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Posts posted by j0j0

  1. I am an undergraduate Social Anthropology student at Queen's University, Belfast, N Ireland.

    I am planning to travel to Thailand this summer to undertake a period of anthropological research, which will form the basis of my dissertation.

    I intend to research how participating in beauty pageants may reinforce the chosen gender identity of transgender people in Thailand. I would intend to, amongst other things, interview a number of transgendered people about themselves and their gender identity generally and attend some beauty pageants and talk to participants and observers there. I would ideally like to reach some understanding of what it means to be a kathoey/transgendered person in Thailand.

    My research so far has suggested that beauty pageants specifically for kathoey are quite common. I was wondering someone here might be able to tell me when and where these take place? I will be in Thailand from about the middle of June until the middle of September, and can travel to anywhere in the country as needed.

    if anyone wants to email me directly you can send me a PM

    thanks folks

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