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Posts posted by zthyadat

  1. What ??!!!

    He's only facing 2 years of jail and he is in exile for that ??

    I know and have heard all about the conditions of Thai Jails, but surely he can do his 2 years and move on in his life from there.

    I wouldn't be on the run from my home country for a piddly 2 years... I could understand people facing life sentences, and otherwise lengthy jail sentences.

    Also I think he might come out better (more popular? greater support?) with his followers -- as a man who took his punishment, not run away from it.

    Real sad all this for only 2 years, if thats all it is.

    Not in this country, matey... going to jail for even a day is a huge loss of face. It particularly shows that you aren't omniscient and above the law - which for a guy like Thaksin, is unacceptable. Think of it as Thailand's version of principles.

  2. "Speaking to reporters in his capacity as Democrat Party secretary-general, Mr Suthep said it is not possible for Mr Thaksin to return home, otherwise he would in effect be the only Thai who is above the law, that is the judgement of the courts."

    What a joke ! As the wikileaks site shows, the laws have been modified after the coup to justify the coup and to find Mr Thaksin guilty of corruption. He can't be convicted for breaching a law that didn't exist at the time he was PM.

    Please check here : http://en.wikipedia....i/Retroactivity

    Thaksin is not above of the law, he is a victim of a law that has been corrupted by the coup makers and their appointed government.

    Wikileaks documents are now available, check for yourself.

    Oh yes, Thaksin is a "victim" if ever I saw one... Clean as a whistle, unjustly convicted.

  3. Asked whether he feared that Pheu Thai may take revenge against him if the party formed the next government, Sonthi said: "I am not afraid because I was not wrong. There are rules of law in this country."

    There are rules of law in this country, but it seems that nobody's following them. WTFC? :jap:

    and the rule of law says that a coup is illegal, yet he still led one, then changed the constitution to absolve himself from legal issues, then told the public to accept the coup or the army will stay in power,

    It seems this guy will just go with whoever, he has no morals or scruples and should be dealt with for leading the last coup.

    Besides, there are no Caymen Island bank deposits when you are in the opposition.

  4. Typical Nation biased piece. She hasn't had a debate yet, but is doing wonderfully well in the polls. Why change things? Certainly not for the sake of her critics, who are the ones vociferously calling for it. Go Yingluck, you're doing just fine.

    Yes. she is very good at being pretty and somewhat charismatic and all her limbs move as if they weren't pulled by strings dangling from Thaksin Shinawatra's fingers. Btu let's see her in a debate and see if she has any nouse. Elections are supposed to be about the electorate making an informed choice, not just a game for greedy egocentric people to play to compete for the spoils of power. That's why change things.

    You go, girl!

  5. Riding on the fear among the voters, party after party is declaring war on drugs and other evils in society, while one in particular has vowed to declare victory on its "war on drugs" within 12 months.

    If you ever needed proof that politicians are liars who will say anything to get what they want, here you are.

    If drugs are a social problem, why then does drug trafficking attract the death penalty?

    Isn't that like saying "If adultery is just a social problem, then why do they stone women who commit it?"

    umm... ignorance?

  6. I'm all for freedom of expression, but personally I think tattoos are just body graffitti. Doesn't it state somewhere that I person cannot take an image of buddha out of thailand?

    Some say having tatts exhibits there unique personality? Well, how about invoking an interesting conversation to show your personality? When every Dick and Jane is all marked like a NYC alley I can't really see the uniqueness of one's self when they all look the same.

    Y'know I kinda like a woman's skin pure and naturalwink.gif

    Whatever you may think about other people's tattoos, it is their right to get them.

  7. Interesting to read:

    Globalists Fueling Unrest in Thailand

    Same organizations, same rhetoric, same globalist agenda, different country.

    by Tony Cartalucci



    thank you for posting it.


    Tony Cartalucci is FUN. :wub:

    He tells you what nobody else would tell you and of course never the mainstream media. You should also read some of his other articles, for example:

    A Final Word on the Bin Laden Hoax



    i expect he earns from his words

    not something you i expect you will ever achieve.......

    and before you fire back, i have had articles published ......

    Could you post a few? And not that it matters, but lots of idiots are published writers... lots of intelligent people too, but getting published is no badge of credibility.

  8. i like this debate.. he has some points..

    either way, it gets people thinking.

    What points would those be? That the Ministers of Culture seem to be misguided fanatics with a knack for attempting to legislate against things they have no business (and no means of) controlling? That because they see tattoos as some low form of expression that those who get tattoos are not sincere in what they are expressing and must comply with an ignorant minister's outlook? I would imagine, for example, that anyone who gets an image of Christ tattooed on their body probably believes themselves to be a Christian. Who is the minister, in all his wisdom, to assume that they are not?

    Is this country being run by the Taliban? This is supposed to be a secular state. And under the constitution, the law is not allowed to discriminate on the basis of national origin except for the purposes of immigration and labour enforcement and property ownership.

    What if I personally find religious imagery offensive because as an atheist it goes against my beliefs? Why is my right not to be offended by the beliefs of others not protected by banning relgious iconography entirely?

    If someone's faith in their religion is so delicate as to be eroded by seeing someone else with a religious icon tattooed on their body, then it has little real value in the first place.

    The proposal is ridiculous in the extreme.

  9. 2 way street?

    Company offers a job and salary, do not like it-move on, have plenty of people who want to work!

    Wages are set by the government, go sue the government.

    Decided to make trouble for the company because not happy?-say bye bye to a job and go work elsewhere where the conditions are more suitable or fit the needs.

    As simple as that

    "Go sue the government". The poor have tried that before. Got nowhere. The playing field is far from level, the daily wage earners are treated like human garbage (which is just fine with you, apparently) and you know, cornered animals will eventually turn on you. To quote Ebeneezer Scrooge: "Are there no workhouses?! Are the no prisons?!" One of your favourite literary characters, I'd imagine - a true inspiration.

    Yeah, "simple" sums up the way you see the world, Kuffki. I feel sorry for anyone so hard hearted and angry. I truly hope your company makes huge profits off the backs of underpaid labour (and of course your own hard work and dedication) and you end up as an old man, sitting on a big pile of money wondering vaguely why you are still so miserable.

  10. It's funny how many people will listen to a 9 year old. Even funnier how adults waste their time talking about what a 9 year old thinks, or what toys he has!

    Yes, pretty disgraceful the Nation wasting valuable news space on a cutesy story about some rich brat, as if he is really some secret weapon... Parish newspaper journalism.

  11. Wow, you have it all figured out, right down to the condescending view of the "misguided electorate," you and all your awareness of Thai politics at work. Go on wit' yo' bad self and tell these people whattup. Then ask yourself, which candidate has managed and been accountable for major corporate businesses at the highest levels on a daily basis for most of her adult life? Okay, now ask yourself which candidate is a lawyer that has never practiced law, never had a real job, is a British citizen, and has never managed or been accountable for anything ever?

    One other thing... Can you tell me why you suddenly switch into ghettospeak in the middle of your "point"? Come on, you aren't really a black guy, are you? Does it somehow reinforce what you are trying to say? Gives it a little more street cred, maybe?

    Well hush ma mouth, and stuff it with collard greens! You's a much mo' modern man dan me. Ah concedes to yo' superior patois, suh.

  12. One thing for sure, at last there is real hope for Thailand. They just have to get rid of the old men who are there just for themselves and the power, men like Suthep. The coming of Yingluck is a real breath of fresh air for Thailand. " Like her politics or not". Thailand has to give her a chance. If she is a dud then there is the next election.

    Good luck to Thailand i say !

    Do you have any idea of what you are talking about here? Is there any awareness of Thai politics at work? Yingluck is a woman with a pretty face - that is the only "fresh" thing about her. These are not necessary features of a prime minister. Her brother will be pulling the strings, she will attempt to declare an amnesty for him and the street violence will all go off again. Oh yeah,, there's always the next election, what damage could she possibly do in four or five years?

    Of course she will pick up a lot of votes as the misguided electorate think it is somehow cool that she is a woman and because she is pretty - kind of like how the Philippines would elect a film star, just cause it would be kind of fun...

    Wow, you have it all figured out, right down to the condescending view of the "misguided electorate," you and all your awareness of Thai politics at work. Go on wit' yo' bad self and tell these people whattup. Then ask yourself, which candidate has managed and been accountable for major corporate businesses at the highest levels on a daily basis for most of her adult life? Okay, now ask yourself which candidate is a lawyer that has never practiced law, never had a real job, is a British citizen, and has never managed or been accountable for anything ever?

    Are you referring to Yingluck, the President of AIS who created her own position? A woman who, oddly enough, was let go when Temesek (who didn't have any of Yingluck's family members amongst its ownership) took over the company. And after she vacated, her position was eliminated - probably because it was completely unnecessary in the first place. So this is the great female captain of industry you refer to - the one whom Thailand must give a chance? (And I love the concept of a Shinwatra being "accountable" - nice touch)

    And since when is running a company like running a country? Companies don't have social programs, are solely interested in profit, are run by people who don't have to take criticism from all sides... the only major skill that transfers over is decisiveness, but businesspeople cum politicans soon find out that it is one thing to make a decision and another thing to get it implemented. By comparison, running a company is child's play.

    Btw, why is Abhisit's British citizenship a black eye against him?

    And yes, please tell me with a straight face that the electorate of this country (and come to think of it, many others) aren't misguided.

  13. - completely garbled quotes deleted -

    What funds have been hidden by who, where and how much?

    That is precisely what is unknown, but could be sorted out by transparent asset declaration statements by both members in a "marriage."

    but then again, it's not to be expected as she will have plenty difficulty with filing just hers . ;)

    and oh yes, Nong Pipe's, as well.


    More slurs and innuendo from the usual source including a "first", attacking a child.

    If you have any evidence show it.

    So Jayboy, it is not allowed to suggest a possible scenario without any evidence? I don't think the poster was suggesting this was known fact. And given that assets concealment seems to run in the Shinawatra family and Yingluck admits that she thinks like her brother I don't believe it is a long stretch that she might just play every loophole she can - maybe even create a few new ones after becoming PM.

  14. One thing for sure, at last there is real hope for Thailand. They just have to get rid of the old men who are there just for themselves and the power, men like Suthep. The coming of Yingluck is a real breath of fresh air for Thailand. " Like her politics or not". Thailand has to give her a chance. If she is a dud then there is the next election.

    Good luck to Thailand i say !

    Do you have any idea of what you are talking about here? Is there any awareness of Thai politics at work? Yingluck is a woman with a pretty face - that is the only "fresh" thing about her. These are not necessary features of a prime minister. Her brother will be pulling the strings, she will attempt to declare an amnesty for him and the street violence will all go off again. Oh yeah,, there's always the next election, what damage could she possibly do in four or five years?

    Of course she will pick up a lot of votes as the misguided electorate think it is somehow cool that she is a woman and because she is pretty - kind of like how the Philippines would elect a film star, just cause it would be kind of fun...

  15. Singapore ain't cheap. Why do you assume that removals companies are asking for stupid prices? Port charges are huge in Singapore, so is man power, customs etc. Freight is free, but do you really want to go to the port in Singapore and collect it? Are you employed in Singapore?

    This is why you pay for a service. $1,500 should get it there for you.

    Thanks for the replies thus far.

    I am employed in Singapore, so have an import dispensation on household goods (This is why I can't mail it in separate pieces - it is meant to arrive and be cleared in one batch). Picking it up down there with the papers in hand is apparently very easy.

    I know the prices the THAI companies are asking are high because a friend in Singapore had more stuff moved from bloody Fiji for less than the local removals companies are asking.

    I don't want all the service. I can pack my own stuff fill in my own goods list. I just need it put on a boat at this end and taken off at the other.

  16. I have to move a couple of cubic metres of stuff to Singapore soon and removals companies are asking stupid prices (probably assuming that some bank is paying the way, which is not the case). I am happy to pack a couple of crates myself and even pick it up myself at the Singapore port. Does anyone have any suggestions for shippers who won't charge an arm and a gonad for this - and around how much it should cost?

  17. "For example, they might charge 200 baht for [a small] bottle of beer that usually sells for around 80 baht to100 baht a bottle at other bars. They exploit consumers," he said.

    Every bar usually has a privce list somewhere in the open. I was in Patong a number of times and if I see the price of my drink double than other bar, I get up and walk away to other place. I don't see the problem when they charge 200 for a beer if it costs 80-100 elsewhere. Nobody forces touris to stay in any particular bar - get up and leave! End of problem.

    If they try to charge you more than you actually ordered - that is a scam but don't get shit-face drunk and chances are it won't happen to you.

    The best way to avoid getting overcharged is to pay as you go, one drink at a time. Then you can get up and leave anytime without any argument.

  18. On second thoughts, I remember it is/was called "Südostasienzeitung".

    By the way I also saw farang magazines degenerate into just marketing tools for project developers, writing lyrically about their villas, condominiums and so on.

    I think you might be confusing the text of ads with the text of stories. I never saw them stoop quite so low as to kiss advertiser arse that directly. From the people I knew who were involved with it, their refusal to do so was partly responsible for the magazine's demise.

  19. No, there was an English magazine for backpackers called Farang (although they changed the name at some point to Untamed Travel). I used to advertise with them monthly and they just never showed up at some point without any warning. They went out with a whimper.

    Oh, it whimpered alright, just not publicly. Cash flow collapsed, not due to magazine sales but advertising sales and other factors...

  20. To be 100% legal in Singapore the Thai document needs to be officially translated into English, certified by the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then legalized by the Singapore Embassy in Bangkok. I advise checking with the Singapore Embassy in Bangkok before going to all the trouble, they could have a different option.

    Thanks for that... do you know what "officially" means exactly though? Are there govt certified translators you have to use?

    There are any number of official translators located close by the U.S. and U.K. embassies, they translate and put their stamp on the document. Any translation agency recognized by the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs is ok.

    Ah, I see... Thanks again for your help.

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