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Posts posted by j0j0

  1. do you know, that is funny, I heard the same rumour from some staff at a guesthouse near where I am staying. I was at the show just on Friday night there, and no sign of it closing then. The place was only half full, same as the first time I went, but it is the low season. I'd be interested to know if it is just a rumour or not, though your sources seem a little more connected than mine!

    All the more reason for me to get down there soon and introduce myself I suppose!

  2. Geriatrickid,

    thank you for you comments and concern. I am not prepared to share my research proposal on a public forum, nor do I feel the need to defend my methodology. You obviously have an academic/research background. However, my field is Social and Cultural Anthropology. As such, I am not collecting 'data', I am concerned with the personal human stories involved. The final piece of work will be more in the style of an ethnography than an assesment of hard data collected. I am not interested in surveys, graphs and questionnaires.

    I have been in contact with CMU and am hoping to find a student from the same discipline as me to explain my project to the people I intend to interview. My supervisor at my own university is fully aware of the details of my intended research, and approves my research methods. I can assure you, this is completely normal research practice for Social Anthropology fieldwork.

    If you would like to see a copy of my proposal, please feel free to PM me and I can email it to you.

    "At least you have a chance here to prevent it and not have to go back and verify subjects that are even more creepy and closer to death then when you saw them 3 months earlier."

    And I object to this statement. Creepy and near death is not how I view average the cabaret performer from the research have done before arriving in Thailand, sorry! Maybe I'm way off here. After I've started the fieldwork I'll be better able to comment.

    Maybe anyone else with any useful contacts or suggestions might be better to PM me.

  3. Hi folks, I am here doing research for my undergraduate dissertation, and I am looking at getting a translator for some of the interviews that I need to do. I was hoping to get a student in my field to help me out, so they will be gaining practical fieldwork exprience at the same time. I am on a pretty tight budget and was wondering how much I should offer to pay them?

    I can offer expenses incurred while helping me (eg meals, transport) and name them as an assistant on the final piece of work. I was also thinking free conversation classes? On the financial side of things, how much would be a reasonable amount to pay them? I have noticed posters around town asking for 150-180 baht per hour for thai lessons, would this be an ok ballpark amount to offer for translation work?

  4. Peace Blondie that would be great, thank you. Even if he just knew the name of someone in charge there that I could speak to.

    I don't really want to approach the performers after the show, even after photos are done. I'm sure they just want to relax, and I don't want to be bothering them.

  5. yeah that was my plan, I was just wondering if anyone personally knew any of them and could put me in touch. I'm planning to go down tomorrow or Monday during the day and speak to someone. I've been to the show twice, after the show doen't seem like a good time to speak to them!

  6. Hi,

    I am in Chiang Mai for the summer to do research for my undergrad dissertation. I'm a Social Anthropology student, and interested in gender issues, so I would like to interview some of the performers in Simon Cabaret. I was just wondering, before I go over there to introduce myself, do any of you know any of the performers, or anyone connected with the cabaret? It is really hard to find any information about the people involved in it online, so it would be a great help if someone could point me in the right direction.


  7. I currently have DKNY Be Delicious (the red one) which is nice and fresh, not at all flowery. It doesn't seem to last very long though, which is a bit annoying. I also like Flowerbomb, by Viktor and Rolf, which despite the name isn't very flowery, it is quite different though, and it is probably the kind of thing you would love or hate.

    you seem quite set on getting perfume, but honestly, if I were you I would proceed with caution. It is a very hard gift to get right unless you know exaxtly which to get. It is a wonderful gesture though. Is there a way you could ask one of her friends, or her mum or sister for help without her knowing?

  8. oh there is definitely a business opportunity there! I eventually got a few t's on sale in 'Pena' in airport plaza. Lucky they were on sale, mind, they were 595b originally. For a t-shirt! Farang size seems to equal farang price :-/

    I'll give tesco a go as well

    I found some lovely clothes in the wee shops on the ground floor at airport plaza, and one of them even had dresses that looked like they might fit me. SO I asked if I could try them on and the guy in the shop said 'only thai size, no try, sorry'! I was raging! I'm pretty sure I would have fitted in his stupid dress, but I wasn't going to argue with him...

  9. I need a few t-shirts and tank tops. Nice fitted ones, not small mens ones. I am a uk size 12, all the market stalls and thai shops tend to be one size, which is far too small in the chest.

    What to do? I'm new to Chiang Mai. I've tried a few of the markets with no luck. I know there are plenty of malls, but I'd appreciate some advice on which one to try. I'm on a budget too, so the cheaper the better!


  10. Hi,

    I am in Chiang Mai until mid-september. I have a double entry tourist visa from the Thai Consulate in Hull, UK, and I need to do a visa run some time in the next month to validate the second entry.

    I would rather go to Laos than Myanmar, is there somwhere closer than Vientiane that I can get to overland? It looks like quite the trek...


  11. oh, what is the one in Boots called, is it their own brand? Is it a normal cream formulation, or closer to p20 formulation? I'm only here until mid september, and am staying in a guesthouse... all my cards are still registered to the addresse back home. I thought I probably couldn't get an order sent to a foreign address, but I must look into that. Thanks!

  12. I come from Belfast, in Northern Ireland (part of the UK). Would it be possible to fly to Belfast instead, then take the train to Dublin? The train takes about 2.5 hours, and is pretty nice. There would be no issue flying to Belfast, as it is the same country. Crossing the border on the train (or by hire car or whatever) should be fine. They garda (Irish police) do sometimes board the buses at the border to check ID, but I don't think it happens on the train.

    Just an idea, if you can't get a visa sorted in time.

  13. They don't even carry it in Boots in the uk, I was just hoping they might by some miracle have it here! I may have to ask my mum to post me some.

    Slightly related note: does anyone know much about the johnson & johnson talc that says it has uv filters? there is no indication of spf or anthing, so I'm guessing it isn't anything useful in the sun protection stakes, but it is handy to slap on over sunscreen to get rid of that 'tacky' feeling, and it can't hurt.


  14. Hi ladies,

    I'm in Thailand until the middle of September, and my sunscreen is about to run out. I use Reimann P20, which by some miracle of science is designed to be applied once and lasts all day. I haven't been able to find it anywhere here (have tried Bangkok and Chiang Mai: Boots, Watsons, various other chemists). As one applcation lasts all day, it is ideal for my very pasty skin. I did try 'normal' suncreen today (factor 30) and am a little burnt after about an hour outside. I fear I may have to be nocturnal for the rest of my time here unless I get some more of this stuff!

    Any ideas?

  15. I actually emailed the company, explaining that I needed access etc and they said it was fine. I was quoted 100 baht per week for a bag, and they seemed fine with me picking it up and leaving it back. Even if i have to pay an extra 100 baht every time I leave it back in, I would still be happy enough to pay it. Small price to pay, frankly, even with the taxi journeys added in.

    i will of course still have everything double/triple backed up as well. I know it *probably* would be fine locked up in a room, I'd just rather have the extra security, especially as I will only need it a few times a week.

  16. What do you call inexpensive accomodation, maybe someone can suggest a safe and secure place for the budget you have if you let us know what your prepared to spend.

    well, I was looking at a few guest houses in the Soi Ngam Duplii area, prices seem to run 200-300 baht per night. I really can't afford much more than that per night, I'm a student and I have minimal funding for this research. Places in my price range don't seem to have much info on the internet, so it is hard to assess what the room is actually going to be like, security wise. I'm not really tied to that area either. Anywhere with good transport links is fine. That area was appealing as it seemed a bit quieter than KSR.

    So the places that you can lock up using your own locks: is this fairly safe? Surely a determined robber could just bust through the door anyway?

    If internet cafes don't allow or have the facility for the use of USB devices then there is little point in me using them at all, to be honest! My boyfriend will be with me the first two weeks. Perhaps I could bring the computer, and have him take it home again with him if I think I can manage without it, or if I don't think I can leave it in my room.

    thanks folks, you have been very helpful so far. If anyone has suggestions for accommodation in my price range I'd love to hear them!

  17. no, I wouldn't hand it in to a person-operated one. I was thinking more of the self service kind, you know, like a gym locker type thing, that you feed money into. I think I'll just have to leave it behind and spend the money on internet cafes instead. far from ideal, but I'd rather than than have it stolen!

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