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Everything posted by jayceenik

  1. So is the Russian-speaking Donbass minority that Mr Zelensky has steadily bombed for the past 8 years.
  2. I'm married and use the 800k method.. Simple. I don't plan to claim the married way ever.
  3. My wife decides. I follow. She decided for the H-RV and for Papa's Revo (he liked a Ranger...). ????
  4. Thanks to all who responded to my OP. I read all posts with great interest particularly about 4WD in aquaplaning conditions. The wife has decided that it'll be the top of the line : 2.8 lt with 4WD. She'll start checking online for a good dealer to buy from and what best borrowing rates she can get. No dealer in our district village!
  5. The wife has set her mind to buy a Fortuner 2023. Apparently there is an order queue. She'll drive it like she drives our H-RV now. I don't like to drive in Thailand. I just ride my motocy. She wonders if she should put X-tra baht into the 4W model. We live in Isaan but don't really go off-road. Any one here has an opinion about the Toyota Fortuner, 4W or not?
  6. Can an executor of a will be a beneficiary? It is legal and common practice for a beneficiary to be the executor of a will, like when a surviving spouse or adult child is named to serve as executor and also receives an inheritance from the will. https://www.policygenius.com/wills/can-an-executor-of-a-will-be-a-beneficiary/
  7. As long as my mother was alive I had no Will. After she died I made a Holographic Will to the benefit of my stepsister's children. In 2014 I made three Wills benefiting universally the Thai girl I was living with in Pattaya and cancelling my previous Will. I have only a motorcycle and money in three banks Money in the bank in Thailand : Thai lawyer in Pattaya wrote the Will Money in the bank in Singapore : Singapore lawyer in Singapore wrote the Will Thai girl is Executor and Beneficiary for both Wills. Money in the bank in Belgium : I wrote a Holographic Testament naming her. What is interesting is that both lawyers (TH and SIN) insisted in my naming a Plan B beneficiary in case the original beneficiary was no longer available at the time of disposing of the Wills. I named Green Peace. That Thai girl and I got married a couple years ago so this should simplify even more the Wills' executions.
  8. I see that a lot of posters on this Hate-Russia thread are quite happy with NATO goading Putin enough to force him to go for a nuclear war on European soil. How great the Glory of dying for Ukraine. Or, rather for the geostrategic and economic goals of the US.
  9. They want to keep on speaking Russian but Zelensky has forbidden the use of that language. So, the Donbass wanted some sort of autonomy. Anyway, they're now independent and can join Russia if they want to.
  10. Obviously you never heard of the Minsk agreements violated by US Marionette Zelensky. And the US planning to make Ukraine a Nuclear-armed hostile to Russia state. You also ignore that Ukraine has been attacking the Russophone Donbass region for 8 years.
  11. Yes, no need for more after a first big poo and he has leveled a couple of war mongering Western capitals. China and the US are safe.
  12. Yes! Yes! I want to bring some of my Monopoly Euro here... But wife says: Wait! Wait! When Euro @ 38 you make transfer.
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