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bonobo last won the day on July 19 2010

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About bonobo

  • Birthday 02/20/1958

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  1. I found a bank repossessed house in the area I wanted, and the price was right. But when I found out that the previous owners were still in the house and that the bank had tried for a year to evict them, I walked away.
  2. Back when I pulled into port, the command gave out condoms. Young men are going to do what young men do, especially after being at sea for a long time and with money burning in their pockets. The theory was that you might as well try to keep everyone healthy.
  3. I am back in the States now after the birth of my daughters, and one of the first things we did after buying the new house install bum guns in all of the bathrooms.
  4. Putin's goal is to bring back the old Russian empire. "De-nazify" is just a paper-thin excuse. There are small numbers of Nazi sympathizers throughout Europe and the US (even within Russia and Eastern Europe), and that includes Ukraine, but that hardly means Ukraine is a Nazi country. The president is Jewish, after all.
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