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Posts posted by TheExpat

  1. Where do you hang your hat? Pattaya? Silom? Just wondering. I have made it a point to find out of the way destinations within Thailand. I still find Thailand exotic and wonderful.

    Get away from the well traveled areas and see the country. it will help. Also take afew trips to other countries like Nam, Maldives etc. Go back home for 3 months - anywhere will look exotic after 90 days in the west!!!!! Good luck and don't give up on the LOS!

  2. Just to update I found a perfect place for me. It's the gym on the 8th floor of the Evergreen Service apartments. 3 months is 4200THB. Hardcore lifters would probably find the gym lacking in equipment but it's perfect for me to keep in shape. There is also a really nice pool and restaurant on the top deck that is available to members. The cute farang girls sunbathing around the pool had nothing to do with my decision to join. :o

    I doubt the OP.....he is now lying - cute farang girls - no such thing!!!

  3. i do admit thaivisa's policies about not allowing anything (even bkk post articles) critical of the junta is annoying.

    If you recall not that long ago another forum was shutdown for just that and there may have been others we are not aware of. Thaivisa is important to too many members to take that chance. If you browse through the various forums/topics here you will note that many if not most are well behaved while others draw the negative crowd. I personally would rather be safe then sorry. There will always be those critical of any censorship regardless of the fallout.

    I would say, as a whole, the positive posts and information far outweigh the negative/critical ones. (IMHO as a member and not a mod) It's just the negative ones standout more and are repetitive.

    Champions of free press

  4. Well the thing is I am 6'5 inches, played American football in school and just was always bull strong. I liked to lift the heaviest weights I could find, but never did much cardio excercise. A friend of mine emailed and told me he had been to the Doctor and weighed in at 130kg. He was complaining about being fat. I laughed and thought "I would die before being that fat." Mind you, Thais guess my weight between 90 to 100kg because I hold my weight well. I was at Big C and saw a 1 baht scale and thought of my fat buddy back home. I laughed, dropped a coin in the scale and presto 140 kg. I was shocked. The last time I weighed I was 110 kg. I weighed 3 more times at different places and all said 140kg. :o

    So that prompted me to lose the weight.

  5. Thai bashing - or anyone bashing is not really constructive to the well being of this forum / website. :o

    Complaints or personal annoyances about Thai's and the way they do things might have been a more appropriate title.....

    My point was that to condense the bashing into one thread.

    Personally, I hate it.

  6. Here is a thread to get all of the Thai bashing out of everyone's system. It will be good to just add and add here, so the readers will not have to mill through multiple posts dwelling on the subject.

    Why do Thais walk and look in the opposite......

    What do Thais keep sniffing?

    I do not bash Thais, but I will start the thread with what I notice and what WOULD irritate me if I allowed it to do so. I only do this to narrow it down to one thread that can continue FOREVER!!! if the mods allow it :o

    Thai talking on the phone repeating the same sentence 10 times, saying uh, uh, uh, uh, uh over and over and also saying HELLLLO HELLLLO 10 times because they can't hear the person on the other end talking and then hanging up....only to get be called right back and start the whole process all over again.

    Thais that ring other people and hang up because they have NO BAHT and want a call back.

    Asking a Thai worker at Villamart where something simple is and after a 5 minute discussion on the item they direct you to aisle 5 and it is no where to be found, then you ask another and he tells you "maimee no have" and then you find it on your own later while shopping.

    Why the website for the theatre at Siam Paragon said that The Simpsons Movie was playing and I drove all the way there, parked and stood in line for 10 minutes only to be told that it was not playing. When I told them it said that on the website, the manger told me she was "bored with the website" and forgot to update it.

    Why every time I am eating with a group of Thais they never just let me order. After I order, they interject and tell the waitress something and when my meal comes, it is never right.

    Why I order food that is on the menu and am constantly told "maimee no have"

    Why Thais are excellent sales people and promise the world when selling a product, but the follow up service sucks.

    Anyone else have anything to add?? Get it out of your system here!!!!

  7. He should look for a girl that has a Bachelors Degree, maybe a teacher or some sort of normal employment. Find a girl that does not go for nightlife, does not smoke or drink and dresses modestly.

    Yes, that's wife material................................................then when she stays home, cooking, cleaning, ironing etc, you can go out with your girlfriend who's a right raver and have the time of your life.. :o

    Or just stay home and enjoy life with the missus.

  8. I have lost 22 kg in the last 6 months. Cut down to 2 Thai meals a day and they are decent sized meals. I eat at 11am and 5pm everyday. Between meals I snack on fruit, yogurt, the occasional ice cream cone and other snacks. I eat whatever I want every 14 days.....pizza, tacos, Swensons, BK, Mcdonalds and KFC. I still drink 1 or 2 sodas a day as well. The rest of the time I mix 100% lemon juice with water.

    Added to that I run 3 to 4 rimes a week for 45 minutes to an hour and lift 6 days a week for 30 to 45 minutes. One body part a day. Monday Chest, Tuesday Biceps, Wednesday Triceps, Thursday Back, Friday Shoulders and Saturday Forearms and legs if I have time. Heavy weights with lots of sets (20 to 25) and each set 6 to 10 reps.

    As I said, I have lost 22 KG and want to lose 15 more. My muslce size has grown a lot and my waist has went down about 5 inches. Was 140kg and now just weighed in today at 118 kg.

    All the best to the rest of you. I feel a million times better than before.

  9. So you were bumped into. Are the rose in the pile of <deleted>? Big deal, someone invaded your peronal space. Why are you so important. You must be one of the farangs that I often see around Thailand that has his nose so high in the air, that you should have drowned the 1st day of the rainy season. So arrogant that you could not possible look at yourself and realize that you are no better or know worse than the next guy. I guess you never thought of saying "excuse me, but since we bumped into each other, let me intoduce myself, my name is so and so and I am from (fill in the blank)....where are you from mate? "

  10. A couple of weeks ago poster moxhan asked the same question. I found his post on page 4, Harley Davidson Accessories. So, go to page 4, click on that post, and you will find directions to the HD shop in Bangkok.

    Or even more helpful would have been if you provided the link to the page 4 so the poor guy does not have to go thru 4 or 5 steps to get there :o

  11. I think I can answer that; There are two farang supermarket/restaurant/bars in Surin, both offering an excellent supply of foods, bread, cheeses and meats. There is Nobby's in Soi Kola, who offer an excellent selection of cooked meats and sausages, leaning towards German Cusine, and there is us, The Farang Connection. For a full list of our bakery, and other produce, click onto the link at the top of the Isaan page. I think between us in Surin, you can get a far better selection than any foodland or other shop in Thailand. For instance we sell PG Tips, OXO cubes, Birds Custard Powder, Piccallili, and a few other items that are immpossible to get anywhere else. Also, between the two of us we stock around 35 foreign beers, sold at off-licence prices. Pop into Surin and check one or both of us out.

    And of course we bake fresh European bread on a three or four times a week basis.

    "ding ding"

    plug in the house

  12. Do what makes you happy. It is better for your lady to smell like perfume than Ben Gay.

    Who cares what anyone esle thinks. When I am back home with the Mrs., the stares / smirks that I get are from jealous old bags. My frineds wives hate it, but my friends are always teliing me that they wish they were me!!!

  13. Body of Thailand victim to be flown home

    The body of the Israeli tourist who was killed on Tuesday when a ferry capsized in Thailand will be flown back to Israel on Wednesday evening.

    The ferry, packed with tourists, overturned off the coast of Koh Phi Phi, killing 26-year-old Nissim Lugassi of Acre and seriously injuring a second Israeli.

    An additional three dozen Israelis were rescued from the water, some by fellow tourists who were diving in the area.

    The accident occurred approximately a kilometer from the coast en route from Maya Bay to Koh Phi Phi in stormy seas with waves up to four meters high, the local governor told the Israeli Foreign Ministry. Many of the survivors were left stranded for half an hour before they were rescued.

    Eyewitnesses reported seeing smoke emerging from the engine area of the packed boat, which reportedly had a capacity of only 40 passengers. Shortly afterwards, the boat began to list strongly to one side, and when passengers realized it was about to capsize, they jumped to the relative safety of the open water.

    Accounts differ as to whether there were insufficient life vests for the number of passengers or whether there were simply no life vests at all on the ferry, which was carrying tourists on a day cruise around seven Thai islands.

    According to initial reports, Lugassi drowned after a blow to the head knocked him unconscious as the boat sank. Passengers reported seeing desperate attempts to administer CPR, but to no avail.

    Lugassi was on honeymoon with his wife, Odelia, a trip that his family said he had promised her when they began dating three years ago. The couple was married only two weeks ago, leaving for Thailand shortly afterwards. Embassy officials said Lugassi's body would be flown back to Israel for burial as soon as the administrative procedures were concluded.

    The Israeli seriously injured in the incident was rushed to a hospital in nearby Phuket, where doctors carried out emergency operations to stabilize him. The injured man's girlfriend was with him in the hospital Tuesday evening, together with the local Chabad representative.

    Israeli Ambassador to Thailand Yael Rubenstein said doctors at the hospital had told her they would have a better idea of the injured man's condition on Wednesday.

    Rubenstein also told The Jerusalem Post that she had dispatched the consul-general to Phuket to meet with Lugassi's wife, as well as with the girlfriend of the injured man. After that, she said, the consul would continue on to Koh Phi Phi to meet with the other crash survivors.

    According to Rubenstein, the embassy planned to offer the Israelis buses back to Bangkok, where the embassy would provide a safe haven to relax and decompress after the trauma, as well as help them to quickly replace key documents - such as passports - that were lost when the ferry sank. The tourists would also be offered the opportunity to be flown home if they felt they could not continue with their travel plans.

    When reports of the sinking reached the embassy, the Foreign Ministry and local representatives opened a situation room where concerned relatives in Israel could check their family members' well-being. Rubenstein said that although they had not had a plan in effect for such situations, the embassy had been in close contact with ministry officials in Jerusalem, with Thai officials and with the Citizens Abroad desk at the Foreign Ministry, which specializes in coordinating responses to emergencies befalling Israelis overseas.

    "We have been in constant consultation, and we have been working very well together," said Rubenstein, emphasizing that she thought that the response had been coordinated very smoothly.

    The ambassador added that she hoped that the incident would not have a negative effect on Israeli tourism in Thailand.

    Each year, approximately 140,000 Israelis visit the southeast Asian nation.

    - Jerusalem Post

    Here is an portion of the above article that scares me.

    According to Rubenstein, the embassy planned to offer the Israelis buses back to Bangkok, where the embassy would provide a safe haven to relax and decompress after the trauma, as well as help them to quickly replace key documents - such as passports - that were lost when the ferry sank

    I am not sure I would take the bus ride offer. Riding a bus in Thailand is more dangerous than a boat ride .......in my opinion.

  14. I am thinking of living in both Thailand and Vietnam (HCNC). Half the year here and the other there. Is the cost of living the same as Thailand? I have looked for a forum about Vietnam and found a couple. They offer houses for US$2500 a month and that seems unreal. I can hardly believe it is more expensive than Thailand.

    What is the food, housing and utilities costs to live there?

    Thanks for the input..........

  15. The wife and I decided to go to a restaurant that we have been to many times before. It is the outdoor restaurant opposite the Asia Airport Hotel / Zeer and on the same side of the street as McDonalds (a small soi separates the two). The waiter brought us a Thai menu and I ordered cashew chicken (80 baht) and the wife got spicy salad (60 baht) and we each got an ice water. We got the bill and it was almost 500 baht. When my wife asked the waiter about it he handed us an English menu listing the prices as 200 and 120 baht for the food items. I grabbed the Thai menu from the next table and showed the waiter the price difference. He then proceeded to tell my wife that I was a farang and the price I was being charged was the farang price. He said that it was no problem because I was a rich farang and could afford it. My wife objected and she went to see the owner. The owner denied the two tier pricing even though my wife had the two menus to show her. She said it was because we got a little extra and the charge was for large size. After threatening to call the police, we were presented with a bill for 200 baht.

    So, if you are staying at the Asia Airport hotel or shopping at the Zeer shopping mall, do not eat on the other side of the street, unless you want to be cheated..............

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