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Everything posted by TaoNow

  1. I believe that the Certificate of Residence you get from Immo is good for 6 months -- not 30 days. However, the medical certificate (which you need for driver's license renewal) is valid for only 30 days.
  2. Jersey, agreed. Without a doubt, the most valuable posts on this part of the Forum are the recent trip reports. In fact, I wish the Forum would create a sub-section which only lists trip reports and the responses of other members.
  3. triplez: I did this a month ago at CW. It was very straightforward. Just fill out the form. They need a photocopy of your last 90-day report. I didn't have a photocopy so she did it for me at a cost of 5 baht. As Dr. Jack noted, the cost of proccesing and postage is 200 baht (no receipt), and they tell you it may take up to 2 weeks to deliver. But I got mine after 3 days or so. You can track the progress of the delivery on the ThaiPost code they give you.
  4. Just a word on Thai probate based on my experience in 2011. I am not a Thai citizen. My Thai wife died suddenly and had no will. I went to the local court (Taling Chan branch in Bangkok) to see what the procedure would be to become the "administrator of my wife's estate". The staff were very helpful and professional. I just needed to obtain the signed release from our two adult children (who would be the first in line for the 'administrator' role). I just provided the death certificate, copies of some of my wife's major assets (e.g., land deed, car, bank account), marriage certificate, and my passport info. Then, several weeks later I appeared in court. The judges asked me a few questions, and that was that. It took 5 minutes. I did not use the services of a lawyer. I don't think there was any cost, other than photocopying. I used the court order to have my name added to the land deed (which, in theory, allows me to sell the land -- but not the house which sits on it. But that is another story.) The transfer of ownership of my wife's car and bank accounts to me was straightforward and quick. Have some faith in Thai institutions for a change.
  5. I wouldn't call 205 replies an "enormous response." That sort of summarizes how the Forum has declined over the years. When I first joined, there were many experienced ex-pats on the Forum who knew the culture, the language, and how to skilfully navigate life as an expat in Thailand. That was a real service for newbies and those thinking of visiting the country, or moving here. There were also many more women members who posted. How many women are there on the Forum today who post on this section or the Visas section, or the General section of the Forum? How often do they post? That is just one indicator of how the Forum has been taken over by (male) trolls, bullies, and ne'er-do-wells. I have no idea why advertisers want to pitch products to that low-life, misfit crew on this website. 'Nuff said.
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