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Posts posted by case69

  1. I think the blueray lazer is goosed as wont play games but will play dvd,s, i will have a good ask round in tuk-com and also check central 6th floor (didn,t no that was there) thanks.

  2. Hello,anyone know where i can get a playstation 3 fixed in Pattaya, there was a guy in tuk com called dr playstation but ive been there today and he has gone or maybe moved to different premises. The warranty is long since up so any info would be great regards keith.

  3. Hello, as anybody used or no a plumber in Pattaya who speaks a little english that can install a basic water trap without it looking like the starship enterprise that also doesn,t leak. Some contact numbers would be great thanks in advance for any input.

  4. As others have said uk is much cheaper, only i needed a new one whilst staying in Pattaya so had a look in Tuk Com which was far to expensive so got one of ebay from america. The model is acer 6920 and apart from the crappy graphics card on mine its the exact same spec as Tuk Com and was

    almost 350 GBP cheaper including the cost of postage from the states.

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