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Posts posted by rooster80

  1. I use the Sierra Wireless 580 Aircard with Vista.

    Here is the thing.

    If you do a clean install of Vista on your laptop, the card won't install properly. Vista doesn't have the drivers.

    The easiest way to work around it is to install the aircard on XP then do a upgrade to Vista. That way your machine will keep the drivers from XP and the card will work like a charm!

    CAT still hasn't started charging the monthly fee yet, so the aircard is a brilliant solution here on the island. I have had the card now for 7 months, and even though I was only suposed to get the first 2 months free of charge, they are still not charging any monthy fees! Not very Thai of them hugh?! I got a letter saying the connection isn't good enough yet, but it beats ADSL from TT&T and TOT by miles!


  2. Hi Guys!

    I've been reading this 14 pages thread and looked around at other threads on the forum but can't seem to find any info of the written test you need to take if you don't have a license from your home country.

    Could someone please write a few lines about what kind of questions you get?

    Is there anywhere one could find some material in english to read first?

    Thanks alot,

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