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Everything posted by NJHOUSE

  1. You do not know what you are talking about. You are spreading misinfo. On 20 November 2023, the Thai Revenue Department issued the Revenue Departmental Instruction No. Paw.162/2566 ("Paw 162") as further guidance for interpretation of Paw 161/2566. This Paw 162 added paragraph 2 of Clause 1 of Paw 161 to clarify that foreign-sourced income earned before 1 January 2024 and remitted into Thailand from 1 January 2024 onwards will not be subject to personal income tax. In other words, the foreign-sourced income earned by Thai tax residents prior to 1 January 2024 will not be required to include the calculation of their Thai personal income tax, even if such income will be remitted into Thailand from 1 January 2024 onwards.
  2. I think this is incorrect. Anything earned before Jan 1, 2024 is exempt from tax even if you bring it in, doesn't matter when (last year, yesterday, today, tomorrow). Please point me to where this has changed?
  3. You already know what triggers a tax, how to avoid it, etc. Let us know how many times you have to remind your brilliant tax expert of the ins and outs of this new tax scheme during your paid meeting. Try not to be too disappointed as you walk out of there.
  4. I agree with you but land goes for much more than 400k a rai if located on a major road with wide road frontage.
  5. So now you come out as a proponent of a weak dollar, just like Trump. So your argument is now completely nonsensical. You basically flip flopped. As for wanting a strong dollar, it's kind of an expat thing. Labeling Americans with pensions or social security benefits as sex tourists? There you have it folks... if you want a strong dollar, well then, you are a sex tourist! I'm done with you.
  6. And go ahead and check the US Dollar Index from Nov 2016 to Jan 2021 and you will see that the greenback dropped considerably against a basket of major currencies.
  7. Trump was frustrated back then, with the Fed, and wanted a much weaker dollar using lower rates but the Fed resisted. He gets in again and the dollar will certainly weaken significantly. It is his stated playbook. Google "Trump weak dollar" and you can educate yourself. Google "Trump strong dollar" and you can't find anything resembling reality. You are clueless.
  8. By your logic, COVID only weakened the dollar and not other currencies? Why is that? You are a low information voter. Trump has said many times he prefers a weak dollar. He even put a lot of pressure on the Federal Reserve to lower rates while he was in the Whitehouse. You cannot be helped and will remain a low information voter.
  9. I wonder if American expats here realize that Trump is going to significantly weaken the dollar if he gets in again. He has made it clear that he prefers a weak greenback. Check the exchange rate from the Nov 2016 election timeframe and you'll see the dollar was buying over 35 baht. By the end of his term, the dollar was dipping below 30 and almost lost the 29 handle right around the January 6th insurrection. Anybody care about their purchasing power? How's that pension going to work out for you when we are back down to 30 and below?
  10. You have to understand that most Thais have no presence of mind whatsoever so of course they are rude throughout the day. They are not even aware of all the inconsiderate things they do hour by hour.
  11. @Mike Lister: Mike I cannot follow everything written so sorry if you've made this clear but do you recommend getting a tax id number and/or filing a return even though according to the law I do not own tax since the money I remitted is from savings...Reason I ask is because the remitted funds were rather large amount. thanks
  12. Have a 7 year old Ford Ranger here. I bought it new. So, speaking from experience, I would not buy another Ford.
  13. Bob you are spot on with this comment. Could not agree more. The reality is so different from what tourists see, hear and experience that it really boggles the mind in many ways.
  14. Not much empathy here either. Dog eat dog environment. You gotta be tough or they will crap all over you. Most don't have feelings of guilt either. For example, say a local carelessly runs you down with their pickup truck and ends your life. Within hours they are browsing Tiktok and Facebook. I'm telling you, it's like that. Police write their joke incident report with Somchai's reason for accident (not their fault) Next day back on the road without any feeling about what happened one way or the other. No remorse, nothing. If you think there is any accountability here you are delusional. Real talk.
  15. If you keep your encounters very simple and very casual then you will usually be able maintain a positive opinion of Thais, at least the first few years of living here. But try to actually do stuff that you would do back home and your experience will turn negative in no time. The truth is that Thais cannot relate to you, your personality, the characteristics you value in a relationship, etc. Thais live in the moment, are selfish and it is unlikely you can build upon anything with them. Being generous is often misinterpreted and often doesn't establish any sort of reciprocity. They also are generally unable to tell the truth. Actually it is part of the culture to lie (I'm sure people will disagree) but yeah it's true. Many Thais also shun responsibility, even as parents. Basically, integrity is not a thing here - at least not the Western concept of it. There is so much more to say but let's just leave it at that. Again these are generalizations. Of course there are good Thais.
  16. Go to a beach here and you'll see trash everywhere so you can take that off the list. And the weather, remove that too because the sun is often so intense that you can't even be outside.
  17. I live in Phuket and am trying to sell and relocate to Phangnga which is over the bridge. During Covid Phuket was a great place. Now they should rename it TRUCKET because all you see is big trucks and all sorts of other work trucks as well as pickups spewing black smoke all over the place. Yup the traffic is hell and it's not family friendly at all. Phuket doesn't even feel like an island yet Phangnga, which isn't, does.
  18. I hear ya. Already this kind of talk is negatively affecting Thailand. They better wise up soon.
  19. I have all my year-end statements with the available balance. They can watch me log into my account and retrieve these statements in real time if they want. What else do you think they expect? Are you that paranoid? Do you keep your money under your mattress because tomorrow your bank can say you have a zero balance in your account and there's nothing you could do.
  20. Not off-the-cuff comments. It was put out as official guidance with full clarity. Look up Por No. 162/2566 AKA Departmental Instruction number 162/2566
  21. I moved at least 6 million baht to Thailand this year but because of Por No. 162 I will pay no taxes. If you have savings, make sure you download and save your year end statements ending Dec 31, 2023 for when the Revenue Department comes for you just in case.
  22. I hate to agree with Bob but I do. Thais generally aren't worth knowing and are best avoided. Most of them have very few redeeming qualities. Seriously. They are not dependable, they shun responsibilities, they care nothing for your safety on the road or otherwise, they know zero about the world making conversation lasting more than 2 minutes, in any language, a waste of time unless you have asinine superstitious beliefs like them. Pretty much anything they say is unreliable. Most are lazy, living in their parents house because they are losers not because they actually want to be there. They are also totally inconsiderate, throw garbage all over the place, go back on their word most of the time. If you are generous, they will often take advantage of you. The list goes on and on. But I must emphasize that I'm speaking in general and not painting them all with the same brush.
  23. Correct. Look up Por. 162/2566 Lacessit is wrong.
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