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Posts posted by j0j0

  1. 'Afroman' does traditional hand-poked tattoos. His shop is just beside Libra Guesthouse, on Moonmuang Soi 9.

    I've seen his work and it is very, very good. He has plenty of photos of his work so you can see the quality. AFAIK all the other tattoo shops in CM use machines.

  2. Hi, I have from the 3rd - 18th September to travel a little in Thailand (I've been living in Chiang Mai for 2 months).

    I would like to visit Koh Samui and/or Koh Pha Ngan, and Ko Phi Phi as well. What are my options for travelling between the two areas (Samui/Pha Ngan and Phi Phi)?

    I don't have much money to spare, so cheaper options are good. However, I'm also fairly short on time, so would consider more expensive options if they are going to save me a day's travel.

  3. I've taken that 2nd class sleeper train 3 times in the last 2 months, I have never had a problem or seen anyone else have a problem with bags. I had a fairly big rucksack with me, and I was still able to haul it into the bed with me, I used it kind of like a pillow. It still fitted in the wire ack as well, they are pretty big. do try to reserve a bottom bunk when booking.

    How big is the suitcase? I'd be surprised if it doesnt fit into the luggage rack or at least propped up beside your bed. If you use common sense, lock it up, tie string to your ankle if you feel the need, and you should be fine. I always try to have at least a brief conversation with the folk around me... I dunno if they are less likely to steal off me after this, but I feel a bit better anyway!

  4. What sort of night out do you want?

    I've got quite fond of the Chillout Bar on Moonmuang Soi 9. It is just a wee tiny cocktail bar, with all the seating on the soi. The guy running the place is great, and he has pretty good english. I have met quite a few people there, and have felt very safe going there alone (possibly because it is about a minute's walk from where I stay!).

    Guitarman is good also. I didn't go there alone, but I would have felt very safe doing so. The music was good and the folks running the place are great.

    If you are back down to the bars by Salsa Kitchen, try Cafe del Sol. It is a bit quiter than the reggae bars, and is good for meeting ex pats and Thais alike.

    also, as a fellow solo gal in CM (until the end of this month, anyway), feel free to PM me if you fancy some company!

  5. Can I just add, MyPenRye, that I am not sure whay you are posting in this women's forum if you are going to make statements such as this:

    Obviously if he is the monster he is, she should have seen this early on, but was probably so blind by lust (aptly brainwashed by years of listening to maindless romantic songs and watching mindless romantic movies) not to see it.

    It indicates (to me at least) that you cannot credit women with intelligence and free will, and blame the abused woman for staying in the relationship rather than the abuser. I personally find that offensive and I would appreciate it if you refrained from posting such (in my opinion) tosh in future. This is a public forum and you are of course allowed to have and express an opinion, but this partucular sub forum is where the ladies are supposed to be able to get away from statements like this.

  6. I've been staying in Tri Gong Residence for the last 5 weeks, their website is www.trigong.com

    I am also a female on my own, and I feel really safe here, the door is locked at night, needing a swipecard to get in, and there is always someone abut to help you with anything during the day. Free wi-fi in all rooms, fridge, balcony, hot water, drinking water, tea/coffee and a shared basic kitchen area. It is currently 600 baht per night (I think) or 7000 baht per month (not incl electric and room cleaning), I know this rises at other times of the year.

    I think the quality of the accommodation is brilliant for the price, the place is only 2 years old, and still looks brand new. It is right in the old city, and close to plenty of restaurants, bars, markets, but still on a very quiet soi.

    PM me if you want to know anything else about it. It the best quality for cheapest price that I have heard of so far.

    *edit* I forgot to add that it is always easy to get a tuk tuk or songthaew from this area (no buses in Chiang Mai!), and if you don't meet anyone at Tri Gong, you will definitely meet some people at any of the bars, restaurants and guesthouses nearby, I have had no problems making friends here.

    Where were you planning to come here?

  7. on a related note, can someone tell me more about the ice thing. I was told that the big chunky ice with a hole in the middle is fine, it is commercially made with purified water. Is this true? I have been taking ice if I the establishement uses this kind. I have been in Thailand about 6 weeks now and have had some stomach trouble, but put it down to different food etc. If all ice is bad then surely I would have been sick a lot more?

  8. My Nikon d70 needs cleaned... there is a black speck turning up on all my shots. I am pretty sure it isn't on the lens, and I don't want to delve further into the camera myself. Is there somewhere in Chiang Mai that could do it for me?


    ETA example of problem ('scuse the crappy shot). It isn't always as defined as this, sometimes it is more of a vague blob.

  9. Hi folks,

    I was talking to someone earlier who told me about a recent Thai film, Pleug Sut Tai, which is apparently based on the true story of a Tiffany's cabaret performer who commited suicide after her boyfriend cheated on her with her sister. I've tried an internet search, and found nothing. It is possible that it is spelled differently. Can anyone help? I'm not sure it will even have english subtitles if I do find it.

    If anyone could give me some more info I would be most grateful.

  10. why do you think it is a troll? People on Thai Visa are always so quick to assume the worst. It seems pretty genuine to me, and I wondered about a lot of these things as well. As a westerner who has only been in Thailand for a short time, I don't really think I am in much of a position to answer any of the OPs questions though. Anyone else?

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