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Posts posted by frogz

  1. I live in Thailand too and have never been to Phuket. Perhaps the prices may come down to encourage tourism and I can actually afford to go...more Thai people may be able to go too, if the price is right. The TAT complain that Phuket is too expensive for Thai people. 'Get the whiskey love and load up the truck. We're off to the beach!'

  2. Hi,

    I'm going travelling with a friend of mine in July to Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. I would like to get my visas before travelling so that I don't have to mess about at the borders - just present the necessary visas.

    Is there a travel agents in Bangkok that can organise that? If so, any idea of the cost?

    Thanks. :)

  3. Speaking as a longtime professional journalist, the original article above from the Phuket Gazette is a pure piece of C**P.....

    I have no idea what the lady really did or didn't do. But.....

    --the article totally fails to have the police even minutely address the key issue in the case: that friends of the woman claimed then and are reinforcing now that she knew nothing about it and it was a joke they played on her. True or not, the police commander doesn't even touch that subject in the article.

    --the article quotes the police commander as saying his men did what they did originally because the owner of the bar insisted on pursuing the case. Then later, the article directly quotes the owner of the bar as saying he doesn't want to pursue the case. So which is true? The owner originally wanted to prosecute and then changed his mind later? Or the police commander is misrepresenting the original position of the owner. The article doesn't give you a clue.

    --the first paragraphs of the article says the police detained the woman for stealing the bar rag... Gee, I don't believe she's admitted guilt or been found guilty in any court. So how about, for ALLEGEDLY stealing at least.... unless innocent until proven guilty got lost somewhere along the way.

    Any way you cut it, all of this over a bar mat is a ridiculous overreaction -- unless the woman involved really did something to hack off the local BIB.... There were some hints of that originally, but the latest accounts seem to suggest that wasn't the case.

    My verdict is... Phuket Gazette.... crappy journalism, if you can even call it that.

    I totally agree with your comments. Is the Phuket Gazette a tabloid style newspaper in the sense that it is there to sensationalise rather than inform? I can't say I have ever visited the Pucket or read the rag, but it does seem that the journalism isn't great for precisely the points that you make about the above article.

  4. Check on the medical insurance requirements. I work for a very big company with name brand US medical insurance and Norway (part of the Schengen area) required special medical insurance for my wife. Luckily my company paid for it.

    They are worried that is she gets sick there, the free government medical will have to eat the bill. I showed them that my companys medical insurance will cover it, but they said it is just a reimbursement from my insurance company and the fact is I would have to pay for it first.

    Stupid thing is, as a US citizen, I can come and go with no visa at all and there are many US citizens with no medical insurance.

    Good luck.

    It seems then that there are some rules for some and no rules for others. I suppose that most countries believe that Americans can pay for health care without insurance? Who said life's unfair?

  5. Ahh well I can't afford to stay at places like le meridian even with the discounts, but it would be nice to have a bit of money off the the mid range hotels.

    On a recent trip to Koh Tao many locals were complaining that visitor numbers were well down on a year ago and have been gradually declining for a few years.

    From the people that I've spoken to back in the UK there is a genuine fear of polictical instability, I still get people telling me to be careful because of a Tsanami even though I'm no where near the Andaman coast. I can understand peoples concerns about the political situation, after all 3/4 days stuck in an airport terminal is a big slice out of a 2 week package holiday. Add to this the poor pound to baht exchange rate!!!

    Thailand really needs to offer some big incentives if its going to bring back people in significant numbers, Thailand will always attract backpackers, but the tourists that bring the real money in are the two week package tours, and they in my opinion are the most likely to be put off coming here. There still seem to be new hotels and resorts are still springing up all over the shop in the tourist resorts just who do they think will fill them up?!

    I predict some very dark economic times ahead for the Thai Tourism sector :o

    They could fill them with Thai people if they brought the prices of the rooms down. The TAT informed me that Thai people can't afford to stay in a lot of these touristy resorts as they are too expensive. This was their reasoning for charging foreigners that work and pay tax in Thailand a tourist rate while Thai's pay a fraction of that or get into places free. I think they were going for a swings and roundabouts approach...? Anyhow, I was told that Thai people cannot go to these places that I (apparently) can afford to visit.

    So, TAT, make entrance fees to places equal for all and bring down the price of accommodation. Problem solved.

  6. May as well allow the Banks to throw EXTRA SERVICE CHARGES on Foreign Cash Withdrawals..

    Never do I cease to be surprised by the behavior here .


    Yet another stealth tax imposed on us...150 baht to make an ATM withdrawal from my UK account + what the bank in the UK will charge. I guess someone has to bail out the Thai economy. Why pick on me?

  7. 7/11 are the worst offenders.

    I go to buy a can of Coke, they give it to me in a plastic bag with 3 straws.

    True story.

    Everything is bagged up at 7/11. I usually have to say I don't want a bag too. The straws are another problem. I get a large bottle of water and straws...You can't use the straws to drink the water from the bottle, they're too short.

    There should be something done with the plastic bags. I was in Rayong recently and thought the sea was plagued with jellyfish. Closer inspection revealled hundreds of plastic bags caught up in the surf.

    A group of school kids were trying to clean the beach but their efforts barely made any difference. They were facing an unstoppable tide (pardon the pun).

    I was going to send a photo to the TAT to help their Amazing Thailand campaign...'Come and see the wonder of Rayong's aquatic plastic carrier bags, a million pulsating colours dancing gently in the warm tropical waters...'.

  8. I hope the driver makes a full and speedy recovery. I don't care for Sonthi, but I do not wish for anything bad to happen to him, either.

    I have a feeling this is just the beginning of a protracted problem for the country.

    Here, here. A speedy recovery to both men.

  9. Mmmm ... the courts already ruled against him last year. He has already been convicted of another crime. So in theory, that should be enough without the need to go through the courts again.

    Honestly, I don't understand those who stick up for Thaksin in any way. Heads buried in the sand.

    I don't like Thaksin but I also don't like the way that the military took over the country, held a general election and the reformed party, under another name got back into to power. It would seem the Thai people wanted to vote the same party back in. Then you had the PAD doing everything they could to discredit the elected government. The PAD had the backing of the powers that be otherwise they wouldn't have been allowed to take over the airports with no resistance and houst the government. Everything's gone pear-shaped since Thaksin was housted and it doesn't help that he's stirring up trouble and saying that he'll come and sort things out in the country, especially after saying that he doesn't want anything to do with Thai politics.

    The present government should get out into the sticks and use some of Thailand's wealth to help people out there (the Thaksin supporters) and show them that they are not forgotten and that they are just as important as the people in Bangkok. That's where bridges need to be built if this conflict is to be resolved. Thaksin was popular because he seemed to be listening and helping the people outside Bangkok. That's what needs to happen with the present government. A third way ... bring on the orange shirts!

    Cool logo by the way.

  10. I would say this is a bit like a war zone.....yesterday off Soi Rang nam (near Victory Monument)

    And btw, what I saw was restrained soldiers holding off firing weapons until they were under attack by buses, bricks and bottles. They had to protect the firemen who were trying to put out the buses set on fire outside businesses and homes by the reds, who were throwing bricks and bottles at the firemen (who had first asked the reds to stop so they could put out the fire). The reds got less than they deserved.



    "Less than they deserved." So they should have been shot for throwing rocks and bottles; for setting a bus on fire and being upset that the democratically elected government that they voted in has been housted? Interesting idea. Personally, I think that arresting the culprits would be a better idea and putting them through the courts. While they're at it they can arrest the leaders of the PAD that closed the airport last year too and put them on trial...don't want to be accused of showing bias or of being hypocritical.

  11. The end of the all-too-messy demonstration is near.

    Message from Bangkokians to Red Shirts: Go home.

    Yes. Let's hope so, or if Bangkok is their home, let them go indoors.

    I think that's the point. Bangkokians see Bangkok as representing Thailand. Clearly it doesn't. Most people go back to their home provinces during Songkran and the streets are deserted, indicating that most people are not Bangkokians in the sense that they were born in the city. A minority believe that they should have power and look after the welfare of the whole country. Unfortunately, while they look after their own interests, the poor outside Bangkok remain poor and that's the problem. Thai politics is something that happens in Bangkok to assist Bangkokians. Thaksin went some way to help the poor (mainly to help his own popularity it seems), but people outside Bangkok, the poor, see him as a politician that was showing some interest in their predicament.

    What is needed is for any government in power to make the people outside Bangkok feel as though they are being listened to and to share some of the city's wealth. It would also help if Bangkokians didn't treat people in agricultural areas as being inferior to them. Once this bridge is built maybe the current merry-go-round of Thai politics will change and something resembling democracy might emerge. Let's hope

  12. The army has not learned it lessons. You cannot win an uprising. Neither in the South, neither in Bangkok, neither in the North or North East. The army is big and slow, therefore the protestors can move quickly and strike wherever they want. if they want to disrupt the daily live they can do so. The army clear one crossing they take 4 crossings, when the army moves in, they move out, regroup and take new targets, huge armies have lost that way. There is not other solution than striking a deal which is acceptable for each and everyone.

    However, at last a show of strength from a government supposed to be in place for the people. Do you want wishy washy non action or should these people be shown that there IS a law. Seems we complain about No action then complain about the action when it arrives and as to how we could all 'do a better job" We are guests...... observe by all means but armchair pontificators are no help!

    there are only about 10,000 red shirts most of the time other than the first day, and a mere 2,000 of them completely rooted the conference in Pattaya.

    yesterday, they had no problem completely preventing people from going home etc, and they will and do physically intimidate motorists trying to merely go about their business - I personally was threatened yesterday, apparently me trying to go home is in some way a massive afforont to some fight for democracy.

    Since basically by the looks of them these are not exactly a highly educated group, few probably actually pay tax, few seem that they are in gainful employment and a fair few seem to think they can break the law, well then they must be prepared to deal with the consequences.

    This force is justified, and probably what should ahve been done at the airport; by letting the yellow shirts get away with stuff, now the red shirts have gone even further; what we saw on the news shows they are thugs and therefore deserve to be treated with the respect that a foot ball thugs gets.

    Well, live rounds are not generally used on football hooligans. It's clear that the police and army back who they want to and come out when they feel it necessary. We are all aware who they back.They're happy when they get their version of democracy. Either way, red, yellow or whatever colour, the country needs a force that can deal with civil unrest. Live rounds are not necessaryfor crowd control. Water cannons and rubber bullets are used elsewhere in the world. If these had been used on the PAD earlier in their campaign of civil unrest, then we wouldn't have had the situation that we have today. They got away with it for weeks and there was no action taken when they effectively brought Thailand's transport system to a stand still. This should simply not be allowed to happen.

  13. why does media insist calling it "tough interrogations" or "aggressive interrogations" when it is plain and simple torture?

    If Thailand assisted the US in extracting information from terrorists that helped save lives, then all I can say is 'Thank you Thailand."

    But then, if US didn't manage to extract information, but tortured possibly innocent people anyway because they suspected that they maybe terrorists....?

  14. At least he was elected twice (or is three times) by the people (legally) and not put up by puppet Generals.



    through bribery/vote buying/corruption//media control/cencorship/bullying of opponents/state and police violence etc.

    not exactly democratic. just because someone gets the most votes doesnt mean they were elected in a democratic way.

    the pre requisites for democracy - rule of law, human rights, freedom of speech, fear from intimidation and political violence, accountability - just dont exist in thailand at present.

    i hate the yellowshirts too. thailand needs real change not just one bunch of rich power mad brutes fighting another.

    I agree, but Thaksin seems to be singled out as a bad apple. The pre requisites for democarcy are all the things that you mention, but lets not forget that Thailand has not really had those pre requisites in the past either. To focus on Thaksin and his party as this evil anti democratic monster is a bit unfair as it doesn't take in to consideration what has gone before - which was more of the same.

    The question that should be asked is Thailand really ready for democracy? The indications seems to suggest that it isn't. Although It would seem that that is what the people and the country are striving for. I think that the barrier to true democracy is the reluctance of the old power brokers to trust in democracy. They still want their fingers in the pie, so to speak, instead of allowing democracy to flourish.


    Urgent need for O-Negative blood for Phuket expat resident

    One of our members, long-term Phuket resident Paul James, owner of the Expat Hotel in Phuket, is in urgent need of O-negative blood. This blood type is very rare in Thailand, only about 7% of all westerners are type O negative.

    Donations of his blood type can be made at Vachira Phuket Hospital, every day between 9am and 3pm. Vachira Phuket is located on Yaowarat Road in Phuket City.

    Donors are asked to go to the blood center at Vachira Phuket and state that their donation should be designated specifically for Paul James.

    Please note that donation of any other blood type than O negative is not requested at this time.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    -- Phuket 2009-02-04

    I had a colleague who had a similar request for blood. He asked all the staff where I work if they could give blood. I wanted to give blood but I'm not sure what my blood group is.

    I would gladly give blood to the expat in Phuket but I'm in Bangkok.

    Maybe some sort of expat blood donor scheme could be introduced in areas that have a high concentration of expats. I believe that the farang and Asian blood groups are usually different? It would be a good idea to have a blood bank available for when it is required and for emergancies. This would benefit all.

    I hope that the guy in Phuket manages to get his O-negative blood and wish him well.

  16. I"m in Chiang Mai and have been using Limewire file sharing since Aug of this year,no prpblems !

    But now it will not connect, message firewall or ISP is blocking Gnutell Network.

    Firewall checked not blocking, has any one had this problem ?

    I have had problems to. I tried downloading Limewire - fine. It wouldn't connect though. I tried Kazaa and the same thing. I also had trouble connecting to my hotmail account...Other websites were fine.

  17. No need to waive entrance fees to National parks - just charge 1 price for all, instead of dual pricing

    Well said. On a recent trip to Sukhothai I told the cashier on the desk that I worked in Thailand and paid tax. I also showed ID etc to prove that I was not a tourist. Other places have seen sense and allowed me the Thai rate. On this occasion I still had to pay the full tourist price. In the UK if you have to pay to go into an historical place of interest, everyone pays the same price - with the exception of children/OAPs who get a concession. It doesn't matter if your British or foreign, everyone pays the same. I also know of occasions where friends and colleagues have refused to pay the entry fee because they felt that the system was unfair, so these places are losing money anyway for having a duel pricing system. They felt that it was unfair as a Thai millionaire can enter for a few baht but they, as a working, tax paying farang, would have had to have paid a far more. Foreiner tax. I sent an e-mail to the TAT asking about this an have not received a reply...I can't say I'm surprised.

    1 price for all, you know it makes sense.

  18. Police officer allegedly cheats peers out of Bt1.2 million in traffic fine rewards

    CHIANG MAI: -- Some 50 traffic policemen of the Chiang Mai head office Friday field complaint against their peer, alleging him with cheating them out of Bt1.2 million in traffic fine rewards.

    The policemen filed complaint against Police Senior Sergeant Major Thanawat Sinpieng, 47, at the Muang district police station.

    They said Thanawat was assigned to withdraw the money of traffic fine rewards for December from the Krung Thai Bank's San Pa Khoy branch in the Muang district on December 29 but he disappeared.

    The money was for sharing among 150 traffic policemen, they said.

    They said Thanawat was earlier assigned to withdraw the money several times with no problem.

    He has disappeared with his family.

    -- The Nation 2009-01-09

    The police still take bribes. Haven't you seen their eyes light up when they see the farang's face through the car's window screen? I was on my way back from Hua Hin not too long ago when we were stopped. The policeman said that he would let us go on our way if we paid a bribe. My friend, the driver, only had 100 THB in change. This wasn't enough for the officer. He saw that there were two other farang in the car and said that we could help out the driver by making a contribution to the bribe.

    Some one had a great night on the whiskey that night and it wasn't us.

    The same driver was stopped on another occasion and 400 THB was demanded as a bribe. My friend laughed and said that the officer should take his driving to the police station to be collect as this would be cheaper. The officer soon dropped his bribe down.

    Still, it's all part of the game. The other option is to go and pay the fine at the station.

    As for the cop that robbed the coppers...enjoy.

  19. It's a disgrace that it takes a tragedy like this for the people incharge to sit up and actually do something. That night club shouldn't have been operating with no fire exits and so many people. It seems that the place was an accident waiting to happen.

    I like the note, ' ...strong legal action will be taken against the operators or owners even if they are influential persons.' Nah...I don't think so. I think they will be allowed to continue to run their deathtraps until the next fatal accident.

  20. Thai ruling party ordered dissolved

    Government supporters had surrounded the court to try to stop the hearing [EPA]

    Thailand's Constitutional Court has ordered the dissolution of the ruling People Power party for electoral fraud.

    The court also ruled on Tuesday that Somchai Wongsawat, the prime minister, and 36 other party members be banned from politics for five years.

    Chat Chonlaworn, the head of the nine-judge court panel, said "as the court decided to dissolve the People Power party, therefore the leader of the party and party executives must be banned from politics for five years".

    "The court had no other option," he said.

    The court had earlier changed venues for the hearing after hundreds of government supporters surrounded the building to try to stop the hearing.

    Also on Tuesday, a coalition of Thai business groups urged the ruling party to step down as a way of defusing the political crisis.

    The Joint Standing Committee on Commerce, Industry and Banking also called on the anti-government People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) to end its "illegal" blockade of Bangkok's airports and said the government should call a snap election.

    Source: Al Jazeera

    So the Thai political merry-go-round spins merrily round.

  21. My daughter is stranded in Phuket - no one (including the Brit Embassy) seems to acknowledge that the problem goes way beyond Bangkok. Looked in vain for info about Phuket - none that I can find! Anyone know more?

    Stranded and Phuket are two words that don''t fit together in this situation.

    In Phuket, it's life as normal. People are still coming and going. Guesthouses and hotels still having a good rotation of customers. Bars & restaurants operating as the do every other day. Deliveries, offices, shops, are ready for a high season (that may or may not come now), and the various transportation routes are still alive and kicking.

    We've had guests bus, boat, and fly in and out in the last week. No flights to BKK that I'm aware of, and air seems low on the prefered choices this week, but anyone here is far from stranded.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    As for the other countries having to come in and rescue their own citizens, what an embarassment. A huge loss of face for Thailand. The damage is getting worse by the day.

    Understand but she is awaiting a flight out to connect with Emirates (in Bkk) and has been told to stay there and await further instructions (by UK travel agents) so for her, she is stuck (or faces huge extra expense to get herself and husband back to UK).

    Embassy do not offer any advice. Insurance could (see above) use their "get out" to avoid paying costs. Her job is under threat if she doesn't return soon - and this was her honeymoon!!!

    Advice from the Embassy would help! But she is not (technically) stranded I accept.

    I think that it's outrageous that she could be facing the sack for not coming back to work! Don't her employers watch the news? It isn't her fault that she's stuck in Thailand. If they're that keen to get her back, let them pay for her transport to get across land and out of Thailand.

    Would they drag someone out of their sick bed too? It sounds as though her employers would! Maybe she could get a better employer.

  22. I empathize with those pasengers but I wonder why most do not simply get on the train to Penang. Get a bus from there to KL and leave from there.

    Is the average tourist that hopeless?

    On a different tack I hope the Thai travellers to Mecca managed to get out. Some of them may have saved for years for their one ond only trip of a lifetime.

    It does seem strange that passengers haven't worked it out, that they can travel from other places outside Bangkok. Then, maybe, they're not all well seasoned travellers and they're not aware of the options open to them. There's also the cost of buying a new ticket. I believe that airlines are reluctant to offer compensation to stranded passengers?

    I'd find out if my flights could be altered when the airport eventually opens and head for the nearest beach until further notice. I'm sure that would be cheaper than travelling to KL and buying a new flight...certainly more relaxing. I can't stand airports at the best of times.

  23. Derby Day!

    Hi, can anyone suggest a good pub to watch the City v Utd match on Sunday? I've not been in Bangkok long, so would appreciate any advice as to where a Blue could watch the match. (Preferably in the company of some other City fans!)

    Also, does anyone know whether the Man City Store that was opened in Bangkok is still open? (It's supposed to have been located in the Shinawatra Tower 3). Any ideas?




    I'm a Blue myself and I managed to convert an American not only to football but to Man City! We're watching it the Londoner. One thing you'll find is that we City fans are out numbered. Most of my mates are Mancunian reds, so it's all the sweeter when we win...I can't say that we've lost since I've been living in Thailand...not as I remember anyway.

    Gulliver's has lots of screens (Shukumwit Soi 5) but I don't go in there anymore. It can get a bit aggressive sometimes and the manager is a pillock. There's the Penalty Spot near Soi 33 too. I haven't watched the game there but it is a footie bar and has lots of screens.

  24. There's an outdoor shop on Lad Phrao, going out past the big 'C' towards Bangkapi. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that I saw some kayaks outside there.

    As for kayaking up the khlongs, the passenger boats stop at Khlong saen saep close to where I live in Bangkapi and you can get access to the water there. It is called Wat Sibunreuang terminal and the boats moor there at night - next to NIDA. The traffic is almost non-existant on this waterway after this point and I believe that it goes all the way to Cambodia - or at least used to. It certainly goes some distance as far as the eye can see from the 20th floor of my condo. I assume it's less polluted too as there are lots of plants floating about.

    A few miles or so past Bangkapi you'll probably be in a more rural area anyway.

    It sounds a bold and interseting undertaking. I wish you the best of luck.

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