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Posts posted by case69

  1. On 12/17/2020 at 1:34 PM, nickmondo said:


    nearly everything i wanted to say has been said in the sensible comments above.

    It is great for going to the football, lovely stadium, great atmosphere, and a Premier league team, and very cheap to go watch

    It is great for the race track which is situated next to the football ground.  there are lots of events there, but hearing about them is not simple.  need to follow the FB page of the circuit, but the translations are dire.

    I visited there 4 times for a few weeks at a time, to check it out, see if i wanted to live there.

    as already mentioned, there is very little to do there.

    very few places of interest

    if your into girlie bars, they dont exist.

    if your into numerous choices for massage, your wont get, its very limited.

    the people are lovely.

    the ex pats are mainly great also

    i actually found some of the ex pat eateries very expensive compared to some of the more popular holiday cities.

    its a nice place if you like very quiet, and dont want to do much apart from coffee shops and bars.

    I decided not to live there........there is just not enough to do there.

    i wish i had read earlier posts before i decided to chip in real informative stuff unlike my drivel !!

  2. As another poster said it depends on what your wanting it to be, myself im happy leading a quiet life which is just as well because other than the traditional Thai festivals and other traditional activites a trip to a waterfall for a picnic might end up been one of your monthly highlights. My Thai wife,s family live around Phayakaphom Phisai which is around 70k from Buriram so this is where we ended up building a very basic (cheap) house. If i could choose my location now i would try buy land in the mountains around Phetchabun or Chang Rai which if i,m correct the latter is where YouTuber Gorden Tickle lives which looks like a great place to live. Obviously it depends on how flexible your wife is but if you ultimatley decide on Buriram the locals are mad about their football team and the owner as spent a fortune on the infastucture around the Motogp circuit which makes English circuits pale in comparisson. By the way when motogp came to Thailand i stopped looking forward to the waterfall trip but then covid arrived and brought me crashing back down to earth. Good Luck and happy new year.

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  3. On 15/01/2018 at 1:29 PM, imjit said:

    Pig & Whistle Soi 7. Cannot go wrong. Believe me. Brekky to die for! 

    Had it recently and think its good, maybe not to die for though. I like the pigs window seats better than the seats in i-rovers and to me half the battle is to feel comfortable.

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  4. I really like the baht buster at the i-rovers in soi lengkee THB135 I think it is, worth a try its not going to break the bank. The coffee you get with it is pretty tasteless though, also comes with a small glass of orange juice.

  5. Thanks you saved me from wasting my time. It was advise that i was wanting and duly received it. I was unaware it would have been an infringement of the rules so thanks again regards Case.

  6. Hello, having recently started a new job and not having time or enough holiday entitlement to use it, i have decided to sell my condo. I,m coming to Pattaya next week for 3 weeks and would be grateful for any advice with solicitors estate agents etc. If anyone who reads this is interested its a 42 sq metre 7th floor room with small kitchen in Pattaya Pad Condo in the region of 500,000 THB. Thanks in advance for at least reading this and hope someone can help out regards Case.

  7. Hello, recently my Thai wife and i have received refusal of entry clearance for her 13 year old son to visit us in the uk for six months. My wife has I.L.R. and i am a British national. The reason for refusal states that there is doubt over the intentions of the visit because the eco thinks its for her son to study. He has good reason to think this because she was unaware a document she had prepared in thailand for her ex husband to sign giving his consent to the visit had this line (i Mrs Thai person mother of Master Thai person wish to take my son to be supported and maintained and further study abroad). This is obviously a huge mistake on our part as we well know study is not allowed on a 6 month visit visa unless funded personally. How do we prove that this was just a genuine mistake. We plan to go to the appeal in person, do we fill out form IAFT-2 and send it asap or wait until we have all other supporting documents such as a letter from his school in Thailand which was the only other thing the eco said was missing. Will they need the original refusal notice because ours is a faxed copy because we are in England. We would be very greatfull for any help or suggestions on this matter kind regards case69.

  8. Hello all, need pick up for tomorrow to go to muak lek as ive been badly let down by my usual guy, just need to hire for one day if you know anyone that does that regards keith.

  9. Thanks ive been to see him but it seems he,s to busy at present because he was supposed to come and measure up but hasnt as yet, we phoned him back and he says he will get to us when he can so i will just have to wait. When i visited his workshop i was impressed by the standard of work been done so all should turn out good. Let you know later. Regards keith.

    Just below Carrefour, Kh. Suvit. Very fair and reliable contractor. No need to bargain, his prices always correct. Just say hello from Michael, he will take good care of you. Suvit: 081 683 38 61, best call first. He will come and measure personally and do a good and quick job. Good luck.

  10. Hello im after some ally framed sliding windows to be custom made that will fit the frame thats in place on my balcony wall. Just got back from a year in uk to find a hell of a mess created by the local pigeons.:unsure::( So if anyone knows a firm or individual that can make these i would like to hear from you regards keith.:D

  11. Sorry to take so long to reply and thanks for the info, in the end i used paypal by sending to my mates account and he walked to atm near his bar and sent the monies on, anyone else done this as im sure it was cheaper than western union.

  12. Thats was the reason i didnt go that way, i had to fill out a form and post it but if it can be done online then thats a lot easier and quick by the sound of it so thats what i will do, thanks Basil B.

  13. I have used the swift method once for a condo purchase and that was 20 pound with nationwide, the Thai bank didnt seem to know what a swift transfer was at first so at the time it seemed a pain but now its been suggested i will give it another go if it works out cheaper than western union. Thanks for the quick replies.

  14. Hello, the wife and i are in England and as she,s working she sends money to her family via western union which is ok although to me its expensive as they screw you with the exchange rate aswell as take a percentage fee, so my question is are there any cheaper alternatives that people use or are we stuck with western union regards keith.

  15. If she,s qualified for leave to remain then it seems like youve done all the hard work with her surname as it is so have you any reason that you want to change it. We did change my wife,s to my surname when we got married before applying for settlement visa just because we thought it might look better on the application and it was easy enough to do so. Leave it as it is untill your settled in Thailand and change it later is an option.

  16. Well where back so i will just update you on some details of the trip. I printed my own boarding passes each way which allowed us to walk directley to passport control as we had no baggage to check only hand luggage. On the flight we each had 3 forms to fill out (arrival,departure,immigration)so i did them all and when i finished we where landing. Passport control was a strange carry on as people where just bunched up in no ordarly fashion, asked for there passport and told to go to the cashier where we were relieved of 20 dollars each. Leaving Phnom Pehn airport was 25 dollars each. For Alfred the cafe/rest is on road 172 house no 2 near the national museum. Just another note, as we where there new year a large percentage of the place was closed. Oh and the heat almost unbearable at times.

  17. As Alfredo said, I've never been asked for an onward ticket or any type of proof. My most recent trip, was 2 months ago: two photos, $25USD (should be $20 but was tacked with an extra $5). I had to fill out a re-entry permit coming back overland, wasn't needed for the air trip...though I don't know where or why the different policy. Once they didn't stamp my passport, though had I noticed this at the time I would have said something.

    So i need 2 photo,s per person ?. Got the return flight itinerary so no probs there.

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