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Posts posted by frikkiedeboer

  1. My son doesn't have a U.S. passport. At present, I don't see the need for a U.S. passport. I don't plan on leaving Thailand and don't plan on taking him out of the country as of yet.

    The main reason he doesn't have one is it is expensive to get. It cost between 6000 to 7000 baht just to register his birth. Then you have to pay $75 more dollars just for the passport.

    Why spend the money if I don't need too. It's kinda like buying an open ended plane ticket back to your home country but not using it for 10 to 15 years. How many people have one of them just laying around waiting to be used?

    The only reason to register his birth is for tax purposes only. The IRS would not give me an ITIN number for him this year but instead wanted me to register him so he can get a social security number. Since the tax season is over and I need the money, I told the tax advocate to go ahead and process my tax return with my abusive wife (I really didn't say abusive) and myself.

    With that said, even if he did have a U.S. passport, I would not take him away from his mother. Although we don't agree, as crazy as she is sometimes, I would not do to her what it seems her family is doing to me.

    I think he needs his mother and his grandmother. He is still Thai and I do want him to learn his Thai culture, but I also want him to learn the difference between reality and village fantasy.

    I also don't want the grandparents to look at him as a child laborer and work him in on the farms when he should be studying.

    When my wife finished M3 she quit school and was told to go to Bangkok to find a job so she can send money home. My wifes younger sister is currently in Japan working in a bar. This is acceptable behavior in my wifes family as well as in her village.

    That kind of thinking is dangerous. I refuse to let that trend continue with my son.

    When he is of age, I want him with me full time so I can send him to one of the nicer schools that are avaliable here in Chiang Mai.

    Once I graduate from Payap University here in Chiang Mai, I will be in a better position to work and support him to ensure his educational success here in Thailand.

    I have a plan for his future. It is a good plan. It is well thought out and financially stable.

    My wife's family can help me with my plan or lose total custody of him altogether.

    I appreciate all the comments I have received so far. One thing I have learned from the thaivisa forum, if a child is involved, most members are willing to offer and advise and help they can give. Thank you to everyone so far for helping.

    you absolutely have to find yourself a lawyer. you probably know that already, but are trying to avoid it. do it NOW! please, for the sake of your child,(and you already know this,too). get full custody and get him out of the danger he faces. his mother and grandparents may show him love, and perhaps give him the things he needs physically, but (and ,once again, you already know), your son will be probably doomed to live a life of ignorance, hard labour and poverty if you do not act.

    i have "been- there-done- that"

    as long as your name appears on the birth certificate, you have l every right to take your son. the grandparents have absolutely no say in the matter- do not even bother to negotiate with them. i had to kidnap my two boys (violence was involved), and i would not recommend it. high speed (for thailand) car chase and arrest at gunpoint, but i had the birth certificates with me, and got away with it. the poster who suggested taking a policeman with you gave the best advice. you will not get anywhere doing the "softly,softly thing. shared custody will not work(sorry) you will simply prolong the agony. normally just one threatening lawyer's letter will do the trick. in the meantime, do not rush into the divorce, and if you must, never do it thaistyle at the amphoe.she cannot divorce you without your agreeing to it, unless she waits for a full year after seperation, and then applies through the courts. in the meantime,keep your nose clean. do not be seen alone with any woman- even on a platonic basis.this is very important, if the thing goes to court. there are huge issues involved and you will lose if you can be proven to have "slipped up". if she gets involved with a third party before you are legally divorced, and you can prove it, you gain a huge advantage. i know the situation you find yourself in at the moment, and what you are going through emotionally- as i said, i have been there. there is hope, but without a lawyer, you have no chance. since the thai police know that we know little about thai law, they take chances, and simply flashing a lawyer's business card at them will often put them back in their box.

    if you find a lawyer you do not feel will do his best for you, shop around. there are many good lawyers in thailand and i think in your area, you probably stand a better chance than i did.

    do not give up, whatever you do. in this case you will probably find that you have more rights under thai law than you would have had in your own country. a verbal custody agreement is not worth the paper it is written on- get it all done legally. by the way, i got full , legal custody of my two boys before i got divorced, and did not spend a day in court.

    sympathies and good luck,


  2. there seems to be much confusion in thailand about registration of vehicles not necessarily conforming to the normal registration /licensing requirements. surely there must be a way (i have been told not) to get a vehicle registered which has no paperwork? i have seen many classic cars in thailand, some of them (surprisingly) very well restored. all of these seemed to carry a legal license plate. having myself restored many old cars and bikes over the years, i know that the chances of finding a 60year old wreck with up-to-date paperwork is virtually nil. perhaps contacting a classic/vintage club could open some doors. there has to be a way to do it, and the same rules could possibly be applied to homebuilds, kitcars, or cars and bikes imported as "spares". anybody a member of such a club, or know how to contact one?

  3. jsut because you dont believe in fortune telling doesnt mean that it doesnt work or isnt valid. i have based many life decisions on fortune tellers. i actually gave up my second child for adoption because it was going to be unlucky. my next two children were both predicted to be very great people and that has turned out correct so far. the one who went to adoption has had problems ever since, which goes to show you.

    ever given it a thought that the second child may have ended up having problems as a RESULT of having been given up for adoption? there is no such thing as a child who is born "unlucky" or "bad" a child grows and learns by what he/she experiences and is taught during the formative years. i think that perhaps this child is the lucky one, in that he/she has a chance of growing up without the influence of stupid superstition, and without the influence of parents who are prepared to discard a child based on their superstitious beliefs. i pity your remaining two "lucky" children, and hope that they escape the influence of such people as yourself!


  4. Frik, why bother? I'm sure you know the reason for the (ineffective) potshots?

    yeah, realised that a while back. this guy is on a mission. don't think it's only me,though-just checked out all his other posts. seems he has a problem with all farangs. maybe a farang once (or twice) boinked his girlfriend, or something. wasn't me-promise.

    thanks for the support. i'm going to stop giving him ammunition to make an even bigger fool of himself now, and will drop this

    freaky the bore.

  5. Right on Freaky

    Would like to hear how you made it back from being totally broke, and on the street

    worked hard,(yes,maigo, illegally, so i guess i did give all farang a bad name), went hungry ,and slowly built up to something resembling an existence.lots of help and sympathy from both thai and farang friends i made in spite of my "unpopularity" due to my intolerance of child molesters. by the way, i never asked a fellow human being for one baht in assistance.the only thing that kept me going sometimes was to force myself to remember that there were still people out there who were worse off than me (still have my health and my kids) and i still had a lot to be grateful for

  6. i sit in wait for anybody to post in defense of this practise, and dare anybody to tell me to "accept it or get out of thailand!"


    Freaky the bore ,

    if that happened to my son, I would press charges of sexual assault.

    If that would not get anywhere in the society I was living in, I would change the society I was living in for my sons sake.

    Or do you accept it, oh no, you smack the local guys in the head instead ..............

    You must be really popular in your village. :o

    if i was able to press charges, i would. sadly,the police seem to think it is a joke. they seem to think this is "normal" behaviour, hence my resorting to "frikkiejustice". i do not see why i should leave isaan just because of the devious behaviour of others. a smack along the ear does not gain popularity amongst those of this persuasion, but sends a clear message, and seems to have solved the problem in my area. and if i was to worry about losing popularity amongst this section of the community, well, quite frankly, i don't give a sh1t!

    actually, a "snotklap"(as they say in my country) would be described as "getting off lightly" where i come from......

    as for your question about my acceptance of this behaviour, i think my reaction to it (of which you obviously disapprove) speaks for itself.

    i do not understand your getting on your high horse every time a poster criticises anything thai.

    it seems any time a poster dares to comment about or criticise anything thai, you are there to tell him to "put up with it or go home" so, a thai male who molests a little boy, is ok, and the victim (a thai national, by the way) must put up with it or go home? this is my boy's home, and i see it as my duty to make it a better place for him to live in, and if it means beating the crap out of anybody to achieve this end, i will gladly do so,regardless of the consequences- your condemnation included!

    freaky the bore

  7. i sit in wait for anybody to post in defense of this practise, and dare anybody to tell me to "accept it or get out of thailand!"


    Freaky the bore ,

    if that happened to my son, I would press charges of sexual assault.

    If that would not get anywhere in the society I was living in, I would change the society I was living in for my sons sake.

    Or do you accept it, oh no, you smack the local guys in the head instead ..............

    You must be really popular in your village. :o

    Doesn't sound like frikkie is enjoying his time there at all... Maybe time to get out of Dodge, m8?

    dear mr "me-no-sex", you are wrong there.

    i did not come to thailand to win a popularity contest. when i first got to thailand,i listened to my thai wife, and people like you, who kept drumming it into my head that: " this is their, country- you are a visitor; this is thailand; dont complain;learn to live with it; don't complain about what you can't change" etc etc etc.

    i tried hard to follow this advice, waaied everything from the local mattress to the soidogs, shared my beer with every drunken piece of trash that invited himself to sit at my table, watched the local kids willfully destroying my furniture, while their parents sat drinking my beer and not reprimanding them, supported a whole family of deadbeats who work only one month of the year, if that ,didnt dare make waves or complain about anything for fear of upsetting anybody.tolerance ,patience,acceptance, and stress. the incredible stress of.trying to be someone i am not, tolerating things that made my blood boil-pure, unadulterated stress. i hated thailand and its people, but i smiled. oh, how i 'kkin smiled.(land of smiles, you know!)

    things eventually went sour as soon as my ex and her family realised there was a way to get at my money, and they cleaned me out. this is what my "popularity" got me: the entire community turned against this "mr nice-guy"- sided with my ex and helped her to screw me over. popularity got me no-where. i went through hel_l- my kids were missing and being abused by their idiot of a ,by now, alcoholic mother. i was thrown out on the street. no money to stay in thailand, and no money to get out of it.scared of what was going to happen to my kids, scared of the local police, who were harrassing me. broke and scared and i didnt understand what, or why it had happenned.

    "aah!" ,i hear some of you say: "that explains it! this guy is just another embittered, pathetic farang who hates thais!" there, maigo, i said it first, so dont bother to respond. dead wrong.

    i then changed my attitude. i had nothing to lose. i started being "me" again. i treat others with the same respect( or disrespect) they show me. i am under no pressure to impress anybody, i do not let anybody use me. i do not tolerate fools or drunks. i am friendly and helpful. i do not try to be a thai, since i realise i will never be one, and the thais will never let me be one, anyway. i dish out a smack if anybody tries to molest my child. (try to lay a charge against a thai at a local village police station) i take no sh1t, and guess, what?

    i earned the respect of the locals. i lost all my money, and couldnt buy popularity or respect as some farang seem to try to do. the thais ended up helping me. shared their beer with me and actually accepted me as one of them, confided in me and advised me about thai culture, scams, and what they really think about farang and their big mouths and wallets. they respected how i made an effort to learn their language, how i outworked them in the fields, worked for the same wage as they did, and most of all, they respected me for being myself, accepting who i am , what i am, and for being just and fair.

    so ,yes, maigo, in the end i did win the popularity contest. i made many thai friends,i made some enemies, but i have something i cherish above all else: my self-respect. the self-respect i lost trying to be too "thai"

    i live a less stressful life, do not have to continuously be nice to people i do not like- i am at peace with thailand and its people. and most of them are at peace with me. i do not shut up when something is wrong, and i am under no pressure.

    i speak up if something is wrong. i see others on this forum doing the same, and being labelled "whingers" complaining about everything. truth is, i read more posts by whingers whingeing about whingers than i read by people who have the balls to air legitimate gripes.

    my advice for being happy in thailand:

    accept that you are a farang. live by the same rules you lived by in your own country. do not stress yourself trying to be a thai- you are unlikely to succeed. be friendly,kind and helpful, but speak up when you need to. do not be too generous, and never buy a thai you don't know a beer unless he bought the first round.


    freaky the bore

  8. Hi All,

    I'rd just like to start by saying i'm not bashing every Thai as i have a fantastic girlfreind with a baby due on the 5th of october and i really can't wait as i truly beleive it will be the best thing whats ever happened to me at my young or not so young age of 29 years old.

    Today i had to do one of my 90 day visa runs to the lovely poi pet border, leaving Thailand was no problem and every thing was going smoothly. Once we had to enter the Kingdom again it was a nightmare!!! there was this tiny little hitler telling all these Cambodians bi bi or go go to a different line, after all this had happened all the lines were reshuffled to the amazment of the westerners who thought he'd done a half decent job he'd turned out to be a power controling freak! After being in the new line (next to the Thai line) there was another line opened for Thais, to many peoples supprise the Thais standing at the back of the cue had run full pace to the new one including an old lady who was left on the floor with no help from her fellow country persons. I mean what the .... is going on there???

    Two days ago i went to tesco's and the crap you have to deal with there what with people leaving there trollys in the middle of the ile why there looking and the family of 10 who've only come to try the free sample's. Then theres the 5+ people who are looking around but don't even have a hand basket between them. I've even seen the kids racing up and down in trollys, whould you let your children do this? Like ride around on a bike with a price tag on it knowing full well your not going to pay for it, or go for a work out on the exersise bikes?

    Dose anyone understand the BIG jump in there socitiey with these matters, if so please help me to understand as my little will be half.

    Many thanks and kind regards.


    be grateful you dont live in an isaan village. i love the life, and have gotten used to, and "grin and bear it" when the locals invade my privacy,my house, park their new pickup so it obstructs my driveway- or the whole soy, graze their buffalo on my newly planted lawn, throw their litter in the street outside my home and generally show no consideration for anybody else, but there is one thing that has earned a couple of them a crack along the side of the head: i just cannot believe that isaan "males" of all ages see nothing wrong in putting their hands down my son's pants, in fact seem to have a fascination about small boys' penises. this was an almost daily occurrence when i first got to the village, and it happened right in front of me! i have "trained" a few of them, and thankfully the word has spread, and it doesn't happen anymore. i will and do tolerate, and accept and make excuses for almost any of their other transgressions, and put it down to cultural differences, lack of : education; breeding; respect etc, but nobody must try to tell me that molesting a small child should be tolerated "because i am a guest in their country"! it is no wonder there are so many "gender confused" boys in our village- they recieve an early training! i sit in wait for anybody to post in defense of this practise, and dare anybody to tell me to "accept it or get out of thailand!"


  9. Good idea, Mr Rosner could help, that would just about give it the right balance between funny and provocative for it to be an worth while read, get cracking, I will be first in line at the bookstore :o

    I hope Mr. Rosner gets better soon, constipating and farting, could end up with a big bang :D

    Kind regards :D

    i do hope mr. rosner gets banned soon.he keeps me up half the night searching for more of his entertaining posts, and i just dont know if i can take any more sleep deprivation. my work is suffering and my stomach aches.(from laughing, no constipation,here- oh, plus the accasional cramp in the rearend i get when some w&nker with no sense of humour, flames him.) we all need rosner and his ilk to keep reminding us we are, after all, only human. (most of us,that is)


    keep it up, mr rosner


  10. I would appreciate any personal recommendations.



    you did not say in which area you are located. been there, done that. hang in there-you have more rights under thai law than you think-probably far more than in your home country, and that goes even for house, car etc in wife's name. shop around. many lawyers in thailand will not help you as much as you think they might. often it is too much trouble for them, or they do not want to "rock the boat" and you will be left making compromises you did not have to. shop around and sift through the conflicting information you will get from different lawyers(strange, but true)and get a quote first. i got doom and gloom from a lawyer i saw in bankok, then exactly the opposite from one in korat. i won, against what i thought was impossible odds.- actually couldnt believe what the new lawyer did for me after getting ripped off by some creep in bankok. sorry you have to go through this. do not give up.

    you should find somebody in your area quite easily, but shop around. oh, and just because the guy is a farang doesnt always mean he will do his best for you. dont exclude thai lawyers. i know it will be hard, but put your feelings behind you, and go straight for the throat. there is no advantage to be had in fighting fair in a divorce case.

    good luck, and sympathies



  11. So Ozzy, was the pond poisoned or not? I now have two ponds and am quite interested why the fish died. More information, please.

    I was going to post results tonight Gary, Ag Dept bloke came this morning with results, when he told us it was cyanide I near fell over , I was imaging all the worst scenario,s, but he said that if the fish are going to get poisoned it is the best because the poison is killed by sunlight after it sinks through the water.

    He said if it had been herbicide or insectiside we would have had a major cleanup is they go into the sludge and sit there so you have to remove about a foot from the bottom of the pond.

    So we dug a drain sump at the weekend and the pond has been flushed and pumped out twice now (the last yesterday after a heavy storm put about a foot of water in it ).Now we are refilling by putting about 6 inches a day from the Klong to let as much sunlight as possible on it, on Monday we put in 400kg of dolomite (not lime) as they said that it was better at nuetralising poison ,if thats what it was,and now we know so they made the right call.

    With that much dolomite,getting the PH right will be our next chore,before we can restock.

    I am hoping it was a one off fit of angst by somebody and wont be repeated, I suppose it could have been worse and we could have lost them all.

    The farm is a registered business and the Friday before the incident we had signs made and put up pointing the way to the farm,maybe one of those cases where advertising didnt pay off.


    since the ag dept fellow was able to diagnose cyanide poisoning, i assume it was still present in the water at the time he tested it.and that he did not just make an assumption based on the fact that it dissipates so quickly and supposed that it must be cyanide since there was no trace of anything else, and he didnt want to let you think he was stupid for not finding anything. i dont think this was the case, but you know about the "face thing"

    how, or where would a local find the stuff, or is it present in a readily available insecticide or such? very high concentration of cyanide in mun sampalang leaves-dont know how much would be needed to kill off your fish, but is it possible some idiot or the local kids may have thrown some in to feed the fish? i had a big problem with the local kids throwing rice-bran, rice and all sorts of shit into my tanks.

    sorry , i dont want to sound as if i doubt the findings, but this is a really scary situation, for all of us, and i really hope that a simple explanation can be found

    i hope you find the source, and that it can be put down to just a once-off act of jealousy, because if it is not, then we may be seeing the start of a trend, which places us all at risk.

    i wish you well in your venture, and hope you will not ever have to go through this again

    regards and best wishes


    am editing this coz i just thought of something. you mentioned a reddish tinge in the water. we used ferrous cyanide in the old days in the printing industry, to etch photographic film during retouching. it is supplied in the form of a reddish-orange powder. it is neutralised with sodium thiosulphate (fixer, or hypo used to fix photographs) could this have been the source? i hope not, as this would suggest that somebody with a brain may have been involved.......

  12. Just got back from Poipet Cambodia (Aran in Thailand side) for my 90-day visa run (I have a 1 year Multiple B ).

    Boarded casino bus on Rama 4 road at the perimeter of Lumpini Park at 7am.

    There are many casino buses to choose from belonging to different companies, so I ask the bus employees what time their bus is coming back to Bangkok, and I choose the bus company which has earlier schedules coming back. The earlier bus coming back may not be the same bus, but may belong to the same bus company and they honor the same round trip ticket. However, you'd have to speak a little Thai in order to ask those questions (Nope, I'm not fluent). There are bus employees hanging around the bus stop at that location, holding their celphones or walkie talkies in hand, waiting for their bus to arrive and "coordinating". You kinda just look around and you'll notice that they notice you too and you make eye contact... and then either you or them will say "Cambodia?". And then you can ask the details about what time their bus will leave for Cambodia, and what time their company's buses will come back to Bangkok.

    Paid 200 Baht for Round Trip ticket

    On the bus, was given a return ticket with choices of buses and times I could go back. (This bus company had 2 choices: 230pm and 5:30pm)

    Forgot to ask for a lunch buffet coupon, but mai ben rai, nevermind.

    Arrived in Aran border Thailand Immigration.

    Japanese guy in front of me was not allowed to exit, and was told that he needed to buy an onward ticket out of Thailand at the travel agency nearby.

    When the lady got to me, she also asked me for an onward ticket out of Thailand (even if I have a B visa), but her supervisor overheard her and said that I don't need one because I have a B visa.

    (Note: dunno how lucky I would've been if the supervisor didn't overhear her)

    Exited Thailand.

    Got Cambodia visa like everyone else on the right side of the road at the official visa service, and paid the 1000 baht instead of 20 USD (I didn't want to argue or risk any trouble)

    At Cambodia Immigration (different from visa service), immigration officer politely asks for 200 baht because I'm leaving the same day. I give (again, i don't want any trouble)

    Enter Cambodia Immigration and immediately exit.

    Went to the Poipet Casino Resort and saw some of the same people on the same bus as me. Asked if they had any extra buffet tickets and they did, and gave me one.

    Ate buffet lunch.

    Went back to Thai immigration.

    Thai immigration mistakenly gives me 120 days instead of 90 days.

    Didn't want to risk any future problems on their computer or whatever, so I was "honest" and pointed out their mistake and so they corrected it on my passport and thanked me.

    Boarded bus at 215pm. It left at 230pm sharp.

    Got back to Lumpini at 610pm.

    Went home.

    Total Cost:

    Bus from my house to Lumpini 8 Baht

    Bus 200 (Round Trip, used the same bus company)

    Cambodia visa: 1000

    Cambodia Tea Money 200

    Bus from Lumpini back home 8 baht

    Total of 1,416 Baht

    don't pay the tea money, nor anything to anybody who says he can speed up ther process. i got arrested at poipet for "corruption" since i paid thb200 for an exit stamp. i did not, at the time ,even know that this was "tea money"-just thought that you had to pay for an exit stamp, since i had been charged this amount every time i did a visa run. interrogated me for three hours in a small, dark windowless room (just like the 'kkin movies), had myself and my passport photographed, and finally walked free after signing an affidavit and admission of guilt. after that i stood my ground and made myself very unpopular with officials at both poipet, and osmach. i found out that that if you do not bow to their threats, and stand your ground, they back down (but not without trying it on first), but you have to be brave and be firm. it can get quite hairy.- they will not ,and cannot refuse you an exit stamp.

    i met an englishman on one of my runs, who taught me this technique: once the cambodian official starts getting threatening and abusive, take a pen and paper out, and ask in a loud voice: "...and what is your name, please?" then copy his name down off the tag on his shirt.- suddenly the visa costs only 20usd and no fee for exit stamp, sometimes you even get a sullen "have a nice day" out of the bugger.

    good luck

  13. I thought anything under an IQ of eighty was considered an actual (dictionary definition) idiot. I thought your average street mutt had an IQ of sixty.

    So deducted from the above listed national IQ's (which I don't for one second believe) almost the whole of Sub-Saharra'n Africa are brainless.

    I reckon I'd check another source.


    i was born in south africa, and was shocked by the information posted. at i first wanted to make a negative reply, but after thinking about it for a while,it made sense,and answered many questions. i would not doubt the credibility of this information, and tend to agree: most of the population of sub saharan africa falls into the "brainless idiot" category. look at the likes of one Robert Mugabe, who would make an average street mutt look like a genius in comparison, and you will know why the average is so low. i think that the figures must have been taken from a rather recent study, though, and would have liked to have had a chance to compare it to a study made, say, before the mass exodus of those less brainless people who saw the writing on the wall and emigrated from this region-those who were fortunate enough to be able to.

  14. Mr. Rosner enjoys Fred Reed Fred on Everything

    Mr. Rosner has been reading Fred for years. This writing deserves wide dissmination on ThaiVisa.

    Comments welcome:

    Fred Reed

    Their Own Self

    Half-Assed in Haggledom

    Economic Laws for the Real World

    frikkie enjoyed fred reed's post and agrees with everything he posted. i wonder why there are so many people who make excuses and apologies and allowances for the non-performance of third world countries, when the reasons for it are so blatantly obvious. "half-assedness" certainly describes it perfectly.

    i ,for one, look forward to fred's next publication.

  15. I would like to give 'Freaky The Bore' a few days work in Isaan, see how well he copes! :o

    actually, over three years hard work in isaan, including working in the cassava fields, to feed myself and my two small children after their mother and her family had cleaned out my bank accounts and thrown me out into the street, broke (with help from the local police)

    even in the cassava fields, i never met a thai (male) who gave full input. the difference was, after i went home with my 120thb for the day's work, i used the money to feed my kids. the thai males blew it all on alcohol. every one of them, without exception. in isaan,the men only work when they need money for booze. it is left to the women to feed the families, and they serve and slave to keep these lazy,drunken pigs happy.

    the thai males i came across only worked when they absolutely had to. exceptions to the "lazy" thai generalisation, were the women and some of the older men, who had spent their lives slaving to make a life for their families, only to spawn and end up supporting the generation of lazy,parasitic drunken no-gooders that exists in isaan today.

    as far as (most) rural thai males goes, there is a total absense of anything approaching what could be called a "work ethic", life is too easy in isaan. in our countries, if we dont work, we starve. in thailand if you are too lazy to work,you can live indefinitely off the generosity of others, and never be judged for it. show me a hardworking male in a thai sweatshop, and i will show you an illegal immigrant!

    i apologise to the thai males who do not fall into this category, but if you look around you, you will see why it is all too easy to make this generalisation.

    freaky the bore

  16. ................................................................................


    In my experience Thais work hard and are productive. You have to work with them to see this. I have seen them working long productive hours without any extra pay, not in one but in various companies.......................................................................



    In relation with what they get, for what they do, they are hard workers, no doubt about it. Any Thai working in a farang country, with real equal opportunities and conditions, would do better than farang as far as "work hard" is concern.

    ha, ha ,ha, ha, ha ,ha, ha,hahahahahahahahahahah!- <deleted>! ever been to isaan??


  17. My wife is 10 years younger then I but I feel like the younger one.She is in charge! :o

    yes, it is easy to see by your posts that SHE is in charge! for your own sake,be careful, you are playing a very dangerous game.

    if you lose control of a relationship with a thai woman you are lost. ask any thai male (or female)


  18. Poisoning is a serius thing, it does happen but it might not be the case here, I have a few questions, and I hope that you dont mind.

    1. The size of the pond, and the stocking density ?

    2. Did you use any form for areation ?

    3. Did the fish feed on algae or commercial pellets ?

    4. If algae, what did you use to fetelize the pond ?

    5. What was the size of the fish when it happend ?

    6. Did you ever do any form for water-change ?

    The problem you have might be the effect from dead algae, I had that happen to me once.


    i agree with tilapia. check out nitrite levels first. a sudden die-off of algae will reduce oxygen levels drastically, too. high prosphate levels can cause a bloom of poisonous blue-green algae. i had similar problems with pladouk pond- tore my hair out trying to find the cause, and assumed the pond had been poisoned. solved the problem by filtering the water through a simple biofilter. actually it is highly unlikely the local thais would have poisoned your pond. they just do not seem to mind competition-in fact they do not seem to understand the concept.

    if it was poison, and i hate to think it, then many fishfarmers will be at risk-check out some of tilapia's earlier posts about a certain big supplier who is trying to control the pla-nin market. hope i am wrong............



  19. I have translated this into english for your infromation...

    >> มีอาจารย์ท่านหนึ่งจากชมรมวิถีธรรม- วิถีไท

    an ajarn monk from the group

    >> ได้มาเล่าให้ฟังถึงมหันตภัยที่ร้ายแรงที่สุดในประเทศไทย โดย

    came and spoke about a great catastrophe due to happen in Thailand

    wow! this all proves to me that i must have the gift of being able to see into the future, too!

    not too difficult to prove my predictions correct, although i probably wont reach celebrity status, because i dont shave my head, or wear an orange robe.

    here are my predictions:

    there will be flooding in most low lying thai provinces every rainy season.

    there will be earthquakes or tremors in the future in areas that are known to be at risk-and there are plenty of these in s.e. asia

    the possibility of another tsunami is a very real threat for abovementioned reasons

    there will be ongoing problems in south thailand

    more political comedies will play themselves out in thailand

    there will be political problems and wars in the middle east

    your bar-girl girlfriend will probably rip you off at some stage in the future

    here is a chant i prepared which will make the strife more bearable:

    ".......yawn!........pass me another beer please..............."

    repeat this chant often, mainly in the evenings, this will combat boredom and prevent you from "thinking too much"

    it will also keep you out of the wat, listening to some guy telling you what you should already know

    i know there will be many sceptics out there who will dispute the validity of my predictions, but when they come true, just remember who made them, and put your donation in my bowl so i can keep myself in beer and keep my visions flowing


  20. Anyway, moaning does not help the matter. I don't wish to relocate to another area of the world because my baby son is in Thailand and I need to try to get custody of him, (and I'm sure that's not going to be an easy task).


    PS - With 500k+ baht/month, I can sure put some money in the bank if I stay in Laos/Cambodia!

    get your ass off to the best lawyer you can in thailand. get custody of your son (i did-it is not too difficult).

    a threatening-sounding lawyers letter alone is often enough to do it- most thais do not understand anything about the law and the courts and will not fight you in court-they often think that a lawyers letter is something like a court order, if it is worded a bit ambiguously. an offer of money also often helps. this will fail if you arer "trying to do the right thing" and haxe told her you will be paying maintenance for the child-she would probably think she could live comfortably enough off that. she would probably get bored of looking after a child and palm it off to her mother or a sister to look after anyway. i know it sounds callous and hard, but you have to get tough if you want to succeed.

    with custody of your son you could get a visa. there is also something i read about being issued a visa if you are involved in litigation in thailand, and this might be an option,-i dont really know . either way,-get to the lawyers NOW.

    good luck-don't give up. remember that your son's future is at stake!


  21. I bought 50 plaa dook fingerlings last Wednesday and today I noticed some of them have a white fungus. I remember this from my tropical fish days, we called it 'white spot' and the solution was a chemical mixed with the water which fixed it pronto.

    Is this the same thing and how do I treat it?

    Colin in Pai

    fungus and other ailments is quite common in fish stressed during transport or sudden drops in temperature. i found that deaths start to occur on the third to fifth day after delivery from hatchery, and when i used to buy the thai hatchery crap, i would treat prophylactically.-mostly if you weather te first few days you will be ok. you will battle to find methyline blue or other farang type treatments in thailand. if your fish are in tanks, you can treat with a 10part per million solution of formalin(formaldehyde)-- very safe, and you could go to a much higher concentration if you are feeling brave... -get this from your local hospital. don't bother to try treat the whole body of water- rather drop water level, dilute the formulin in some of the water, and spray evenly over the surface, slowly so that it is evenly distributed. after about 1 hour, purge the tank two or three times with fresh water. repeat treatment up to 6 times daily. even if you misdiagnosed the ailment, formalin will probaby sort it out, since it has powerful antifungal and antibacterial properties.in ponds your options are limited, and you would probably have to resort to liming, but i will leave it to the 'pond-farmers" to respond to your query, since i have limited experience in that field. DO NOT BOTHER TO USE THE WIDELY PRESCRIBED "OTC"- IT WILL DO NOTHING FOR YOU!- promise!

    my honest opinion though, is that you should just let the disease run its course, and if you have any survivors,-so be it. it will probably be cheaper and less hassle to buy some more fingerling from a different supplier.

  22. Regarding the heat concerns ... these aren't because of the temp during the flight, it is because of the temp on the ground, while they are waiting to get loaded on the plane, the temp on the ground during transit stops, and while getting loaded off the plane.

    book in as "hand luggage" and the dog spends no time on the runway- the dog will most likely be handed to you before you find your baggage off the conveyor belt thingy.- and how long does that (mostly) take? when you hand over the container with the animal, it is collected and loaded directly- these people know what they are doing. could be different,possibly, if it was just cargo............

  23. BTW when u have a fever and eat very cold /frozen food, u make your body work harder to heat the food up when going inside the body so body works, fever may go up a bit... thats the reasoning behind it all....

    patient compliance is what its all about: and what one country feels is healthy another country/culture may be shocked by it all...

    a doctor studiies an exact science-all he/she learns is based on the scientific evidence available at the time. medicine evolves all the time, and as new discoveries are made, this information is updated and doctors are kept infomred. information is shared by universities worldwide, and a doctor who studied in thailand should be just as competent as one who studied in usa, or borneo, for that matter. local superstition should not be allowed to cloud his vision. and the belief that cold foods will force your body to work harder to process them, thus raising body temp. is just as assenine as the old belief that you should not swim directly after a meal, since "all the blood rushes to your stomach to digest the meal, and you could have a cramp and drown"-this was my (non thai) doctor's advice when i was a child.


  24. Bottom line is that if you want to have a good advice from a competent doctor, go to a good hospital............

    yes i agree, but where can you find a 'good hospital' in LOS......

    All government hospitals in Thailand are good hospitals. The service they offer is excellent, and at a fraction of the price it will cost you to get the same treatment at any of the private hospitals - which are horrendously overpriced by Thai income/cost standards.

    Okay - the small provincial town hospitals have limited facilities, but ALL the main city provincial government hospitals offer everything that the expensive Bkk private hospitals offer.

    i agree wholeheartedly with you on this one, and you would be surprised at how well equipped some of the smallest village hospitals are. at least there they work for a fixed income, and there is no motivation to try to scare you into having an operation you don't really need.... and if they come across anything they think they cannot handle themselves they will refer you to (and transport you to) an hospital nearby that can.

    it seems that some modern doctors often have their vision clouded by the money they can make in a private hospital, and forget the oath they took.............


  25. I would say the doctor was a little harsh but it is true that when you are ill ice cream, candy, soda or junk food in general are not good you need healthy food to fuel your body to fight the illness I think any doctor in any country would agree with that. I'm not sure what antibiotic needs to be mixed with boiling water that one is new to me, powdered antibiotics are mixed with distilled water perhaps the doctor wanted to make sure the water you used was free of bacteria.

    dear, doctor, i think you missed the point. i agree with you about the junk food etc thing, but this fellow was talking about the thai belief that anything that is consumed cold is bad for a person running a fever. in isaan hospitals, they tell the patient to mix the antibiotic with BOILING water. i know that they are trying to get the patient to use sterile water, and BOILED water is the closest most isaan families would get to distilled water, but BOILING water is what is recommended, and when i pointed out that the advice was possibly incorrect, all i got was a blank stare.............. and i do speak thai well enough not to have been confused by what he was saying.

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