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Everything posted by MickGC

  1. Or just about every politician in the opposition as well.
  2. Talk about inflation. 10 years ago it was only Bht 200. Not going to change until the BiB are paid a proper wage and receive professional training.
  3. I cannot understand why all the foreign anti Shin haters in this forum don't have the same feelings against the opposition parties who always support the coup makers. Apart from the last election, the Shins have always won the popular vote. FFS, let the Thai people decide. Always over ruled by the elite in this very class conscious society. Do you really think any of the the others are less corrupt than the Shins? Pita wasn't outed by the PTP. The unmentionables are always in the background. Do some research.
  4. I'm no lover of bullies. I agree these particular dogs should be put down. But think about it. Humans are a 100 times worse. Wars, terrorists attacks etc, etc. And who breeds and sells these dogs in the first place? Man's inhumanity to man (and the animal world) far exceeds any damage the animal world inflicts on us. Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth of contribution to this conversation..
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 152 seconds  
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 67 seconds  
  7. Look at the size of their luggage. Must be staying for a couple of years.
  8. Young Einstein from Tasmania split the beer atom and put the bubbles back in beer
  9. Who was he lying for? His client, the world's greatest liar asked and paid him to do it.
  10. No way would I book that seat on a long haul flight. Half the seat across the isle and right next to the toilet. Not much privacy and would be constantly bumped into by passing passengers.
  11. He may have been corrupt. Aren't they all. He was on the wrong side of the corruption fence at that particular time,
  12. Great article here by James Clark in the Future Southeast Asia magazine https://futuresoutheastasia.com/the-mixed-gauge-mess-of-thailands-railways/
  13. If you are on the wrong side of the fence it always ends in a coup d'etat
  14. a long time ago when I was a youngster my dad always keep the best bottle of whiskey aside for when the local priest paid a visit. Different country, different religion but same same.
  15. Get the boat propellers back on the job.
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