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Posts posted by hill16

  1. I think you completely missed the point of my original posts TingTongrb.

    Your original posts had a point ?? :o

    I am not in Chiang Mai either but I am posting through the general forum - I guess that is OK....

    Oh dear! Another one. Please, please, please read my original posts again. If you still can't grasp the point let me spell it out for you. I was suggesting that this forum is becoming disturbingly mundane which I feel is highlighted by people posting about the weather today. I also said that I am as guilty as anyone else for posting about it. I was implying that the forum could do with a bit more creativity as well as to continue providing us with a range of useful information about CM. Nowhere did I say that I think it is not ok to post in the CM forum if you are not in CM. I was merely stating (perhaps a little bluntly) that it is of no particular interest to anyone in CM what the weather is like somewhere else. Or maybe it is? :D

    Please read things carefully before making smart remarks. If you still cannot grasp things then go back and play with your lego and don't waste time posting. :D



    P.S. Happy New Year!

  2. Nice pic. Is it a self-portrait?

    I think you completely missed the point of my original posts TingTongrb. Hardly surprising. Some people are completely devoid of any cop on.

    My sympathies on your mother's passing but even more so for your poor wife who isn't called Rosie.

    Unfortunately for you I live in CM but I don't think our paths will ever cross since you seem to be glued to your keyboard. Let's hope they never do for your sake. Happy New Year.

  3. We've had a couple of cloudy days recently, but no rain until this morning, when we have just had a light-shower in Mae-Jo, the beginnings of the patchy & occasional 'mango rains', which sometimes appear over Christmas & the New-Year, to clean up the early-burning smoke and haze. :o

    Perhaps other members in the area might also report any similar precipitation !?

    This reminds me of seeing the first rains for 9 months, in the Yemen Arab Republic, with everone coming out into the streets to say things like "Oh look ... it's raining !" :D

    Light rain out here too, near the Night Safari :D

    / Priceless

    Yes, a light drizzle near the train station too. With a bit of luck it might turn to snow. As for precipitation, I can report that I managed a 3 minute and 46 seconds golden one this morning courtesy of Mr. Sangsom and Mr. Coca-Cola and of course the wonderful staff at Tuskers who made Christmas in Chiangmai feel like home.

    Happy St. Stephen's Day,

    Kind regards,


  4. Hurrah Chrstmas Eve :D

    We would like to invite you all to come and share some Christmas Cheer with us at Tuskers this evening.

    To celebrate Christmas Eve we are doing a whole series of specials from 7-9pm

    Large Leo

    Gin & Tonic (or any other mixer)

    Vodka & Orange (or any other mixer)


    Amaretto (for you Nienke!)


    All at just 50 baht. Plus free water for all those that wish it! :o

    Whether you fancy a couple of quiet ones or are up for a party we would love to share some Christmas spirit with you.

    Merry Christmas everyone. :D


    So no questions allowed about Tuskers free advertsing?

    Why is my post deleted?

    I suspect that since Tuskers is actually one of the sponsors of the Chiangmai Forum that they are allowed advertise. If you don't like it, don't read it. Merry Christmas. :D

  5. Any Guinness available?

    There is plenty of it (Christmas spirit) at Tuskers this week with a series of parties in the final run up to the big day.

    Christmas Eve is always a big party night in the UK so we have a massive promotion with big beers, spirits and mixers and selected shots at just 50 baht. If you fancy a serious Christmas blow out this is the night for you.

    On the day itself we are offering Chiang Mai a great value, piled high, 3 course traditional Christmas dinner for just 400 baht if booked before this Friday. After that the price goes up so make your reservation early.

    We hope many of you will come in to share some true Christmas spirit with us.

    Wishing you all a very merry Christmas

    Chas, Rachel and all the team at Tuskers


  6. The Captain's Table at Ocean Marina Yacht Club has an excellent Christmas dinner reasonably priced. Outstanding service and views. Excellent parking and very nice strolling areas around the marina.

    Didn't know there was a yacht club in Chiangmai? I'll be donning my deck shoes and cracking open the rum. Where exactly can I park me yacht, matey, ahar? :o

  7. Further to my thread earlier on places to get Christmas cards, I posted 6 today; four standard size and two a tiny bit taller. How much? 523baht!!!! Ouch! Apparently each card had a 55baht 'guaranteed delivery' charge. I would have thought that post should already be guaranteed to be delivered otherwise what's the point? I'm no Ebenezeer Scrooge but I don't reckon I'll be posting any more Christmas cards this year :D .

    TIT :o



  8. this sounds like the same guy that was holed up in ang-thong


    This guys name was James. I know because I convinced him my 40kg thai friend was 6 months pregnant and he proceeded to name the baby after himself.

    Yes, his name was Jim/James! Not Bond though as he was most certainly not suave and sophisticated. Not even by ape standards. :o

  9. Sorry, what's the story here?

    Drunken idiot in a bar in Thailand? Wow.

    I have met them all - NASA astronauts, Concorde pilots, Australian special forces, deep-sea divers and even a fat bore boasting about being ex US Navy (now that is sad).

    Just move on to the next bar and leave them to it.

    We were in the middle of our 3 beers promotion so we couldn't leave without finishing that :o .

    The story here is merely cautionary. There is an aggressive vibe of this guy and I wanted to give folks the heads-up in case they came across him so they could avoid any unpleasantness by leaving before he gets around to them. On the other hand, if confrontation is your cup of tea then stick around. Chiangmai, from the point of view of most of us who live here, doesn't want or need that crap.

  10. Does the Mad Dog have free water?

    I think, in fairness to Nick, I interpreted that "Mad Dog" was the selected name of the human detris, not to be confused with " The Mad Dog " , the gentlemen's establishment on Moon Muang

    Yes, Mad Dog refers to this guy's nickname that he gave to us when he barged in on our pleasant evening. Not to be confused with the pub of the same name which I'm quite sure is frequented by a much higher calibre of clientele :o

  11. The other night myself and a few friends were having a quiet beer in the city centre in a place, by the way, that does 3 large beers for around 129baht (for those of you interested in 'free, or not free water, that is the question?' to paraphrase from Shakespeare).

    We couldn't help but notice a "gentleman' on the other side of the bar regaling two hapless customers with tales of smashing peoples' faces and getting drunk etc. Those guys were clearly uncomfortable being spoken to by this guy and they hastily finished their drinks and retreated. He next moved on to two new victims who had just arrived. This brought him closer to our table unfortunately and rather like a big hungry bear it wasn't long before he spotted his next victims. Us. He stomped his way over to us as we collectively thought 'Oh, boll***s.' Anyway, he asked were we the local British mafia (I'm not even British - how dare he!) and proceeded to introduce himself as Mad Dog and gave a surname. Served in the Parachute Regiment, served in blah blah blah, loves to drink and <deleted> and is taking a break from killing Arabs while all the while listing guns that he likes and making the requisite gun sounds and shooting gestures.

    You know that feeling you get when confronted by a potential sociopath? The one where you try to be polite in the hope that they'll get lost quickly. Well, that was it. He must have picked up on the bored expressions and glazed-over eyes and he surprisingly apologised and withdrew temporarily. This was a short reprieve. About 5 minutes later he was back, trying to get us involved in a sing-song and trying to interest us further in his past role as Rambo (which took a new turn as he added the French Foreign Legion to his service record) and his future plans. Fortunately, we held firm and he lost interest and 'khep tanged' the hel_l outta there.

    I've never been to Pattaya but it strikes me that this guy got lost on his way out of BKK and ended up in our lovely neck of the woods. He is exactly the stereotypical English yob that is liable to go-off on one any second and who has to be handled with the utmost caution. Anyway, just thought I'd post and may I add that great line from HSB "Be careful out there!"



    P.S. Maybe he'll find his way to the nearest English pub which happens to be the Red Lion where he can throw down with all the bikers and really annoy the other customers who are trying to decide whether to pay for their drinking water and other such nonsense! :o

  12. Who gets those goodie boxes? Is it the poor orphaned kids, the infirmed elderly, the exploited Burmese illegals or those apparently quite well-fed monks with the latest in mobile phone gadgetry? Lays crisps go down so well with the disadvantaged!

    Nice tradition but a complete sham in my book. Also, so nice to see so many "devout" worshippers there. "Wouldn't it be nice if we got our pictures taken with the monks and then go back to our daily irreligious ways?"

    Good photos though! Just had to get that little outburst off my chest. Sorry.



  13. Hi guys,

    Does anybody know of any direct transport between Kanchanaburi and Chiangmai other than car rental ie trains, planes, buses (private or public) etc? A mate of mine is in Kanchanaburi at the moment and wants to get up to CM without having to go into BKK for obvious reasons.

    As always, your advice is appreciated.

    Kind regards,


  14. Hi guys,

    I posted this under a previous thread asking for the location of the new aquarium but it seems to have got buried so I'll start this thread to see if anyone knows the answers.

    Apparently the Aquarium re-opened on Monday. Can anyone confirm this?

    Also, I heard a rumour that the entrance fees are 250B for Thai adults and 180B for Thai kids while farang pay 450B and 350B respectively. Is this true as well? Disgusting policy, in my opinion!

    Kind regards,


  15. Hi guys,

    Apparently the Aquarium re-opened yesterday. Can anyone confirm this?

    Also, I heard a rumour that the entrance fees are 250B for Thai adults and 180B for Thai kids while farang pay 450B and 350B respectively. Is this true as well? Disgusting policy, in my opinion!

    Kind regards,


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