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Posts posted by rocky3

  1. sichonsteve,

    in my opinion Sutheh and his minions ceased to be a legal demonstration when they set about blocking poll registrations and polling. This was unlawful under the constitution and when this was brought up to the courts they said that the protestors were peaceful law abiding citizens. BS Arrest warrants were issued by the criminal courts for his actions, and yet he still remains free and protected by someone higher up. Do your own research on Suthep and see how corrupt he has been in the past, and remember a leopard never changes its spots. Suthep had his hand in writing this constitution and was involved in seeing that the referendum went forward and opposition to it was blocked forcefully. He didn't get it right and now he wants it changed again. Everyone is now appointed, don't be surprised as this is what you might get.

    The Thai's do not have a good system yet, nor do they have good politicians that can be trusted to run the country properly. Political coalitions have been formed in the past to govern Thailand and all of the discussions were based on who controls what cabinet positions and how much money is in my budget, not on who knows anything about running cabinet position.

    My biggest fear is that if things continue as they are we will see more and more demonstrations against any government.

  2. monkeycountry, take off your yellow glasses and look at how Suthep and his thugs have the wool pulled over your eyes. breaking the law is not the correct way to go about change. you keep tearing apart this country and laws and soon it will be run by totally lawless politicians. you will not have an elected government as long as you allow people like Suthep to fill the streets on a personnel vendetta. I never said that Yingluck was the best I just said that this action should have been done within the confines of the laws and the courts. there are right ways to do things and there are wrong ways. keep going on like you are and protest will never stop.

  3. Scousetommy,

    I do care about the deaths of the children and the 20 plus others that have lost their lives as well. But i get tired of hearing all of the speculation on the guilt of the red shirt supporters for all that has been done to the peaceful demonstrators. peaceful my arse. they have only been peaceful when the courts close both eyes to the actions where they instigated the violence. Suthep said that he had some armed men wearing green arm bands that were part of the protestors, where are they and why have they not been turned over to the authorities? where is the truck that the guns were hidden in, that was seen on video supporting the protestors? oh and thank you for your spelling corrections, however you did miss the grammar errors and capitalization errors as well.

  4. only in Thailand can people with arrest warrants out against them sit down in front of the police for a chat and go home with no worries. TIT I wonder why the red shirts get a little pissed off when justice is metered out. i don't need to here from Suthep supporters claiming how bad the YS administration is, how none of the granade incidents or nightly shootings gets investigated and why no one is arrested by the police. they cant do their job because the elites have the support of the army and the police are affraid of getting killed by them. wouldnt it be great if the Army did step in and take out the roadblock to peace (Suthep), and then stand by while a government is formed and reforms of all agencies are completed. of course these reforms might take a couple of generations and the army would be sure they were not targeted along with their eliteist friends. Really folks the only way that I see a resolution to this madness is negotiations, where when everything is said and done both sides walk away with a sense of accomplishment. no one is holding a grudge or starts the own demonstration to overthrow the next government. No standing political pary or politician can be involved in the new government under the new rules. I added this just because none of them understand how a democracy is supposed to function. a government of the people and for the people. I know the US can not do it either.

  5. if the army is really here to protect the country then they need to step in and remove Suthep immediately. he is only interested in anarchy and starting a civil war. if he is allowed to continue then i see no way for this to be decided peacefully. we are approaching sad sad times for Thai people. My wife and I are contemplating our departure from her home for our safety.

  6. Yingluck will be charged if and when evidence is presented that points to her. why not point your evil minded finger at Suthep the unmovable one who loves the popcorn shooters. there are many that hate him all ready and very tired of listening to what comes out of his mouth. AV has sealed his fate by not voting so don't look for him to head the next government. he (AV) should have spoken against his former puppet master early on and followed the constitution for a resolution.

  7. this is terrible, i can only say may god grant them peace for too soon they go. as for the perpertrators may they burn forever more and feel the pain of the family ten fold. nothing can forgive this madness. Suthep end your madness now. Yingluck yeild only to elections as this is the true and proper route to be taken under the constitution. I do not care what the elite want i want a permanent fix and believe the next government can handle reforms. but can the elite live with reforms that are neccessary, in police, army, courts, and politics.

  8. Four step plan today, tomorrow another four step plan, then we will move on to another larger 8 step plan. Reforms, reforms, and reforms. At least the police know that changes are needed, now who is going to decide what gets changed and how. Try working on a constitution that guarantees all an equal chance, an education system the instills some criticle thinking, and mutual respect to all....

  9. so its the governments fault when you started the escalation. i see how you think now. blame others for our escalation because we are only peaceful demonstrators that are taking away your rights. lets throw some tear gas and grenades at the police and shoot and they will go away. look at the photos and tell me what you see when the police initially formed their lines. shields and batons. after the grenades you will see shotguns that are using rubber bullets. tell me how shotgun shells and high powered shell casings were recovered behind the protestors. these were recovered by thai bystanders. thank-you innocent peaceful people for the deaths of many Thai citizens. I hold Suthep responsible for the actions of his minions, as i see his peaceful demonstrators sitting and praying. by the way CNN shows who threw the grenade and he was not dressed in black. his helper hiding behind the blue plastic sheet with the rifle i cannot see if he is in black. but he was with the protestors and not the police. so please tell why Yingluck and Chalerm are to blame.

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  10. who presented these reforms? Suthep can not be a party to the interim reform administration. he must stay away from the administration and he has no say in what gets approved or presented in a referendum. PTP forms interim government. Elections to be held after referendum. while you are at it reform the courts as well, as it seems their interpretation of the law and the constitution is controlled by money and corruption.

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