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Posts posted by leebeeUK

  1. Only those actually there know what really happened, so any judgements or assumptions on the part of anyone here is simply irrelevant... not even the damage to the face of the Canadian proves anything conclusive one way or the other... maybe he was assaulted first, maybe he got whacked in retaliation for assaulting the other guy... nothing proven, just another bad ad for Thailand and Phuket in particular!! :)

  2. Another tragic and needless death!! All the bad news and stuff i read and hear about in Thailand, seems to tell me stay away from Phuket and Pattaya in particular.. it has obviously become endemic within these OTT tourist/expat farang areas that so many local Thais (and yes I know there's mafia there too in its various forms!!) do not give a **** about anyone but themselves, only taking people's money and moving on to the next potential customer/victim!!! You can say what you like about the rest of Thailand, including my home area in Chiang Mai, and yes there are bad people everywhere... but these 'hotspots' are obviously ******* crazy, whether you're some businessman getting mixed up in real estate, just a family trying to park your car or a backpacker having a quick shower or swim!!! Best left well alone, is my view from the North (and I know things aint perfect here!!). :)

  3. "Problems can happen when we ask foreign countries to extradite him. We name him in our request as Thaksin Shinawatra but when those countries check his presence, they would not find him because he used different name," Panich said.


    How's about you tell the foreign countries what that different name is.... Takki Shinegra?


    Too straightforward!! Never happens like that, here, does it? Does anyone really believe they actually want this man back on Thai soil, marches on whichever prison holds him etc etc??? Jutaporn's probably got 'secret tapes' of a plot to kill him by Abhisit and some shadowy Dr Evil anyway, to stir everyone up, just in case!!!

  4. 'NOW we're going to make sure they don't take drugs' etc etc... kind of missed the boat (or ferry!) again on that one as usual.. so just when was it 'OK' to go mind-tripping while island tripping in the first place? And which Jiminy Cricket brought about the sudden conscience that 'drugs are bad (on Koh Phangan), people who take drug's (on Koh Phangan) are bad, m'kay?' Sure there'll be a 'crackdown' or two and then the guys with the stashes'll come out of the loos, from under their upturned boats, get their plastic bags out the systerns and hey-ho-away-they-go again!! As for me, I don't go there, don't do drugs, so as long as they're doing it amongst themselves I'll trust the authorities and the kids to tussle it out - or not - between them!!

  5. Crackdown? - What Crackdown?

    The term crackdown, as we all know, is meant to signifify the proverbial 'cracking of the whip', a definite, swift, unwavering and inescapeable action enacted to rid the country/the situation/us of the 'rogue' elements in question...

    The Thai government knows this which is why it uses such phrases as soundbites, like saying it means we all believe there are doing it!! Haha!

    Conclusion? The Thai government have their own glossary of terms for use in time(s) of public pressure:

    for 'Crackdown' see 'token effort, in order to hide inaction and apathy'


    Outrage!, Outrage! As your paid MP's we are outraged at these outragious outrages, and to prove it... er... crackdown anybody?
  6. A lot of us ride motorcycles out here, but hopefully we learn what the roads are about and how best to ride to keep the possibilities of accidents down as much as possible. That's those of us who live here. Tourists obviously aren't hiring bikes for anything more than a some holiday japes, alchohol included.. = perfect recipe for disaster on any road, especially Thai roads where no one's properly schooled in riding/driving anyway!! Sad statistics but all I would advise to any friends or family coming for a trip out here is DON'T hire yourself a motorcycle.. I travelled on these roads as an observing - sometimes disbelieving! - passenger for almost 2 years before I got my bike, out of necessity, and still don't take anything for granted except there's plenty of hazards waiting out there!!!

  7. This photo has been circulating for some time. One thing I noticed is that the Photo that has been attached and the photo on the attached video by Loong on post nbr. 49 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTJZ4HUol2E) at around 2:02 minutes into the video are not the same. The attached photo has been retouched. The original photo shows the girls in much more decent (translated as longer) skirts.
    Student uniforms 'too sexy'

    Country's top two universities order clampdown


    BANGKOK: -- Chulalongkorn University (CU) is campaigning for students to comply with its dress code, while Thammasat University (TU) wants to the government to launch a "Social Cabinet" to tackle the issue of students wearing uniforms inappropriately.


    Deputy Education Minister Chaiwuti Bannawat agreed that students need good discipline and praised universities' successful efforts in improving the standard of their students' dress.


    -- The Nation 2009-08-19

    Looking at the picture on utube and the one in the nation,, It has been touched up.,the girl on the left now has a tighter blouse, and her right leg is thinner than her right, the girl on the right has different legs now. So it would seem the picture was doctored to suit the headlines

    Oooh I do love a good conspiracy theory with some nice 'doctored' pics! First it was that Lee Harvey Oswald pictured with a rifle, to look like a marksman - when we all know he was a slimy but impotent patsy and it was them mafioso/CIA fellers who really did for the American president!! Now we got hard-working young lady-students superimposed with shortened skirts and new, sexier slim legs just so some Uni dons and their ministerial cronies can start a campaign to strip em of such unbecoming attire, probably while the disgruntled old chaps stand there, overseeing in suitably stony faced manner, whilst a complete undress/ redress takes place!!!!!

  8. It's good that we get these things out in the open! Lots of pictures help too so that we can see exactly what to express our disgust and discontent about. No doubt that's what all these ministers and dons etc etc sat in their private studies mulling over such serious tissues - sorry, issues - have in their minds, when it comes to tackling these little 'hussies'!!! :)

  9. so us wanke_rs have had it then!! And who's gonna care? 'Yes, okay, loads died from Swine Flu, but they were all wanke_rs anyway...' ... 'never even touched that coconut juice I told em to drink, what' they expect?... bashing away furiously like there wasn't a pandemic coming to wipe em off the face of the Earth as they sat obliviously glued to their bluies!!... I told em that's not what the tissues were for!!'...

  10. We can pretend all we want that this is some government/illuminati conspiracy. The only problem is that as a school teacher, I've seen an uncanny amount of sick kids recently. I've seen high fevers and coughs like you wouldn't believe. This is way different than any kind of seasonal malady I've ever seen before. Unfortunately it's real. Now the only thing we can do is take adequate precautions against infections and hope these sick kids are just sick, and don't end up dead.

    True. A big problem is getting the Thai teachers and, in turn, the kids to take these 'adequate precautions'! Most in my school seem to think its a joke, and don't even think about protecting themselves to protect others. 'You scared?' I've been asked by more than one grinning teacher, because I now wear a surgical mask in my classrooms of 40+ - yes its in our school too!! I've told them I don't think I'm so likely to get it - this because, despite several flu bugs doing the rounds, yearly, in the UK, I luckily never had more than a sniffle and a headache in maybe 12 years before I came here - but if I do, I don't want to pass it on to someone I know who may get it far worse... they nod and then ask the same smirking question the next day!! - pretty much the same thing as with the [not wearing of] helmets on motorbikes really!!.. 'Enforced' taking of precautions would be the best thing.. ie 'just do it!!' NOT 'here's a mask, up to you'!!! Those who say its all just scare-mongering are missing some facts - that it exists, it spreads quickly and people have died; those posters quoting stats like 'only (so many) have died' clearly haven't lost anyone or had it bad themselves...

  11. I did my TEFL with TEFLPlus in Patong Beach in September 2006. I found it very intensive, some 6 and 8pm finishes, 5 days a week - a 120 hour course with teaching practice - especially in the first couple of weeks, but I'd like to feel that this made it a very worthwhile course (we met some guys attending other nearby TEFL courses finishing at maybe 2pm every day and hitting the beach and bars thereafter, initially making us a bit jealous!)... There was good camraderie with other students, TEFL teachers working within the centre, and with our own course teachers. many different nationalities brought together.

    We learned Grammar very thoroughly - and for someone English, who likes to write and thought he naturally just knew it, was a real eye-opener!! - and the methodology was equally well delivered and enlightening. We also learned some Thai as part of the course. After 4 weeks we had a morning of exams and got the results in the afternoon - picture a half dozen or so guys drinking beer in a hotel, chatting hopefully and maybe a tad nervously, 2 doors from the where they're totting up our marks...

    As someone else here has said, I don't have other TEFL courses (except the early finish ones mentioned) to measure against, but I'd recommend this for an in-depth insight into teaching English conversation. One thing, as I am now living and teaching in a government school in Chiang Mai (to classes of 35-45 students), I have to note the TEFLPLus course is aimed at mostly intermediate students and one-to-one or small classes, or was when I took it. Certainly it has still been very helpful in my learning curve and the certificate opens many doors anyway, but this may not teach you to handle 40 kids, a good percentage of them apparently uninterested (just a note of caution to give perspective). After 20 months I'm finding my own ways to navigate through such classes - fun though, mostly...

    Good luck anyway.

    Hotel Tip, for this course: Siam Palm, same small soi as the TEFLPlus Centre... comfortable with satellite TV etc at reasonable price (find it on the Internet)...

  12. Fact is, Thailand is the worst affected Asian country. And its mainly because the govt isn't actually really doing anything but throw a few masks and close a few schools to look like they're on to it!!! Most of the people aren't in panic, beacause its just not the Thai way... they'll worry if someone in their family gets it seriously!! "I am not scared" I've already been told by a laughingly smug Thai teacher and that seems to be the consensus... if you're concerned then you're a wus!! &lt;deleted&gt;?? Fear has nothing to do with it and people saying the only pandemic is hysteria don't know what the word means!! It isn't about severity, just that it can spread to anywhere... which cannot be doubted... it can also kill... which cannot be doubted... (albeit most likely if you're already not in good shape!!)... I don't know what effective preventative measures really are, but they obviously aren't happening here... but a bit of perspective is in order... it's real and worth protecting yourself and against transmission to others... the operative (and largely missing) word is aforethought, methinks!!

  13. I'm teaching in Chiang Mai and we've got 4+ unconfirmed cases of the flu in our school... steady increase of teachers and students wearing masks... not the soft cotton ones you see on the street, but (hopefully) better surgical ones distributed medically. Still, some teachers - and obviously the general public - seem to think its all a bit of a joke, something you see on TV: 'I'm not scared, hahaha' seems to be a prevailing thought! And then they don't understand why Thailand is the worst affected Asian country.. anything to protect, I'd have thought, even if only a little, has to be of benefit, especially as it seems to have been pretty ruthless on those with a previous 'weakness', whatever age, eg, the 30 year old 'obese' guy who sadly died a few days ago...

  14. ... I came here first time, September 2006, stamp for 30 days - sorted, back to UK end of the month...

    ... returned April 07, Non-Imm 'O' visa (tourist) from Hull, UK, and did my regular 90 day visa runs to the border, Aranyaprathet from Bangkok, Mae Sai from Chiang Mai - again no problems, plenty of time to keep on top of it...

    ... since April 08, have had Non-Imm (working) visa (& work permit!) issued CM - as I’ve now settled to live and work in Chiang Mai - every 90 days quick visit to Immigration, fill in the short form to tell them where I'm at - definately no issues...

    ... now on my 2nd Non-Imm working visa and, same again, just need to notify current address, at Immigration, upon expiration of my stamp...

    … if someone wants to stay here any length of time, then I don't see why the options above don't appeal.…I've been here over 2 years now and haven't had a single problem in this department, just by following the guidelines, (right from the off!)…

    ... I can't help feeling a lot of people are making life difficult for themselves – a (costly) border run every 15 days?, sorry can’t see the sense in it!! - and blaming the Thai authorities for not bending over backwards to accommodate them...

  15. QUOTE (leebeeUK @ 2009-05-27 10:12:53) *

    Reds can seriously and un-selfconsciously talk about bitter anybody's, after Rafa's rants this season (has he got next season's order in for the super-chill-beta-blockers yet?)???

    as i've posted here before, rafa's statement was far from a 'rant' and he's been anything but rattled or cracking up this season. good luck for the cup final, without jagielka and arteta you're going to need it. wink.gif

    - Note, I said rantS , plural not singular, as in this bloke hasn't stopped ranting and whining... 'Ferguson's scared... blah... if only we'd had Torres and Gerrard... blah blah blah' (like no-one else had injuries!!) ete etc etc... Also, Liverpool and Everton fans relationships at an all-time a low ebb due to this bloke, for sure... remember ' the small team' 'statement' when we'd not rolled over and died for your guys; this IS a bitter bitter man when things aren't in his favour... sad but true...

    ps: Liverpool have been a great side this year by the way, and more competition at the top certainly builds the excitement for next season... pps: don't forget we got not only our key defender (Jags) and midfielder (Arteta) out, but also the top front man, (The Yak)... difficult, it may be, but so was still keeping going and snatching 5th on the last day, with our top troops steadily falling by the wayside.... BELIEVE... we CAN do it!!!

  16. Reds can seriously and un-selfconsciously talk about bitter anybody's, after Rafa's rants this season (has he got next season's order in for the super-chill-beta-blockers yet?)???

    Anyway, good luck to Liverpool, great strides this season - next season who knows how close it might all be again...

    but better luck to us, of course, we may yet bag us a big fat trophy - THIS SEASON!!!

    Look out Chelsea, the Toffees are a-coming...!!!


  17. ... just had to do (to change) something.. 2006, age 43 and lived in Skegness - small, traditional seaside town on the east coast of England to the uninitiated - most of my life..

    .. no marital or children ties; job, flat, car ok but ho-hum-yawn realisation (mid-life crisis?) of ongoing rut, led to month long Phuket trip to do TEFL (already teaching in UK), then 'sorry, gotta go, mum, sis, all...!!'..

    .. from April 07, first 3 months teaching as a volunteer in an orphanage and school, next 3 travelling, came to Chiang Mai early September that year and now working at a local school, got a great lady, fave places to eat, me Honda to run about (fully helmetted, sod this 'oh you don't have to wear one out here - smashhhhhh - doh, my head hurts!!'), a school full of kids shouting waving and smiling at me - between actual teaching - every day.. and me regular trips to wherever...

    ps: am actually writing a book based on my journal of all this, fun it has been!!!...

    pps: come on the Toffees!!!

  18. Got an e-mail from Stuart Turner today confirming that they have struck a deal with True to show the semis and final!

    Although he didn't go into details on the length of the agreement it also covers England matches. By all accounts TRUE showed the Ukraine match last Wednesday, however I didn't see it advertised anywhere!

    Enjoy the footy folks!

    hi, anyone know the best place to catch the game in Chiang Mai, preferably with some other toffees... ??

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