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Posts posted by ollyrosee

  1. Chinese develop remote-controlled pigeons

    A flying world first

    By Lester Haines

    Published Tuesday 27th February 2007 11:18 GMT

    Chinese scientists have pulled off what they claim is a world first: controlling pigeons via brain-implanted "micro electrodes", Reuters reports.

    Xinhua news agency explained today that boffins at the Robot Engineering Technology Research Center at Shandong University of Science and Technology were able to "command [the pigeons] to fly right or left or up or down. It elaborated: "The implants stimulate different areas of the pigeon's brain according to signals sent by the scientists via computer, and force the bird to comply with their commands."

    The centre's lead scientist, Su Xuecheng, proudly declared: "It's the first such successful experiment on a pigeon in the world."

    Xinhua added that Su's team had already successfully experimented with remote-controlled mice, and "hoped that the technology could be put into practical use in future". Sadly, the report "did not specify what practical uses the scientists saw for the remote-controlled pigeons", Reuters notes. ®

    from theregister.co.uk

  2. Monday, February 26, 2007

    Woman gunned down in Kamala

    KAMALA: The long-term partner of a well-known local businessman was gunned down in front of The Club restaurant, on the main road through Kamala, around 7:30 pm on Saturday.

    Lt Col Monsak Suebsuwan, Duty Inspector at Kamala Police Station, told the Gazette that the victim is Nongnuch Kongprueb, 42, partner of Harry Tawando, 72.

    Col Monsak, the leading investigator in the case, explained to the Gazette that Mr Tawando, a Dutch national, is involved in the property business, specifically in Kamala and along Nanai Rd in Patong. “We suspect that the murder was over a business conflict,” he said.

    “That evening Ms Nongnuch received a phone call from a man who asked to meet her at the restaurant so he could give her the Bann Naka Resort Co Ltd company stamp,” he said.

    “The men said that they were from an accountant’s office and that the company stamp was ready for her,” he said, adding that was why she had agreed to meet them.

    “But she didn’t know that two men who called her were hiding near her home,” he said.

    “K. Nongnuch asked an employee to go with her, but the two men followed her on a dark blue Honda Dream to the front of restaurant. The man riding pillion pulled a gun and shot her in the back. They then fled the scene.

    “The employee who accompanied her called Mr Tawando. K. Nongnuch was then brought to Patong Hospital where she later died,” Col Monsak added.

    Police have arrested one suspect, who has denied any involvement in the killing. He is being held at Kamala Police Station.

    Polcie are still searching for the other man believed to be involved in the murder.

    Services for K. Nongnuch will be held tonight at 8 pm at Laem Petch Temple in Patong. Cremation will be tomorrow at 1 pm.


  3. i thought i would post this to stop all the idle speculation >>

    from the BKK Post today


    Reward offered for killer of Russian tourists

    By Jerdsak Saengthongcharoen

    Chon Buri - Police have offered a reward of 100,000 baht ($3,000) for the capture of the gunman who killed two Russian women tourists on Jomtien beach in Pattaya on Saturday.

    Pol Lt-Gen Assawin Kwanmuang, chief of the Provincial Police Bureau 2, said the tourists, Livbov Svirkova, 25, and Tatiana Tsimfer, 30, were on a package tour and arrived in Pattaya on Feb 16. It was their first trip to the resort town.

    They checked in at a hotel near the spot on the beach where they were found dead in their deckchairs. Each had been shot several times.

    Thai News Agency reported on Monday that police investigators have produced some clues suggesting that a gang of foreigners may have been involved in the murders.

    Pol Lt-Gen Assawin said he had instructed detectives to seek an early arrest of the culprit after close examination of the victims' holiday snapshots taken while visiting some tourist attractions as well as security camera images which found that a gang of foreigners, in particular "The Chopper Gang", a local group in Pattaya, may have been involved in the killings, according to the TNA report.

    The police officer did not provide more details about the so-called gang, but indicated that mobile phone records of the two women are being thoroughly checked for further evidence as they used local simcards to call in and out prior to the killings.

    Pol Lt-Gen Assawin said records showed the two women were self-employed overseas and had nothing to do with any illegal businesses in Pattaya. They spent their entire time as tourists and there was no evidence they were involved in any business dealings here.

    The commissioner said police investigators were looking to find out if they had become involved in a conflict with anyone in Pattaya.

    Security cameras recorded what appeared to be an Asian man shooting the women from a distance. The killer did not touch the women's belongings.

    The pictures needed to be examined more closely as the image of the man was taken from afar and was quite fuzzy, Pol Lt-Gen Assawin said. A reward of 100,000 baht was being offered for information leading to the capture of the killer.

    Tens of thousands of Russian holidaymakers visit Pattaya every year.

  4. they would need to build a waste water sewage plant somewhere inland and redirect the raw sewage outlets that empty out onto the beach to that plant . This would cost a lot ,too much so its unlikely to happen soon.

  5. building a burglar alarm is not rocket science ,doors and windows covered by movement detectors ,linked to a control panel ,and some very loud sounders .you just turn it on and off when you come and go. battery backup if the power supply is unreliable. judging by the burglarised its essential for expats now.

  6. how about a barking dog alarm ? deep woof woofs might work . but you get a bigger safe and higher walls and then they turn up with guns when things get tougher and they get more desperate .

    a very loud shrieking alarm is whats needed , when the noise is so loud they will scram .

  7. Is this feasible ? and where would you keep it ? and could you fly it around the kingdom ?

    i dont recall see any or many light aircraft flying around or parked at any airport which is strange.

    seems to be a demand for tourists to be flown around from resort to other resorts ,that are not easily served by domestic flights. And could you get it certified when its built ?

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