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Posts posted by smeagle

  1. I use Teva , always have for about 10 year, got a pair 5 year ago in Uk 25GBP, still wear them to this day, can buy teva copies here in Bkk don't know how long they'd last.....

  2. I.m you've read about this before but there are 2 many people telling me different things , I previously posted about will i still get 90 days when i go out. ok Lopburi3 has sorted that part out for me but now I'm getting told I can go into Suan Plu Imm office instead of going out country since this is my last 90 day report, Is this true or false, would be nice if I didn't have to do the Cambodia run.

  3. I got myself a non imm b from Hull uk, valid from Dec 5th 2006 till 5th Dec 2007, 1st stamp dated till 10th March 2007 but went home end of Jan, came back Thailand 27th March got stamped in again till June, went on another 90 report got stamped again till 21st Sept, got bad news from home and left again before 21st Sept then came back 28 Oct, they stamped me till January 25 2008. My question is the multiple visa runs out on 5 Dec 07, if i go out again say the 4th Dec will they stamp me again for another 90 days , reason being i'm going back home for 2 months March 08 and i will renew my multiple visa again whle there. Many people are telling to many different things, just confusing me.

    Cheers inadvance S

  4. To the original poster: do you wish to keep this discussion in the Teaching Forum, which makes sense? It's your call, and we'll move it to another appropriate forum, if you wish.

    Also: as jdinasia points out, the immersion process is quite normal for language classes. That is generally the preferred method used in the foreign language business, and some schools in Thailand threaten to fire any English teacher who speaks Thai in class.

    Nevertheless, I often wish I knew the Thai words for "please be quiet" and "open your books."

    As for Thai students in school, they already have "English teachers" who are Thai nationals who in some cases speak English terribly and seldom. This is distressingly common in rural prathom schools, but it's not the teacher's fault that she's assigned to teach a subject for which she's not trained.

    Conversely, it's quite possible that a farang EFL teacher who tries to use Thai would mangle it so badly that it would be better to speak in English.

    Nevertheless, I'm fluent enough in Spanish that if I taught English in Mexico, I might revert to Spanish 10% or even 15% of the time. However, the less the teacher speaks, generally, the better.

    PB, I thought a guy thats been in Thailand and teaching a LONG time and the knowledge you keep given to people you would know the Thai for " please be quiet and open your your books" I've noticed you have mentioned this on a few posted ,if it's a cackle then forgive me.

  5. Sorry Aussiestyle don't have pics only what the guys told me. Release date the imm picked them up took them back to imm jail waiting deportation and had to sit there for another 4 days and the other 6 days till the paper work was sorted out and tickets etc from the embassys( mind you they only had 3 month to do this ). Imm took them to the airport with pp straight onto the plane. Not a nice impression to the rest of the passengers.

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