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Khun ?

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Posts posted by Khun ?

  1. Any place that the infastructure is not a cobbled up mess.

    As far as India, from people who I have met that been there an extended time frame what most I can say

    that stuck in my mind about the place is a billion people and filthy that could only be created by a billion inhabitants.

  2. The women drive where I am at also and the Philippinoes come on weekends for church services.

    So many places in the world to experience and many of the good ones are not cheap. If you really do

    want to live and experience the best life has to offer and not be stuck in Thailand on a normal farang

    pension you'll have to most likely have a few discomforts. A bit of time working in a so so place in a job

    you enjoy regardless of where it is, is not so bad. The rewards can be 10 fold with generous time out of

    country still earning top $ is a bonus few get the chance at.

    For each their own, but I would rather be getting a full salary from interest on a savings account than

    living on a budget 1/3 of my life. Being restricted to a budget that allows only limited travel and pleasures in a

    certain region with fear of starting over if something changes don't set to well for most.

    Good Luck and hope the rewards are never ending.

  3. Tying the knot with western men might be a dream come true for many local women who believe it is a ticket to lifelong financial security

    Then they discover that he in fact saves all year round for his 3 week holiday working as a floorsweeper in a Scunthorpe supermarket. :o

    Floor sweeper marries village elephant <deleted> cleaner

  4. What a silly english man you must be.

    I guess to most it is a double eagle, and to those that must be different, British or foolish!


    Albatross - A different word to describe a double eagle. There must have been a bird lover somewhere in the early days of golf, albatross, birdies, eagles, who knows.


    By analogy with 'birdie,' the term 'eagle' soon thereafter became common to refer to a score one better than a 'bird.' Also by analogy, the term 'albatross' for double eagle - an even bigger eagle!

  5. If Your Husband Isn't With You Now... He is <removed> Around!

    Over 50% of the men I know visit brothels! I dop not have the idea of the percentage of the other 50% who does. Most do not let their wives know. I was with my friends in this karaoke bar and a friend of mine insisted that I post here to warn women here.

    Actually I am curious. Are there more farangs with thai wives who fvcks around or the other way round?

    Actually you raise a very interesting point.

    The fact is that in Asian culture the men go to Brothels and shag hookers and go back to their wives. The wives generally know about this and either dont care or accept it or simply turn a blind eye. At least 50% of married Thai guys go to massage parlours etc. They rarely however date these hookers although flirtations with girls from the G clubs are quite common.

    The western man assumes faithfulness in his relationship. There are very few farang wives that will accept the shagging on the side. Us farang come here and pick up asian habits. It works for me...

    It is one thing playing the field, but another when they are using your cash to facilitate it.

    but that is the only usable thing you've got

    Exactly and time to use it somewhere else, let the extra man pay for his own, like we do.

    what does a rooster say? what does a whore say.

  6. If Your Husband Isn't With You Now... He is <removed> Around!

    Over 50% of the men I know visit brothels! I dop not have the idea of the percentage of the other 50% who does. Most do not let their wives know. I was with my friends in this karaoke bar and a friend of mine insisted that I post here to warn women here.

    Actually I am curious. Are there more farangs with thai wives who fvcks around or the other way round?

    Actually you raise a very interesting point.

    The fact is that in Asian culture the men go to Brothels and shag hookers and go back to their wives. The wives generally know about this and either dont care or accept it or simply turn a blind eye. At least 50% of married Thai guys go to massage parlours etc. They rarely however date these hookers although flirtations with girls from the G clubs are quite common.

    The western man assumes faithfulness in his relationship. There are very few farang wives that will accept the shagging on the side. Us farang come here and pick up asian habits. It works for me...

    It is one thing playing the field, but another when they are using your cash to facilitate it.

  7. 9 years in Riyadh and never had a drink in country nor any problems. Lived in hotels, villas on and off compounds.

    We have nice clubs with real booze, most of the guys have nurse foreign girlfriends that they spend the weekends with.

    Sporting complexes, swimming pools and fully stocked western food stores.

    None that I know would be here if the the pay was not right. Myself could care less if I slept on the floor as

    long as the money is right. I enjoy my work, and work for myself.

    I only see locals when I am coming and going at the airport since moving to compound where my work is.

    Alot of compounds have different things to do and life will be quite normal inside the compounds.

    Westerners are waved through the security check points and most the locals are polite to westerners.

    They have a hash group somewhere and plenty for the sports active people.

    Many opportunities to travel on weekends, even to Thailand if that is your cup of tea.

    My fear is out living my funds, not about having funds to live.

    I only wish I would of found the work 30 years ago so I could of retired 20 years ago.

    Forgot to mention it is aircondition season now, with no humidity or sweating

  8. Add in that Americans get an $85K (a few years ago - maybe it's gone up) allowance before tax when not living in the country

    The "foreign earned income exclusion" is just that: for 'earned income.' Dividends and interest *don't* qualify.

    True, but can't you apply your foreign taxes paid against your US taxes due?

    Yes you can deduct other country taxes, and you also get something like $1,000 of interest/capital gains not taxeable.

  9. Buy a certified check from your thai bank after you renew visa. Lets say 400K baht check, send back to your

    home country bank for deposit. 3 months prior send 800K baht back to Thai bank, at least this would cut

    in half what you were actually sending into country each year, if you cannot afford to just leave it as a back up

    stash and live off home country ATM.

    Seems if verification is needed immigration could supply a computer terminal so financial statements can be verified

    on line. Would be quite simple for immigration to require the bank that is used in the home, to be one of the major

    facilities and only those URL's being accessible from the terminal to prevent false bank accounts being used.

    I guess no one said living in someone else country is a given right.

  10. I went to Bangkok Bank (Emporium) today and they gave me a "Credit Advice / Receipt" letter for my Swift international transfer last year. The Bank Officer I spoke to said that will satisfy Immigration.

    The advice was free of charge.

    Now I will spend an hour or two lovingly taping all my ATM receipts for a year to A4 paper and copying them.

    I'll make another visit to Immigration on Monday and keep my fingers crossed.

    Why do you not use your annual bank statement as it should have the ATM withdrawl where abouts, or name of

    bank ATM is associated with. At least my withdrawls from the whole year are and each monthly statement does also show where I withdrew money.

  11. I seen many that done it while their farang husbands was with them.

    The society as a whole seems this is a normal and expected way of life. It is all about lies and face or at least seems that way. Then again when is it normal for a girl to marry or have a relationship so easy with someone making

    10 x her own ability. I do not think values and honesty is high on the thai self respect list, if at all.

  12. Guess it must be nice knowing you can still earn enough to live else where or can still go other places.

    The down trodden that have migrated to Thailand fit in well and make the atmosphere just the same.

    The old sneaker always will feel best and to get on to the new just strap on a few trinkets and a few dermal pigmentations and you too will feel new, lots of soul with little heart.

  13. use the cell-phone silly if you want to talk to someone.

    Might also be illegal to have such equipment without permission from authorities who control frequencies.

    Use some HF plenty of english speakers there.

  14. Have several friends living in Costa Rica now who do the 90 day visa run (72 hours out of country).

    I looked at several 2 and 3 bdrm places in guarded communities at $400 to 1200.

    I would rather pay more for security and comfort and like being able to only fly a few hours and be

    back in my own country.

    Most are renting 1 to 3 bdrm places from $300 to $700. Real Estate every other person you meet there will

    be trying to sell you property and the prices were more than I would pay in the U.S.

    I personally want no property outside of my home country or even if there, only at foreclosure prices.

    To easy to rent and move on when you don't like things anymore. Let someone else have the taxes and upkeep

    headaches or worry about not paying taxes on the rented property which is common in Thailand.

    I want to see the world not one little plot of it.

    Living expenses even when in hotels on holidays is my cheapest expense.

    If I had to live cheap I would keep working and try to figure out why I was such a idot most of my life to be

    in such situation.

  15. New info on Panama changes, sounds like a reasonable thing to do. The banking systems sounds great with longer term term deposits paying 7%, once a year interest payment.

    that information must be years old...

    if it refers to US-Dollars.

    Advet on top left side says 8% now for local bank account 3 years.

    You can get a citizenship for 5 years for $175K savings account that pays $750 a month dividends = 5%+


  16. Ecuador info


    Living in Ecuador

    Many travelers passing through Ecuador fall in love with the country and decide to stay for an extended period of time. According to the US Embassy, about 10,000 Americans live and work in Ecuador. Undoubtedly, there are even more Europeans who make this beautiful country their home. Quito has a large expatriate community and lots of options for furnished apartments, jobs for English speakers and volunteer projects. Expect to pay $90 - 350 a month per person for an apartment. $90/month will get you a small apartment in the Centro Histórico or Guápulo that will be furnished with the bare necessities. On the other end of the scale, $350/month (per person) can get you a luxury apartment in the north of Quito or in one of the valleys like Cumbayá with beautiful furnishings and often a common pool, hot tub and terrace with mountain views.

    Outside of Quito, the prices drop almost half for apartments, but it will be harder to find a furnished place. For apartment listings local newspapers, such as El Comercio, are an excellent source, though you will have to be able to read Spanish, or know someone who does. Another great option for travelers looking to stay a bit longer is living with a family. Many families in Quito (and around Ecuador) offer rooms in their homes as an alternative source of income, or for inter-cultural exchange. Prices for homestays vary drastically, ranging from $100-450/month, and usually include 2-3 meals/day.

    If you plan to stay in Ecuador longer than six months, you will need to look into getting a non-resident or resident visa. See our visa section for more information. Many people enjoy the options for work in Ecuador. Salaries are somewhat low for the cost of living. Expect to earn between $400-1,000 in Quito, much less outside of the city. For more information, see our work/volunteering section. For retirees interested in stretching their retirement savings the extra inch, Ecuador is an excellent place to live. Property is fairly easy to purchase and makes for a relatively safe investment. Be sure to get a good lawyer and/or real estate agent, though. The climate of this tropical country is ideal with spring-like weather year-round in the Andes and steamy hot weather year-round on the Coast. It is not possible to buy land in the Galápagos Islands due to strict restrictions protecting the flora and fauna in the national park

    Most travelers to Ecuador will not have to think about procuring a visa before departure. When you arrive, the migration officials will stamp a tourist visa valid up to 90 days. If you plan to stay the entire 90 days, be sure to request the full visa limit as migration officials will sometimes give a visa for less time. They will also give you give you an embarkation card. Save this. You will need to present it when you leave the country. Your 90 day visa can be extended one month at a time, up to a total of six months. If you overstay your tourist visa, you will be charged a fine when you leave. The fine is less if you pay in Quito or Guayaquil at the migration police’s headquarters where you will receive a 24, 48 or 72-hour visa for a fee.

    If you want to work, study, or just travel for more than 90 days, you may need to look into a different visa. There are two main types of visas: resident and non-resident (referred to as immigrant and non-immigrant on the Ecuadorian government website). Student visas, work visas, volunteer and religious work visas, cultural exchanges and tourist visas all fall under the category of non-resident and will set you back between $50 and $200.

  17. New info on Panama changes, sounds like a reasonable thing to do. The banking systems sounds great with longer term term deposits paying 7%, once a year interest payment.


    New Change in Panama Tourist Visa Law - Tourist Visas were granted for 90 days generally speaking before May 20th, 2007. Now the tourist visa is given for 30 days with the possibility to get a one-time extension for an additional 60 days. These extensions are not automatic and are directed towards people staying for tourist purposes. With the one time extension one can still get the 90 days as before.

    Below follows an English translation of the relevant law, which is Number 1 of Article 1 of Decree Law 16 of 1960:

    'Those foreigners who enter the national territory classified as tourists, transients, travelers in transit, or travelers in direct transit, temporary visitors and immigrants: 1. Those who arrive with the exclusive purpose of recreation or tourism are tourists for thirty days, which can be extended for up to sixty days.'

    Discussion – It appears that Panama is trying to tighten down laws to control people from other countries doing things they do not like such as dealing with narcotics. Panama has trouble with neighboring countries that produce and distribute drugs. The law does not state visa times in a country specific manner, which could have been one way they could have altered things. This makes one think they considered the people from the USA, Canada, UK, Spain and Australia and decided to restrict those tourist visas as well. The next conclusion is that they want people from all countries to get into a more permanent program if they wish to live here. There are many options available but none of them are for free unless one marries a national. The lowest price program is the reforestation program that requires an investment of $40,000. A guess would be that Panama is trying to become more economically selective as to who resides here targeting a more financially upscale audience. People would previously come here and stay under a tourist visa and let it expire and pay the fine when departing the country that was generally very low. This is not going to be allowed anymore. Panama wants people to invest money if they want to stay here.

    Future Possibilities – One could look for future tightening down of the programs allowing one to get residency in Panama. We cannot say for sure that such a thing will occur but it is a likely event based on this recent change. There are currently 100 residential projects under construction in Panama that are at least 40 stories high with one some 100 stories high. There are at least another 125 getting ready to go into construction. Panama is feeling like they have a boom on their hands and wants to take advantage of it. Our opinion is that at least some of these projects will never complete or even be started. We also feel that after completion many of these projects will fail to sell completely and the people will walk away from their deposits. The prices are way to high. We don’t see this change in the law as helping things out. Many people used to like to know they could come here for a few months at a time and not have to worry about immigration. Now this is gone and it is now a problem for one who wants to just try living here as a renter before they buy. It seems they want only people who can drop substantial sums to live here but none of this will have any effect on Panama as a financial and corporate center.

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