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Posts posted by taotoo

  1. >>I'm not a snitch, as my previous reply indicated. However I am interested in why you think snitches should be ashamed of themselves. Have you spent time in prison? <<

    Snitches are informers .The same class as the Stassie from former DDR (East Germany ) .You should be ashamed of yourself .

    Actually it's Stasi. But thanks for the ludicrous comparison and reiteration that I should be ashamed of being a snitch even though I'm not one.

    >>Actually it's Stasi. <<..actually you are a creepy informer ,but now you are running scared . Karma is a bitch ,Watch your back .

    Please clarify why I should watch my back, as that sounds quite threatening.

  2. Sound like good candidates for an immigration tip-off.

    The only people in Chiang Mai that have any concern about farangs having a work permit are - farangs. The fact that those who do question work permits, like yourself, also suggest that immigration should be notified is as a good an indicator of the pitiful character of some of the local expats as any. The fact that you are, as Uptheos suggests, that sort of person, is sad on many levels. A Snitch? You should be ashamed of yourself.

    Some of us here go back to the days when expats took care of and looked out for each other.

    You think Thai people don't care about Thai immigration and work laws?

    I'm not a snitch, as my previous reply indicated. However I am interested in why you think snitches should be ashamed of themselves. Have you spent time in prison?

    In more than 20 years of being here I've never heard a Thai question whether or not a farang has a work permit, but on forums such as these I've heard it hundreds of times - it would practically count as being a Pavlovian response here, on account of it being so knee-jerkingly predictable.I imagine that if a Thai ever did question a farang's work permit status, it would at least be on the basis of them being directly affected,as opposed to you guys that would do it purely out of spite.

    Your reply that it was somehow a joke is the typical response of someone that gets found out and the fact that you follow that by trying to justify your statement only goes to highlignt your insincerity. As regards to your questioning my integrity, that is the other natural response of scoundrels - attack the accuser.

    Well I'm sure that Thai's do care about immigration etc., especially when - as in this case - a foreigner is competing with them for the same customer's money.

    As for the rest of your post

    1. You might bear in mind that I never actually advocated shopping them to the authorities, and hence had no need of a "response of someone that gets found out". Indeed even if I had advocated it, it's quite arrogant to suppose that your posts would have given me reason to back-track on that view, and therefore would consider myself "found out". Before ranting, you might have considered the various meanings my post could have, rather than simply settling for the one that best-suited your preconceptions about TV posters. No doubt you will see this as more "justification", but I don't actually have to justify anything at all.

    2. You don't have any reason to believe that I would do anything at all "out of spite".

    3. Having claimed that I have a "pitiful character", am a "snitch", should be "ashamed", and now am a "scoundrel", you are not best-placed to be accusing others of questioning your character. My question as to whether you had spent time in prison or not was a genuine one, as I'm baffled by how else you could hold the views that you do. But since you didn't answer I'm none-the-wiser.

    4. Your accusation of me having "attacked" you is ludicrous given your very first post!

    Prove your accusations or withdraw them.

  3. >>I'm not a snitch, as my previous reply indicated. However I am interested in why you think snitches should be ashamed of themselves. Have you spent time in prison? <<

    Snitches are informers .The same class as the Stassie from former DDR (East Germany ) .You should be ashamed of yourself .

    Actually it's Stasi. But thanks for the ludicrous comparison and reiteration that I should be ashamed of being a snitch even though I'm not one.

  4. Sound like good candidates for an immigration tip-off.

    The only people in Chiang Mai that have any concern about farangs having a work permit are - farangs. The fact that those who do question work permits, like yourself, also suggest that immigration should be notified is as a good an indicator of the pitiful character of some of the local expats as any. The fact that you are, as Uptheos suggests, that sort of person, is sad on many levels. A Snitch? You should be ashamed of yourself.

    Some of us here go back to the days when expats took care of and looked out for each other.

    You think Thai people don't care about Thai immigration and work laws?

    I'm not a snitch, as my previous reply indicated. However I am interested in why you think snitches should be ashamed of themselves. Have you spent time in prison?

  5. Sound like good candidates for an immigration tip-off.

    Don't be ridiculous, if they weren't 'kosher' then I'm sure they wouldn't be so out in the open.

    Are you really the type of person that tips off immigration, about something that's none of your business? bah.gif

    I don't think my point was ridiculous - given their aggression they may think laws are for other people.

    No I probably wouldn't report them myself, just putting it out there for fun. That said, as we are part of a society, people breaking laws is everybody's business.

  6. Still I'm reasonably happy despite the out of sync problem, and mostly because the service is cheap enough but I must admit I often wonder if there is something better on offer.

    There is, but you have to pay the market rate rather than sponging off the rest of us.

  7. @Taotoo: Googling "Google ecosystem" gives the exact vague, changing and mostly meaningless definitions that I expected. Tell us what it means exactly for you beyond using Google Mail, Contacts and Calendar (which can all be used transparently from Windows Phone)

    Things like being able to save a Gmail attachment to Drive. Or have a date/time in a Gmail message cause an event to automatically show up in Google Now. etc. etc

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