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Posts posted by ollyrosee

  1. Thai wedding for Jeff

    Thursday, February 8, 2007

    Jeff said that his recent wedding in Thailand was idyllic

    Former Status Quo drummer Jeff Rich has married his girlfriend Roberta McDowell in Thailand, he said today.

    The couple got hitched in a ceremony conducted by Buddhist monks on a beach in Phuket, close to where they were caught in the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004.

    Speaking about the wedding, 53-year-old Jeff said today: "It was just a wonderful day. It was idyllic. All my family and friends were there. We made a lot of friends after the tsunami.

    "It was a wonderful day. When I saw Rob in her wedding dress I cried tears of joy. After that wave I thought I'd never see her again. I vowed if I did I'd never let her go again."

    The couple exchanged gold rings engraved with Thai elephants, which is a symbol of luck.

    But the wedding almost didn't take place after the pair were caught up in the disaster.

    Jeff, who teaches drum and percussion masterclasses to schools, said: "We were on a day trip on an uninhabited island near Thailand.

    "We looked up and saw this enormous 30 metre-high wave heading straight for us. I just screamed 'Run, run!'"

    Music teacher Roberta, 27, is still recovering from her injuries.

    The couple married on December 29 and spent their honeymoon in Thailand.

    "We've been to Thailand four years running now. It's a fantastic place. It's a lovely place with lovely people and food. We will definitely go back to Thailand," he added.


  2. Wednesday, February 7, 2007

    Eight disaster-alert stations plundered

    Thieves stole the copper cable from this lightning rod (circled) โ€“ and seven others like it around the island.#

    Thieves stole the copper cable from this lightning rod (circled) – and seven others like it around the island.

    PHUKET: Thieves have stolen copper cable from lightning rods at eight of the island’s 11 emergency radio network repeater stations, forcing the Phuket Provincial Administration Organization (OrBorJor) to spend some 2.7 million baht on replacement and repairs.

    News of the vandalism was reported by OrBorJor Vice-President Suthin Uthaithamrong at the January 30 meeting of provincial office chiefs at the Thavorn Grand Plaza Hotel.

    K. Suthin explained to the Gazette that to steal the copper, thieves had broken into padlocked enclosures around eight towers, all in remote high-elevation locations.

    He listed the sites as: Laem Phromthep, Sapam, Tah Chat Chai, Nai Thon, two sites in the Nakkerd Hills, one in front of Veerastree Anusorn School in Thalang and one in front of Kamala Police Station.

    The lightning rods are used to protect repeater stations of the OrBorJor’s emergency radio network, which was built after the tsunami at a cost of more than 8 million baht to allow communication in the event of another disaster that causes mobile phone networks to fail.

    The network is the brainchild of OrBorJor President Anchalee Vanich-Thepabutr, who after the tsunami found herself unable to coordinate emergency response efforts because the mobile phone system she used was jammed.

    The repeater stations form a ring around the island that allows users, including members of the OrBorJor beach guard and the Tourist Rescue Center in Chalong, to communicate by walkie-talkie.

    The network’s base station is located on a hilltop in the Nakkerd Hills, near the site of the Mingmongkol Buddha statue being built, K. Suthin said.

    The network covers the entire island and emits signals that can be picked up as far away as parts of Krabi, he said.

    The thefts did not disable the repeater stations, but hindered their effectiveness during electrical storms and left them vulnerable to lightning strikes that could cause even greater damage, K. Suthin added.

    The damages have already been repaired at all locations, at a cost of about 50,000 baht each, out of the OrBorJor’s emergency fund, he said.

    The first thefts were reported in mid-2006, with three thefts – in Kamala, Sapam and the Nakkerd Hills – carried out over the New Year holiday period.

    Padlocked enclosures with chain-link fencing 2.5-meters tall had not deterred the thieves, who left behind some of the cutting equipment they used at some sites, he said.

    K. Suthin blamed secondhand shops that deal in stolen goods for creating a market for thieves. He said good-quality copper of the type stolen could fetch up to 1,000 baht per kilo at a scrap yard.

    In order to prevent future thefts, more frequent checks will be made at all enclosures and stronger locks will be used, K. Suthin said.

    In response to K. Suthin’s report, Vice-Governor Vorapoj Rattasima, who chaired the meeting in place of Governor Niran Kalayanimit, instructed Phuket’s three District Chiefs to crack down on secondhand shops that receive stolen goods

    Bantoon Thongtan, Head of the Phuket Attorney’s Office, told the meeting that he will recommend prison terms, not just fines, in cases of theft of government property – especially in cases where public safety is jeopardized.


  3. <br />i have lived in Samui for 8 years bi was thinking of moving to Phuket has anybody else done this recently and do they consider it a good move. i have been to Phuket quite a few times and the place does feel better than here but the grass is always geener. if nothing else cheap flights and not having to wait hours for a ferry appeal. they used to be worth the peanalty but no more this place has gone down hill big style.<br />any comments appreciated.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    you might like to read this first >>>


  4. Corporate law

    The Times February 02, 2007

    Taxman wins on offshore cash

    Gabriel Rozenberg

    BANKING & FINANCE Four high street banks will be forced to hand over details of clients’ offshore bank accounts after Revenue & Customs won a legal victory in its battle against offshore tax evasion.

    The tax collector is set to reap £275 million from the customers of the four banks who are domiciled in the UK but who have not declared income on money kept in offshore centres such as the Channel Islands, following the decision that the details of about 100,000 people must be disclosed.

    However, the ruling by the independent special commissioners is thought unlikely to force disclosure of secret accounts in Switzerland and some other jurisdictions.

    It is illegal to conceal interest earned on money held offshore. The Revenue is now expected to try to urge people with undeclared offshore accounts to come forward by reducing penalties for a limited period.

  5. Prediction: Everyone will be using Vista in 18 months and noone will give a hoot about DRM & licensing. I remember the same stink around the Win2000 to XP release.

    i doubt that as this version is too secure for the pirates to use long term ,if you do use a snide version you wont be able to get updates as it will invalidate it and you get a crippled PC . 90% of games are said not to work with vista .

    so i suspect there will be a lot of hooky XP users that wont be upgrading. 30% hooky in the uk and 90% in LOS ??? This version is said to be too secure ,they have gone over the top on security and made it a nightmare to use .

  6. Women always have the longest queues :o When will people who build these places that serve thousands of people figure out that women take longer to use the bathroom (more clothes to remove) and build more toilets for women than for men?

    the Dutch have invented urinals for women to allow them to get in for a quick slash and out fast ...there are others in use




  7. :o who would be mad enough to take on that job ?? Their hands will be tied by the requirment for huge cash injections which will be hard to come by and the need to close down parts of the airport to fix the faults ! Severe confrontation looms ! oh the sorry results of poor project management and the alleged kickbacks !
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