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Posts posted by TheExpat

  1. Word up. It is truly scary that American leaders now must convince the voters that they are totally IRRATIONAL. There is indeed alot the Christian political right in America have in common with the Muslim Mullahs of Iran. Both groups are radical fundamentalists. It is sad to be from a nation that has gone BACKWARDS.

    AMEN :o

    Really??? When was the last time you sam an American saw off someone's head in the name of Christianity? Or call for the death penalty for teacher named if she named teddy bear Jesus???

  2. I don't know, a belief system that makes its young people move to tropical countries and wear black suits to visit "heathens" to convert souls to a group that wears special Mormon underwear, big it might be, but it is flirting with being a cult:


    I guess I am not the first person to think of it that way.

    I would agree about Mormons being a false religion.

    I will say that they do not MAKE anyone do anything. These guys have a choic.

    If I was them, I would wear shorts :o

    However, again when speaking of Christians, I have never met one that tried to get someone to turn against their family.

  3. Dakhar, talking about activist Mormons like Mitt Romney, and missionaries. Obviously many good people are born into that cult.

    I think that people do not really know what a cult is.

    A cult tries to pull you awat from your family and isolate. Christians encourage family values, loving and buliding strong familes.

    Maybe Patpong is a cult to some of you guys.....or do the "members" of the Patpong clan encourage family values? Does Patpong draw the family closer toigether or is it a cult? Some farangs spen way more time in the beer bar than any Chrisitan spends at the church house!!!!!! :o

  4. I th9ink that it the fact they are feeling a need to do something of others or give back to the community that they live in. One can't deny that we all have wondered why we are here and for what reason? Also where will we go when we die? I wonder if a person is telling the truth when they say that those questions have nere croosed their mind.

    That is another subject that I never intended to bring up.

    I only posted in response to questions about Religious VISA's and the need for work permits.

    edited due to posting problem which resulted in the above being deleted!

  5. Do Bible thumpers or proselytizers have a special visa for them to work in LOS, or are they here generally just on a VOA? If only on a VOA, don't think I've ever heard of one getting caught in an immigration sweep for working illegally.

    They seem to be pretty much ignored by the authorities and allowed to go about their business annoying others, despite, if here on VOA, working here illegally.

    Others thoughts??

    From my earlier post:

    "However, it is not true (as suggested in these posts) that a person has to have a work permit to pass out literature, have Bible studies in a house, or share their faith with people in Thailand. A work permit is needed to have a full fledged church with has to be registered with the Thai govt. and have a minimum of 50 members."

    Sharing of ones faith doe snot require a work permit. It is on the same lines as discussing politics, or trying to persuade your buddies to go yo Chester Grill instead of KFC.

    Just like anywhere in the world, you can discuss anything - politics, foorball, rugby, cricket, or the best Pizza place in Bangkok. If you are going to say that someone needs a WP to share their faith with another person, then you are essentailly saying that anyone that holds a conversation about anythin where thoughts differ would need a WP as ell. So amy of us that live here in the LOS and post are opinion here also need a WP. Or someone that lives here that helps the poor or homeless needs a WP. Or by dropping 10 baht in a cup or stopping by an orhanage and donates money or gives some toys some kids demands that a person gets a WP. I just do not see the reason in that.

    Now if they are selling Bibles, Christian books, Chritsian videos, and T- shirts that have Bible Verses on them then that would require a WP.

    Also as I said, a foreigner needs a Religious VISA and a WP if he rents a building and starts a full fledged church.

    Having a Bible study in ones home is the same as having some Thais or farangs over for dinner, to watch football or play cards......although by saying that, I am not saying those things are as important as God. :o

  6. Cheers fellas.

    Ive got a feeling i popped into the shintorn housing estate before, I remember a gym by the pool and it didnt seem all that, I will give the one by the basketball courts a try, sounds ok.

    Thanks guys.

    Check back at Sinthorn. My buddy told me that they have added a new room and more equipment. It has air con and for me that is a must!

  7. I like making my own pizzas at home, although I don't have an oven here in Thailand.

    If I do get an oven at some point, it would be interesting to experiment with making pizzas with local toppings, as the dough itself is easy to make, as long as you can buy flour and yeast.

    Has anyone tried?

    I'm thinking in particular that some of the Thai sausages might make good toppings, maybe some eggplant, some chili peppers? or some chicken marinated in sate sauce, with caramelized onions and basil?

    I guess there is no real replacement for cheese. Mmmm, cheese. :D

    I have a pizza oven. Get cheese from Macro or Foodland, make you own Italian crumbled sausage, and when you make your pizza sauce, use canned tomatoes. The fresh ones here are dodgy.

    The oven I own is a nice commerical one. I can make bread, cookies, cakes, pizza, and many other things. The problem is that it is HUGE. Can cook up to 6 pizzas! But the problem with the ovens that you buy here is that they lose their capacity to get and stay hot over time..........and my it has been my experience that it is just a few months. This will lead to uneven cooking and soggy crust :o

  8. It might shock you to know that Thais respond to learning about Jesus Christ and the Bible at a much greater rate than is seen in Europe, America, Australia etc.

    It doesn't shock me.

    Are you dissing the Thais?

    Anyone, thanks for providing what sounds like authoritative info on the visa situation. Oh Christ!, another loophole down the drain.

    What do you mean dissing Thais? When? :o

    My wife has a VISA service for foreigners that want VISA's for here and for Thais going to the US. So I hear it all!

  9. I think we have stumbled upon the next great LOOPHOLE. Immigration authorities, take note!

    I am under the impression that to these sort of fundamentalists, Buddhism is the devil's work, so again you have to admire Thai tolerance for allowing this to go on.

    Bingo, it's like a shining light, a revalation. Therefore, me, if without a work permit, at 41 yrs and the sole guardian and father of my 2 daughters (both Thai citizens) I will be unceromonsously marched to the airport and told to leave within 15 days of leaving a my job!!!! I'm converted, where can I find god......... I'm gonna buy one of them bicycles, does anyone know the make and model. I think I can get the little nametags made at Robinson's. Gotta find me a church, CM-happy, anyone, can you recommend a church!!!

    Not going to happen. There are only a certain number of Religious VISA's available. I beleive the Thai govt. holds it at 400. To qualify for one, you have to be proficient in reading, writing and speaking Thai at a 6th grade level. You also have to have one of the five approved religious organizations sponsor you. There is a five year waiting list for religiouis VISA's. The JW's, Catholics, Mormons, Evangelic Fellowship of Thailand and one other one (forgot the name) have the Religious Visas tied up with their own people. To get one, you have to wait until one comes available - the of death or the retiring of a VISA holder.

    However, it is not true (as suggested in these posts) that a person has to have a work permit to pass out literature, have Bible studies in a house, or share their faith with people in Thailand. A work permit is needed to have a full fledged church with has to be registered with the Thai govt. and have a minimum of 50 members.

    It might shock you to know that Thais respond to learning about Jesus Christ and the Bible at a much greater rate than is seen in Europe, America, Australia etc.

  10. I feel that Lampard10's comments are insulting and off-topic. Can we have them removed or has he bought the whole site yet?

    That restaurant you're talking about was great! Too bad it's gone, but the owner got gypped by the lout across the street. F'ing rude drunkard that brings working girls home to spite his wife. What a life, huh?

    Oh, and to keep it on topic:

    The gym under the basketball court is much better when it comes to free weights and it is now free for the community--even us dirty farangs. Water bottles in the fridge are self-serve and cost 10 baht which you drop in a box.

    They also have table tennis, tae kwon do classes, Thai music classes, massage & reflexology, and of course the basketball court which is in pretty good condition.

    The gym at Sintorn (spelled Shinthorn on the entrance) is being refurbished and expanded. They are getting lots of new equipment and even a curl bar. Membership includes a steamroom, nightly step-classes and they'll be starting yoga/stretching classes soon, too.

    Both places sound good. Glad Sintorn got a curl bar!

    Hey DK, is the free part at the other gym inlude everything. Even the Tae Kwon Do? Or do the other extras cost.

    Just wondering as I will be up after New Year to see the family. i might stay for a few months. Maybe at the Majestic, unless I find a place closer to your house.

  11. It is no Fitness First or Gold's Gym, but it does have some decent equipment.

    The staff there are all a bit thick, but it is Surin!


    How come you moved out then?

    I just could not seem to find ONE good farang restaurant in town.

    Especially after the pizza restaurant in the bus terminal closed.....it was the only place in whole city of Surin worth eating at!!!!

    Plus the owner was a real cool guy! :o

  12. The gym they are talking about is the best one in Surin.

    It is no Fitness First or Gold's Gym, but it does have some decent equipment.

    The staff there are all a bit thick, but it is Surin!

    They need more weights and maybe a curling bar and then it would be worth the 1000 baht. I think 400 to 500 baht a month is what they should be charging.

    You get a free towel when you sign up too :o

  13. buy thai beef from local markets in the morning

    Baht 140/ kg

    bleed it out and "age" it for about 5 days in the fridge

    when it starts to get "greenish" on the outside it is well

    and then any Thai beef is as tender as we Farangs used to get abroad :o

    When you say bleed it out and age it for 5 days....what do you mean? Drain the bllod and then just stick in the fridge for 5 days? Let me know so I can try!!

    no, what I mean is Butchers at markets normally have "fresh meat" meaning slaughtered just a few hours before (provided you go early in the morning). In Western countries you buy beef, which is "aged".

    I do my own ageing by:

    1. having one of those larger rectangular plastic containers with a kind of tray inside (you get them at lotus, Big C etc

    these containers they sell normally in order to put fresh vegetables into the fridge

    2.I just put the 1-2 kg of Meat on top of that tray and seal the container airtight

    3. put it in the fridge and normally you see after a while blood in the bottom of the container

    4. this works very well even for frozen tenderloin from Thai-French etc

    5. clean the blood out every day ! otherwise it starts smelling badly

    6. wait 4-5 days (this is really up to taste) untill you see a greenish reflexion on the outside of the meat

    7. ok, it smells a little, but many Chefs told me that's the way beef is the best

    tried it many times and works ok

    1-7 we normally don't know cause it is done by the western suppliers BEFORE the meat ends up in the supermarket

    I heard from some "Nutritionist" that if the blood is still in the Meat, that's what makes it "hard" upon cooking, bbqing

    Of course meat quality depends much more on how the cattle is fed and how the meat is cut.

    Have you ever seen a Thai butcher cutting meat from a carcass ? O.M.G. !!

    Anyway this is just a homemade "recipe", which gives you cheap, halfway decent steaks !

    Maybe a real Chef or somebody who knows the why and how can explain us better here

    good luck

    Seppl :D

    Great. Thanks a lot. I will be trying it next week. I plan to grill out next weekend!

  14. The Expat,

    Thanks very much.

    Do you have any details on that medicine as a google search does not return much of note (even for peptazole) and your symptoms sound worse than mine. Not sure, but another poster said it is the same as OMEPRAZOLE.

    Did you not have any other corrective action and the symptoms dissapeared just from taking this medication?

    My sypotoms were.....well how do I say it......god awful! Horrible and I thought I was going to choke to death! I got to a point where I did not look foward to meal times. All I did was take the medicine. The problem decrease slowly over 30 to 45 days. I used to choke and vomit almost everytime I ate. Now it has not ahppened in a long time. Thougt I was going to have an episode the other day, but did not. I think I had not cheweed my food enough! The tissue that the acid destroyed seems to have healed and everything is working fine. To be honest I am off the meds no and want to see what is going o happen. I cut out the greasy foods and do not have heartburn anymore either.

    Another thing that seemed to be a factor for me was stress. I have so much less stress now that I am retired and living here in Thailand.

    Good luck Twix!

  15. buy thai beef from local markets in the morning

    Baht 140/ kg

    bleed it out and "age" it for about 5 days in the fridge

    when it starts to get "greenish" on the outside it is well

    and then any Thai beef is as tender as we Farangs used to get abroad :o

    When you say bleed it out and age it for 5 days....what do you mean? Drain the bllod and then just stick in the fridge for 5 days? Let me know so I can try!!

  16. Sounds just wonderful, but how long will the dry ice last here in Thailand ??

    I ask because I can see this service being used by those of use that live out in the sticks, and only drive into BKK or Pattaya 1x per year.

    EMS = parcel is delivered by the local postman on his motorbike… he comes mostly 6days per week between 2 and 5 pm…… If there is heavy rain, or he is unwell, than there is no delivery that day, I have lived here 4 years so well used to the delivery..

    Therefore the EMS package would be in transit at least 26hours.. in the next Village post office they need parcels before 12 noon for next day delivery so = 26 + hours

    thanks for the input ! will take all into account.

    Just register as a "Guinea Pig" (see my post in Isaan Forum) and we try it out with you :o


    Sepp.....I have suggestion that has worked for me MANY, MANY times. Ship the product on the bus in dry ice. Have the customer pick it up at his local bus terminal. Yorkies and a few others do it for me. They put it in a styrofoam cooler with dry ice and then they tape the lid on with packing tape. I have NEVER had a problem. The customer pays by bank transfer and also the cost of shipping, dry ice and the cooler box. Once you verify they have paid, then take it to the bus terminal and find out what time the bus is due to arrive at the customer's destination. It is really cheap!! I hope this ideal helps!!!

  17. Twix,

    I had the same exact problem. It was so bad that I would sometimes gag and choke and throw up my food because it would pile up in my throat instead of going down.

    I lost some weight and at the same time I also starting taking 1 capsule of peptizole or muracid before meals. ( both pills are the same, just the name is changed) I have stopped the problem for now.

    By all means get checked. I did and that is what they told me to do for the problem.

    God bless and good health!!!!

  18. I am looking for places that do electrolysis in Bangkok. I have some hair on my back I want to get rid of and I was told by several centers that do laser that it will not work because my hair is blond. They said laser only works on darker hair. They told me to get electrolysis, but did not know any place that does it.


    Sasquatch :o

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