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Everything posted by rott

  1. Could not agree more. I read about Pattaya reopening but see no signs of it.
  2. In my experience the bum gun (wonderful invention) is attached to the toilet cistern rather than the toilet itself.
  3. And I did specifically state:- toilet cistern. If still in doubt Google it.
  4. I was referring to the thing generally found at the rear of the toilet and attached to it. Why anyone would wish to shower in water from it I do not know. But it is no concern of mine what others do.
  5. Not concentrating, missed the shower bit. Anyone who showers In water meant for the toilet deserves to smell like a chip shop.
  6. Distinctly lacking in wife and kids, very poor sense of smell myself. Just thought I'd give it a try, no reason. In general I find the peroxide better at stain removal than white vinegar but still have some in. Living the dream in Pattaya, cup of tea and egg sandwich in the caff, discussion on cleaning gear, what's not to love. ????
  7. I have been using white vinegar on water in the toilet cistern for the problem.
  8. Phetphet you are a gentleman and a scholar. I apologise for my post to you. I have asked for it to be deleted.
  9. Nobody on here is one of those homeless or destitute people as far as we know. So what.? What is he supposed to do, walk round wearing a hair shirt, give all his money to the poor.? it was just an observation.
  10. I was on it late last week, but you are correct it ain't there now.
  11. Sarcasm and irony do not come across well online.
  12. Tonight is cocoa, beer and wine is tomorrow. But thanks for the thought.
  13. You are forgiven then. I hope you can do the same for me and that we can be friends. ????
  14. Well I've already paid the gits (like many others) so I'm hoping for something.
  15. Hoping that the Memorial come up with the Moderna.
  16. On Third Rd, the pharmacy along from Dr Opas surgery has it. Good for all stains, said to be environmentally friendly as reverts to just being water after a few hours exposure to light. Not sure about air.
  17. Not sure what "forlong" means, but as regards attitudes to Chinese if you have not had much contact with them you are lucky. They can be very wearing and very hard work. The hi-so well bred types not so much, but lower down the scale it's as well they spend most of their time being shepherded about amongst their own kind.
  18. Congratulations I stand in awe, but this is about Moderna.
  19. That's not fair I'm only trying to help. Perhaps it will be 2021 when I make Grammar Nazi of the Year.
  20. My one told me she wasn't like all the other ladies in Pattaya. She was right she was worse.
  21. Alternatively come home after a drink or 3 and react irrationally to something even more irrational. Not me of course.
  22. What is the general/conventional attitude to the Antigen tests.? 80% accurate? 90%/95%? Many places where they are totally unacceptable.? Thanks for any replies or info.
  23. Possibly the staff don't have the authority to make those decisions. And I hope the git does at least a year in IDC.
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