms etc

    would not like the idea of sleeping there everynight :D

  4. there are basements in some jomtien luxury houses that were auctioned off a few years ago....

    not sure if the basements are still holding out? but do remember they had the glass looking out to the swimming pool...

    looked really good, but don't know if they have lasted...as for water problems the land they built on was re-claimed swamp land :o

  5. lobster pot walking street, never had a bad meal in there...well worth a treat and is impressive for people who are first timers! excellent ambience and the irish coffees are superb!

    can't see what peoples problems are with fuji, i've never had any :o especially for the price!

    more is good infront of the marriot (the old shenanigans)and from the way it is set out I did expect it to be expensive...it isn't!!!

    the little wonder in the diana complex....pie n mash with liqour for the southern brits

    brunos jomtien :D

  6. Yes because unemployed people should not have the right to travel outside of their country. :o

    I think what they meant was hand your passport in and if you are going away for a genuine reason then explain it and have it in writing...2 solutions there it creates a job and it stops people claiming and taking liberties...it would probably get a lot of people working also, I mean the ones who can but choose not to!

    if they can afford to travel overseas then how come they need money from the social???

    I know people on the sick who are doing casual work, don't agree with it but it's them who are taking the chance....but the fact that it doesn't pay for someone with a family to go out and work and carry on sitting on their arse is all whats wrong with this politivally correct strange country....isn't this why we have the influx of immigrants these days :D

  7. Nov 06 I had dificulty breathing, was not sure what was up so i went along to Pattaya Mem. The doc was a dothery old man who I,m sure was a patient from the nearby funny farm and walked in put a White coat on and sat in one of the consulting rooms. He sent me to xray for xrays on chest and neck after which he said he dont know what wrong and said I need an MRI scan. I walked out puzzled and into a drug store (cant spell farmasy) where they gave me a course of penacilin and within days I was fine.

    In Nov 07 as I was 51 years young I went for a Full check up in the same Hospital (crazy or what) Just to make sure I was firing on all cylinders. They found I had a PSI (prostate) reading of 12, and as 4 or under was normal I should have a biop. OK so 30,000bht and an unpleasant op latter I went back for the results, OH we not sure Mr, was the Quacks comments, we need do more test at lab in Bangkok, 5,000bht please, ok. Another 2 weeks latter and, as you can imagine, I was so tense and nervious not knowing my fate. Again there was a guy/doc/looney in the room who said...............NOT SURE maybe have cancer, maybe not, his words. So where this leave me I said. He asked me if I wanted him to do it again 30,000bht, I declined his generous offer and told him where to stick his brand new BMW.

    The place is a JOKE but not a funny one.

    unless i was in an accident, shot or had no control of going to the hospitals in pattaya...and i mean all of them I would get on the first plane back to wherever I came from and get treated there....at the end of the day it is money first and your health/feelings etc way down the line.

    I was in hospital and had insurance over there with glandia fever/throat infection whatever you want to call it, was in a bad way.....why I was like this was because they couldn't diagnose what was wrong with me and prescribe the right drugs in the first place, they couldn't wait to put the drip in my arm and get the bill going....

    hope you get good news and sorted out soon :o

  8. good places only as I would be here all day naming bad ones....the little wonder cafe in the diana complex off 2nd road oppostie mikes, good farang grub, does pie n mash with liquor(for the southern brits)that equals a lot of what is on offer in the U.K these days if not better!

    lobster pot walking street, never had a bad meal in there...well worth a treat and is impressive for people who are first timers! excellent ambience and the irish coffees are superb!

    can't see what peoples problems are with fuji, i've never had any :o especially for the price!

    more is good infront of the marriot and from the way it is set out I did expect it to be expensive...

    still if your struggling theres nothing like a 7-11 hotdog, a beer and make use of their tables and chairs out the front :D seems the masses drinking outside there these days don't have any complaints :D

  9. Norrona: The only nerve you touched is the one that doesn't like defaming accusations, rumors, heresay and crap comments that can not be substantiated. You are input is no better than some of the bad newspapers and news website mentioned in the topic. Forums are just too filled with useless input that has no basis in fact.

    freedom of speech....just watch what you say eh :o

    they must be friends of yours or your an old codger with kids :D

  10. Can you provide support for your comments about your personal attacks on Neils Colov or is this Pattaya gossip and BS? What do the personal attacks have to do with his news site, anyway? This kind of comments just degrades the forums.

    all adds up to the substance of their characters....touched a nerve have I doc?

  11. Took a flight from Bkk to Phnom Penh, easy. Then traveled to Sihanoukvile and was told the roads back to Pattaya via Kho Kong were new and good. What they left out was the bridges across the rivers are far from completion so the mini van has to be floated over on a raft made up of 2 rowing boats with planks of wood across. Its like going back 100 years, welcome to Cambodia. The place is like a lost country newly found and funded by many countries to help bring it into the 19 century, very sad place but none the less an experience. Pol pot has much to answer for in hel_l.

    nothing changed there....great time i had in a mini van being thrown about, took the ferry coming back :o

  12. anyone got suggestions for somewhere nice to stay where they won't be charging for gala dinners at twice the price as the room for the night?

    I don't mind paying double for a room new years eve but triple for a crummy gala dinner at a hotel that I will only be sleeping in and probably not till 4am anyway!!! :o

    numbers by pm please so we don't upset the moderators or links are much appreciated...

    thanks in advance

    Pattaya Bay Resort (soi 15).

    full up my man, already tried them.

    i am okay now thanks for your input anyway!!!

  13. anyone got suggestions for somewhere nice to stay where they won't be charging for gala dinners at twice the price as the room for the night?

    I don't mind paying double for a room new years eve but triple for a crummy gala dinner at a hotel that I will only be sleeping in and probably not till 4am anyway!!! :o

    numbers by pm please so we don't upset the moderators or links are much appreciated...

    thanks in advance

  14. very questionable your post, firstly work permits are not easy and never have been, secondly the australian sounds like a nice guy can i go work for him as he really seems to care, thirdly serious investors and their ex-patriate work force are not bothered by the standard of living just the return on their investment and the salary being paid for the ex-pat as they won't be placed there forever.

    you do commercial real estate, something i never got involved in when i was there so we have to agree to disagree on our views and what each other have experienced.

    from my experience the small-medium sized businessman has opened a business in thailand firstly to live there, then to make money....they don't really welcome these entrepreneurs who create jobs and improve the standards of living for local people in thailand do they!

    big businesses pay the going rate to local people, bring in ex-pats to train them up then as soon as they are trained get rid of them for staff on much smaller salaries, this is what they do and have done for years.

    Not all investors big or small value their staff first, they value the profits!

    Nokia and HSBC as two examples could have gone anywhere in the world they wanted and both chose India as thier next place to invest and are both reaping the benefits....India and China as an investor/manufacturer are definitely in front of Thailand.

    Freehold property is a plus, but can anyone actually own it apart from a Thai person? that one is not a dig it is a serious question.

    your post seems a bit angry? I do hope I haven't offended!

    cheers :o

  15. really??? I thought thats where China and India are excelling in and had taken over from what Thailand used to offer....

    Japanese won't keep all their eggs in Chinese basket and will always have Thai factories.

    There are 4000 foreign companies (not PO Box) in Bangkok. Most manufacturing. manufacturing for thailand and only small percentage for export compared to 10 years ago.

    off subject now so no point going on, we have slightly different views, I just know i am right :D

    Of course, you can think the earth is flat and resting on the back of 4 elephants.

    Even slightest check of numbers shows structure of GDP: agriculture (10%), industry (44.9%), services (45.2%) (2006 est.)

    In 1988. industry was 30%, now is almost 45%.

    Going deeper, you will see that only car manufacturing makes twice as much as tourism.

    Well said think too mut, manufacturing is what keeps this country alive, its an absolutely massive industry and in my experience it keeps on growing. We see a lot of demand from existing operators expanding their business and assist new investors set up their manufacturing plants here (mostly Eur, Aus, and USA).

    check or not and quote figures from websites as they are always correct.... :o I know for sure that Thailands manufacturing industry for exportation has lost out massively to China and the new and booming India, the former is dirt cheap and lawless the latter is also cheap and has incentives for the would be investor, what incentive does Thailand offer investors? :D

    anyway going off subject again, this topic is about real estate and in the real estate section, still with your heads in the sand you may not have seen it!

  16. really??? I thought thats where China and India are excelling in and had taken over from what Thailand used to offer....

    Japanese won't keep all their eggs in Chinese basket and will always have Thai factories.

    There are 4000 foreign companies (not PO Box) in Bangkok. Most manufacturing. manufacturing for thailand and only small percentage for export compared to 10 years ago.

    off subject now so no point going on, we have slightly different views, I just know i am right :o

  17. care less or not we know they don't mind shooting themselves in the foot, that would be shooting themselves in the nuts with one in the chamber ready for between the eyes.

    Thailand needs the world to business with more than the world needs Thailand....

    IMO, it's quite oposite. World (the developed world) needs Thailand to make things for them at low price.

    As long as the Thais provide for factories to be set up and cheap labor, harbours, infrastructure and reasonable law and order, real estate is a small fry.

    The backbone is export-oriented economy and I can't see what will make Toyota, Nissan, Bayer....to pull out.

    Junta or not, property ownership and farangs' desires regarding real estate won't make them go out of their way.

    really??? I thought thats where China and India are excelling in and had taken over from what Thailand used to offer....

    mid 90's to early 2000's I was renting lots of property to corporate types like GM and BMW....it all stopped once China opened up it's floodgates, even the copied goods are brought in from China, India now has lots of benefits for foreign companies to open up factories there, thailand does have some export business left but over the past 20 years has lost out big time.

    They have been spoilt, simple end of! bit like the women over there.... :o

    Think Too Mut, you need to have a sit down and think a bit more, sorry to burst your bubble! :D

  18. if they did pull all the chanoots on the foreigners with company ownership it would not do the country any favours at all, and the media in the U.K not to mention anywhere else would have a field day on what is already a disliked place by them!

    I think they could not care less how they are portrayed in the media in the West. Also I doubt anyone in the UK would be bothered unless they owned property themselves. It would be a non-story as far as Western media is concerned.

    It's not going to stop the tourists arriving, especially from the emerging markets of China and Russia.

    I don't think the backlash would be too great as they have the excuse of enforcing a law which many foreigners seem to think doesn't apply to them or will never be enforced!

    Never say never in LOS!

    care less or not we know they don't mind shooting themselves in the foot, that would be shooting themselves in the nuts with one in the chamber ready for between the eyes.

    Thailand needs the world to business with more than the world needs Thailand....

    still like you say never say never.....logic of the LOS and all that.

    just glad i've sold up and got the majority of my lifes work out of there.

    they shouldn't have let it happen in the first place will be the cry....meaning let foreigners bring money in the country, buy properties illegally as in company names and not regulate things from the start.

    all food for thought!

  19. I often wonder when the the government is going to start pulling the chanoots on all the foreigners who own houses via the Thai Company farce many were led to believe was a somewhat legal.

    Will the market ever return in Thailand, yes but not for another few years.

    Buy now if you can :D

    buy what now? condos? or land/houses and put it in the wifes name? as you say the company way is a farce!

    if they did pull all the chanoots on the foreigners with company ownership it would not do the country any favours at all, and the media in the U.K not to mention anywhere else would have a field day on what is already a disliked place by them!

    clarity is all people need to make their decisions and no contradictions on the rules, but proper investment in Thailand :o it is purely a lifestyle choice and all the speculators had it good for a few years but the ones who got greedy are still there trying to flip their apartments and failing miserably so I am told by an estate agent in pattaya who says it as it is.

    buy to let market is terrible, buy to flip market is worse and whilst the hotels are relatively cheap who wants to rent any apartment for a 2 week to 1 month break.....not the masses!

  20. agreed quicksilva about the company thing, but for years when I was selling real estate out there the guide lines were not really clear or available, what I was pointing out is whatever government that gets in needs to clarify exactly what we as foreigners can and cant do, can and can't buy or invest in?

    theres been too much grey areas and contradiction, so much in fact I walked away from there full time 2 1/2 years ago and chose to do business in more welcoming countries. still love the place and miss living there, just don't miss doing business there :o

  21. until the government clarify exactly whether it is illegal or not for a foreigner to own a house through a company, or illegal to put a house in your thai wifes name when it is your money or just relax the whole ownership thing completely there will never be a recovery of the housing market in thailand.

    there needs to be guidelines set by the government and announced so they can't back track before proper investment feels secure there, lot of yanks still remember the land grab that happened in mexico and theres a big possibility that could happen again somewhere else.

    there's always going to be buyers in thailand whilst theres women there interested in round eyed big walleted farangs, those are lifestyle buyers who are mostly edging towards retirement if not already in it and just want somewhere to rest their <deleted>.

    proper investment needs a stable government and proper rules that are recognized globally, not just in the bangkok post or the nation :o

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