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Posts posted by kevio252

  1. There is a reaon there are sold at rock bottom prices! No one can get rid of them!

    I heard the shop keepers are actually paing people to take them away


    Mark.. in to all kind of stuff the average 24 year bloke is! Drinkng, Partying and having as much fun as poss.

    Colino... where is Hue Hin and whats there?

    cheers dudes

  2. You could never hurt the feelings of a true yid!

    don't worry mate, I love it!

    Come on you spurs

    Ah you almost had me there! I forgot, Yidos don't have feelings do they. Just a cold, dark space where there souls should be.

  3. :D kev my best of mate :D

    Markr...where are you hiding :D

    He has probably gone in to hidding as he has realised that Spurs are actually pants!

    I'm still here Mig, who's your new mate? he seems really cool!

    Maybe he could tell us where spurs are going wrong this season.... maybe arsene wenger would like to have him as an advisor, he's certainly on the ball today! :o


    Yuo know I was thnking the same thing. But I don't think my busy schedule would allow it.

    How about Jen-ass' late goal on Saturday. What a fluke hey?

    The reason you couldn't beat us was obviously due to the fact you were concentrating on the other competitions your involved in.............

    Oh i forgot!..................... your not in any are you!

    And you haven't been for quite some time!

    I wish spurs were a good as arsenal...... i wish i wish :D

    Don't worry, your not the only one who thinks that.

    I can't believe you have the nerve to rip Arsenal about not being in any competions!

    You have only really been in one and got knocked out superbly by one of your former players... Oh how good was that to see!

    When was the last time you won the leagie, when was the last time you were in the Champions League, when was the last time you won the FA Cup in fact when was the last time you did anything!?

    You couldn't even finish 4 last season, you had to mess that up! hahha

    Do you know that made the day off every Arsenal fan in the world, not only was it a celebration for the might years spent at HIghbury, but we got in to Europe at the expense of the Yids.

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I think you'll argee MiG

    Feeling a little poorly were you... please

  4. :D kev my best of mate :D

    Markr...where are you hiding :D

    He has probably gone in to hidding as he has realised that Spurs are actually pants!

    I'm still here Mig, who's your new mate? he seems really cool!

    Maybe he could tell us where spurs are going wrong this season.... maybe arsene wenger would like to have him as an advisor, he's certainly on the ball today! :o


    Yuo know I was thnking the same thing. But I don't think my busy schedule would allow it.

    How about Jen-ass' late goal on Saturday. What a fluke hey?

  5. Hi

    I am travelling to Thailand for 3 weeks and am trying to decided which way round to plan the trip.

    I want to possibly go north, see bangkok and spend a lot of time South.

    Will it be best to go to north first then work way down,

    or go to Bangkok, north then straight down South,

    or go South then visit bangkok last and miss out North?

    Any suggestions or if any one has tried this in 3 weeks before... all advice very helpful



  6. Hi

    I need a little advice... I am going to Thailand in June for 3 weeks and realising that this is when the seasons change I need to know which parts will be hot/wet/dry/sunny.

    When I went there in May in 2002, it was sunny on the east but wet on the west - will it be the same in June?

    If anyone can help so I can plan my trip better - much appriciated thanks

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