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Posts posted by ZukiSuzuki

  1. Some time ago I was discussing,with a Thai friend, the lack of wildlife in Thailand and Asia in general....compared to Canada.....he told me if it is free and edible ...we have already eaten it...I`m sure this vulture probably looked like a fine meal

    My wife was shocked when I took her to Canada on holidays and she seen all the wild life running around, she asked me who owned the deer I told her no one did. She couldn't believe there wasn't a gun toting posse going after them to sell at the market.

    There are uneducated and ignorant people from all counties, not just Thailand.

  2. try to talk to Thais about 'Westerners' or 'Caucasians': you will just get a blank stare, as they don't understand and don't care about such trivialities. So one has to adjust to Thai people's low IQ and lack of education, and use this and other words, just to be understood,

    We are all "farang" to them, or foreign barbarians, no matter whether we can speak the local lingo fluently, are here with Thai wife and kids, or have millions (of dollars) invested, or even a Thai passport...

    Of-course you are only reffering to the Thai people you know and associate with, and are not making a sweeping statement about an entire population of a country.

    There are plenty of Thai people who understand and care about 'such trvialities' and plenty with an IQ and education much higher than that of yours.

    Maybe they just don't want to waste time trying to 'adjust' to your standard of intolerance and lack of understanding.

    Where did you meet your Thai friends, the ones with low IQ and poor education, the ones who don't understand your superior lexicon so therfore you have to dumb it down just to be understood, the ones who think your just a barbarian? Certainly not the same places that i met my Thai friends.

  3. To be brutually honest, I'm sick of Japan and it's fuc**** blatantly obvious xenophobia :o .

    Thank's for your honesty.

    On one hand, they have the audacity to say that the issue of aging population has become rather serious.

    Ahh the audacity of it all.

    On the other hand, they're photographing and thumb printing every single foreigner entering their country.

    Very simple and straight forward, the whole process takes around 20-30 seconds. If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear.

    Whats saddening is a good percentage of foreign nationals residing in Japan are legally working and have been so for a significant period of time.

    Yes, Japan is very welcoming and tolerant of foreign nationals working and residing in Japan.

    What impression does this give to skilled immigrants seeking to find work there?

    That the Japanese government has an on-going policy to try and protect the people living in the country?

    Let's be honest, Japan really does need them right now if they intend to do nothing about their birth rate.

    I can only assume you got your words confused.

    I sincerely hope to God that Japan gets to pay dearly for yet another act of insensitive racial profiling.

    What are you whishing to god for, Enola Gay to be brought back in to service?

  4. A better comparison would be this forum and forums for Thai people living overseas, for example a forum for Thai people living in the UK or the US, then see what the general mood is on the forum and how much effort is put in to putting the host nation and people down.

    My guess would be, very little.

  5. Reciprocation, please! I want all Japanese travellers to be photographed and fingerprinted in EVERY country they enter.

    A few racist comments showing through on this thread, the U.S. has been doing this for some time already.

    US to fingerprint more foreign visitors


    Updated: 2004-04-03 09:43

    A program requiring foreigners to be fingerprinted and photographed before entering the United States is being expanded to include millions of travelers from some of America's staunchest allies, U.S. officials said Friday.


    The move affects citizens in 27 countries — including Britain, Japan and Australia — who had been allowed to travel within the United States without visas for up to 90 days. Officials said the change was prompted in part by concerns that terrorists might try to exploit those exemptions.

    While foreign governments expressed understanding, a U.S. travel organization worried the new restrictions could limit trips to America just as the number of foreign visitors was returning to the levels of before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

    The changes in the US-VISIT program will take effect by Sept. 30. Travelers from the 27 countries will be fingerprinted and photographed each time they enter the United States through any of 115 international airports and 14 seaports. The program will be expanded to border crossings later.

    Citizens from those countries still won't have to go through the consulate interviews and background checks that people from other nations must do to obtain visas.

    There are no changes in unique rules covering visits by Canadians and Mexicans.

    The 27 countries are: Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brunei, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

    The Bush administration made the move after determining most of the so-called "visa-waiver countries" won't meet an October deadline to have biometric passports, said Asa Hutchinson, undersecretary for border and transportation security. Such passports include fingerprint and iris identification features that make the documents virtually impossible to counterfeit. U.S. passports haven't been upgraded with those features yet, either.

    Hutchinson said the change will enhance security while ensuring that law-abiding visitors are not subjected to lengthy secondary screenings at the border.

    But he also said the decision was based on intelligence that "terrorists would look to programs such as the visa-waiver program to exploit because of fewer security checks."

    The US-VISIT program was passed by Congress in response to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. In January, the government began fingerprinting and photographing visitors from nations other than the visa-waiver countries. About 2.6 million people have been processed so far and more than 200 with prior or suspected criminal or immigration violations have been stopped, according to Homeland Security.


  6. The same happened to Tsu Nami; that excellent Japanese restaurant in one of the hotels on Sukhumvit after that fateful event. Did not matter that the restaurant had been established a while before the tsunami, many Thais were not happy with the name either at the time..

    Storm in a teacup...

    It will soon go the same way these events do...

    Yes and they also wanted Newcastle United supporters to change there name until they realised that the pronunciation was slightly out.

  7. There are quite a few Thai language forums out there but I seriously doubt they obsess about us as much as we obsess about them. I also doubt they make broad sweeping and insulting generalizations in the same manner that many posters on this site do.

    As jay said, most of the Thai people I have met over the years do tend to take farang on 1-1 basis.

    First sensible thing i have read on this forum all day.

  8. Perhaps you should consider that putting all your eggs in one basket based on "good authority that your application was to be a success", was a mistake of yours and nothing to do with the coup.

    Where anywhere in my post did i say that i had 'put all my eggs in one basket'?

    I'm still working for a large corporation in Bangkok, still on a very nice ex-pat (hardship allowence), still getting paid in Japanese Yen, blah blah blah.

    All i was doing is pointing out how the coup has affected my plans in Thailand.

    Sorry for doing that, old timer.

  9. When these old white guys start having kids with young Thai girls then that is all wrong.


    Amongst other reasons that i wont mention here, older fathers are far more likely to have children with schizophrenia, Men aged 45 to 49 are twice as likely to have children with schizophrenia as men under the age of 25 who became fathers, while the risk triples for men over the age of 50.

    citation please.







    Many more if you need them.

  10. He thought he buried his past but now it may be coming back to haunt him. An 81-year-old man is in jail after what a neighbor found in his backyard. Walter Stevens is accused of making child pornography videos. Investigators say a neighbor found the graphic and disturbing tapes buried outside his home in Sierra Vista, tapes that show him in sex acts with children overseas.

    What FBI agents told us is sickening and horrifying. Neighbors we spoke with are astounded that their elderly neighbor, Walter Stevens, is facing charges for sex tapes. Investigators tell us some of the tapes date back more than 40 years. But what disturbs neighbors most is hearing that Stevens is accused of using children in those tapes.

    "He offered to help anybody on the block here that needed help with anything, he was like that," says Neighbor Craig Weiland.

    That's the Walter Stevens the quiet Sierra Vista neighborhood is acquainted with. Neighbors are in disbelief after hearing about video tapes showing Stevens engaged in sex acts with children.

    "I was flabbergasted to hear somebody like that was here," says Craig.

    The tapes were discovered literally out of the ground. Back in August of 2006, the FBI says a resident found the tapes near a septic tank that had been uncovered by rain. Authorities believe Stevens stashed the tapes there more than 20 years ago.

    Before putting the tapes in the septic hole, Stevens attempted to destroy them with a magnet. The FBI was able to identify Stevens by sending those tapes to their lab in Virginia.

    Investigators say Stevens made two of the videos over a ten year period when he lived in Japan from 1965 to 1975. The tapes show him engaged in sex acts with Japanese girls as young as five. Other footage was shot between 1975 to 1980 while Stevens lived in Korea. Investigators say those images showed him having sex with 11 to 13-year-old Korean girls. Other video was made in 1980 to 1986, showing Stevens in Thailand having sex with a 13 to 14-year old Cambodian girl.

    Craig and his family have lived in the neighborhood for three years. He often keeps tabs on child predators online to protect his 13-year-old daughter.

    "There's a couple that we know of that live in this general area but to have one four houses down from you and not know nothing about it. It's scary," says Craig.

    Stevens made his first appearance in federal court Wednesday. If convicted, he could face ten years in prison and lifetime probation.


  11. When these old white guys start having kids with young Thai girls then that is all wrong.


    Amongst other reasons that i wont mention here, older fathers are far more likely to have children with schizophrenia, Men aged 45 to 49 are twice as likely to have children with schizophrenia as men under the age of 25 who became fathers, while the risk triples for men over the age of 50.

  12. My personal experience with the coup and the affect it had on me has been negative i have to say.

    In the months leading up to the coup i was very busy getting getting all components in my personal business plan ironed out and all the red tape cut away, all the boxes were ticked and double checked. Every thing was, according to the various government agencies that i was dealing with 'in order' and my various applications for licences etc to conduct my business here were all but accepted.

    I had it on very good authority that my application was to be a success, but then the coup, there was uncertanty in the government offices, non off the officials wanted to commit themselves and suddenly, i was told that the 'rules had changed' and i was no longer able to conduct 'as a non-Thai' this type of business in Thailand.

    I was told to try again after they hold elections.....GREAT, My plans have had to go on hold since then.

    Sure, for the older guy on a pension, nothing will have changed, for the non-Thai small business man things have changed and not for the better.

  13. Just thought some of you guy's might be interested to read an e-mail i recieved from a good friend of mine who lives here in Bangkok, this was sent to me just after Thaksin took over.

    Before I could even see, my vision was tainted sky blue. Hours after I was born my Dad's mate registered me as a junior blue (Man city junior supporters club). One of my first images is of a poster on my wall as a young boy. I remember a black guy with an afro who stood out on the team photo (I think his name was Dave Bennett?). There are plenty of picture as me as a small boy, beaming in my sky blue kit, sponsored by Phillips, or was it saab?

    Throughout all of those 26 years It's never been much fun to be a city fan. We're the team that gets relegated, that always manages to mess everything up, that employed such footbal luminaries as Alan Ball, Frank Clarke, Phil Neal, Alfons Gronendike, Laurent Charvet and Gerry Creaney. At school it was cool to support United, but for me that made it much cooler to support City. I went even when we were in the third division and getting beat by Lincoln and Barnet. In spite of all the shit I never wavered from my dedication to the cause. We were the family club, the real manchester club. We didn't care if we lost as long as we played with heart. While we were falling through the divisions our local rivals were cheating and moaning their way to countless trophies. Not once did I ever wish I was a United fan. They won trophies by employing players like Roy Keane, Paul Ince and Mark Hughes and having a whingeing manager with a stopwatch and a frown.

    Today that has all changed.

    I should be delighted. Twenty six years might be finally coming to an end. Twenty six years of no trophies, hardly any good players and public ridicule may be over as our night in shining armour has rolled into town. Thaksin Shinawat, former Prime Minister of Thailand has bought out the controlling stake in the club and promised to spend big on renovating the squad, most fans are delighted. After all of these years we may be able to compete with the big boys and win something, that should make me feel great. It doesn't. Quite the opposite in fact.

    I lived under Thaksin's rule and saw first hand the kind of person he is and how he has made his money. I'm not sure what my favourite 'Thaksin moment' is, perhaps the death squads roaming the streets during his infamous 'war on drugs'? Perhaps it was when he gave government aid to the burmese military junta in order for them to buy satellitte acess from his personal company? The destruction of democracy? The mess of an airport that stands as monument to his corruption? Mass media manipluation? Or was it him using the country as his own personal piggy bank in oder to further the wealth of him and his family? There are so many examples of that final one it's untrue. Selling government land to his wife at a massively reduced price, subsidising his private television station with governmet money, buying a 50% stake in AirAsia in order to grant them a license to fly within the country. There are plenty more......

    I can't support him. I can't watch Manchester City knowing that everything that I am seeing is funded by him. I won't pay for another piece of merchandise or a ticket until he's gone. I know it's a big statement but I just can't support what he stands for. If that means cutting off a part of my life which has been me since birth, then so be it. I can't imagine watching a game and seeing that smug square faced wanke_r in the stands while he is wanted for arrest over here. If a man has no morals how can he truly be a man?

    So that's it. I'm an official football widower. I can never remarry, there will be no other, but my one true love has turned into a cheap whore on the arm of the local crook and I can't overlook it. It's like the man who raped your wife (she was a cheap hussy but that's not the point) offering to pay for a night on the town for you to make up for it. Or the man who robbed your life savings giving you a 100 quid back to ease the pain.

    I hope for all my friends and family that the team go on to do great things, win the trophies that I have dreamed about us winning, sign the players I have dreamt about us signing and thoroughly stuff United every time they play them. Maybe this is just an initial reaction and it will become easier with time. I doubt it.

    (Name removed)

  14. the only word in Thailand for skunk is 'skunk'.

    What a load of rubbish, the Thai word for skunk is 'sa-gang'.

    :D Yes, I agree with you that some Thai's mispronounce the word skunk to sound like that. :D

    Like i said, what a load of rubbish you speak. :o

  15. Now THAT's what I call anal.....you've actually been through 2000 of my posts.........you are soooo wierd and sooo unlikely to recognise a figure of speech!

    What that says about you is quite ...well .disturbing....are you in therapy?

    LOL now that's what i call making yourself look like a complete knob, not that you needed any help from the lovely Chloe.



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