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Everything posted by rott

  1. A lot that you see like that are newly arrived and don't fully get it or think they know it all and are too clever. Or both. As was more or less said above this is Thailand, I am a foreigner if Thailand wants me to wear a mask I will, no problem.
  2. Thank firke for that, no relegation battle for a while.
  3. Grumpy old pessimist is not exactly a personal attack. Calm down, the sun is shining again, it's still Thailand, on here we've all got a roof over our heads, money in our pockets and more. Last night I... well never mind, tonight I'm going for a drink, tomorrow I'll probably do the same as last night. A lot of people are worse off than us.
  4. Gosh!!!! Why didn't anyone else think of that.? Not enough innovative types round here.
  5. And a marked increase in white leg syndrome.
  6. No it is a very good question and needs a proper answer from those making the decisions.
  7. Yes 7Elevens all had bumper nights, and all the bars had nothing. By accident or design.? Good for big business, nothing for small businesses. More nails in the coffin for those bars.
  8. What? Not open again at 5 pm.?
  9. Still available near Asoke apparently, and some places in Pattaya. Earlier in the year I was shot down and left for dead because I suggested differently. Not that I am one to bear a grudge.
  10. At the old price how could anyone ever have made a go of it. 4 Mill to buy and 70k rent. If it is Beza I never saw much business there and the rooms were not overpriced. A lot of brave people about buying businesses here. And I wish the advertiser would not put an apostrophe in a plural.
  11. Just what the world is short of, another family friendly resort.
  12. Very likely but my point was that it has been picking up for a few weeks,people on the beach, people in caffs and restos. The Beefeater looked close to full a few nights ago.
  13. Good job you weren't here 2/3 weeks ago jah, today is positively buzzing compared to then. Well buzzing in a sense anyway, walking to my recently reopened Beach Rd venue I passed at least 3 new openings and the place is awash with people and traffic. Of course compared to 2/3 years ago it is still dead and buried. I don't know why people bring up Walking St and Sois 7 & 8, both long been known to be a washout. Anyway enjoy being back chum.
  14. Thanks for that KY see the post immediately above yours all is OK. Good to hear that you are on top of yours I wish you well for the future.
  15. Good news for him, PSA, fiery finger and ultrasound all showed clear. Still peeing like good 'un but whatever the cause it's not the prostate.
  16. Has he given them a budget, an assurance of competent staff etc or just made another statement.
  17. But nobody said they were worrying about it, just daily life.
  18. No it isn't, it has happened to me and two other people I know.
  19. Anyone know anywhere that would be familiar with Baume & Mercier, or at least be trusted with one.? Last time I went to Corsair they advised me to leave it till next time I am in London.
  20. Like watching Germany and Argentina.
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