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Everything posted by rott

  1. You have had your share of suffering. Before the prostate played up I had only seen a doctor once in 30 years, for shingles. Not fun but didn't last too long.
  2. 65, you haven't even started the fun yet. Bet you haven't had arthritis, discomfort when rising from lying or sitting, the joy when the jelly works, trying to remember the word for............? Give over lad. There's always something new, just as of today I'm now on blood pressure tablets. A whole new world awaits you.
  3. I have sympathy for your bad experiences. Goes to prove the adage, in Thailand always go for a second opinion.
  4. Not painful or debilitating. Bit of a nuisance having to go for 37 treatments but not a serious problem and in 13 years I haven't died once for which I am grateful. Bob Monkhouse was not diagnosed till too late and was quoted as saying "prostate cancer is not a good thing to be dying of." Something I am happy to have avoided. I was happy to take the Doctor's word for cancer as he had the result of the biopsy.
  5. Initially 4.8. But for 6 months at least I was on medication for an enlarged prostate which I didn't have. The top man at Bumrungrad told me - those pills artificially reduce the PSA you need a biopsy, which eventually the London GP sorted. Then a series of tests including a scan before the treatment. Which happily was successful.
  6. It was also my problem and the first indication of prostate cancer although I was initially misdiagnosed as having an enlarged prostate. The last appointment I had before my treatment started the specialst/consultant said "you never had an enlarged prostate, when the physical was done he must have been touching the bladder. An easy mistake to make."
  7. Thanks Sheryl and sorry for getting your name wrong. Yes he has a long way to go yet just looking ahead and considering the worst possible outcome. His problem is frequent urination and the bladder not emptying properly. I had radiotherapy in London 13 years ago, my comments were based on comments from the BNH and Bumrungrad at that time.
  8. Hoping you can help Cheryl, a friend of mine is awaiting the results of a PSA test and fearing the worst. Last time I heard (but it is 13 years ago and more) Radiotherapy was not readily available in Thailand and the implant much less if at all. I am hoping you can say that things have moved on and they are available options. He is insured but any ideas on costs.? Thanks.
  9. Hammer I would be interested to hear of court proceedings. But to my knowledge there is no general enforcement of current regulations.
  10. Try the Nakhon Sawan forum there's a few KP people on there. Very friendly and helpful types too.
  11. And unfortunately that is what you got. ☹️
  12. The topic title should be changed to "stating the bleedin' obvious."
  13. Come on Ronnie this is an anonymous forum, no need for facts. Gung-ho tub thumping is what's called for. Shades of Kerrydale Street and Red and White Kop. Edit: not quite utterly garbage enough yesterday.
  14. Sarcasm and irony just do not come across well online.
  15. That Kasikorn has not long re-opened. Was in Pattaya Tai branch a few weeks ago. Bummer. So till the one at Buakhao opens it's the one at Central or the Klang.
  16. Yes Villa at the Avenue is still open.
  17. In 24 years I've never been drugged, mugged, shaken down or asked for a bribe so nothing has changed for me. I am told of bars being raided recently, where customers have had to bribe their way out of it and the bar owners have had to pay a bribe in order to remain in business. Plus ca Change
  18. My passport gets stamped retirement too, but NOT visa. Because it is not a visa, nor an extension of a visa it is an extension of permission to stay based on Retirement.
  19. That does not surprise me, they have to dumb down for the lumpen proletariat. But it does not say visa in the passport.
  20. Ha ha the smell from the drains is one of the first things I remember but haven't noticed it for a long time. It's not the same as it was 24 years ago but it's still better than the alternatives. For me anyway.
  21. You've been here 15 years and you still call it an annual extension of visa.? No wonder newbies know nothing and continue to call it a retirement visa. It is an extension of permission to stay. Not having a go at you at all. Just a dinosaur who growls inwardly when I hear "Ferrang" and "PatTAYa" and retirement visa (unless it's an OA).
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