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Posts posted by duratanium

  1. On the news - a man was murdered for 3 million Baht here in Nakhon Sawan. I understand his wife, daughter and her husband were all involved in the shooting and are now under investigation by the police.

    We can hear the music and also the chanting of the monks from here as his death is 'mourned'.

    at least - hopefully - they will not benefit financially from his death if found guilty.

  2. I've been informed that Sun Valley Poultry Thailand have been having problems making payment to rearers of hens over the last month or so and wondered if anyone else has heard of similar problems with Sun Valley? Was told there had been reports on the tv news but we have not heard anything.

    Or if you know people who have been paid normally, that would help also.

    Could be we are being fed b*llsh*t. but you never know :o


    I have googled extensively but there seems very little on inet

  3. Thanks for those links.I have tried them but it seems to be the same old story.... you don't have our chickens, no feed supply.A shame really as I could have shifted about 50 tonne of feed to people in need and made a few Baht doing so if I can buy at the right price of abt 300 Baht a 30 kilo bag.

    I know nothing about chicken feed. What are the specifics you're looking for? I can check with the Cargill rep in KPP that I buy our fish feed from if you want me to. Is the 50 tons you need per day? per week? per month? or a one time buy? KPP is about 117 km from Nakorn Sawan.


    Thanks for that.

    I am waiting to hear back from those who asked initially if we couldget feed and will get bck to you when I have heard. BTW the 300 above was a typo and should be 200 a bag, sorry about that.

  4. What's the point of this post? You wouldn't be no stinkin troll would you? Where's our learned overseers on this one? Probably the lovelies will continue with you, as long as you provide adeuate monthly support (to be defined by them) and/or you provide a tidy sum to her family for the privelege of a "hocus-pocus" wedding ceremony. Best of luck & happy landings.

    Sigh... can you not tell a bit of fun in all the seriousness?

    Not all posts are meant to be dour :D and not all post are really serious... but maybe you never noticed that :o

    I'm going back to my bottle of vodka and I'll hand you some Ken Dodd Tickling Sticks to go with a helium balloon :D

  5. Ok... we will set a poll for getting this benchmarked in TV.

    I dont think I want to type the 72 provinces 1 by one, so I though categories of i.e.

    Most probable:-


    Phuket Island

    Pattaya / Jomtien

    Hua Hin / Cha Am

    Chiang Mai / Chiang Rai


    And if people dont live close to them then

    Central Thailand ( think it stretches from Kanchaburi thru to Cambodian border )

    North Thailand

    North East Thailand

    South ( that leggy thing going south of Hua Hin )

    Any other area's ? Cant go down to the level of Nakorn Nowhere, or Non Hin Hae :o


    Nakhon Sawan has a lot of Farang. I know it is central Thailand but still a major hub between North & South.

    Not a bad place to live :D

  6. Are you hot stuff or a walking atm?

    Try telling the Thai of your dreams that you ....

    Have little money because you pay :-

    A Mortgage in Farang land


    Child support

    Taxes in Farang land

    Do not want to

    buy land

    buy a house

    buy a car

    If she still wants you, then, you might have struck lucky :o

    I am sure the language section can help with the above :D

  7. Thanks for those links.I have tried them but it seems to be the same old story.... you don't have our chickens, no feed supply.A shame really as I could have shifted about 50 tonne of feed to people in need and made a few Baht doing so if I can buy at the right price of abt 300 Baht a 30 kilo bag.

  8. Maybe it is to do with perspectives?

    People often have failed marriages behind them which have left them disilusioned with life and women / men. They looked at spending their lives with a loved one, buying a house over 25 years that drained their pockets year on year with little or no realitic hope of owning any land. Commuting day after day to work. Same lifestyle month after month.

    When looking at starting over again after a failed marriage and losing on average 50% of all they had worked for, they see the house prices and the prospect of maybe a 35 year mortgage now.

    People come to LOS from Farang Land with a few £ / $ in their pockets and almost immediately succumb to the surroundings. Land is cheap. Houses are cheap. Food is cheap. There are so many beautiul women fawning over them. Suddenly it seems they are in paradise.

    'A wonderful place to invest.' They think?

    Money at 67/68 baht £ giving them 67,000 baht to a £1,000. People FEEL rich. Maybe richer than they have ever been before and want to spread some of that wealth around. The feel like millionaires and all of a sudden get the urge to act like one.

    So normal reservations go out of the window and the craziness take over. They forget to think!!

    Just a thought :o

  9. Yes, a Thai woman will do what he thinks is right to better her life and that of her family and family are alway number one. If that means telling the odd lie here and there she will think nothing of it.

    After living with (at her house) a Thai woman for 6 month I have noticed she will tell lies but she does not see it as anything malicious - Thai's tell lies to us and tell lie to other Thais.

    They make friends believe they have wealth they do not have by taking out loans to buy a bigger, better car or house or land or motorcycle etc. Then when they find they cannot pay, they rob Peter to pay Paul and it seems an endless cycle in many ways.

    But, I feel many of these lies are not particularly malicious, more a way of life for many. I'd look upon it as more of a deception, like the woman who works in the fields and does not want her skin to go too dark because a more educated Thai in an office will have paler skin and that is often seen as a class thing, so she covers her face to keep the sun off.

    As one poster said. you draw a line and take it from there over the lies.

    As for money, you pay what you are happy to pay.

    In the U.K. you pay through the nose and many times you don't even get a sh*g. How much to woo a woman? A meal and drinks - not cheap. A night in the pub where she wants Brandy/Babycham or whatever and you have spent £30 -£50 just for her to say goodnight at the end of it.

    The only difference here is that at the end of it you usually get the woman into your bed and for a lot less money :o

    So pay a little now and then see what you get at the end of the day, being aware that it often is not what you expected in the first place.

    Ooooh, I feel a slap coming.... MORE please!! :D

  10. Even the police will openly tell you that the jails and prisons here are for the poor and the stupid.


    So what you are saying is that if you are comparatively rich , you will not find your way to jail because you will be able to come to an arrangement with the police? Probably right .. what do others think?

    Also you have all overlooked one other category of foreigner who CAN find themselves in a Thai jail, .... the one who has upset anyone with criminal friends or anyone in high places. Police can be paid to plant evidence on innocents who have crossed the wrong people.

    The topic last night in the restaurant was murder. Not sure if the g/f was considering enacting such a crime, but she insists that if she murdered me she would do 1 year jail and 1 year 'stay at home' if she stated that she was not 100% when she committed such a crime, especially against a Farang.

    Not so the other way about unless you have the MONEY.

    As for being arrested in Thailand, I was on Khaosan Road when a bunch of Farang were creating trouble after a certain cup match (football). The police did not arrest anyone but merely waved their sticks about and chased them away.

    In a second incident a man was obviously drunk and spoiling for a fight with another Farang over a B/G. The Police were called and you could see the police were doing their utmost just to have the offender walk away and not to arrest him.

    Eventually - after about 10 minutes - the drunk was taken away by one of his friends and that was it.

    So maybe you do have to be pretty dumb to be arrested, or start lashing out at the BiB. Either that or the BiB in that area of BKK are very patient.

  11. Thanks for the replies.

    I can hear the sound but the words are not always clear.

    Seems to me that 100 metres is a long way for the sound of a tv to travel, especially with all those banana trees in the way even though the sound would be louder than normal but not amplified.

    I am talking about 9 p.m. at night so it is quiet out in the country.

    As for trains, I can hear them on the odd occasion when sleeping near a line but it is the bass that seems to travel furthest - to me.

    Same goes for dogs barking. If I sit outside I can hear them well enough but dogs tend to have bass in their bark.

    If there was an earphone socket on the tv I would use that later at night as it is my intention not to disturb the neighbours. That was my reason for asking in the first place - especially as for someone with bad hearing cannot always realise when they are talking loudly - so it is hard to gauge.

  12. Thanks.

    The book does not mention them being used as taxis and as the bodywork on those I have looked at seems in good condition (unlike those in the UK that tend to rust from the salty air) I would be happy enough to get a service and expect some repairs along the way, as with any older car.

    As for how they have been driven, that is always an unknown quantity.

    Around 110,000 Baht they are worth another look if I can get a couple or more years out of it.

    I'd get the mechanic who services the Isuzu truck to look first and give me a report.

    As an aside, I must admit, I looked at a Ford Ranger 4WD 2.5 turbo to use intead of the 2.8 Mitsubishi I am using now, but decided that 240,000 was too cheap. It looked clean inside but I was more worried about costs of repairs.

  13. I recently bought a 6.2 metre Isuzu truck on finance and all they asked for was a guarantor, proof of where I live and to see my passport.

    360,000 baht truck and 160,000 deposit.

    In Farang ... from ... Git Tanawat Leasing ... so I am informed :o

    edit - APR... 15%. Very low by a lot of Thai standards for a motor from what I understand.

  14. Maybe also that the girls/women you are talking to have limited English language skills.

    Many Thais off the internet, never mind on it, have little or no English language skills. A lot of those on the internet are getting help to read and write from friends or from some book that is filled with love quotes or simple sentences so they can communicate with you.

    So I would not expect a decent 'in depth' conversation at all.

    Added to that, how much does the average Farang know about Asia? I remember being taught about Clive of India etc. at school but most of what I know about asia can be written on a matchbox, so I could not hold an in depth conversation with them about Thailand and Thai history in the same way I would not expect them to talk about European history. Most Thais could not find USA or U.K or Australia on a world map so why would they have great knowledge of such places?

    The most 'out of the area' talk I hear is mainly about the bombings in the South or in BKK, the rest is family or very local issues.

    So I think you are asking too much from them.

  15. As I have been rendered deaf on one side for over 10 years now, I am hoping someone with 'normal' hearing might be able to answer this question reasonably.

    On a relativly quiet night how far would one expect to hear the sound of a television?

    I am in the country and my nearest neighbour is 100 metres or so away and there is a field of banana tree between us. Would you expect the sound of a standard tv to travel that far? I am not wanting to disturb my neighbours at all and any serious answers would be appreciated.

  16. What you report may be all due to the increased attention being given now by health authorities in Thailand to Dengue Fever (difficult to treat, unless caught early or a mild case, no known cure or prophylactic, quite a few fatalities in Thailand this year). There is rising regional concern in SE Asia about this serious mosquito-borne disease.

    Dengue fever is carried and transmitted by the Aedes mosquito, which is typically active in the morning, unlike malaria, which is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito, most active in the evening.

    As far as I know, there is no specific 'season' for mosquitoes. The thing that you have to remember is that they need water to breed in. They lay their eggs in standing water anywhere, even in quite small amounts, and the incubation cycle is only two weeks. So the rainy season in Thailand, which results in more pools of water lying around, would be a higher risk season. The pools of water can be anywhere - water trapped in some corner of your building structure or water lying in some shady part of the vegetation. The fumigation (assuming that it is against mosquitoes and the like) is essentially to kill mosquitoes on the wing, before they lay eggs or attack people, and not to destroy mosquito larvae in pools of water.

    While most of us are aware of the risk of mosquito-borne malaria and take some precautions about it, many of us are still not aware of the risks of dengue fever, which is much more serious if you get it.

    I hope that this helps.

    Ahhh thanks. I looked Dengue Fever up on the internet...

    This infectious disease is manifested by a sudden onset of fever, with severe headache, muscle and joint pains (myalgias and arthralgias - severe pain gives it the name break-bone fever or bonecrusher disease)

    I recall being told - a couple of weeks ago - that a teenager in the locale had these sypmtoms and was being treated at hospital. That seems then the most likely explanation for the fumigation taking place. I did not know it was caused by mosquito bites. Obviously Malaria is more commonly associated with mosquito bite and Dengue Fever rarely talked about.

    I'll have to remember to be more careful on a morning.

  17. Showing due consideration for manners anywhere should surely be an automatic response for those of us who were taught manners at home / school etc.

    I think we all make mistakes with etiquette but I, personally, find the Thais are forgiving and often even laugh about it when mistakes are made.

    The patting on or touching of the head never seems to be a problem.

    Though the actions of the feet do seem to cause most offence from what I have seen.

  18. Several MK1 escorts, a MK3 Cortina and an old battered transit that could have been a MK1 but I am not sure. All in Nakhon Sawan.

    I gather from a friend that he has seen an old MK2 Cortina in BKK.

    I jut remembered... I saw an really old type VW camper van - seems they get everywhere too.

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